Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83320-2 - A Concise History of Germany: Second Edition Mary Fulbrook Index More information INDEX absolutism, 72–84, 91, 94–5 Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von, Adenauer, Konrad, 213, 217, 222, 231 143, 150, 152 Albert I, Habsburg Emperor, 27 Biedermeier, 111 Albert, Prince of Brandenburg, 37 Biel, Gabriel, 29 d’Alembert, 89 Biermann, Wolf, 219 Anabaptists, 44 Bilfinger, 90 Arnim, A. von, 111 Bismarck, Otto von, 122, 125–37, 149, Aue, Hartmann von, 21 261 Aufklarung¨ , see Enlightenment Blair, Tony, 257 Augsburg Confession, 45 Blomberg, Werner von, 190 Augsburg Interim, 46 Boll,¨ Heinrich, 242 Augustine, 36 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 185 Auschwitz, 199–200 Born, Stephan, 120 Austro-Prussian War (1866), 126–7 Borsig, 200 Brahe, Tycho, 53 Bach, C. P. E., 93 Brandt, Willy, 217–18 Bach, J. S., 93–4, 111, 200 Brauchitsch, Walter von, 190 Bacon, Francis, 89 Braun, Eva, 204 Baden, Prince Max von, 157–8 Brecht, Bertolt, 169, 242 Bahro, Rudolf, 228 Brentano, C., 111 Basic Law, see Constitution of the Brudergemeine,¨ 87 Federal Republic Brueghel, 53 Battle of the White Mountain (1620), Bruning,¨ Heinrich von, 173–4, 175, 188 56, 62 Brussig,¨ Thomas, 253 Bauer, Gustav, 163 Bucer, Martin, 50 Bauhaus, 169 Bulow,¨ Bernhard, Prince von, 143 Bebel, August, 124 Burschenschaften, 106–7 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 93, 111 Berghahn, Volker, 148 Cajetan, Cardinal, 37 Berlichingen, Gotz¨ von, 40 Calvin, John, 44 Berlin Treaty (1926), 168 Calvinism, 44, 46, 47–9, 50, 55, 75 Bernstein, Eduard, 140 Canossa, 19 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83320-2 - A Concise History of Germany: Second Edition Mary Fulbrook Index More information Index 273 Caprivi, Georg Leo, Count von, 141 Edict of Restitution (1629), 57 Capuchins, 50 Eisner, Kurt, 158, 160 Carolingians, 10, 11 Elias, Norbert, 49 Catholic League, 55, 56, 58 Elser, Georg, 201–2 Chamberlain, Neville, 192 Engels, Friedrich, 40, 124, 260 Charlemagne, 11, 16 Enlightenment, 71, 84, 89–92, 94 Charles IV, Emperor, 27 Erhard, Ludwig, 213, 217, 231–2 Charles V, Emperor, 28, 34–6, 38, 39, Eschenbach, Wolfram von, 21 40, 45–6, 55 Clovis, 10 Farben, I. G., 200 Concordat of Worms (1122), 19 Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, Confederation of the Rhine, 97 Habsburg Emperor, 56–9 Congress of Vienna (1814–15), 96, 100, feudalism, 14–15 104, 107 Feuerbach, Ludwig, 109 Conrad I, 11, 27 First World War, 104, 137, 148–54 Conrad II, 18 Fischer, Fritz, 148 Constitutio de feudis, 15 Fleckenstein, J., 12 Constitution of Federal Republic, Fontane, Theodor, 144 211–12, 220–2 Forster, Georg, 97 Constitution of Imperial Germany, 127, Francis I, King of France, 40 128–31, 138–40 Francis II, Emperor of Austria, 97 Constitutions of GDR, 212, 224–8, Francke, August Hermann, 86–7 247–8 Franco-Prussian War (1870), 126–7, Council of Trent, 50 128 Cuno, Wilhelm, 165 Frankfurt Parliament (1848–9), 118–21 Franz Ferdinand, Archduke and heir to Dachau concentration camp, 181–2 Austrian throne, 151 Darre,´ Walter, 181 Frederick I, ‘Barbarossa’, Emperor, 19, Dawes Plan (1924), 168 22 Defenestration of Prague (1618), Frederick II, grandson of Barbarossa, 55–6 