THE SAFETY AND ESTEEM FULFILLMENTOFTHOMAS AS SEEN IN THE MAZE RUNNER’SFILMBYWES BALL THESIS Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for Literature Degree at English Literature Department by NINIK MARIANTI NIM: AI.140252 ENGLISH LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SULTHAN THAHA SAIFUDDIN JAMBI 2018 ii iii iv MOTTO You who have believed, fear Allah and speak words of appropriate justice. He will amend for you your deeds and forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has certainly attained a great attainment. Indeed, we offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man [undertook to] bear it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant. (QS. Al-Ahzab: 70-72)1 Hai orang-orang yang beriman, bertakwalah kamu kepada Allah dan Katakanlah Perkataan yang benar, niscaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu dosa-dosamu. dan Barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, Maka Sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kemenangan yang besar. Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakan amanat kepada langit, bumi dan gunung-gunung, Maka semuanya enggan untuk memikul amanat itu dan mereka khawatir akan mengkhianatinya, dan dipikullah amanat itu oleh manusia. Sesungguhnya manusia itu Amat zalim dan Amat bodoh. (QS. Al-Ahzab: 70- 72)2 1Maulawi Sher, The Holy Qur’an, (United Kingdem: Islam International Publications, 2004), p. 642. 2Nafan Akhun, Al-Qur’an Terjemahan, (Semarang: Thoa Putra, 2007), p. 543. v DEDICATION In the name of Allah SWT most gracious merciful and the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the inspiration of Moslem‟s life, I dedicate this thesis to my beloved father, DARMAN and mother SYAMSI, you are my hero and thanks for your praying. My little sister Delmitayou are my strangth thanks for your supports, encouragement, patient, helping. I do love you all. I feel so prestigious because living around the super skillful and wise people as you are all For my best friends SitiAminahdanSitiHoiruna and other friends who cannot be said one by one. I would like to say thanks a lot for your care and suggestion that are given to me as long as my journey in writing this thesis. The last for all people who have helped me in writing this thesis, I would like to say thank you so much. I love you all as always. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, the writer would like to say Alhamdullilahirabil’alamin, all the praise to Allah SWT the lord of all creatures, for His Blessing from the starting point of my study until now the end of my study. After that, Shalawat and salambe upon to our Prophet Muhammad SAW, hopefully we will get His syafa’atlater at The Last Day.To accomplish this thesis, the writer had been given one great deal to many people. So, the writer would like to say thanks for their contribution, they are: 1. Dr. H. HadriHasan, MA as a the rector of the State Islamic University of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi. 2. Prof. Dr. Maisah, M.Pd. I as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 3. Dr. Alfian, S.Pd, M.Ed as the first Dean of Academic. Dr. H. M. Fadil, M.Ag as the second Dean of Finances, and Dr. Roudhoh, S.Ag., M.Pd.I as the third Dean of University Student of Adab and Humanities Faculty. 4. The Head of English Literature DepartmentUlfatmiAzlan, SS., MA. 5. The secretary of English Literature DepartmentDian Mukhlisa, MA. 6. My supervisors Dr. Alfian, M. Ed and Tira Mariana, M. Hum, I would like to express her deepest gratitude to people who helped the writer inaccomplishing this thesis. I would like to thank who have helped,adused, supported and suggested me in writing this thesis and finish this thesis. vii 7. All the Lecturers and staffs of Adab and Humanities Faculty, then contribution and assistant during studying in UIN of SulthanThahaSaifuddin Jambi. 8. The Head and officers of the library of UIN and public library of Jambi province. 9. My beloved parents, brothers and sister who gave fully supporting to the writer. 10. The last but not least, to all classmates ELITE 2014 who have given additional suggestion and support. This thesis is still far away from perfection. I need some critics and suggestions, so that I can be better in the future. Finally, the writer hopes this thesis will give positive contributions for readers, especially for the students of English Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty. Jambi, November th 2018 The writer Ninik Marianti Nim: AI.140252 viii ABSTRACT …… Marianti, Nanik, 2018: The Safety and Esteem Fulfillment ofThomas as Seen in the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. English Literature Department Adab and HumanitiesFaculty, The State Islamic University SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, M. Hum This thesis analyzes the safety and esteem fulfillmentofThomas as seen