2 IMPERIAL VALLEY PRESS, EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY, MARCH 3J, 1917 to be speedily settled as to tlie otbe . ¦v#. iZJL* olas? *' important roads, except the one i:: question. “The San Diego-Imperial road is O in the hands of the State Highway Commission. Money from the former state bond issue gave out before this road was paved as promised. Money SOMETHING from the new $18,000,000 bond issue will be available in July, or in about nnnr time. Diego L ut'l 90 days from this San NE W IN assurance «. - .m. has good from the commis- at t - m sion that contracts will be let th earliest possible day for wot k on the SILKS Imperial line. Under these conditions it will be seen that any work of a permanent nature done by San Die.', > Yew will find here the newest shades county now, like surfacing, etc., \v\ u d DURABIL in Crepe de Chine, plain and fancy be wasted. and Pongees in the plain One thing that adds excess value “In the article in the paper referred Poplins, natural life to i' Series IS FOUR and SIX is the to above, 1 notice that this read cor. - and fancy shades and figured designs, s?)eciai steels used in the manufacture. plaint comes from a prominent local Georgette Crepes and Chiffon and all es- attorney. If not out of order, I would / Hi; ; dt o Studebaker’s own specifications trimming accessories. cars. like to remind this gentleman that a y fc r Studebaker few San Diego business men, my own 1- not her is the scientific heat treatment firm included, raised something ove of vital parts, like gears, axles, axle shafts, $70,000 to build a road in Imperial etc., which i s them stronger, longer county a few years ago.” - lighter weight with wearing, and permits Weather Predictions. increased strength. B. Salomon & Co. A third is the absolute accuracy of Stu- (By United Press) Quality” Los Angeles, IVfarch 31. —Fair to- “The House of manufacturing processes, and the The famous “Pony” Ballet in the dancing festival, “September Morn,” com- debaker night; Sunday fair and warmer; frosi alignment of ing to the Palace Iheatr?, on iueseday night, April 10. Light resulting perfect fit and all Sunday morning; westerly winds. Children's Dresses in White and parts, and perfect balance of motor parts Colors. and the entire car, reducing friction and German Base Menaced. wear to the very lowest point. AMUSEMENTS AT LOCAL Cars “stand up/' (By United Press) This is why Studebaker TONIGHT London, March 31.—The British ad-1 give continuous service month after PLAYHOUSES vaneed a mile over the seven-mile month, year after year, with low upkeep front, occupying five towns. This ad- vance in the Pendicourt region seri is why a Studebaker in the end At the Pai .ee Tonight. At the L. & S. Tonight. cost. This ously menaches the St. Ge. in the Clara Kimball Young, one of the Quentin is one of the most economical cars Roseoe (“Fatty") Arbuckle will be man base. world to buy. een tonight in one of his best come- most noted and popular stars of the dies, “ Bright Lights." Also "The screen, will be seen at the L. & S. What is a Certificate of Deposit? Come in and let us give you a demon- EL CENTRO EXTENDS riminal." a five-part Tiiangle fea- theatre tonight in “Hearts Afire,” u GREETINGS TO It is a receipt for money deposited in this bank. stration. starring Clara Williams and story of Russia as it was. One o. VISITORS! ture, It is the best of collateral. 40-H. P., 7 Passenger FOUR $1095 William Desmond. the biggest thrills in “Hearts Afire' rCON’TTNTIFn FROM PA OF r»NF is the scene where the wife, husban It is a safe investment. 7-Passenger SIX ! Commerce of Imperial Valley and the SG-H. P.. $l3BO and lover escape from the prisoi It is payable on demand. At the Palace Tuesday. Centro Chamber of Commerce, I mines in Siberia. In taking the above iEI And pays FOUR PER CENT INTEREST. The long-looked-for and welcome j welcome you one and all, and extend Valley Auto Co. scene, which had to be taken in th. SUM 01 MONEY THAT IS NOT WORK- Imperial musical comedy, “September Morn," ! to you greetings and stating ih t v IF YOU HAVE A Adirondacks, the whole company wa. TIES an up-to-date musical whirl of song hope that at some time in the v;r ING, INVEST IT IN A CERTIJ CATE OF DEPOSIT AT 597 State St. Cor. Sixth Telechone 60 snowbound, and many hardships ant and girls, comes to the Palace the- near future you will be