roi llouse olo Removals P ko ns «SI COAL! COAL! BURT’S itnps Hall & Walker T85 PANDORA ft. 1232 Government Street Redded Vane, Prompt Attention, Experienced Mr- R isldeneo Phone B7Î0.' TELEPHONE 83. VOL. 51. VICTORIA, B. C., TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1911. NO. 73. DR. EDOIULD BILLION DOLLAR DEMONSTRATION BY FIE BODY FROM k VISITE CITY COMBE IN STATES UBOR UNIONS SECHELT A FEW FACTS ABOUT POWERFUL FINANCIERS PROTEST AGAINST IT IS THAT OF JOHN I. MEXICAN TROUBLES WILL BE PROSECUTED NEW YORK FIRE TRAPS HENDERSON, LINEMAN Thorough Believer in Reci­ Trust. Reported to Have Been Mass Meeting Will Be Held Picked Up With Life-Belt on procal Trade Policy-An­ Formed to Control Output After Funeral of Fire by Tug Lome-Yesterday . nexation Shadow of Bogey of Anthracite Coal Victims Afternoon A greet Imposing head eet upon (Times Leased Wire.) (Time. Leamd Wire.) Drowned. framework of magnificent proportions Washington. D. C.. March »Aa the New York. March «.—The tabor un­ Additional names of those who la one of the natural, and not the least result of long-tovestigatlon into what 5/ were aboard the Seohelt: valuable, of Dr. J. -A. Macdonald’s per­ ion» of New York to-day are planning William Ralston, fireman, of To­ agents of the department of Justice de­ a mighty demonstration a* a protest sonal assets Maedonald of the Toron- clare is the biggest trust In the world, ronto, Canada. to Globe, or “Globe Macdonâld,’’ al he announcement was made here to-day] against Are trap coédition» such aa Ernest Barrett deck-hand, of Eng­ la sometimes facetiously called. Is one that criminal prosecutions of half caueed the loaa of til live» In the lire land. tow i William Davidson, deck-hand, of her "the btggest . -H a >hyeleal, as dosen of the most powerful financiers In at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company1» Plrell as other senses. In the newspaper Liverpool, England. ’ the United States are to be begun In plant. All work will be auipended dur work! of Canada to-day. the near future by the federal govern- Floating on the now placid waters of There Is no need for him to confess Ing the funeral» of the victim», and on the Straits of Juan de Fuca, which last hi/- Celtic origin; It speaks for Itself Thursday and frrtday, when the un­ Friday afternoon were churned into a Agents of the departments have re­ most volubly in his terse, Incisive mode identified Uodlee will be buried, laboi seething mass and swallowed the little of speech. In hls wealth of mannerisms, ported their finding of evidence show­ wUI demonstrate In protest. steamer Sechelt with Its cargo of hu­ and most of all In hls herculanean cast ing that a billion dollar combine ex­ man freight, the body of John I. Hen­ of features. He Is a maater of rich, ists. fathered by the Pennsylvania rail­ Following the funeral» of the un derson. one of the passengers, was dis­ . rugged expression, that aaplres to elo­ road and which was organised to con­ know* dead a great mas» meeting will covered by the tug Lome, Capt. Cutler, quence and liquid fluency through the trol the output of anthracite coal be held at which It will be demanded yesterday afternoon five miles east- medium of emotion. He Is hlniaelf a throughout the whole of the United southeast of Race Rocks. Around the States. that the city1» factories be »a reguarded living and perpetual expression of Cel­ to the greatest possible extent To breast of Hendçrson was well secured tic moods, the affluent embodiment of The government. It Is alleged, will a cork life-belt, which kept the body an elder type. He Is the victim of hls try to show that this glgan||p combina­ make their protest definite the unions blood, and the master of the bloodless tion has for years secretly used Its to-day are examining every factory In The finding of the body proves that By subjugating hlmWlf to the In­ power to extort enormous profits from the city and will make n detailed at least some of those aboard the Hi- fluence Of hls Impulses and emotkmsr the pobî trade. ttrmttttng- atT. competi­ port on everyone In which the safety fated ship had an opportunity- of trytng* he achieves a soulfulnese of expression tion by withholding cars from the con­ conditions are bad. to save themselves. As the steamer which places him among the master cerns not In the trust. Dummy direc­ waa leaving William Head for Hooke, beings. tors and secret alliances between the Funerals of many of the victims were Just prior to the terrible disaster, one This Is the man who addressed the railroads and the mining companies are held here this morning. In some cases of