, ' " ' , ' ,' .____________ p:,.a.,:g::.,:e_Three THE JEVVISH POST Thursday, April 27, 1950 -----.. ----~~~~~~~- _________• _______________________________________________~T~H~E~J~E~VV~I~S~H~:P~O~S~T~ ____________________________----------Th~U~r~s~d:ay~,~A~pr~i~I:27~,~1:95~O _ ..... _ .... *' ..... r Page Two Winnipeg ... at this meeting, and at Saturda' Council U.N. Reporter been filling his column in the National .Jewish night's overflow session when he spoke in Yiddis~ PASSING Post with exclusive and inside reports on the He was touched by the surviving strength of Y Anniversary Men's ea.gerness of Israeli leaders to see Rabbi Abba Yiddishkeit in this "farvorfeneh shtetle" and wa" PARADE lEWtSH PeST HIllel SHver return to Zionist work ... and per­ unsparing in his praise and appreciation of th~ SPBCTATCJ& haps, assume a responsible post in Israel. Frank role Yiddish, as the carrier of Yiddishkeit played Dinner Monday Eve • 1'" s* • - zO - '* - '* ..- quotes the.leade~· of the Knesset Yosef Sprinzak Speaking of the decline of Yiddish on this con: -:An elderly Jewish gentleman rid­ I'M Oldut Anglo.Jewiol> Weekl\l in W.otem C,,"" as regrettIng SlIver and Neuman's resignation tinent and throughout the world, he said "it is not (l3sued weekl~ in ~e ~nterest,g of Jewish Community aetivitia ing on the Bronx subway spied a m Wlonlp-eg and Western Can.a.d&) from the American section of the Agency 15 a subject for discussion alone; it is our mutual months ago ... and says Sprinzak at that time Negro reading with obvious interest Member of the Jewish Telegrapbic Agency tragedy." At the same time, he said "it was the the Yiddish morning Journal. ... accuse? Silver of the sin of "self-ostracism." Now height of the absurd to expect the hundreds of Published every Thum.d.ay by that SIlver has dropped his carping attitude and He moved over to him and asked THE JEWISH POST LTD. thousands of new immigrants who speak Ladino him: "TIlr seit a Yid?" (Are you a Publishers actually participated in his first UJ A appeal 'since and Arabic, and know no Hebrew, let alone Yid­ Jew'!) . _ . The Negro retorted in BEN M. COHEN Jan~Jary 1949, Frank predicts that Israel will dish" to show ~nterest in learning Yiddish. He BUAinees Manalll!.r and HanBirlni' Editor agam make her interest in this matter known. excellent Yiddish, ('Dos fehlt mir Phone 54 400 Evenings 591129 was only reportmg fact when he dismissed hopes nach." (That's all I need.) MELVIN FENS ON, B.A. LEO J. LEZACK How a "coalition" can be effected between the for the growth of Yiddish in Israel as unrealisti~ Recently, one of the new arivals Editor Advef'tilling Manager Government of Israel and Rabbi Silver and the His name bespoke his character, and charge~ in Israel enquired of a Gerrnan- He~d Office: 213 Selkirk Ave., VVinnipeg, Canada ~ovement he led and still, in a sense, leads, is for attempting to transform his ,visit to America Authonzed aa second etaall mail, Poet Offiea Department. Ottaw. speaking owner the monthly cost dIffIcult ~o see at this time. What is apparent, into one of the fronts of a Kulturkampf over of a single rOom in her four-room though, IS that the Government of Israel still language, must be laid squarely at· the door of flat. She replied: "Twenty-five wants pll;rtners in her heavy duties ahead. When sensationalist joumalism. pounds." \, Nuremberg Laws Still Alive B~n .GurIon to.1d the inner executive of the World The enquirer was shocked at the ZlO111St OrganIzation a week ago that the Govem­ high price demanded and ex­ men~ of Israel had spent on absorption and immi­ claimed, HEfo hazedek und do II A. M. SHlNBANE, KC. The Nuremberg Laws will never be eradicated gratIon . a sum equal to the total income from New "Holy Land Group D, A. GOLDEN hayosher?" (Where is the justice from the soul of Germans ... as they were from world ZlOnI~t collections during the past five years , .. Toast to the Y. ... Answers Y Toast. and where is the fairness'?) i, the statute books '... w~ile the promulgators he was ... m effect ... bidding for more support Whitewashes Mufti (Cont. from page 1) the affair. All New Canadians are To which the lady replied: . J of those laws contmue WIth the tacit or open ... for a more responsible partner. These facts Aid By MILTON FRIEDMAN Tumblin"g, weight lifting, spring invited to atter::.d. "AUes inclusiv.n con~ent of the U.S. and other Western powers WOUld. seem to indicate that the Govemment to­ board jumping and b<lsketball will A special Anniversary Week can- A tourist to Israel relates: On ?ehm~ the Bonn government, to hold high admin­ day vIews her 'coalition' needs