Neuroplasticity and discipleship HOW TRAINING CAN TRANSFORM US 14 NEWS PATHFINDERS CELEBRATE 70 YEARS 8 ADVENTIST RECORD | OCTOBER 31, 2020 ISSN 0819-5633 WE NEED YOUR HELP Many members are continuing faithfulness to God by returning tithe during COVID-19 restrictions. However, two central parts of the church only operate on offerings and this is seriously impacting: 1. Your Local Church, and 2. World Mission Budget We invite you to schedule regular offerings on the eGiving website or app to your Local Church (Local Mission) and to Sabbath School Offerings (World Mission). THANK YOU Your participation changes everything! editor’s note casting hell into the lake of fire As Adventist Christians we are blessed not to be dence to utter were, ‘Lord, have mercy.’ Such complete encumbered with the most disgusting and nefarious of hopelessness would seize me that I would fall on my Christian doctrines: the ever burning, no relief, torture face with an agony of feeling that cannot be described. chamber of hell. “Our heavenly Father was presented before my In recent years, a number of mainstream Christians mind as a tyrant, who delighted in the agonies of the have debated and discussed the existence of hell. Rob condemned. when the thought took possession of Bell was rejected by many evangelicals after his book my mind that God delighted in the torture of His crea- Love Wins questioned the doctrine and was accused of tures, who were formed in His image, a wall of dark- universalism.1 Francis Chan and Preston Sprinkle wrote ness seemed to separate me from Him. I despaired that Erasing Hell in response (full disclosure, I have not read so cruel and tyrannical a being would ever condescend either book). The movies Hell and Mr Fudge (2012) to save me from the doom of sin.” and more recently Come Sunday (2018), based on true A turning point for White was her mother ques- stories, bring the debate onto the screen, albeit in a tioning the doctrine. She recalls her mother saying, “It dramatised fashion. does not seem a proper way to win souls to Jesus by Studies have shown half of all Americans believe appealing to one of the lowest attributes of the mind— in hell, with a significantly higher proportion than that abject fear. The love of Jesus attracts; it will subdue the among religious people.2 hardest heart” (CET 40.6). Closer to home, Australian Christian Lobby’s Martyn When other Christians speak in the public space, we Iles was quizzed on national television whether he rarely use the opportunity to present a different narra- believed homosexuals would go to hell. “The main- tive of Christian faith—perhaps we are too sympathetic stream Christian belief is that all of us are born going to their concerns of religious freedom or standing for to hell. We’re all sinners, all to be judged by God. A morality. Or perhaps we still just want to fit in. Christian belief which runs to the very heart, soul and If it comes up, in the public square or in personal core of Christianity. conversation, we should deny that “people go to hell” “Millions of Australians believe that,” he claimed. or a belief in hell. If we admit such a belief—before When pressed again for not answering the question we can clarify what we mean by it—the person we are WE NEED YOUR HELP directly, he said, “I don’t think it’s that simple. I think all speaking to has already assumed we believe in the of us will be judged by God. The reason we go to hell is eternal conscious torment (ECT) model. God appears Many members are continuing faithfulness to God by returning tithe if we decline the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.” monstrous. God does not need us to defend Him, but during COVID-19 restrictions. However, two central parts of the church For those who don’t know God, the answer paints we have the opportunity to better reveal His character Him to be a tyrant. Those who believe in hell will feel to the world. only operate on offerings and this is seriously impacting: vindicated, but for those who don’t, their mistrust and Our fundamental beliefs don’t mention the world doubts about God’s existence and even goodness, will “hell” and we shouldn’t either. 1. Your Local Church, and be cemented. God’s character has been maligned over the years as 1. Universalism is a theory that all humanity will ultimately be reconciled to God after judgement. 