THE LONDON GAZETTE, 24 NOVEMBER, 1914. 9797 "^VTOTICE is hereby given, that application nance Map (2nd edition, 1899), Notting- J^l will be made to Parliament in the hamshire Sheet V, 8, 4 chains or thereabouts Session of 1914-1915'for leave to bring in a- from the Methodist Chapel at Styrrup, and terminating at a point on the eastern side of Bill for the following or some of the following 1 purposes (that is to say): — the road leading from Styrrup to Harworth To incorporate a Company (herein referred in the enclosure numbered 2 on the 25-inch to as " the Company "), and to enable them to Ordnance Map (2nd edition, 1899), Notting- make and maintain in the county of Notting- hamshire Sheet V, 4, by a junction with rail- ham and the West Riding of the county of way No. 4 authorized by the North-Eastern "York the railways hereinafter described or some Railway Act, 1914, and to be constructed •of them, with such stations, junctions, sidings, by the South Yorkshire Joint Line Com- .approaches, works and conveniences connected mittee. -therewith respectively, as- they may think fit A railway (No. 6) commencing in the said t(that is to say) : — parish of Harworth by a junction with the A railway (No. 1) wholly in the parish of said intended railway No. 4 at a point on or Worksop, in the urban district of Worksop, near the eastern side of the said road leading in the county of Nottingham, commencing from Harworth to Blyth in the enclosure by a junction with the Great Central Rail- numbered 140 on the said 25-inch Ordnance way at a point 5 chains or thereabouts mea- Map (2nd edition, 1899), Nottinghamshire sured along that railway in a westerly direc- Sheet V, 8, and terminating in the parish tion from the centre of the signal box known of Bawtry, in the rural district of Doncaster, as the Shireoaks East Junction Signal Box, in the West Riding of the county of York, .and terminating near Gateford Common in by a junction with the down line of the the enclosure numbered 177 on the 25-inch Great Northern Railway (Retford to Don- •Ordnance Map (2nd edition, 1898), Notting- caster) at a point 2 chains or thereabouts measured in a southerly direction from the .hamshire Sheet VIII, 10. bridge carrying that railway over Bridge- A railway (No. 2) wholly in the said lane, Bawtry. parish of Worksop, commencing by a junc- A railway (No. 7) commencing in the tion with the Great Central Railway at a parish of Scrooby in the Rural District of point 35 chains or thereabouts eastward of East Retford in the said County of Notting- -the said Shireoaks East Junction Signal Box, ham by a junction with the said intended .and terminating at the point hereinbefore Railway No. 6 on the eastern side of the described as the termination of Railway Great North-road at a point in the enclosure "No. 1. numbered 19 on the 25-inch Ordnance A railway (No. 2A) wholly in the said Map (2nd edition, 1899), Nottingham- parish of Worksop, commencing at or near shire Sheet VI, 1, and Yorkshire West .a point on the western side of the Gateford- Riding Sheet CCXCI, 12, and termina- road leading from Worksop to Sheffield 14 ting in the said parish of Bawtry by •chains or thereabouts north-westward of the a junction with the up line of the Great point where the Great Central Railway Northern Railway (Retford to Doncaster) crosses that road, and terminating by a at a point 2 chains or thereabouts measured junction with the said intended Railway in a southerly direction from the bridge No. 2 at or near the south-west corner of the carrying that railway over the said Bridge- enclosure numbered 454 on the said Ord- lane. nance Map. A railway (No. 3) wholly in the said Which said intended railways and works parish of Worksop, commencing by a junc- will be made or pass from, in, through or into •tion with the Shireoaks Branch of the Mid- the following parishes or townships or some of land Railway at Woodend Junction at a them, namely: — point on the said railway 2 chains or there- In the County of Nottingham: — abouts northward from the signal box at that The Parish of Worksop in the Urban Dis- junction, and terminating at the point hereinbefore described as the termination of trict of Worksop; the Parishes of Carlton- Railway No. 1. in-Lindrick, Harworth, Hodsock, Styrrup, A railway (No. 4) commencing in the said and Wallingwells in the Rural District of parish of Worksop by a junction with the Blyth and Cuckney; and the' Parish of said intended railways Nos. 1, 2 and 3 at Scrooby in the Rural District of East Ret- the point of termination thereof as herein- ford. before described, and terminating in the In the West Riding of the County of York: — parish of Harworth, in the rural district of The Parish of Bawtry in the Rural Dis- Blyth and Cuckney, in the said county of trict of Doncaster, and the Parishes of Nottingham, by a junction with the Har- North and South Anston, Woodsetts, and • worth Branch of the Great Northern Rail- Gildingwells, in the Rural District of Kive- way (authorized by the Great Northern ton Park. Railway Act, 1911, and now in course of A diversion in the said parish of Worksop construction) at a point 6£ chains or there- of so much of the existing siding of the Great abouts measured in an easterly direction Central Railway Company on the northern from the termination, on the eastern side of side of the railway of that company, as ex- •the road leading from Harworth to Blyth, tends between the termination of the said •of the said branch railway. siding near the eastern side of the road from A railway (No. 5) wholly in the parish of Woodhouse to Gateford and a point mea- Styrrup, in the said rural district of Blyth sured along the said siding 20 chains or and Cuckney, commencing by a junction thereabouts eastward of the termination with the said intended railway No. 4 at a thereof, the said diversion commencing at the point on the southern boundary of the en- point lastly hereinbefore mentioned and ter- • closure numbered 142 on the 25-inch Ord- minating at a point 3£ chains or thereabouts.
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