in a financial rather (Copyright, 1950, JTA, Inc.) be some of the featur,:'!s offered. teen program for the young folks my mentioning to a sabra frlend that MRS. A. C. ROBINSON On Wednesday night, May 3, a is scheduled for Saturday, May 5. Istratrve posts in post-war Germany. Statements than a political light. Silver's dollars are always party will be held for New Cana- Each club will he asked to repeat I :vas ~baut to visit Beer~heba, h~ On Thursday, May 4, the Win.nipeg , session of the Gcneral Assembly of b'y. Bonn Chancellor Konrad Adenauer that the preferable to Mapam's politics in Israel. And ,;ald, Wlt~ a, perfectly senaus face. section, National Council of Jewish I Paris, and flew the airlift into Berlin. Dorothy Thompson, noted foreign correspond­ dians at the clubrooms. National Ithe best acts from their shows pre­, rI~mg wave of anti-Semitism is the work of "cer­ SInce the Is~aeli groups of General Zionists are ent, has been named to the executive committee Councirs evening group will hostess sented at the Y during the season. ! Oh, yOU II fi~d, the nam; has heen, I Women, will present Mrs. A, C. She is a regular contributor to, the tam elements" may be written off as so much a comp~ratJy~ly, small political and financial of H.E.L.P. (Holy Land Emergency Liaison Pro­ c?anged. It IS~ t called ,~eer~heha 1 Robinson to the community in an United Nations Bulletin for Women' hogwa.sh, re~ardless of the personal integrity and reserve, ~oahho~ efforts will now take the form gram), an American pro-Arab propaganda agency, (Seven Wells) noW, ltS Beer- addl'.-;ss entitled "Behind The Scenes broadcasters and is a speaker for the good mtentlOns. of the chancellor himself. Re­ of ne~ bIds to .lIne up American General Zionist Toronto Reds Up In Arms: chamesh,-. ('Five Wells') - ,I"the Ru- At Th e U mea't d N t' Ions, ". at an open Amcrican Association for the United peated desecratIOns of Jewish cemeteries and the finanCIal and mvestment policies with Israel's . ~ISS .Th.ompso~ not. long' ago expressed vit­ rlOl.Ic antI-ZIOnIst vIews In a speech in Philadelphia mamans have stolen two aheady. meeting to be held at the Shaarey . r~nt mob d~monstration against a partly-Jewish needs. ' whIch was sponsored by the anti-Zionist Amer­ HARMAN'S PLEA TO SAVE EAST He also tells this one: Along the Zedek synagogue from 2-4 p.m. Natlon~. , . gIrl who testIfied against the producer of the Nazi very narrow coastal strip between " Mrs. Robinson is accredited obser- \ PreSIdent of Cour.cll IS Mrs. I. II ican Council for Judaism. She will deliver a pro'­ film "J e>y Suess" are part of a pattern. And the EUROPEAN JEWS GETS REBUFF Haila and Tel Aviv runs the single- vel' at the United Nations for the Cristalt Past president Mrs. M. Arab. sp.eech at Sy~acuse, N.Y., on May 8. Uat the moment when 100,000 Je.ws pattern ~s no less discernible in Mr. Adenauer's ZIOnIsts were I n dig nan t recently when Toronto, Onto - HAn openly anti­ . line rai]waymuch patronized these N.C,J.W.; recently attended the 3rd Wolinsky is active in arrang.ements. o~'!l uptImely delay:s on. complying with already in Israel must live in tents . H.E.~.P. ai.ded Yus~f. EI Bandak, an Arab propa­ democratic policy proclaimed from without homes, work, or the prospect days by Yeme.ni Jews, to whom it e?tabl1shed Ind~mnIficatlOn and restitution poli­ a public platform" was the way gandIst, WIth publICIty. El Bandak, it was re­ thereof ..." Asking if the U J A is is a"source of pel'petual wonder. It B.B. DISTRICT 6 PRESIDENT SPEAKS cIes where JewIsh persecutees are involved. leftist columnist Sam Lifshitz char­ is really fortunate that it is a single Among those who participated in a recent This year's anniversary week celebration of ported, :'fas linked with Haj Amin El Husseini, being conducted to serve the causes ex-MuftI of Jerusalem. Haj Amin joined the Nazi,; acterized the impassioned plea of of Jewish reaction, Mr. Lifshitz lists (COl1~. on page 6) AT NEW INDUCTION N.~.C. A~.eri~a~ Jewish Congress protest against the Y.M.H.A. must elicit an especial interest on Avraham Harman, Israeli Consul Jerusalem (JTA) _ The Palestine The three local B'nai B'rith lodges will be honored this week-end by antI-SemItIc mCldents in Germany was Telford th.e part of her community-wide circle of well­ and broadc.ast" from Berlin for Hitler during the topics Mr. Harman' ignored. among . He sard, ... the Germans know how to get General, to save the 600,000 Jews in post an~,ounced that it is changing I a visit of the President of District Grand Lodge No.6, Samuel W.
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