Twenty .. sixth ANNUAL REPORT of the BOARD of WATER AND POWER COMMISSIONERS of the CITY of LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA for the FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1927 BUREAU of WATER WORKS and SUPPLY BUREAU of POWER and LIGHT CO J I J11SSIONERS R. F. DEL VAL LE, P resident i JAS. B. BA KE R, V. Pres. j. R. RI CHARDS 1\\':\1. P. WHITSETT J OIl" R. HAYNES SECRETARY OF BO ARD l A S. P. VRO M A N , I CH IEF El\"G1Xf:ER s r:» enter E I.ECT R IC A L ENGINEER AND I GEXER..tt. JJ :/ l\'A G ER GEN ER AL M AN dGER W'VI. ;"!{jLIIOLLAND E. F. SC ATTERG OO D CO N T R OL LE R L. :VI. AN DERSO :>l 5 Roll of Commissioners and their Tenure of Office Herman Silver, President February, 1902. to Feb ru ary, 1903 Chas. H. T oll February. 1902. to February. 1903 J . C. Drake February, 1902. to February, 1903 F. W . King February. 1902, to February. 1903 H. T. Lee February. 1902. to February, 1903 1. A. G ra nt February, 1902, to De cember. 1904- J . M . Elliott February, 1902, to July, 1907 Jno. J. Fay, Jr.• President : February. 1903, to February. 1910 \Vm. Mead . February, 1903, to July, 1907 M. H. Sherman February, 1903, to J anua ry. 1910 Fr ed 1. Baker January, 1905. to M a rch. 1908 J oh n R. Mathews July. 1907. to M arch, 1911 John H . Norton July. 1907. to March. 1911 R. F. Del Va lle, president March. 1908. W rn. D. Stevens. President February. 1910, to M a rch. 1911 H. T . Lee . President February. 1910, to April. 1912 P. M. J ohns on March, 1911, to M ay. 1912 A. ~ . Da vid son Ma rch. 1911. to J une , 1912 J ame s C. Kavs March. 1911, to Ap ril. 1912 S. C. G raham April. 1912. to J une, 1913 Chas . Wellb orn April, 1912. to December. 1912 F.G. Henderson, President Ma y, 1912. to J uly. 1913 R. D. W ade June, 1912. to August. 1913 Jno. W. Kemp March. 1913. to Decembe r. 1917 Boyle W or kman July, 1913. to J anua ry. 1917 M. P. Snyder July. 1913. to May. 1917 Byron Erkenhrecker August. 1913, to Janua ry. 1919 1. H. Valentine J anuary. 1917, to A ugu st. 1917 C. H. Eubank August, 1917. to July, 1918 John F. Andrews October. 1917. to Feb ruary, 1919 Howard Robertson. President ..: December, 1917, to J anuary, 1922 E. R. Young July, 1918, to J anuary, 1923 Lester 1.. Robinson J anuary, 1919, to January, 1923 F rank Simpson February, 1919, to J anuary, 1921 J ohn R. Haynes J anuary, 1921. A. G. Bartlett J anuary, 1922, to February, 1923 J as. B. Baker J anuary, 1923. C. A. Dykstra J an uary, 1923. to April. 1926 J no. A . Burton February, 1923. to J uly. 1924- W m. P. Whitsett July. 1924-. J. R. Ri chards J uly, 1926. Letter to City Council Los Angeles, Ca l., Au g ust 1, 1927. To the H onorable, th e Counc il of the City of Los An geles. Gentleme n: The Boa rd of Water a nd Po wer Com m issio ners herewith re spectfully submits its T'wen ty-sixth Annual Rep ort, being for the fiscal year ending J une 30, 1927. The rep orts of th e head s of dep artments, in th e Bureau of Wate r Works and Supply, and the Bureau of Po wer and Light, within the Department of Water and Power, as usual set out in detail the immense volume of business transacted during the past year, and will be found of special interest to those desiring accurate information regarding th e a ctivities of these important branch es of the municipal service, The report of the Chie f En gineer and General Manager of th e Bureau of W a te r Works and Supply, for th e year just close d, ca lls at te ntio n to th e co ndit ion of the water supply a nd works generally and sho ws th at a ddi ti ons a nd betterments to th e system ha ve kept pa ce wi th th e normal gro wth of the City, With the ev er increasing growth of the City, particular attention is given to the study of th e available water supply, The supply from local sources has practically reached it s limit of development and the stre am m easurements and run-off in the Owens Ri ve r Water Shed, cover ing a period of twenty-ftve years, which takes into account cyclic fluctuation s of the run-off stor age fa cilities, both surface and under­ ground, a nd th e ext rem ely low minimum flow of water during the dry yea rs em pha sizes co nclu sive ly th e opinion th at the safe yield of the waters in