Public Document Pack E-mail: [email protected] 26 October 2020 EXECUTIVE A meeting of the Executive will be held on Tuesday, 3rd November, 2020 at 10.00 am. This will be a virtual meeting and you can observe the meeting via our Youtube Page. PHIL SHEARS Managing Director Membership: Councillors Connett (Leader), Dewhirst (Deputy Leader), J Hook, Keeling, Jeffries, MacGregor, Purser, Taylor and Wrigley Please Note: The meeting will be live streamed with the exception where there are confidential or exempt items, which may need to be considered in the absence of the media and public. A G E N D A 1. Apologies for absence 2. Minutes (Pages 3 - 6) To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2020. 3. Declarations of Interest (if any) 4. Public Questions (if any) Members of the Public may ask questions of the Leader or an Executive Member. A maximum period of 15 minutes will be allowed with a maximum of period of three minutes per questioner. The deadline for questions is no later than 12 noon two working days before the date of the meeting. 1 5. Executive Forward Plan To note forthcoming decisions anticipated on the Executive Forward Plan Executive Key Decision 6. Rural Skip Service - Call in of Executive Decision To consider the recommendation below of Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - 19 October 2020 on the call-in of Rural Skip Service - Executive Decision - 6 October 2020. RECOMMENDED – The following decision be referred to the Executive for consideration: That financial information be given to affected parishes and towns within four weeks to enable them to make a decision whether they wish to take on and continue the service. Reports/Matters for consideration/information 7. Budget Monitoring - Revenue and Capital - Treasury (Pages 7 - 26) Management Lending List 8. Future strategic planning working with Exeter City Council, (Pages 27 - 44) East Devon District Council, Mid Devon District Council and Devon County Council 9. Shellfish collection on the Teign and Exe Estuaries (Pages 45 - 50) 10. Marine Dredge Disposal (Pages 51 - 62) 11. Response to the Government Consultation on Planning for (Pages 63 - 82) the Future White Paper For Information. 12. Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 - Exclusion of Press and Public RECOMMENDED that, under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the relevant paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act. Part II: Item suggested for discussion with the press and public excluded 13. Long-term maintenance of Dawlish Countryside Park (Pages 83 - 94) If you would like this information in another format, please telephone 01626 361101 or e-mail [email protected] 2 Agenda Item 2 EXECUTIVE 6 OCTOBER 2020 Present: Councillors Connett (Leader), Dewhirst (Deputy Leader), J Hook, Keeling, Jeffries, MacGregor, Purser, Taylor and Wrigley Officers in Attendance: Christopher Morgan, Trainee Democratic Services Officer Sarah Selway, Democratic Services Team Leader & Deputy Monitoring Officer Neil Blaney, Head of Place & Commercial Services Chris Braines, Waste & Cleansing Manager Tony Mansour, Housing Needs Lead Lorraine Montgomery, Head of Operations Phil Shears, Managing Director 52. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2020 were approved as a correct record and will be signed at the earliest convenience. 53. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. 54. EXECUTIVE FORWARD PLAN The Executive Member for Economy and Jobs raised concerns regarding the waste material being disposed of at Lyme Bay and the serious ecological impacts of this. The Council had raised significant objections and concerns with the Marine Maritime Organisation in 2019 on this matter although this objection has not been registered on their web site. A report on this matter would be brought to the Executive 3 November 2020 due to its urgency. The Leader confirmed that an initial report on the Industrial scale ‘personal use’ harvesting of shellfish from the Exe and Teign Estuaries would be brought to Executive 3 November 2020 with a subsequent report in February 2021 on plans for the 2021 season. Also the future strategic planning working with Exeter, East Devon, Mid Devon and other partners would be brought to Executive 3 November 2020 and Council 23 November 2020. 3 RESOLVED that the Forward Plan be noted. 