Emperor, 20, 27 Delbruck,¨ Rudolf von, 131 Frederick II, ‘the Great’, King of Prussia devotio moderna, 29, 36 (reigned 1740–86), 76, 78–9, 80–1, Diderot, Denis, 89 91, 94–5 Diet of Augsburg (1530), 45 Frederick III/(I), Elector and King of Diet of Augsburg (1555), 46 Prussia (reigned 1688–1713), 76, 259 Diet of Regensburg (1541), 45 Frederick III, King of Prussia and Diet of Worms (1521), 37 Emperor of Germany (1888), 135 Doblin,¨ Alfred, 170 Frederick ‘the Wise’, Elector of Saxony, Dollfuss, Engelbert, Austrian 37–8 chancellor, 189, 190 Frederick V, Elector Palatine, ‘Winter Donitz,¨ Karl, 204 King’ of Bohemia, 56 Drexler, Anton, 152, 167 Frederick William, the ‘Great Elector’ Du Boulay, F. R. H., 28 of Prussia (reigned 1640–88), 76–7 Durer,¨ Albrecht, 31 Frederick William I, the ‘Soldier King’ of Prussia (reigned 1713–40), 76, Early New High German, 28 77–80 Ebert, Friedrich, 159–60, 164, 171 Frederick William III, King of Prussia Eck, Johannes, 37 (reigned 1797–1840), 98, 105 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83320-2 - A Concise History of Germany: Second Edition Mary Fulbrook Index More information 274 Index Frederick William IV, King of Prussia Hambach Festival, 108 (reigned 1840–61), 117–18, 120 Handel,¨ G. F., 93 French Revolution (1789), impact on Hanseatic League, 24, 65 Germany of, 71–2, 94–103 Harich, Wolfgang, 215, 228 French Revolution (1848), 111–16, Hauptmann, G., 145 122 Havemann, R., 228 Freud, Sigmund, 146 Haydn, J., 93 Frick, Wilhelm, 179 Heartfield, John, 170 Fritsch, Werner von, 190 Heberle, F., 65 Fugger, 34, 37 Hecker, Friedrich von, 117 Hegel, G. W. F., 86, 92, 109–11 Gagern, Heinrich von, 120 Heine, Heinrich, 111–16, 122 Gaismair, Michael, 42 Heinlein, Konrad, 191 Gastarbeiter, 234–5 Henry I, Emperor, 12, 15–16 General Directory, 77–8 Henry II, Emperor, 18 George, Stefan, 169 Henry III, Emperor, 13 George III, King of England and Elector Henry IV, Emperor, 19 of Hanover, 100 Henry V, Emperor, 18–19 German Confederation, 100–1, 105, Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony, 19 107, 114, 127 Heppenheim programme, 117 German Customs Union, see Zollverein Herder, J. G., 87, 93 German Empire, see Imperial Germany Heuss, Theodor, 213 Gillingham, John, 12 Heydrich, Reinhard, 198 Goebbels, Josef, 183 Heym, Stefan, 242 Goering, Hermann, 179, 189, 190, 194 Himmler, Heinrich, 181, 198 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1, 92–3, Hindenburg, Paul von, 152, 171–2, 94, 111, 200 175–7, 181 Golden Bull (1356), 27 Hitler, Adolf, 1, 137, 154, 155–6, Goldhagen, Daniel Jonah, 254 166–7, 174–204, 261 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 205, 219, 226, Hobbes, Thomas, 13 243, 245, 249 Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst,¨ Chlodwig, Gottfried von Strassburg, 21 141–2 Grass, Gunter,¨ 242 Hohenstaufen, 18, 27 Gregory VII, Pope (Hildebrand), 19 Hohenzollern, Albrecht von, 25 Grimm, brothers (Jacob and Wilhelm), Hohenzollerns, 26, 43, 75–81 93 Holderlin,¨ F., 111 Grimmelshausen, 66 Honecker, Eric, 217, 219, 224, 237, Groener, General Wilhelm, 159 241, 243, 244 Gropius, Walter, 169 Honecker, Margot, 241 Grosz, Georg, 170 Hossbach, Friedrich, 190 Grundherrschaft, 81 Hugenburg, Alfred, 174 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, Humboldt, Wilhelm, 