September 2. 1959 — This Issue * The Missions Extension Offering—p. 4 * An Adventist Reports on the National Council of Churches * News and Comment A New Academy Will Stand Here. See page 13. Something New The 13th Sabbath Overflow for Sabbath School Leaders Beautiful, full-color cards de- The Thirteenth Sabbath overflow for from the north, south, east and west to signed to boost attendance. the third quarter of 1959 is to go to Seoul, Korea. What an opportune * Designed for mailing. the Far Eastern Division to be used in place to hold evangelistic meetings! It three places: The Junior High School has been impossible to find halls large * Printed by Review and at Japan Missionary College, the Indo- enough to accommodate the crowds to Herald. nesian Union Seminary and the evan- such meetings. The third portion of * Space for personal gelistic center in Seoul, Korea. the 13th Sabbath overflow will be used message. Among Japan's 90 millions of peo- to help build an evangelistic center in * Feature paintings by ple, there is only one junior high this growing Far Eastern city. leading artists. school to care for the young people of See for yourself! that age. And, up until now, it has been necessary to conduct ten grades S. S. Visitors' Day Send $1 to your of elementary, junior high school and The Sabbath schools of the North Book and Bible House college work in one setup. This has American Division have a special day for a sampling of 20 cards. made it very hard to give each group when the). will endeavor to reach the Ask for +he new the opportunity to develop. individua..s in the communities of the Sabbath School post cards. It is planned to build a separate Sabbath school by inviting them to a junior high school adjacent to the specially prepared program on Sabbath, Japan Missionary College with one September 12. This day is known as Visitors' Day. I hope that on Sabbath, September portion of the 13th Sabbath overflow 12, we shall be able to double our of this quarter. Previous visitors' days in our Sabbath attendance in our Sabbath schools. May After World War II a site was pur- schools have been a great blessing in I suggest that your Sabbath school chased for the Indonesian Union many places. There is, for instance, council begin to lay plans immediately Seminary. Because of the rapid growth the Pensacola Sabbath school, of the for this Visitors' Day, and that a great of the school, it was soon necessary to Alabama-Mississippi Conference, where challenge be thrown out to our mem- change the site. Fifty-five acres of they went all-out in the spring of this bership to each bring a friend on this fertile land was bought and the new year for their Visitors' Day held at the Visitors' Day. If your Sabbath school school opened in January, 1954. The time of their Operation Dixie decision puts into it what it should, your Sab- school now offers 14 years of school meetings. There were almost 100 non- bath school members will be thrilled work and teaches 250 classes per week Adventists in Sabbath school that day, on Visitors' Day, September 12. above the elementary level, with only and they had an especially prepared S. S. WILL four regular classrooms. Their portion Sabbath school program which was not of the 13th Sabbath overflow will be only appreciated by our own church used to build an administration and membership but by those non-members Attention! classroom building at the Indonesian who attended. Then they followed Union Seminary. up on the interest created. Some of Youth and Parents The Korean War has brought people them have already been baptized. It has been brought to our attention that in a number of cases young men have not been informed of their duty to present themselves for and submit to registration under the provisions of Section 3 of Title I of the Universal Military Training and Service Act. This act of registration should be taken care of not later than five days after the young man becomes 18. This indudes not only citizens of the United States but anyone who is in or enters the United States between the 18th and 26th anniversary of the day of his birth. Anyone who violates any part of the Universal Military Training Act is subject to prosecution. Draft boards in some instances have taken into con- sideration reasons for failing to appear for registration. Parents should remind their youth of their responsibility to register. Let's not be delinquent. These young Adventists recently participated in Japan Missionary College's largest J. R. NELSON, Director graduating exercises. War Service Commission 2 SOUTHERN TIDINGS, SEPTEMBER 2, 1959 VOL. 53. NO. 22 SEPTEMBER 2. 