Enjoy up to 20% off at renowned Chinese restaurants Discount CNY100 off when spend minimum CNY500/ sale slip for renowned Chinese restaurants with ICBC (Thai) UnionPay card at selected restaurants in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu From 20 May – 20 November 2019 Conditions:1. This promotion is apply with UnionPay cards issued outside Mainland China (card number starting with 62). Excluded UnionPay cards issued in Mainland China. 2.Offers are only valid with card-based payment or mobile QuickPass payment. 3.One card per event day can only enjoy the discount once. All participating restaurants share the daily quota. 4.Beijing Time (GMT+8) is adopted in transaction confirmation. Due to the system cut-off, event day commences at 23:00 p.m. and terminates at 22:59 p.m. the next natural day. Due to daily system maintenance, offers are not valid during 22:58 p.m. to 23:05 p.m. 5.The receipt will indicate original amount of bill without discount, even though the discount is applied. Please refer to transaction SMS or bank statement for actual payment amount. 6.In the event of refund, only the amount paid by cardholders will be returned, excluding the discount amount. 7.Limited quantity of offers on a first-come-first-served basis for all UnionPay cards issued from all banks in Thailand. 8.Bills are not allowed to be split for payment. UnionPay International and merchants reserve the right to withdraw or cancel a discount offer in case of any alleged violation or abuse of the offer rules. 9.Please refer to in-store notification for participating restaurant list. 10.For further information, please refer to UnionPay International official website or call customer service hotline 95516. Exception Clause: 1. The terms and conditions of the promotion is applicable to the merchant. Details can be consulted with customer service staff. 2. UnionPay International is neither vendors nor service providers, thus UnionPay International is not responsible for the products or services provided by the merchant. Any obligations and liabilities related to such products or services and all auxiliary services should be borne by the merchant. 3. UnionPay International and the merchant reserve the right to cancel, revise, suspend or terminate all or any parts of the promotion, or revise the terms and conditions herein contained, at any time without prior notice or reason. Designated restaurants in China From 20 May – 20 November 2019 Designated restaurants in China From 20 May – 20 November 2019 Designated restaurants in China From 20 May – 20 November 2019 Designated restaurants in China From 20 May – 20 November 2019 Designated restaurants in China 品牌 门店 门店 地址 电话 Brand Outlet Outlet(EN) Address Hotline 北京 北京市王府井大街269号王府中環中心401-410单元 WF CENTRAL, Beijing 010-65259638 王府中環店 Unit 401-410, WF CENTRAL, 269 Wangfujing Street, Beijing 北京 China World Mall, 北京市建国门外大街1号国贸商城南区5层SL5001-SL5004、SL5012-5013 010-65058873 国贸店 Beijing SL5001-SL5004, SL5012-5013, 5th Floor, South Zone, ChinaFrom World 20 Mall, May 1 Jianguomenwai – 20 November Street, 2019 Beijing 上海 Grand Gateway 66, 上海徐汇区徐家汇虹桥路1号港汇恒隆广场六层603/603A 021-64438088 港汇恒隆广场店 Shanghai 603/603A, 6th Floor, Grand Gateway 66, No.1 Hongqiao Road, Xujiahui, Xuhui District, Shanghai 上海 Shanghai Tower, 上海市浦东新区银城中路上海中心大厦L4-1室501号 上海中心上海之 021-68706699 Shanghai 