Jr.JcI6 SerIeI. VeL L. No. 42 ,'J.1IarIUr•• , 4, JJ89 V....... 14, UII (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Thirteenth Session (Eiahtb Lok Sabha) (Vol. L cOlJtaim NDs. 41 to 49);) PrIu I R.t.6. 00 (o..IGINAL BNGLISH paOCEllDINGS INCLUDBD IN ENOUSH VDSION AND ORIGINAL HlNDl nOCBBDINGS INCLUDBD IN HINDI VeRStON WILL IIIf TRBATED AS AUTHORITATIVE AND NOT TBB TRANlLATIONTHEIlBOP.] CONTENTS [Engltsh Senes, Vol L. Thirteenth Session, 198911911 (SAKA)] No 42, Thursday, May 4 19891Va/sakha 14, 1911 (SAKA) CoLUMNS Oral Answers To Questions 1-75 'Starred Questions Nos 841 to 843 and 845 to 847 Written Answers to Questions 75-342 Starred Questions Nos 844 and 848 to 860 75--88 Unstarred Questions Nos 7964 to 7994 and 70g6 to 8141 88-336 Papers Laid on the Table 343-346 Message from Ralya Sabha 346 Business Advisory Committee 347 Seventy-first Report-Adopted Matters under Rule 377 347-348 (I) Need to take urgent measures to control the spread ot 347-348 'Monkey Disease' In several parts of North and South Canara districts. Karnataka Shn G Devavaya Nark (II) Need to fill up posts In KhurOrl Road DIVISion and other 348-354 Railway stations In Orissa Shnmatl Jayantl Patnalk (III) Need to fiX remunerative pnce for mustard 349 Shn Blrbal * TI 3 Sign t marked above the name of a Member Indicates that the question was actually as«ed on the floor of the House by that Member (ij) CoLUMNS (iv) Need to open a TV centre ;1t Bhanjanagar (Orissa) 349-350 Shri Somnath Rath (v) Need to start 'Light and Sound' programme 350 on the life of Sita in Madhuhani Darbhanga and Sitamarhi in Milhlla region of Bihar Dr. G.S. Rajhans (vi) Need for immediat~ steps for providing drinj.,ing water In 350-351 the districts of South-East Rajasthan which have been badly affected by drolJOht Prof. Nirmala Kumar; Shakt~wat (vii) Need to provide STD in Mcttur, Salem district of Tamil 351-352 Nadu Shri K.R. NatraJan (viii) Need to raise the monthly 811ncRtron of rice and wheat to 352 West Bengal Shrimati Geeta Mukh8rjAe (ix) Need to extend the copyright of Tagore's works from 50 353 years to 100 years Shri Amar Roypradhan (x) Need to compensate the farmers of Pali, Balotra and 354 Jodhpur districts whose crops have been damaged as a result of polluted water dischal ged from factories Shri Shankar Lal Discussion under Rule 193 354-408 (i) Communal situation in various parts of the country Shri Charanjit Singh Walia 355-359 Shri Harish Rawat 359-366 Shri Amar Roypradhan 367-369 (iii) CoLUMNS Shri KD. Sultanpuri 369-372 Shri Haroobhai Mehta 372-376 Shri C. Janga Raddy 376-385 Kumari Mamata Banenee 385-390 Shri Umakant Mlshra 390-393 Prof. Saifuddln SOl 393-401 Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 401--406 Shri Arif Mohammad Khan 406-408 (ii) Liberalisatlon of orders to Improve representation of 408-452 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tnbes Communities in Central Government Posts/Services Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy 409--416 Shn Ram Pyare Panika 416-425 Shri AliI Qureshi 425-429 Shri Purna Chandra Malik 429-433 Dr. G.S. Rajhans 433-436 Shri Het Ram 436--439 Kumar! Mamata Banerjee 439-442 Shri Narayan Choubey 442-445 Prof. P.J. Kurien 445-447 Shri Ram Bhagat Paswan 447-351 Dr. Phulrenu Guha. 451-452 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA SHRI MANIK REDDY: Is there any proposal to start Kendriya Mahavidyalayas for P.G. level subject during the current Thursday, May 4, 1989, Vaisakha 14, financial year or in the Eighth Plan? 1911 (Saka) SHRI L.P. SHAHI: There is no proposal to start Kendriya Mahavidyalayas during the The Lok Sabha met at current financial year or in the Eighth Plan. Eleven of the Clock [ Translation] [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] SHRI NIRMAL KHATTRI: Mr. Speaker, under Constitutional provisions, education ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS is included in the Concurrent List. Therefore, the Central Government is responsible for (English] setting up educational institutions. Presently, admissions in Kendriya Vidyalayas are lim- Opening of Kendriya Vidyalayas ited to children of Central Government employees only. May I know from the hon. *841. SHRI MANIK REDDY: Will the MInister whether the number of Kendriya Minister of HUMAN RESOURCE DEVEL- Vidyalayas will be increased so that for every OPMENT be pleased to refer to the reply Vidyalaya admitting only children of Central given on 6, .,:>ril, 1989 to Unstarred Question Government employees there is another that No. 5112 regarding Fourth Pay Commis- admits children from the general category. sion's recommendation to open more Ken- driya Vidyalayas and state: SHRI L.P. SHAH I: Mr. Speaker Sir, the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan was set upin (a) whether Government had decided in 1963 with the first 20 schools