previus build were in alpha status 0.19 ADDED: Possibility to specify % of movie to test for autoresize routines ADDED: Possibility to use CRF (and value) instead of bitrate for autoresize rout ines ADDED: About button 0.20 ADDED: Bitrate encoding: used in 1 pass encoding or 2 pass encoding (and for aut oresize routines if not checked use CRF). Specified MB size is ignored. (0.20) ADDED: An Advanced Panel: moved here: Pause before encoding, Use CRF for Autosize..., Custom Comp% check, Specify Bitrate, Custom Matrix, Deinterlacer (0.20) ADDED: (in advanced panel) Manual Crop&Resize: if manual crop and resize is checked then AutoMKV will use those crop parameters AND width/height written. (user should use dgindex or gordianknot for finding v alues...) (0.20) 0.21 ADDED: (in advanced panel) "Allow multiple autoresize", if checked AutoMKV will ask to redo autoresize. 0.22 ADDED: X264 and XviD profile editing. in the new tab "Advanced profiles editing" the actual profile will be loaded. In this editor user can edit the profile , or reload it, and check "Use this pro file". If checked "Use this profile" , AutoMKV will use these values and NOT those in s tandard profiles (just a little/fast way for editing profiles) FIXED: CRF 19 is now default for autoresize 0.23 ADDED: Big layout change (Kudos to SeeMoreDigital) FIXED: Output size management (suggestion of DDogg) ADDED: Job Queue (VERY EXPERIMENTAL) FIXED: Little layout change on size (MB) 0.27 ADDED: Subtitles to files to cancel ADDED: Saving settings button. On click on "save setting" the following setting are saved Container,Size,Slice,Resizer,Width,Set encoding mode,Audio Codec 1,Audio Bit 1,A udio Codec 2,Audio Bit 2, Encoding Profiles,Bitrate Encoding,Bitrate Value a file named AutoMKV.ini is created and will always parsed at program start (if present) ADDED: Launch windows minimized 0.28 FIXED: Loading of ifo file that aren't main movie (user can choose video.ifo eve n if movie is in VTS_09_0.IFO) ADDED: Autoloading of vob files. just click on first to input 0.29 FIXED: Size problem on autoresize. ADDED: Clear job list (all job) 0.30 FIXED: Size in multiresize environment ADDED: between [] (brachet ?) the exact computed size (before modding 16 and sca le down to max 704) 0.31 ADDED: Number of channel to saved setting FIXED: Dgindex is launched minimized ADDED: "Prepare Phase only" if checked AutoMKV will do 1) test interlace (if choosed) 2) encode audio 3) run auto resize (compatible with multiple autoresize) 4) prepare movie.avs, batches per encoding and batch for muxing 0.32 ADDED: Subtitle to Queue FIXED: Autoresize will respect bitrate choosen if USE CRF isn't checked. ADDED: Lot of tips ADDED: Some layout (suggestion by DDogg) 0.35 FIXED: Avs input ADDED: Courtesy message at end of PPO ADDED: At end of PPO a fullbatch.bat is created (first/second pass and muxing) ADDED: If custom.avs is present into filter directory, this file will be importe d automatically EDIT: ADDED: possibility to specify output file name (also ADDED: to Queue list) 0.38 Full Package 17/10/2006 ADDED: New stable (or near) full package FIXED: Lot's of change under the hood, just to name fews FIXED: Private ac3 stream in TS files (thanks to DDogg for pointing files with t his stream) FIXED: Log name is based on input file name FIXED: If resizer is set to NONE then WIDTH is set not to automatic FIXED: Colormatrix shifted to end script FIXED: Better message on multiresize (suggestion from DDogg) FIXED: On Queue use is possible to use multires. AutoMkv window will be hided wh en encoding BUT on message for redo autoresize it will pop-up and will be possib le to edit window FIXED: Better support to track language on second audio 0.39 FIXED: If CRF profile is choosed and Multires checked then value (of crf) under "Use CRF autoresize" will be used for final encoding in multires box ADDED: profile used and if use crf is checked value written ADDED: In advanced panel the command line used ADDED: In advanced panel possibility to add custom commands FIXED: In multires box both audio tracks size are counted FIXED: In multires box will be displayed only video size (not audio or sub added ) 0.41 ADDED: AVI mux FIXED: Better avi support (not allowed option is no more visible) FIXED: Mp4 mux with xvid codec 0.42 ADDED: PAR value is passed to MP4Box FIXED: Muxing into MP4 container when XivD codec was choosen FIXED: Prepare phase only was broken with AVI container FIXED: Color matrix use was not correct when Force Film is applyed FIXED: Start Queue button is avaiable only if job is queued FIXED: Spelling error in log file 0.43 ADDED: More debug