109 58–60 Hus, John, 29 Gutenberg (invention of printing), 33 Hussites, 29, 55 Gutscherrschaft, 79 Gysi, Gregor, 248 Ignatius Loyola, 50 Imperial Germany, 104, 126, 131–54 Habsburgs, 27, 28, 45, 54, 55, 56–60, Investiture Contest, 19 62, 63, 259 ‘Iron Curtain’, 7, 8, 256 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83320-2 - A Concise History of Germany: Second Edition Mary Fulbrook Index More information Index 275 Jansenism, 86 Lothar, Duke of Supplinburg, 18 Jesuits, 50, 55–6, 86, 132 Louis XIV, 73, 77 Jews, 20, 26, 53, 88–9, 90, 131–2, 152, Louis Philippe, King of France, 116 164, 178, 180, 186–7, 191, 254; Ludendorff, Erich, 152 extermination of, 197–202 Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, 125 John of Leyden, 44 Luther, Martin, 33, 36–40, 42–3, 46, John Sigismund of Brandenburg, 55 186 Joll, James, 148 Luttwitz,¨ Walther von, 164 Joseph II, Emperor of Austria, 81, 88, Luxemburg, Rosa, 160, 165 91, 94–5, 105 Junkers, 26, 65, 75, 78, 126, 138, 208 Mann, Heinrich, 169 Mann, Thomas, 144–5, 169, 170 Kahr, Gustav, 164 Maria Theresa, Empress of Austria, 91 Kant, Immanuel, 91–2 Martinitz, Deputy Governor of Kapp, Wolfgang, 164 Bohemia, 56 Karl Alexander, Duke of Wurttemberg,¨ Marx, Karl, 109–11, 124, 148 88 Matthias, Habsburg Emperor, 55 Karlsbad Decrees, 106, 108 Maximilian of Bavaria, 56, 58 Kastner,¨ Erich, 169 Mazarin, Cardinal, 60 Kautsky, Karl, 138 Melanchthon, Philipp, 45 Kehr, Eckart, 148 Memmingen Peasant Parliament, 42 Keitel, Wilhelm, 190 Mendelssohn, Moses, 89 Kellog-Briand pact, 168 Mengele, Josef, 199 Kepler, Johannes, 53 Mennonites, 87 Kiesinger, Kurt Georg, 217 Merovingians, 10 Kleinstaaterei, 69, 91 Metternich, Klemens von, 106–7, 109, Kohl, Helmut, 218, 222, 232, 247, 249, 114, 117, 121 255 Middle High German, literature, 21 Kollwitz, Kathe,¨ 170 Mielke, Erich, 242, 252 Kotzebue, August von, 106 ministeriales, 15, 21 Krenz, Egon, 245, 248 Minnesang, 21 Kristallnacht, 187 Miquel, Johannes von, 142, 144 Krupp armaments, 128, 188, 200 Modrwo, Hans, 248 Kulturkampf, 132–3 Moltke, Helmut Count von (1800–91), 128 Lambsdorff, Otto Count von, 232 Montesquieu, 89 Landrat, 79 Moser, Johann Jakob, 90 Lasker, Eduard, 132 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 93 Legien, Carl, 159 Muller,¨ Hermann, 173 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 89 Muntzer,¨ Thomas, 42 Leo X, Pope, 37 Mussolini, Benito, 166, 189, 196 Lessing, G., 89 Ley, Robert, 181 Napoleon I, French Emperor, 69, 97–8 Leyser, Karl, 15 Napoleonic Wars, 71–2, 100 Liebknecht, Karl, 160, 165 NATO, 214, 247 Liebknecht, Wilhelm, 124 Neanderthal man, 9 limes, 9 Neurath, Konstatin von, 190 Locarno Treaty (1925), 167 New High German, 38 Locke, John, 89 Newton, Isaac, 89 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83320-2 - A Concise History of Germany: Second Edition Mary Fulbrook Index More information 276 Index Nibelungenlied, 21 Rudolf, Duke of Swabia, 18 Nicolai, Friedrich, 90 Rudolf I, Habsburg Emperor, 27 Nietzsche, Friedrich, 146 Rudolf II, Habsburg Emperor, 55 North German Confederation, 128 Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), Sachsenspiegel, 28 111 Salians, 13, 15, 18 Nuremburg Laws,
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