"- able of Contents Quick Facts 2 About the USFA 4-5 USFA Leadership 6-9 The Sport 10-12 Fencing in the Olympic Games 13 Scouting Report 14 National Team Bios 15-32 Cadre 33&44 World Junior & Cadet Bios 35-43 Results 45-51 The Fencing Strip 51 Schedules 52-53 Selection Criteria 54 National Calendar 55 About This Book 56 U.S. Fencing Association One Olympic Plaza Colorado Springs, Colo. 80909-5774 (719) 578-4511 FAX (719) 632-5737 On the cover: Ann Marsh was the youngest member of the 1992 Olympic women's foil team that finished ninth in Barcelona. She is now ranked number one in the U.S. in women's foil. (Photo: Al Tielemans, duomo) II ffN(INO---- --- llily l~lb<>s sport •1.nnpie h<•iglits ·- Founded: The USFA was founded in 1891 in New York City as the Amateur Fencers League of America. National Office: The USFA headquarters are located at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colo. The office opened in 1982 with one full-time staff member. The staff has grown to seven full-time employ­ ees. Membership: Nearly 9,200 fencers belong to the USFA (as of March, 1993). However, the USFA estimates that there are approximately 150- 200,000 recreational fencers in the United States. Events: The USFA sanctions 6,000 events each season. Twenty-two are conducted at the annual Junior Olympic Fencing Championships in Feb. and at the National Championships in June. World Championships: Individual and team World Championships are held every year except Olympic years. Individual World Under-17 and Under-20 Championships are held every year. ASportForAIIAges: Fencersatthe1992National Championships ranged in age from 10 to 67. Fencing ~· • is a sport anyone can start at any age. • 1 -"(~ --~_,.,,., An Expensive Sport? It is a myth r°"(_'l.~· . that fencing is an expensive sport. A r%"( ) starter kit costs $125-$150. Compare that to cy- )-- -~-{(~ cling, skiing or shooting for a few. Once a fencer Af-:;.\' " makes it to the international level, however, the cost ,~ \ goes up-a complete regulation uniform and weapons \'ti} will cost about $1,000. ~\ \\ Clubs: Fencing clubs are located throughout the i United States. In addition, you can find fencers in all 50 :) states. The National Office can provide directories of ~~··, {j clubs by state or by major metropolitan area. l'. · Mark Neimic bout The USFA The United States Fencing Asso- vaniain 1964incompliancewith the ciation (USFA) was founded in 1891 Amateur Sports Act and opened its as the Amateur Fencers League of nationalofficeattheOlympicTrain­ America (AFLA) by a group of New ingCenterinColoradoSprings,Colo. York fencers seeking independence in Aug. of1982. Carla-Mae Richards from the Amateur Athletic Union. was hired as the USFA's first fu.11- The AFLA changed its name to the time Executive Director in 1983 and United States Fencing Association continues to serve in that capacity. in 1981. A Strategic Planning Commission The annual Junior Olympic Fencing Championships attract the nation's top fencers under the The Amateur Sports Act specifi- met in 1992 to charter a course for age of 20. (Photo: Michael George Dupslaff) callynamed the United States Olym- the USFA's future. The Commission Pan American Games, World Uni­ The tournament, which is always pie Committee (USOC) as the coor- defined the association's mission, versity Games and U.S. Olympic dinating body for amateur athletic which is to: direct, administer and held over Presidents' Day Weekend Festival. in Feb., crowns champions in the activity in the U.S. directly relating promote the sport in the U.S.; de- The U.S. has hosted two World to international velop programs that Under-20, Under-17 and Under-15 Championships (1958 in Philadel­ categories while demonstration Olympic athletic com- increase participation phia and 1989 in Denver) as well as petition. The Act in- ~ ..: and encourage physi- events are held in the Under-13 and three World Under-20 Champion­ Under-11 age groups. More than cluded provisions for ~- cal fitness and sports- ships at Notre Dame University 6,000 bouts were fenced in 1993. recognizing National :-" -:-• manship; sanction lo- (1971, '79, '88). For the first time in Governing Bodies ' cal, regional and na- The USFA conducts the annual their five-year history, the World Coaches College in August at the (NGBs) for the sports on the Olym- tional tournaments; develop pro­ Under-17 Championships will be pic and Pan American Games pro- grams to raise the skill levels of Olympic Training Center in Colo­ held on U.S. soil this April in Den­ rado Springs. The Coaches College grams. athletes, coaches and officials; select ver. In another first, it will be held The USFA is the recognized Na- athletes and cadre for international began in 1983 as part of the USFA's concurrently with the World Under- coaching development program and tionalGoverningBody(NGB)forthe competition; develop programs to 