2. World Mission Budget He appears to look more like the devil than love. 2. <https://www.christianitytoday.com/ Ellen White described her fear of hell as a child: “I news/2019/february/hell-belief-anxiety-arda- believed in an eternally burning hell; and as I thought baylor-university.html>. We invite you to schedule regular offerings on the eGiving website or app to your of the wretched state of the sinner before God, I was in deep despair. I feared that I should be lost, and that I Jarrod Stackelroth Local Church (Local Mission) and to Sabbath School Offerings (World Mission). should live through eternity suffering a living death.” Senior Editor THANK YOU She added: “[The only] words that I had any confi- /JStackelroth Your participation changes everything! senior consulting editor graphic designer noticeboard adventist media glenn townend linden chuang [email protected] locked bag 1115 senior editor template designer subscriptions wahroonga nsw 2076 australia jarrod stackelroth theodora pau’u [email protected] + 61 (02) 9847 2222 assistant editor noticeboard + 61 (03) 5965 6300 cover credit maryellen fairfax julie laws mailed within australia and nz getty images—GDArts abn 59 093 117 689 copyeditors letters $A60.00; $NZ90.00 vol 125 no 21 tracey bridcutt [email protected] other prices on application kent kingston news & photos website melody tan [email protected] record.adventistchurch.com October 31, 2020 | Adventist record 3 news The elder as ‘Discipler’ adventists awarded for service in fiji jarrod stackelroth Part 1 Two faithful Seventh-day For the past 20 years, the former I had just completed two years of Adventist seniors were among the school teacher from Vuniwai Village internship with a senior pastor and 32 recipients of Fiji’s 50th inde- has “been selflessly engaged in was pastoring my first church on my own. I was excited at the oppor- pendence anniversary medal on community service”. tunity to shepherd and lead God’s October 7. “I thank God and the Govern- people. The church district was on Joji Mocevakaca, 83, from ment for not forgetting the little the edge of the great Australian Boitaci Village on Vanua Balavu, work that I’ve done,” she said. Outback and covered many thou- was one of the oldest medal recip- According to the Fiji Times, Ms sands of kilometres. It had one ients at the State House govern- Tokalau said she didn’t expect the larger regional town with a church ment building in Suva. The former award and was a little overwhelmed and many smaller towns with small teacher and Pathfinder veteran was by it. groups or individual members. I recognised for his contribution to Linda Koh, children’s ministries had many ideas to share the gospel the development of Fijian young director for the General Conference and Adventist truths with all in the people. of Seventh-day Adventists, affirmed community. Immediately and enthu- Ms Tokalau, siastically I shared my ideas with the stating, “She was church leaders in a board meeting. an outstanding However, there was little discussion children’s minis- on my concepts, and what was said tries leader and I did not encourage me at all. What have had several could I do? occasions to One of the elders in the church work with her noticed my disheartened response in this area. We to my evangelistic ideas. He asked me to visit him while he was at thank the Lord for work. Owen made and repaired such a dedicated saddles for horses. I went over Master Moce after receiving his medal. church leader who and, while he worked, moulding contributed much and stitching the leather, I talked. Master Moce, as he is known for the community.” Although no He finally said to me, “I love your to many, has impacted the lives of longer the director at TPUM, Ms enthusiasm for spreading God’s many young people during his 50 Tokalau is still involved in commu- Word, but it may take a little time years of service to the Church. As nity service. understanding how it is best shared he always proudly says, “I was born In officiating at the event, Fiji in this area.” That made sense to a Pathfinder, I will live a Pathfinder President Jioji Konrote said the me. For the next three years that and I will die a Pathfinder.” He wore medal was to acknowledge and I pastored in that district I would his Pathfinder uniform to the award appropriately reward individuals often go over and talk with Owen ceremony. who have served selflessly and about the challenges in ministry. He The Youth ministry department contributed immensely towards listened as I did most of the talking, of the Fiji Mission congratulated the nation’s socio-economical and but he guided my thinking in a way Master Moce on his “recognition political progress and development. that connected with the outback by the Government of Fiji” with the Fiji celebrated 50 years of inde- people. “prestigious award”. pendence on October 10. Owen, as an older elder, discipled me.
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