1959 c›Toreett/71: 437 East Ponce de Leon Avenue Postal address: Box 849 EDITORIAL OPINION Decatur, Georgia POSTMASTERS: All notices should be sent to SOUTHERN TIDINGS, P. 0. Box 849, Decatur, Georgia. EDITOR Cecil Coffey A Holier-than-thou Attitude ASSISTANT EDITOR Elsie Blair MAKEUP EDITOR Dan McBroom SOUTHERN TIDINGS, official organ of the Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day One of the worst curses with which the Seventh-day Adventist Adventists, is published every other week, twenty-six issues each year, at Collegedale, Church can be afflicted is a holier-than-thou attitude on the part of Tennessee. Entered as second-class matter July 26, 1929, at the Post Office at Collegedale, individual members or groups of members. This smacks of Pharisaism Tennessee, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of and helps to defeat the very purpose for which the church exists. In postage provided for in Section 10, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on July 25, 1929. addition to being detrimental to the spiritual life of the person who Subscription rate: one dollar per year. thinks himself better than others, it is a spirit which all-too-often drives ADDRESS CHANGES may be sent direct to SOUTHERN TIDINGS or, for members of any from the church those who at that moment most need its help. conference listed below, to the local confer- ence office. Always give both the old and new Take, for example, the case of a young man we shall call Jim. addresses. Allow thirty days for the correction. MANUSCRIPTS from members should be ad- Jim grew up in the church. From childhood he had attended Sabbath dressed to the office of the local conference school and other services every week. But somewhere along the way the where membership is held. CLASSIFIED AD- VERTISING rates and regulations are given in Devil had gained a degree of control in his life, drawing Jim further and the section for classified advertising. DIS- PLAY ADVERTISING rates and regulations further away from what he knew to be right. His out-of-the-church are available on request from Advertising Manager, SOUTHERN TIDINGS, Box 849, marriage ended in divorce, and he had a minor brush with the law Decatur, Georgia. which resulted in a short jail term. This brought him to his senses and, for the first time in years, he took a good look at himself. CONFERENCE DIRECTORY Meanwhile, it appeared that his parents were the only ones who were concerned about his spiritual condition. It seemed that the more mistakes SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE he made the more the church withdrew from him. And the more bitter President ...... Don R. Rees he became. Secretary-Treasurer, Auditor K. C. Beem But the prayers of his parents continued and, in jail, he came to a Asst. Auditors .._.... A. J. Hess, Frank McMillan Education H. S. Hanson full realization of what he was doing to his life. With deep sorrow he Home Missionary, repented of his sins. On completion of the jail term, Jim and his Sabbath School S. S. Will Medical, ASI L. T. Hall parents moved to another state, to begin life anew. There they en- MV, Temperance L. M. Nelson thusiastically entered into church activities and Jim was faithful in Public Relations, Radio-TV Religious Liberty Cecil Coffey every way. Publishing Eric Ristau Then someone in that church heard of his past. The news spread Associate .......... .......... W. E. Roberson like wildfire, and the young man who wanted to do right found himself — 0 -- being ostracized—an outcast from the Christian society he loved so ALABAMA-MISSISSIPPI — LeRoy J. Leiske, well. People talked, but none helped. Gradually, with sharp tongues President; L. E. Aldrich, Secretary-treasurer; (P. 0. Box 1311) 2641 24th Ave., Meridian, and holier-than-thou attitudes, they pushed him out the back door of Miss. the church. He suffered, his parents suffered, but in reality the church CAROLINA — H. V. Reed, President; T. M. Jansen, Secretary-treasurer; (P. 0. Box 930) suffered most. 1936 E. Seventh St., Charlotte, N. C. The moral of the story is this: When someone does wrong, repents FLORIDA — H. H. Schmidt, President; H. F. Roll, Secretary-treasurer; (P. 0. Box 1313) of his sins and confesses them, is it not right that the church forgive and 137 E. Hillcrest Ave., Orlando, Fla. forget? Should not the church give him a hand, help him to his feet and GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND — N. C. Wilson, President: A. C. McKee, Secretary-treasurer: wish him well? Who are we to snub those whom God himself has (P. O. Box 4929) 547 Cherokee Ave. SE, Atlanta 2, Ga. accepted back for another chance? Further, who are we to snub the lowest KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE — E. L. Marley, Pres- sinner for whom Christ died? ident; R.
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