DUGAN, SCHUBERT & BRAUN: Check-list of Cladosporium names 1 Check-list of Cladosporium names Frank M. DUGAN, Konstanze SCHUBERT & Uwe BRAUN Abstract: DUGAN, F.M., SCHUBERT, K. & BRAUN, U. (2004): Check-list of Cladosporium names. Schlechtendalia 11: 1–103. Names of species and subspecific taxa referred to the hyphomycetous genus Cladosporium are listed. Citations for original descriptions, types, synonyms, teleomorphs (if known), references of important redescriptions in literature, illustrations and notes are given. This list contains data for 772 Cladosporium names, i.e., valid, invalid, legitimate and illegitimate species, varieties and formae as well as herbarium names. Zusammenfassung: DUGAN, F.M., SCHUBERT, K. & BRAUN, U. (2004): Checkliste der Cladosporium-Namen. Schlechtendalia 11: 1–103. Namen von Arten und subspezifischen Taxa der Hyphomycetengattung Cladosporium wer- den aufgelistet. Bibliographische Angaben zur Erstbeschreibung, Typusangaben, Synonyme, die Teleomorphe (falls bekannt), wichtige Literaturhinweise und Abbildungen sowie Anmer- kungen werden angegeben. Die vorliegende Liste enthält Namen von 772 Taxa, d.h. gültige, ungültige, legitime und illegitime Arten, Varietäten, Formen und auch Herbarnamen. Introduction: Cladosporium Link (LINK 1816) is one of the largest genera of hyphomycetes, comprising 759 names, and also one of the most heterogeneous ones, which is not very surprising since all early circumscriptions and delimitations from similar gen- era were rather vague and imprecise (FRIES 1832, 1849; SACCARDO 1886; LINDAU 1907, etc.). All kinds of superficially similar cladosporioid fungi, i.e., amero- to phragmosporous dematiaceous hyphomycetes with conidia formed in acropetal chains, were assigned to Cladosporium s. lat., ranging from saprobes to plant pathogens as well as human-pathogenic taxa. DE VRIES (1952) and ELLIS (1971, 1976) maintained broad concepts of Cladosporium. ARX (1983), MORGAN-JONES & JACOBSEN (1988), MCKEMY & MORGAN-JONES (1990), MORGAN-JONES & MCKEMY (1990) and DAVID (1997) discussed the heterogeneity of Cladosporium and con- tributed towards a more natural circumscription of this genus. DAVID (1997) car- ried out detailed examinations of the conidiogenous loci and conidial hila of Cladosporium (incl. Heterosporium Klotzsch ex Cooke) species by means of SEM microscopy and showed that true species of the latter genus are confined to anamorphs of mycosphaerella-like ascomycetes with a unique scar type. The protuberant conidiogenous loci (scars) and conidial hila are characterised by having a central convex dome surrounded by a raised (coronate) rim. Molecular examinations of cladosporioid fungi, carried out during the course of the past decade, proved the heterogeneity of Cladosporium s. lat. and confirmed the ap- 2 Schlechtendalia 11 (2004) proach of DAVID (1997), restricting this genus to species with coronate conidiogenous loci, and which are, as far as known, anamorphs of mycosphaerella- like ascomycetes. BRAUN et al. (2003) provided results of comprehensive ITS se- quence analyses of cladosporioid fungi, summarised outcomes of molecular ex- aminations published by other authors and discussed phylograms of cladosporium-like fungi in detail. Human-pathogenic cladophialophora-like hyphomycetes [Herpotrichiellaceae], Sorocybe resinae (Fr.) Fr. (Amorphotheca resinae Parbery) [Amorphothecaceae], Alternaria malorum (Rühle) U. Braun, Crous & Dugan (≡ Cladosporium malorum Rühle) [Pleosporaceae] and cladosporioid Venturia Sacc. anamorphs (Fusicladium Bonord.) [Venturiaceae] formed separate monophyletic clades and could be excluded from Cladosporium s. str. Within a big clade formed by members of the Mycosphaerellaceae, species with anamorphs belonging to the genus Cladosporium s. str. were shown to represent a sister clade to Mycosphaerella Johanson s. str. (with cercosporoid anamorphs). The teleomorph genus Davidiella Crous & U. Braun was proposed for species with anamorphs in Cladosporium s. str. The results of these examina- tions led to a reassessment and new phylogenetic circumscription of Cladospo- rium s. str. Now we are confronted with the challenge of ascertaining the true generic affinity of hundreds of names assigned to Cladosporium and compiling a comprehensive monograph of the genus. The following annotated list is a first step towards a monograph of Cladosporium. List of names This list encompasses names from SACCARDO (1882–1972), KIRK (1985), ‘Botanischer Jahresbericht’ (Vol. 1, for 1873, to 10, for 1882) and ‘Just´s Botanischer Jahresbericht’ (Vol. 11, for 1883, to 63, for 1935), OUDEMANS (1919–1924), ‘Petrak´s Lists’ (1920– 1939), ‘A Supplement to Petrak´s List’ (1920–1939), ‘Index of Fungi’ (1940–2003), ‘Index Fungorum’ (http://www.indexfungorum.org/Names/Names.asp), plus names from other sources. All taxa which have been put into Cladosporium are alphabeti- cally arranged, independent of their nomenclatural status as valid, invalid, legiti- mate, illegitimate or herbarium names. [If a name was found in herbarium or other records, but no place of publication is recorded, the specific epithet is also placed in alphabethical order within the list, along with the name of the author if known and the source of the name (herbarium label, catalog, etc.)]