MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) LEGISLATIVE RECORD OF THE One Hundred And Fourteenth Legislature OF THE State Of Maine VOLUME V SECOND REGULAR SESSION March 20, 1990 to April 14, 1990 Index HOUSE & SENATE LEGISLATIVE SENTIMENTS December 7, 1988 to April 14, 1990 LEGISLATIVE SENTIMENTS OF THE One Hundred And Fourteenth Legislature OFTHE House of Representatives HOUSE LEGISLATIVE SENTIMENTS - DECEMBER 7, 1988 - DECEMBER 4, 1990 APPENDIX TO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD Ray Lund and Jennifer Merry, art educators at 114TH MAINE LEGISLATURE Thornton Academy, whose art program has been selected by the National Art Education Association to receive the Program Standards Award for excellence in the The following expressions of Legislative area of art education; (HLS 15) Sentiment appeared in the House Calendar between December 7, 1988 and Apri 1 14, 1990 pursuant to Joi nt Rocco Deluca, of Thornton Academy, on being named Rule 34: (These sentiments are dated December 7, to the 1988 Telegram All-State Class A Second-team 1988, through December 4, 1990.) Defense Football Team; (HLS 16) Todd Mauri ce, of Thornton Academy, who has been Bob and Barbara Cormier, a well-liked couple in named to the 1988 All-State Telegram Class A First­ the Kennebec Vall ey, on the occas i on of thei r 35th team Offense Football Team; (HLS 17) wedding anniversary; (HLS 1) John Douzepis, of Thornton Academy, who has been University of Maine student Sharon M. Seile, of named to the 1988 Telegram All-State Class A First­ Greene, reci pi ent of the Pres i dent I s Achi evement team Offense Football Team; (HLS 18) Award for academic accomplishment; (HLS 2) Christian Sommer, of Thornton Academy, who has Reverend and Mrs . Wall ace Sutton, of Dover- been named to the 1988 Telegram All-State Class A Foxcroft, and extending best wishes on the occasion first-team Offense and Defense Football Teams; (HLS of their 60th wedding anniversary; (HLS 3) 19) Armand Landry, of Sabattus, for his untiring Lance Lavoie, of Thornton Academy, on being named efforts in obtaining a Maine flag for display at the to the 1988 Telegram All-State Class A First-team Bastogne Historical Center; the center is a Belgium Offense and the Second-team Defense Football Teams; memorial to veterans who fought in World War II; (HLS (HLS 20) 4) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hastings, of Madison, on the Timothy M. Cheney, of Yarmouth High School, on honored occas i on of thei r 60th Wedd i ng Ann i versary, being named to the 1988 All-State Soccer Team; (HLS 5) November 26, 1988; (HLS 21) Jason Si mmons, of 01 d Orchard Beach, on bei ng Rena M. Penn, who has been named President of the named to the 1988 Class C All-State Football Team; Husson College Student Government for 1988-89; (HLS (HLS 6) 22) Ron Bl anchette, of 01 d Orchard Beach, on bei ng Jordan Cl ark, who has been named Vi ce Pres i dent named to the 1988 Class C All-State Football Team; of the Husson College Student Government for 1988-89; (HLS 7) (HLS 23) Ed Gregoire, of Old Orchard Beach, on being named George Maxsimi c, who has been named Secretary - to the 1988 Class C All-State Football Team; (HLS 8) Treasurer of the Husson College Student Government for 1988-89; (HLS 24) William Goodman and Sons, Inc., paper recyclers and brokers, for their outstanding record in Dan Cross, I'!ho has been named Res i dent Pres i dent recycl i ng, and extendi ng best wi shes on the estab­ of the Husson College Student Government for 1988-89; lishment of their new plant located in Scarborough; (HLS 25) (HLS 9) ·Kevin Carol, who has been named Commuter Sandy Brochu, of Thornton Academy, who has been President of the Husson College Student Government named to the 1988 Telegram All-State Field Hockey for 1988-89; (HLS 26) Class A Second Team; (HLS 10) Matt Tobin, of the Dexter Tigers Football Team Ch ri sty Brugh, of Thornton Academy, who has been from Dexter Regional High School, who has been named named to the 1988 Telegram All-State Cross Country the 1988 Gatorade Circle of Champions "Maine High Class A Second Team; (HLS 11) Schoo 1 Footba 11 Pl ayer of the Year"; (HLS 27) Ji 11 Dolby, of Thornton Academy, wi nner of the Gibby and Helen Fowler, of Millinocket, and campus essay contest sponsored duri ng Computer extendi ng best wi shes on the occas i on of thei r' 50th Education Week; (HLS 12) Wedding Anniversary, December 25, 1988; (HLS 28) E1 i zabeth Lowe, of Thornton Academy, reci pi ent of Twi ns Oscar H. and Ormand T. Stevens, 1 i fe long the Good Citizen award sponsored by the Rebecca Emery residents of North Belgrade, on the occasion of their Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution; 90th bi rthday. Oscar and Ormand are reputed to be (HLS 13) the oldest twins living in Maine; (HLS 29) Michelle Mercier, of Thornton Academy, who has Forest and Berni ce Hall, of Dover-Foxcroft, and been named to the 1988 Telegram All-State Cross