the Owens Ri ver Valley sources will not exceed the ca pacity of th e Aqu educt; namely, 400 cubic feet per second. This fact is fur­ ther brought out by the conditions of the past two years in which rain­ fall and snowfa ll have be en above normal; wh ereas, for the past year the sn owfall on th e Sierras was approximately 27 percent a bove normal a nd th e a va ila ble supply for the Aqu educt was but 366 second feet or 8;; percent of its ca pa ci ty . In th is co nnection a tten tio n is calle d to the ne ces si ty of bringin g water to Los An gel es fro m th e Colorado Ri ver a nd to this end during th e past three years, surve ys, as well as preliminary studie s, h a ve been com­ pleted to the extent that would be justified, until the Congress of th e United States en acts the proper legislation that will make possible the bringing of the Colorado River waters to Los An geles and the Metropoli­ tan Ar ea. During the ea r ly summer, series of dynamlt.lngs of th e Los Angeles Aqueduct had a m arked eff ect on th e a ctivlty of th e Dep artment and abnormal expenditure s were necessary to make the r epairs as well as placing the sy stem under a heavy g uard. Notwithstanding this interrup­ ti on in th e construction program, very extensive betterment work was com pleted along th e entire Aqueduct-including the construction of approximately fifty over-head crossings to take car e of cl oudbursts and floods between the point of the Alabama Hills and the H aiwee Reservoir. Th e physical condition of the works, as a whole, a re in ex cellent condit ion and in this connect ion it m ight be we ll to ca ll attention to th e fa ct that sanita ti on betterments hav e kept pa ce with other constructive 6 TWENTY-SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT work and additional chlorine plants have been added to the system so that the supply of water as served today is remarkably free from all disease producing contamination. The Chief Electrical Engineer and General Manager of the Bureau of Power and Light, in submitting his annual report, calls attention to the completion of the first ten-year per-iod of operation of the City's electric enterprise. While particular reference is made to the financial success attend­ ing such operation, which is very gratifying, it will be seen that much thought and attention is given to the attainment of an equally high degree of success in the character of service rendered to the citizens of Los Angeles-the owners of the system-and to the engineering ex ­ cellence of tile system. In addition to interesting data pertaining to regular maintenance and operation, the report shows what has been accomplished during the year on construction work planned at the time of the voting of power bonds in August, 1924, and August, 1926, and the difficulties with which the Bureau of Power and Light has been confronted in its attempted execution of plans for the building of a stand-by steam plant which is so urgently needed for the relief of consumers. That portion of the report devoted to the activities of the Power Bureau in the acquisition of new business gives interesting data pertain­ ing to the commercial and industrial growth of the City, which brings very forcibly to mind the importance of the Department's making every possible effort toward the consummation of plans of Government officials for the development of the Colorado River which will afford the City additional domestic water supply and electric power for all purposes. The Board takes pleasure in expressing its appreciation of the con­ tinued faithful and efficient co-operation of all of its employees who have helped to make possible the results attained in this Department durmg the past year. BOARD OF WATER AND POWER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES, By R. F. del Valle, President VIEW OF ST. FRA"CIS DAM AND RESERVOIR, PH OTO( ;RAPHED FEBRUARY , 192i Report of the Chief Engineer July 1, 1927. The Honorable Board of Water and Power Commissioners, City of Los Angeles. Gentlemen: I am presenting herewith my 26th Annual Report of the a ctivities of the Bureau at 'Vater Works and Supply.
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