. The name of the genus (Cladosporium) is omitted except for synonyms in Cladosporium. The list provides citations for original descriptions, types, synonyms, important redescriptions, commentaries and illustrations by subsequent authors. The names of authors and their abbreviations follow KIRK (2003), and those of periodicals are from LAWRENCE et al. (1968) and BRIDSON & SMITH (1991). Original data for the types (primarily in Latin, French, German or Italian) are translated into English. Other highly pertinent data or comments excerpted from SACCARDO (l.c.), ‘Index of Fungi’ and other sources are usually presented unaltered in original languages. Type specimens and ex-type cultures are noted as such when possible. Abbrevia- tions of herbaria follow HOLMGREN et al. (1990) and abbreviations of culture col- DUGAN, SCHUBERT & BRAUN: Check-list of Cladosporium names 3 lections are from JONG et al. (1996). Names confirmed as applicable to Cladospo- rium s. str. and the current, accepted names for synonyms and excluded taxa are printed in bold. Host range and distribution data are only given for species of the latter category (if more specimens and records than the type collection are known). Inconsistencies and mistakes in the quotation of names and references have often been encountered in the original publications inspected. Therefore, we have tried to examine the original papers whenever possible. (These inspected original publications are marked by ‘!’). PFISTER (1985) and STAFLEU & COWAN (1976–1988) list herbaria containing speci- fied sets of exsiccatae. KOHLMEYER (1962) was consulted with reference to speci- mens from Rabenhorst. STEVENSON (1971) was an important source of data deal- ing with the publication of numerous exsiccatae. Abbreviations General: cf. = compare. comb. inval. = combinatio invalida (invalid combination). Ill. = illustrations. Lit. = literature, references (important publications dealing with the species concerned, mostly with redescriptions). nom. ambig. = nomen ambiguum (name having a different sense). nom. anamorph. = nomen anamorphosis (anamorphic name). nom. dub. = nomen dubium (name of uncertain sense). nom. illeg. = nomen illegitimum (illegitimate name). nom. inval. = nomen invalidum (invalid name). nom. nov. = nomen novum (new name). nom. nud. = nomen nudum (name without any description or diagnosis). nom. prov. = nom. provisorium (name proposed provisionally) nom. superfl. = nomen superfluum (superfluous name) s. lat. = sensu lato (in a wide sense). s. str. = sensu stricto (in a narrower sense). T = type (typus). ! = original publication seen and checked. Exsiccata: Barthol., F. columb. = Bartholomew, Fungi columbiani. Barthol., N. Am. F. = Bartholomew, North American Fungi. Briosi & Cav., F. paras. = Briosi & Cavara, I funghi parassiti delle piante coltivate od utili, essicati, delineati e descritti. Cooke, F. brit. exs. = Cooke, Fungi britannici exsiccati. Desm., Pl. crypt. N. France = Desmazières, Plantes cryptogames Nord du France. Ellis, N. Am. F. = Ellis, North American Fungi. Ellis & Everh., F. columb. = Ellis & Everhardt, Fungi columbiani. Erb. Critt. Ital. = Erbario Crittogamico Italiano. Erikss., F. paras. scand. = Eriksson, Fungi parasitici scandinavici exsiccati. Fuckel, F. rhen. = Fuckel, Fungi rhenani. Herb. Mycol. Rom. = Herbarium Mycologicum Romanicum. Jaap, F. sel. exs. = Jaap, Fungi selecti exsiccati. Kab. & Bub., F. imp. exs. = Kabát & Bubák, Fungi imperfecti exsiccati. Klotzsch, Herb. viv. myc. = Herbarium vivum mycologicum. Lib., Pl. crypt. ard. = Libert, Plantae cryptogamicae guas in Arduenna collegit. 4 Schlechtendalia 11 (2004) Petr., Mycoth. gen. = Petrak, Mycotheca generalis. Rabenh., F. eur. = Rabenhorst, Fungi europaei exsiccati. Rabenh., Herb. mycol. = Rabenhorst, Herbarium mycologicum. Rav., F. amer. exs. = Ravenel, Fungi americani exsiccati. Roum., F. gall. exs. = Roumeguère, Fungi gallici exsiccati. Roum., F. sel. gall. exs. = Roumeguère, Fungi selecti gallici exsiccati. Sacc., Mycoth. ital. = Saccardo, Mycotheca italica. Sacc., Mycoth. ven. = Saccardo, Mycotheca veneta. Syd., F. exot. exs. = H. Sydow, Fungi exotici exsiccati. Syd., Mycoth. germ. = H. & P. Sydow, Mycotheca germanica. Syd., Mycoth. march. = P. Sydow, Mycotheca marchica. Thüm., F. austr. = de
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