functioning in 1985-86 to open 100 Kendriya Vidyalayas different sectors. The underlying reason for annually during the Seventh Plan period; doing this was that children of Central Gov- and ernment employees whose jobs were trans- ferable was adversely affected. There is a (b) if so, the reasons for opening only change in the medium of instruction and 230 Kendriya Vidyalayas during 1985-86 to syllabi from State to State. Hence the need 1988-89? for a Sangathan that provides education to children of transferable Central Government THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE employees on a uniform basis, wherever DEPARTMENTS OF EDUCATION AND they may live. CULTURE IN THE MINISTRY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT(SHRI L.P. The Kendriya Vidyalaya system func- SHAHI): (a) No, Sir. tions In a three-fold manner. The first are Kendriya Vidyalayas that are set up at de- (b) Does not arise. iense establishments. The second are those 3 Oral AnSWBIS MAY 4,1989 Oral AnSWBI5 4 in the civil sector where children of all civilian in India, will the Minister kindly inform us employees study. The last are those that are whether there is any proposal for increasing functioning within the campuses of public the number of regional offices to ensure sector undertakings where the premises and better inspection and better functioning of all other expenses are met by the public the Kendriya Vidyalayas? sector undertakings themselves. In these schools only the children of employees of the SHRI L.P. SHAHI: Sir, there are fifteen public sector undertaking study. Till recently regional offices already existing in the coun- education. particularly at the school-level try. A Review Committee was set up some was the responsibility of State Governments. time back and the Review Committee has We are continuing with that system. At pres- submitted its Report. The Government is ent we have no scheme that envisages the considering the recommendations of the setting up of schools by the Central Govern- Review Committee. There is a suggestion ment for people of all categories. made by the Review Committee to start some sub-centres in which. four or five re- SHRI SHANTILAL PURUSHOT- gions could be incorporated. But the Gov- TAMBHAI PATEL: Mr. Speaker Sir. at pres- ernment has not yet made up its mind. The ent there are 230 Kendriya Vidyalayas in the decision is IInder consideration. country. At least six of them are in Oelh:. Only one student out of every 8 or 10 students get [ Translation] admission leave aside opening of new schools. If all these students who are re- SHRI RAM NAGINA MISHRA: Han. fused admission are provided facilities In Mr. Speaker Sir, thIS is a matter of principle. these schools, that will serve the purpose for Eighty percent of the Indian population lives the time being. May I know whether there IS In VIllages. But all development work includ- a proposal to increase the number of seats in ing education facility is Oriented towards the Kendriya Vidyalayas at ready function- Central and State Government employees ing? altogether ignonng people living in villages. Kendriya Vidyalayas are meant for children SHRI L.P. SHAHI: Mr. Speaker Sir, first of Central Government employees and not of all let me clarify that both boys as well as for children living In villages. May I know from girls are given admissions. As to the number the hon. Minister if a percentage of seats in of Kendriya Vidyalayas there are 729 schools these schools has been set aside for chil- and not 300 schools functioning at present. dren living in villages? Without this, children As to the particular sector which the han. living in villages will not be able to match the Member mentioned 4. 751akh students were educational standards of their urban counter- admitted to these schools last year. If the parts. May I know from the hon. Minister if a number of students is more than expected a quota has been fixed for children from vil- new section is opened provided the prem- lages for admission to Kendriya Vidyalayas? ises are available Although it takes time to build new premises we try our best to open SHRI l.P. SHAHI: Sir, Kendriya more sections if the need arises. Every effort Vidyalayas are urban-oriented as they are ;s made to admit all students. always situated in and around cities, where Central Government employees are usually [Eng/ish] stationed. As to the question of villages, I want to inform the han. Member that in the SHRI PARAG CHALlHA: Considering Navodaya Vidyalayas that have been set up the growing number of Kendriya VidyaJayas 75% to 80% of the students enrolled a re from 5 Oral AnSW91S VAISAKHA 14. 1911 (SAKA) Oral AnswelS 6 viUages. In the last three years 246 such Speakt:n Sir. I congratulate you. the hon. schools have been opened.
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