20 Championships, the fourth to be sportoffencingin the United States. achieve world class results; and de­ has become the most prestigious fenc­ hosted by the U.S. ing coaches seminar in the United The USFAis affiliated with the Fed- velop initiatives to advance the Domestically, USFA programs erationlnternationaled'Escrime, the sport's Olympic status. States. Coach participants in this range from grassroots to coaching program have benefitted from the international federation for fencing In keeping with its mission, the education. foundedinParisin1913.In1960the USFA sends teams to the World expertise of some of the world's best USFA grassroots success in at­ instructors. United States' Dr. Miguel A. de Championships, the World Under­ tracting young people is evident at Capriles became the first non-Euro- 20 Championships, and the World the annual Junior Olympic Fencing pcanpresidentoftheFIE.Currently, Under-17 Championships. In addi­ Championships(JOs). The 1993JOs USFA National Director Chaba tion, the USFA develops programs drew the largest numbers yet - Pallaghy is serving as a Vice Presi- to assist its top athletes towards records were set in the number of dent for the 1993-96 quadrennium. achieving international results. competitors (925) and in the number The USFA was incorporated as a The USFA selects teams to repre- of entries (1,491 in 22 events). The non-profit corporation in Pennsyl- sent the USA at the Olympic Games, event started in 1971 with 100 f enc­ ers in four events. • Stacey Johnson in Mishawaka, Ind. Vice President Ann Ezzell SFA Leadership Stacey Johnson, a member of the Secretary 1980 Olympic Ann Ezzell of Steve Sobel Fencing Team, is Bloomfield Hills, an instructor of Mich., has been a President Mass Communica- member of the Steve Sobel is no stranger to the position of USFA tions at Palo Alto Board of Directors President. He held that office from 1972-76. Sobel College and a communications con- since 1989 and has contributes an objectivity to the issues offencing as an sultant in San Antonio, Texas. She edited and trans- amateur sport in these changing times. wasnamed Express/News O~ts~~- lated the USFA Rules Book since ing Woman and J.C. Penney s Spn:it . He has earned the respect and esteem of the U.S. 1987 Olympic Committee, having served as Secretary (1981- of the American Woman awards 10 Ezzell was the manager for the 85) and Vice President (1995-89). 1992. 1989 & '90 World Championships He was Chief of Mission for the 1987 Pan American As Vice President, Johnson is re- and '91 World University Games Games Team and has been a lecturer at the Interna­ sponsible for the internati~na~ ~o~- teams. tional Olympic Academy. petitive arena and marketmg imtia- She has been an internationally­ Sobel has chaired the USO C's Membership Committee since 1989 and has tives. ranked President of Jury in epee She is also a member of the Exec1:1- since 1989. been a member of that committee since 1984. tive Committee of the San Antoruo He is a U.S. representative to the Pan American Sports Organization. Sports Foundation and the San An­ Sobel understands the athletes' concerns, having been the 1954 NCAA tonio Local Organizing Committee Jennings Smith Sabre Champion and All-American while at Columbia College (1954). He for U.S. Olympic Festival-'93. was a member of the 1959 World Championships team. Treasurer He graduated from Columbia Law School in 1956, where Sobel was Editor of the Columbia Law Review. Michael Marx Jennings Smith of Professionally, Sobel, of Cedar Grove, N.J., is Director of Paralegal Vice President Oakland, Calif. has Studies at Long Island University, a position he has held since 1988. been a recreational Four-time Olym­ fencer for 25 years. pian Michael Marx Wiiiiam Goering He has served as the will focus on coach Treasurer for the Vice President and cadre develop­ Northern California ment in his role as Division and is a Certified Public William (Bill) Goering's retirement from Ford Motor , _ Vice President. Accountant. Company in 1991 has given him the opportunity to spend Marx was the Smith has held positions with Price more time furthering the cause of his favorite sport. youngest fencer ever to win the Divi­ Waterhouse, the U.S. General Ac­ Currently, he is Vice President concentrating on na­ sion I National Championship in counting Office for San Francisco tional affairs and chairs the Stategic Planning Commis­ men's foil at 17. He holds a record and the U.S. Army Audit Agency. He sion. seven National Championships in was Director of Finance for the City He was USF A Executive Vice President from 1972-80, that discipline and earned the dis­ of Oakland. an at large member of the Executive Committee in four tinguished title ofFencing Masterin administrations from 1980-92 and chair of the USFA Fencing Officials Poland in 1992.
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