extending our best wishes on the observance of their Country Class A First Team; (HLS 14) 65th Wedding Anniversary, Decembe.r, 1988; (HLS 30) H-l HOUSE LEGISLATIVE SENTIMENTS - DECEMBER 7, 1988 - DECEMBER 4, 1990 Ri chard Agreste and hi s fi ne staff of assi stants and 7 great-great grandchildren; (HLS 45) at Thornton Academy, on wi nni ng the Cl ass A State Football Championship; (HLS 31) the members of the Mt. Blue High School Band, and extendi ng our best wi shes in bei ng chosen to Robyn Cyr, a 6th grader from Mi 11 i nocket, who represent Maine at the Presidential Inauguration raised $3,725.00 and subsequently was named the first Ceremony in our Nation's Capital; (HLS 46) pl ace wi.nner in the State and Nat ion duri ng the Multiple Sclerosis 1988 Wreathathon; (HLS 32) Louis E. Ayoob, lifelong resident of Ft. Fairfield, who was a successful local businessman, Andies Football Coach, Steve Hersom, who was community and state 1eader, havi ng been a member of named Mountain Valley Football Coach of the Year by the 102nd Legislature; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS 47) his colleagues in the Class C Division; (HLS 33) Mari on Adams, outgoi ng Treasurer of the Frankli n Douglas Findlay, assistant vice president and Towers Tenants Council, Portland, for loyal service manager of the Key Bank office in Livermore Falls, and dedication to advancing issues of concern to the who has been named the 1988 Offi cer of the Year in elderly; (HLS 48) Key Bank of Maine's central division; (HLS 34) Alice Steward, outgoing President of the Franklin Leon and Archi e Meader, who have been honored by Towers Tenants Council, Portland, for loyal servi ce the Vienna Volunteer Fire Department for their and dedication to advancing issues of concern to the dedication and active participation as volunteer elderly; (HLS 49) firefighters; (HLS 35) Ethel Taylor, outgoing Vice President of the Kathryn Maietta, of Winterport, for her help and Franklin Towers Tenants Council, Portland, for loyal support so kindly given to the Legislative Subcom­ service and dedication to advancing issues of concern mittee on Rehabilitation in enabling members to more to the elderly; (HLS 50) fully understand the issues of Maine'S injured, ill and disabled community to ensure that they receive Timothy Witham, of Hermon, who has attained the due benefits in a just society; (HLS 36) high rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (HLS 51) Lisbon school bus ddver, Leland Gamache, whose John J. Joyce, of Portland, our well respected quick action on January 10th in spotting a house fire colleague and community leader, who served as a and assisting a resident is being credited with member of the House of Representatives during the averting a disaster; (HLS 37) 107th, 108th, l09th and lllth Legi s 1atures. A man well-known as a caring and dedicated citizen who took Norman Lamphere, recipient of the Lisbon Rotary an active role in the civic affairs of Portland and Club's 1989 "Citizen of the Year" award; (HLS 38) who provided sound leadership to the State of Maine; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS 52) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rivet, of Lisbon Falls, who have reached a milestone in their lives as they Lescar and Villa Laweryson, of Bingham, and celebrate 50 years of marriage; (HLS 39) extending our best wishes on the celebration of their 65th Wedding Anniversary, January 19, 1989; (HLS 53) Thomas E. Quinney, of Scout Troop #356 in Wells, who has attained the high rank and distinction of John Laweryson, whose dedication and commitment Eagle Scout; (HLS 40) of 60 years of service to the Bingham Fire Department exemplifies the generous spirit of Maine and its Dennis Dyer, of the Dover-Foxcroft Police Depart­ citizens; (HLS 54) ment, who has been honored as the 1st police chief in America to be certified in the BABES alcohol and Albert Harjula, of Thomaston, whose death as the substance abuse program; (HLS 41) result of the Ripogenus Dam tragedy has saddened family, friends and many other compassionate citizens the members of the Kennebunk Hi gh School Band, throughout the State; (IN MEMORIAM) (HLS 55) and extending our best wishes in being chosen to represent Maine at the Presidential Inauguration Ki rk Matthieu, a senior from Lawrence High Ceremony in our Nation's Capital; (HLS 42) School, who is the 18th recipient of the Fitzpatrick Trophy which is presented annually to Maine's Catheri ne Segee, of Orono, who has been named a outstanding Class A football player; (HLS 56) grand prize winner in the University of Maine Amateur Art Competition and Exhibit; (HLS 43) Isabel Brewer, of Houlton, and extending our best wishes on the occasion of her 80th birthday; (HLS 57) Michael Boyington, who has retired after 20 years of dedi cated servi ce with the Bangor Police Depart­ the faculty and students of Houl ton Hi gh School, ment.
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