the passengers, presumably Mr. as many as three bodies being token to members of the Canadian club at lun repotted as the basis of the combine. Henderson, was seen talking with Capt. cheon this afternoon. Unfortunately The subsidising of small railroads and the tomb In one hearse. James, and seemed worked up over for himself, and for hls audience, he is the buying up of enormous coal hold­ The bodies of live girls whose rela­ something. It is thought that he was not In -the very beat condition, the ings are said to have been the steps tive» are destitute, were burled to-day concerned about the heavy weather effects of hls recent Illness not having by which the trust, gained control of from union headquarters. All ths outside and was trying to persuade the entirely obliterated themselves. the coal situation. streets through which the bodies pass­ skipper not to put out “In fact,” as he himself says, “I am Officials of the department of justice ed were packed with mourners. Thirty- Through the finding of the body -f under doctor's orders to make no assert that the Pennsylvania, the Bal­ live of the victims were buried to-day. Henderson so far from the spot where speech, and my talk to the Canadian timore A Ohio and the Norfolk A West­ Only 18 of the dead, are still un­ the Sechelt foundered It is almost Im­ club to-day Is only by way of subter ern railroads are most prominent In the identified. but as they are merely possible to attempt to figure out where trust. It Is also asserted that the Pen­ asses of charred flesh, there Is little the bodies of those who are at present A convenient subterfuge was ever « nsylvania, through enormous holdings hope that more wHl be recognised. - beneath the suWsce will be picked up. sufficient excuse, whether In love oi listjed under dummy names, controls The city officials are still conducting vigorous search to being made of the In war and It Is not to be expected other roads. The Baltimore A Ohio and their Investigation Into the disaster shore In the vicinity of Cape Church that the members of the Canadian club the Norfolk A Western are reported to THB PIPE* LOUD AND LOUDER BLEW, The coroner's jury has scores of wit but It to doubtful If many of the re­ will offer any objection to receiving have used the I same device to conceal nesses reedy to testify that some of the mains of the passengers will be .recov­ h distinguished a visitor under THE DANCER FAST AND PASTER FLEW. monad owners of half a dosen- faulty ered there, as the tide rips and cross their properties and affillatiotte- currents are at present carrying things F ous a mask. The government asserts that the How the Pfemier end "St. Andrew’s Pipers' Band" untrrteined members of Conservative Association tcoesludsd an pegs to Dr. Macdonald fairly bristles with different directions Htsndard Oil and the Tohso-A trust», last night. When the Lome sighted the body Ideas, and he Is happily poeaeeeed of a enormous as they* are. are dwarfed by most efficient vehicle to render them WILL ATTEMPT LONG PLIGHT. she was on her way from the outer the combination Just exposed It al­ Wharf' to Port Angelos. The look eut lucid and tangible propositions. About leges that the members of the coal Mexico, from which troublous place he noticed the form In the water and no­ combine bought up the coal lands Los Angeles. CaL. March 21.-C. F il Had Capt. Cutler, who altered the le returning en circuit, he could talk wherever possible and formed secret JAPAN AND RUSSIA Walsh, amateur aviator, ha# announced for ever without repetition. After hav ship's course to make an Investigation. alliance with the coal companies which LOSS FEARED BF hls intention of flying from Law Angeles One of the life-boats was manned and Ing studied the situation hls conclu refused to sell out. By this means, it to San Diego. Walsh has Just received elons are worth consideration, for while lowered and the body was taken will attempt to prove the whole an­ a new Curtiss biplane which he là test aboard. The wireless operator Imme­ they may not bring relief they thracite industry of the,country is con­ MAY PRESENT DEMANDS r thoroughly In preparation for the diately flashed a message to this city bring .-nllght.nment. trolled. DF DOMINIONS flight of the discovery and the provincial po­ This is the way in which he sums up Government officials this afternoon STEAMER IT BEI Walsh has made several successful lice were Informed. Although losing Mexico, speaking to a Times reporter admitted that their agents are seeking passenger-carrying flights recently this morning.
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