inthe Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. This study is designed to find out the factors that influence Thomas to fulfill safety, how Thomas fulfill safety and esteem and esteem and the effects of safety and esteem fulfillment of Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball. The writer usesSafety and Esteem Theory by Maslowto support the writing of this thesis. This study is descriptive qualitative since the data are collected, analyzed and described in the form of words rather than numerical scores or statistics. The data of the research are the pictures and dialogue expressed by the main character. The research result shows thatfirst, there are two factors of Thomas to fulfill safety and esteem, such as intrinsic factor; where Tomas feels afraid and wants someone to help him to get out of the village. It happens when the first time he comes to that place. The extrinsic factors are thepeople in village do not respect him and he wants to prove if he can bring people to get out from village.Second, there are three ways used by Thomas to fulfill his safety and esteem; making good relationship, where Thomas makes good relationship with the people in village; commitment, where he always tries to find the way to get out by running away to themaze and communicate the needs to others where he works together to find the to get out from village, third, there are two effects of safety and esteem fulfillment the Thomas in the Maze Runner’s Film by Wes Ball such as positive self-confidence; where Thomas feels confidence to bring the people get out of from village and he is happy where he cries because of happy when he could bring the people get out of village. ix ABSTRAK …… Marianti, Nanik, 2018 : The Safety and Esteem Fulfillment ofThomas as Seen in the Maze Runner’s Film byWes Ball. English Literature Department Adab and HumanitiesFaculty, The State Islamic University SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi. Supervisor I : Dr. Alfian, M. Ed Supervisor II : Tira Mariana, M. Hum Tesis ini menganalisis pemenuhan rasa amanand dihargaithomas seperti yang terlihat di filmMaze Runner oleh Wes Ball. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Thomas untuk memenuhi rasa amanand dihargai, bagaimanaThomas memenuhi memenuhi rasa amanand dihargaidan dampak pemenuhan rasa amanand dihargaiThomas dalam film Maze Runner oleh Wes Ball. Penulis menggunakan teori Rasa Amanand DihargaiolehMaslowuntuk mendukung penulisan skripsi ini. Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif karena data dikumpulkan, dianalisis dan dijelaskan dalam bentuk kata-kata daripada skor numerik atau statistik. Data penelitian adalah gambar dan dialog yang diungkapkan oleh karakter utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, ada dua faktor yang mendukungThomas untuk memenuhi keselamatan dan harga diri, seperti faktor intrinsik; di mana Tomas merasa takut dan ingin seseorang membantunya keluar dari desa. Itu terjadi ketika pertama kali dia datang ke tempat itu dan faktor ekstrinsik; dimana orang-orang di desa.Selanjutnya tidak menghormatinya dan dia ingin membuktikan jika dia dapat membawa orang keluar dari desa.Kedua, ada tiga cara yang digunakan Thomas untuk memenuhi keselamatan dan harga dirinya; menjalin hubungan baik, di mana Thomas menjalin hubungan baik dengan orang-orang di desa; komitmen, di mana ia selalu berusaha menemukan cara untuk keluar dengan melarikan diri ke labirin dan mengkomunikasikan kebutuhan kepada orang lain di mana dia bekerja bersama untuk menemukan untuk keluar dari desa. Ketiga, ada dua efek keselamatan dan penghargaan yang memenuhi Thomas di Film Maze Runner oleh Wes Ball seperti kepercayaan diri yang positif; di mana Thomas merasa percaya diri untuk membawa orang-orang keluar dari desa dan dia senang di mana dia menangis karena bahagia ketika dia bisa membawa orang-orang keluar dari desa. x ABBREVIATION SWT : Subhanahu Wata’ala SAW : Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam UIN : UniversitasIslam Negeri STS : Sultan Thaha Saifuddin xi TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE OF TITLE .......................................................................................... i APPROVAL ................................................................................................... ii LETTER OF RATIFICATION .................................................................. iii ORIGINAL THESIS STATEMENT .......................................................... iv MOTTO .......................................................................................................... v DEDICATION .............................................................................................. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..........................................................................
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