here perma- BANK. sufferings were endured, all for the I .cre, one night, Tuesday, April 10. nently, and make this your home and cause of art. September Morn," of course, gets its help build, develoD and populate what, First National Bank title from the painting of the same in otor opinion, is the beet place on At the L. & S. Tomorrow. EL CENTRO, CAL. ame which stirred up comment from earth. J. F. SEYMOUR, JR.. S:evens, the greatest coast to coast. The story has to do Emily one of “Chairman Committee Associated LEROY lIOLT, President FRANKLIN J. COLE, Vice Pres. 75 art, will be hi fi h M with the aspiration of one, Rudolph exponents of the dramatic Chambers of Commerce of Imperial T. T. COOK, Cashier Plastric, owner of an art studio, who seen at the L. & S. tomorrow. Mis. Valley.” teres following laims to have been the painter. Of Stevens has gained a great The Press Greets You. mtmxmmnmtuusßßam '' in East through her wonderfu. i :ourse Rudolph does not even know the The Imperial Valley Press takes A “The Unchastened Woman. s • work in ,. ifyrnsa how to paint a pick t fence. The pleasure in adding a welcome to D o £.fcisim .HUM signing a con t3w ..-i ii S model of “September Morn” is laid She returned to Metro, who have come as visitors and the to make five pictures for $75,000. claim to be an actress who has in tract hope is expressed that at least some / -tructed her press agent to circulate Those of our patrons foitc.nate enough of you may find it possib’e to estab- “The Wager’ 0 he rumor that she is the original. to see Miss Stevens in lish homes in the wonderful valley. miss “The Wheels of the The ludicrous moments when the two will not It is the wish of The Press that you Men’s Panama Hats fortunate should are dodging each other, Law.” Those not so will find something of interest in th ¦*. : The Car Was Saved opportunity. and when a chesty old army officer, not overlook this valley and that you may have occa- In the Newest Blocks, $3.50 to $6.00 V The Thief Was3Caught who has fallen in love with the ac- sion to mention these things to you The At the L. & S. Monday. The 00 Reward Was Paid tress. discovers that she is a good friends at home. The Press would 1 e > SI Shapes i Auto friend of his wife’s, creates enough When parrons appreciate the true pleased to receive your comments or. Panamas in Allthe Latest and Weaves belonging Pro- I ner t car was a Bui:l(, to laughter and plot for six musical worth of a feature film and clamoi the valley. If you have a desire in Signal THEfessor M. C. Martinez of 119} South plays. The scenery is prettily de- for a return engagement, it must show the near future, your views on th i Spring Street. The attempted theft occurred signed and painted and the costum- a picture is repeated two and three section would be received as worth'- We have a nifty line of Felt Hats in the light on bih Street, between Broadway and Hill, ing introduces the latest Parisian cre- times wherever shown, a precedent of publication and at the same time : summer weights- v around 9 o'clock. The bumping of the Theft ations. The company numbers with n lias been set. Such has been the case be esteemed a benefit to be derived • uj* Signal on the pavement attracted the attention of 'ts ensemble exactly 32 people. The with the sublime feature, “Jewel." j Following are the members of the : You willfind just what you want in our showing Messrs. R. Cooper and Samuel Corenscn, who dancing numbers are many, sp ritt-J From its date of release, little less party which will leave for Imperil.; year ago, up to the present, Valley tomorrow night: Russ Avery. - gave chase, caught highly than a for summer. The new stripes * harming, enjoyable and wel- are * and held the until the of Men’s Shirts thief 1' arrival of the police. come, the world’s popular tango he three new copies have been used, and 11. S. Barckett, C. A. Baueplen, It extremely pleasing and the quality is just right. irg introduced in various attractive still there is no decreas in demand. Barry, J. F. Brind, 11. J. Beedy, 11. r'l": * r forms. Seats on s.ale Friday morn- The . tory of “Jewel” concerns every- Blatz, L. Blatz, T. D. Brigden. W. I. Your summer underwear is here also. ¦¦ f U m 8 ing, April 6. at Johnson’s drug stoi c thing that is good and pure, shows jßrown, J. N. Beaubier, F.
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