品店 No. 501, Room L4-1, Shanghai Tower, Middle Yincheng Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 上海 Jingan Kerry Center, 上海市南京西路1515号静安嘉里中心S4-01号单元 021-52438088 静安嘉里店 Shanghai Unit S4-01, Jingan Kerry Center, 1515 West Nanjing Road, Shanghai 上海 上海市静安区太古汇石门一路288号LG101单元 Taikoo Hui, Shanghai 021-62899918 兴业太古汇店 LG101 Unit, Taikoo Hui, No.288, 1st Shimen Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai 广州 广州市天河区天河路天环广场地下二层B236号铺 Parc CENTRAL, Guangzhou 020-85219202 翠园 天环广场店 Shop B236, B2 Floor, Parc CENTRAL, Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou Jade Garden 广州 广州市天河区天河路383号太古汇商场裙楼地铁层M01号商铺 Taikoo Hui, Guangzhou 020-38682138 太古汇店 Shop M01, Metro Floor, Podium Building, Taikoo Hui, 383 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 深圳 Yitian Holiday Plaza, 深圳市南山区深南大道9028号益田假日广场L2-22-31号 0755-88606228 益田假日广场店 Shenzhen L2-22-31, Yitian Holiday Plaza, 9028 Shennan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳 9 Square Shopping 深圳市福田区深南中路与华富路交汇处九方购物中心六层L601号商铺 0755-22389448 九方购物中心店 Center, Shenzhen Shop L601, 6th Floor, 9 Square Shopping Center, Intersection of Middle Shennan Road and Huafu Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 深圳 深圳市罗湖区桂园街道宝安南路1881号华润万象城543号商铺 The MixC, Shenzhen 0755-25109139 万象城店 Shop 543, The MixC, 1881 South Baoan Road, Guiyuan Sub-district, Luohu District, Shenzhen 成都 成都市锦江区中纱帽街8号成都远洋太古里一层至三层 Taikoo Li, Chengdu 028-87679966 远详太古里店 1st to 3rd floor, Taikoo Li, 8 Zhongsha Mao Street, Jinjiang District, Chengdu 成都 成都锦江区红星路3段1号第四层L418-419 IFS, Chengdu 028-86586998 IFS国际金融店 L418-419, 4th Floor, No. 1, Section 3, Hongxing Road, Jinjiang District, Chengdu 杭州 杭州市延安路385号杭州嘉里中心3幢L323、L324号单元 Kerry Center, Hangzhou 0571-87232663 嘉里中心店 Units L323 and L324, Building 3, Hangzhou Kerry Center, 385 Yan'an Road, Hangzhou 南京 南京市中山路18号五层F512号商铺 Deji Plaza, Nanjing 025-8320 0988 德基广场店 Shop F512, 5th Floor, 18 Zhongshan Road, Nanjing Designated restaurants in China 品牌 门店 门店 地址 电话 Brand Outlet Outlet(EN) Address Hotline 上海 Changshou Road, 上海市普陀区长寿路398号二楼大龙燚火锅 021-62883007 长寿路店 Shanghai Da Long Yi Hot Pot, 2nd Floor, 398 Changshou Road, Putuo District, Shanghai 上海 Pudong Food City, 上海市浦东新区张杨路601号浦东食品城店4楼 021-68788277 浦东食品城店 Shanghai 4th Floor, Pudong Food City, 601 Zhangyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 上海 Tianyaoqiao Road, 上海市徐汇区天钥桥路93号中福实业大厦三楼 021-64757277 天钥桥路店 Shanghai 3/F, Zhongfu Industrial Building, 93 Tianyaoqiao Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai 上海市普陀区梅川路步行街1382-1386号(近真光路) 上海 Meichuan Road, Shanghai 021-52751717 梅川路店 1382-1386 Meichuan Road Pedestrian Street (near Zhenguang Road), Putuo District, Shanghai 上海 Loushanguan Road, 上海市长宁区娄山关路882-884号(近云雾山路) 021-62888996 娄山关路店 Shanghai 882-884 Loushanguan Road (near Yunwushan Road), ChangningFrom District, 20 May Shanghai – 20 November 2019 上海 上海市徐汇区大木桥路360号(近斜土路) Damuqiao Road, Shanghai 021-62888767 大木桥路店 360 Damuqiao Road (near Xietu Road), Xuhui District, Shanghai 上海 上海市闵行区虹井路120弄1号楼A栋(先锋街上) Hongjing Road, Shanghai 021-61919318 虹井路店 Building 1-A, Lane 120, Hongjing Road, Minhang District, Shanghai 上海 East Huaihai Road, 上海市黄浦区云南南路261号二楼(近淮海东路) 021-68888317 淮海东路店 Shanghai 2nd Floor, 261 South Yunnan Road (near East Huaihai Road), Huangpu District, Shanghai 上海市杨浦区邯郸路600号A栋第一食品城4楼4001 上海 Wanda Plaza, 021-65657707 五角场万达店 Wujiaochang, Shanghai 