55. RURAL SKIP SERVICE Executive Member for Recycling, Household Waste and Environmental Health presented the report to consider the future provision of the rural skip service. He commented that it was with a heavy heart that the Council would have to cease this non-statutory service which it had taken in when the County Council withdrew its support. The Council needed to look at savings to bridge the budget shortfall as a result of the COVID pandemic. Members attention was brought to alternative options available to residents which included the councils own bulky waste collection and charities in the district that collect and recycle goods. The Leader brought Members attention to a letter, which had been circulated to Executive from Ipplepen Parish Council raising concerns regarding the cessation of this service. Members discussed the costs of the service and the possibility of Towns and Parishes taking on the service either individually or jointly. The Waste and Cleansing Manager clarified that the average cost of a skip was £1800 plus disposal costs and the council would share its information with regards to risk assessments for this work to assist the Town and Parishes if they wish to make their own arrangements. RESOLVED that:- (1) The discontinue the service be agreed and necessary arrangements with the existing contractor for early contract termination be made; and (2) Support be provided to the Town & Parish Councils impacted to assist them with their own arrangements where requested. Councillor Purser abstained from voting. 56. ORGANISATIONAL RECOVERY PLANS The Recovery Project Lead gave a presentation (attached to minutes) on the Organisational Recovery plans, giving details of the work streams, partnership working and the member task and finish groups set up to support the recovery work. The Recovery Project Lead clarified the work being undertaken with Devon County Council with regards to health and wellbeing as the lead authority in this service. 4 57. DEVON COUNTY COUNCIL TRIAL 20MPH SPEED LIMIT The Executive Member for Climate Change presented the report regarding the Devon County Council Trial 20 mph Speed Limit for Newton Abbot and Kingskerwell. The trial was supported by Newton Abbot Town Council and Ward Members - Cllrs Hayes and Parker. Devon County Council had set up an Implementation Group which included representatives from the Police and Public Health. The Leader read out a letter of support from a Ward Member - Cllr Parker. Members discussed the benefits of speed limits to prevent accidents and encourage safe cycling and walking in the towns and villages across the district and the support of ‘Community Speed Watch’ to monitor compliance with the speed limits. RESOLVED that the Executive express its preliminary support to Devon County Council regarding its proposed trial of a 20 mph speed limit in Newton Abbot. The vote was unanimous. 58. RESPONSE TO THE GOVERNMENT CONSULTATION ON 'CHANGES TO THE CURRENT PLANNING SYSTEM The Executive Member for Planning presented the Councils response to the Government consultation on 'Changes to the current planning system’. Members raised serious concerns regarding the new proposed methodology which would see an increase in the districts housing units double to 1532 units. Executive Members endorsed the submitted response. The meeting started at 10.00 am and finished at 11.23 am. Chair 5 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 7 TEIGNBRIDGE DISTRICT COUNCIL EXECUTIVE 3 NOVEMBER 2020 Report Title BUDGET MONITORING – REVENUE & CAPITAL, TREASURY MANAGEMENT LENDING LIST Purpose of Report To update Members on the principal areas where there are likely to be departures from the 2020/21 budget and summarise those variations to the end of September 2020, to update Members on progress with the capital programme and funding and any amendments to the lending list for treasury management purposes. Recommendation(s) The Executive Committee RESOLVES to: (1) Note the updated revenue budget position (2) approve the updated capital programme as shown at appendix 1 (3) to note the updated lending list as shown at appendix 2 7 Financial Implications The financial implications are contained throughout the report. The main implication is the adverse variance of £4.6 million is currently the budget gap as at the end of September on the revenue budget – see section 4. Martin Flitcroft – Chief Finance Officer Tel: 01626 215246 Email: [email protected] Legal Implications See section 8 – budget monitoring is required by the Constitution and Financial Rules. The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 set out the requirements for the production and publication and audit of the annual statement of accounts. Martin Flitcroft – Chief Finance Officer Tel: 01626 215246 Email: [email protected] Risk Assessment Major risks are identified in sections 4 and 5 and summarised in section 7. The most significant of these is the level of future funding from Central Government Martin Flitcroft – Chief Finance Officer Tel: 01626 215246
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