information in log file ADDED: Log is now reporting size of final video only ADDED: Low is now reporting size of audio files FIXED: Use of Qmf FIXED: Fullbatch was missing of encoding paramters when xvid is selected and PPO mode activate FIXED: "Film" type wasn't correctly deinterlaced FIXED: Mux string for avi container was missing in log file FIXED: Opendml is activated when single media size is over 2gb (and not when sum of media size is over 2gb) 0.44 Full Package 23/10/2006 ADDED: Selection of PGC (used for subs) ADDED: Is possible to encrust/burn in movie the sub FIXED: Sub file will be rename base on movie name FIXED: (again): Colormatrix usage FIXED: Audio size calculation for second audio track 0.45 FIXED: Removed case of colormatrix that I HAVEN'T TESTED BECAUSE I HAVEN'T THE C ORRECT SOURCE MATERIAL ! 0.47 ADDED: Shutdown at end of encoding ADDED: Is possible to specify input file on command line ADDED: Fixcrc silence on mpa audio file (could be a temporary fix) ADDED: Drag&drop on input string FIXED: In log window is present an horizontal bar, is also possible to write not es FIXED: Check DVD Drive FIXED: Avs input file. NO filter and NO resize is applyed on this files 0.48 ADDED: Force ITU resizing ADDED: Support for episodic dvd (adv. setting). if you check this, only the poin ted ifo of an already dvd ripped, will processed . And check this BEFORE pointin g to ifo (beta) ADDED: Anamorphic encoding (beta till i don't full understend what "anamorphic" mean) FIXED: Audio bitrate is now editable FIXED: AutoMKV will be launched at normal priority 0.49 ADDED: Autoresize in XviD is based (as X264) on CQ ADDED: Possibility to add a last line to avs script ADDED: Default value now save "Delete temporary files", "Encrust/Burn Subtitles" , "Enable Shutdown", "Episodic DVD", "Force ITU Resizing", "Anamorphic Encoding" FIXED: Ripping from installation folder with space FIXED: Shutdown will ask to confirm or after 30 the pc will be shutting down 0.50 ADDED: sub size to log file FIXED: Lame encoding for second audio track FIXED: better support for process.exe, no process.exe flash up more FIXED: On avi source, copy original audio is no more allowed ADDED: "last line avs script" to save default ADDED: Log save both audio avs/batch files ADDED: Is now possible to select what CQM use in XivD ADDED: A simple command line support. Create your setting (video codec, containe r , media size..)(use "Save Default") and give it a personalized name (es. 24hour.ini) create .bat file (within AutoM KV directory) with this Code: AutoMKV050d.exe 24hour.ini "C:\path\to\24h\test1.vob" 2 2 1 0 start The "2 2 1 0 start" mean: 2 on first audio track choose second audio present 2 on second audio track choose second audio present 1 on first sub track choose first sub 0 on second sub track choose NONE to sub start ... mmm ...let's start encoding ? ADDED: language translate support. After choosing language (on advanced settings ), click on save default and restart AutoMKV. Use automkv.ita as reference. Name the language file to automkv.XXX where XXX is the ISO639-2 code of nation (better, look on advanced settings the code of your language) ADDED: more accurate crf size prediction with conditional 2nd pass for automatic correction of oversize, undersize. Many high quality encodes will take just 1 p ass. The conditional 2nd pass is only activated if size exceeds user set min/max values 0.50e FIXED: KB/MB/TB or whatever... now only simple bytes! ADDED: Missing tooltips FIXED: Allowed Undersize and Oversize are express by % value. Default value are 5% of undersize and 1% of oversize FIXED: AutoMKV will now close pop-up again when batch is ended (OR PREFER TO END IT ???) (thanks to fogbav for bug report) FIXED: On cmd launch on no audio file (like m2v) and NO audio is precified to us e AutoMKV will not ask for audio file (thanks to fogbav for bug report) 0.50f ADDED: Command line help, from dos box write AutoMKV.exe /? or ? FIXED: Bad AR on automatic crf autoresize 0.51 ADDED: Check for read only destination folder ADDED: Possibility to force AR in muxing ADDED: Better log ADDED: Mkvtoolnix 1.8.0+fixing ADDED: CQ profile for XviD FIXED: Rewritten all xvid profiles, for better compatibilty. XviD_CQ.xml -> for constant quality encoding XviD_Extra_Slow.xml -> For extra compression and quality. Very Slow profile, two pass encoding XviD_Fast.xml -> Fast, but good quality encoding. One pass encoding XviD_Fastest.xml -> Fastest, not so good quality, but damned fast. One pass enco ding XviD_Normal.xml -> Good trade-off between time and quality.
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