4001, 4th Floor, First Food City, Building A, 600 Handan Road, Yangpu District, Shanghai 上海市长宁区虹桥路1665号星空广场一层A区101号 上海 Star Plaza, Shanghai 021-52919657 星空广场店 No. 101, Area A, 1st Floor, Star Plaza, 1665 Hongqiao Road, Changning District, Shanghai 广州 Zhujiang New Town, 广州市天河区猎德大道31号206-207 020-85167527 珠江新城店 Guangzhou 206-207, 31 Liede Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州 Mayflower Plaza, 广州市越秀区中山五路五月花广场4楼407-409 020-83649595 五月花店 Guangzhou 407-409, 4th Floor, Mayflower Plaza, 5th Zhongshan Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 广州 Zhonghua Plaza, 广州市越秀区中山三路33号中华广场四层B3B4铺位 大龙燚 020-38615517 中华广场店 Guangzhou B3B4, 4th Floor, Zhonghua Plaza, 33 3rd Zhongshan Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou Da Long Yi Hot Pot 广州 广州市天河区天河东路75号汇坊商场2楼 Huifang, Guangzhou 020-37362338 汇坊店 2nd Floor, Huifang Shopping Mall, 75 Tianhe East Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州 Grandview Mall, 广州市天河区体育东路39-45号二层1号铺位 020-87066114 正佳广场店 Guangzhou Shop 1, 2nd floor, 39-45 East Tiyu Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州 广州市越秀区建设六马路一号前栋自编二层商铺 Jianshe 6, Guangzhou 020-83772987 建设六店 2nd Floor, Building 1, 6th Jianshe Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 广州 广州市番禺区祈福新村祈福缤纷世界学院路45号 Clifford, Guangzhou 020-39033905 祈福店 No. 45, Clifford World College Road, Clifford New Village, Panyu District, Guangzhou 广州市天河区中山大道中437号东圃广场天银商贸大厦天河城百货六楼601 广州 Dongpu, Guangzhou 020-32091556 东圃店 601, 6th Floor, Tianhe City Department Store, Tianyin Commercial Building, Dongpu Square, 437 Zhongshan Avenue, Tianhe District, Guangzhou 广州 广州市白云区棠乐路7号百信广场西区三楼L3-001铺 Baixin Plaza, Guangzhou 020-86260091 百信店 Shop L3-001, 3/F, West Block, Baixin Plaza, 7 Tangle Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou 深圳 深圳市南山区创业路东方海雅居01-02层 Chuangye Road, Shenzhen 0755-86701770 创业店 1-2/F, Dongfang Haiyaju, Chuangye Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳 深圳市南山区白石洲博耐家居一楼2号铺 Baishizhou, Shenzhen 0755-86533793 白石洲店 Shop 2, 1st Floor, Baishizhou Bonai Home, Nanshan District Shenzhen 深圳 深圳市南山区南山大道2009号 Nanshan, Shenzhen 0755-86533899 南山店 2009 Nan Shan Avenue, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 深圳 深圳市罗湖区东门南路金叶大厦3010号大龙燚火锅 Dongmen, Shenzhen 0755-82221186 东门店 No.3010 Jinye Building, South Dongmen Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen 深圳市宝安区西乡街道盐田社区金海路华盛辉商业大厦103 深圳 Baoan, Shenzhen 0755-29792993 宝安店 103 Huashenghui Commercial Building, Jinhai Road, Yantian Community, Xixiang Sub-district, Baoan District, Shenzhen 深圳 深圳市福田区东园路51号 Futian, Shenzhen 0755-82229902 福田店 51 Dongyuan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 佛山 广东省佛山市建新路111号铂顿城二楼 A11, Foshan 0757-83787560 铂顿城店 2nd Floor, A11 Shopping Mall, 111 Jianxin Road, Foshan, Guangdong Designated restaurants in China 品牌 门店 门店 地址 电话 Brand Outlet Outlet(EN) Address Hotline 佛山 广东省佛山市桂澜中路18号中海环宇城5楼 Uni Park, Foshan 0757-86360060 中海环宇城店 5th Floor, Uni Park, 18 Middle Guiyu Road, Foshan, Guangdong 珠海 广东省珠海市银桦路178-8-9号 Wuzhou Huacheng, Zhuhai 0756-2624888 五洲花城店 178-8-9, Yinhua Road, Zhuhai, Guangdong 珠海 广东省珠海市中兴中路265号 Daishin, Zhuhai 0756-8885991 井岸大信店 265 Middle Zhongxing Road, Zhuhai, Guangdong 惠州 广东省惠州市惠城区隆生九区商场L333号 Huicheng, Huizhou 0752-2777270 惠城店 L333, Longsheng District 9 Shopping Mall, Huicheng District,
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