hATS, FATI. ref ...... p. Ta. Z5 u. AI ' .....11 lit .... , ••4. .aOCI88ID POODS. .... 01&111,. .t T Partly Clouely IlIr ••• b Z2 .ad A I 'b••• ,b CI .... ,.... IUO", • H E book , ... a'a",p. 1$ ADd lit nil. ,.. "., , ...... 8ROE8, b •• k Illree lLl'pl ••• II... , ... ! •••• , ••• IOWA: Pari17 d'-, .... IDe.llallel,. GASOLIN1I. III-A ••• , ••• , ••• I •• , .., raUonl an" B .... c .. e. B .. 1 alld Co.' e •••• n. yaU. 'ar fl •• cooler. r.II..... FUEL OIL, ,erl.' .De Ib ••• rb II ••••• , ... DAILY ~ AN 1111 ,..... II.. ...,... I·o.w ro.... al.. ,orl.. ,... .... 1111 nil". Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~======~=================================.====~~c:~~====~============~======~====~====~~~~~~========~~==~~~~~~~~~==============================~~==~~===========;~~=:~==:====:~~:~ FIVE CENTS .... &UoaAn...... IOWA CITY, IOWA SATURDAY. JUNE 2.1945 ........ cua..... VOLUME J:XJ NUMBER 213 ~==~=============T==~~~~~========~======~==============~================ SIXTH MARINES TAKE OKINAWAN CAPITAL Russia Tell.s·· Rest of .Big 5 • I • ConfliGf in 'Sy'ria Must End United Nations Group Truman Ten, Congreu- . , '(ease Fire' Drafts Preamble Japan Of World Charter to face Stronger ' Forces Order Given • WASHINGTON (AP)-America hel'p. propo ell to hurl alalnst the AI in the p Ident Id that 11 forging in the Pacific right now Japanese more than the 3,500,000 "we have no desire to destr01 or French Refuse Big 5 Call Meeting an air-around team even stronger alr~8Tound men who cru. hed the enslave the Japanese people." To Meet Demands At Russia Willing than the one that ruined Germany. Wehrmacht. knocked the Lufl­ "But only surrender can prevent President Truman declared yester­ walle out of existence and laid To Withdraw Troops day. the kind of ruin which they have To Reconsider Veto Cermany waste. seen come to Germany a a result He aald Jt will wTeClc the Japa­ of continued, u I reslstance," L NO N (AP)-Tht' Sovi t SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Arcl!­ nae military 1Ort:ft, It will destroy That ill only the force to be sent actuaUy lo the theater, with nearly he sald. fro\'ernment last night informed ltecta of a world orcanlzaUon pro­ Japanese cities and there 18 only Franc, Britain, the nit!'d one. an equal number backlna: It up at The Japane suiclde attacks, pO$ed last n11ht that people of the escape--surrender. tatell and bina tbat Ru ill. United Nations declare a 1IOiemn Thlt chill prospect waa held out home and elJewhere. however. are makinl theJllRlves felt, the president acknowledged. j. tonsiders that sp edy meas· determination to .ave next g~ner­ by the president In a special 8.000 He called the continued resist­ aUons "from th scourge of Wit'," word me.sap to congress. ance ot the Japanese, a hopeless, Ship yards are badly In need of ures to stop the milH ry opera­ and work toward greater freedom. The communication was in the ianatl a1 venture. It is based, the civilian laborers to repair the ship tion in yrie. and L banon equality and good neilhboTlJn nature of a "where do we ,0 from president said, on the Japanese damal:es which are roountinl. mu, t Ix> talcrn, and th conflict among nations. here" report. idea that perhaps the Americans Thf're i a consIderable shJ ft In which has ari n m t b settled The preamble of a world charter It called for: wi\ grow tired lind want peace the kind of it 11\1 need~ for the in a p c Cui rna nn r." fft wa put in dralt form by a lIub­ 1. A powerful surge of war pro­ more than Complele victory. Pacific war. bul the pr idenl said iting tbe fact that France, "produ hon for the Japanese war commitl the United Nations duction to sma h home the Pacific "They hould know bett r," Mr. yria and L b non are m m­ ot cannot be taken as a matter of conference. punch. Truman d lared succinctly. bers of tb~ oiled Nabons par· "They should realize that this course." It may llndergo extensive revis­ 2. A public awareness of the ticipating in th an Fr ncisco ferOCity of the Pacific war. now nation, now at the peak of Its mili­ President Truman submitted his ion belore the fuiJ conference acts. conterence, the note said: that Japans' home areas have been tary str!'ngth. wlli nol relax. We reView, he said, to acquaint the The United States delegation. for ....en.. in ,ria and LebalIOIl breathed. have the men. the materiel, the people with the problem, that lie in tance, was opposing a dedara­ do DOt c~nd to the splrtt of The preeidentlaid that the Uni­ skill, th leade.rship, the fortitude ahead and "how we plan to meet tion for International machinery to Ute ilKtaJons adopted at Dum­ t.ed States alone ~clusive ·ot allied to aehi ve iolBl victory." them." bring about "economic and social barton Oalta. or 10 the alms of the advancement of aU peoples" on Ullltecl NaUo c:onteren e takl~ grounds that mleht mean interfer­ pl~ in SUI Franc 1«0. for the ence in domestic affair•. Tokyo .Hinls al Greal creaUOQ of ... O....... lutiOll 10 in­ Nips Withdraw Treasury Plans War , sure pelKe and aecurity." The t'OIIference apent • 110"'" da,. But a BII"-Flve meUIn, wall called Osaka Conflagration A "ce fire" order by French Jut nJ,ht alter the Vnlted states - . On Tax Dodgers commanders broullht at le8S~ tem· porary peace to troubled Syria yes­ deler.Uol\ heard tha~ R. 1.._ 86 Square Mile. Ex-Servicemen Help; terday as the United Slates agreed wUUnr to renew conversa&loftl 011 Along ,Western t~ . .. major I lIue blOOklq procrelll­ Of Jap Cities in Ruins to act al mediator m the dispute tbe veto pOWenl whh:h Ule IU .. -d IL-I I- Truman, Congress, which had cost at last 400 Uves Five would wield In a workllleeur­ Before Late.t Raid leo I e Ine Give Backing . in Damascus alone and had Organized Resistance At a Glance- tty counell. S Ihreatened to plunce the Arab I I Five Japanese Ships CUAM (MJ)- Amerlcan. Super­ WASHINGTON (AP) -.:. Pia world into r volt. Tu(ned over to the ame confer­ fortresses rained fire bombs tor lor recruitmenl ot an army of ex- All was reported quiet In Syria Virtually at an End en e committee alona: with the CHUNGKING (AP)-J,panese rvicemen to ferret out tax chi - alter days of fi,htmg. British Sunk by U. S. Planes preamble were drafts of two chap­ two hOUri on Osaka In a dayU,ht unils along the w tern sid of eler. were dl losed yaterday by forces formally a umed r pons i­ I fodoy's te or the chart r. One aet forth .ttack Frldar and radio Tokyo th Ir China land corrid r with­ Presldenl Truman and Secretary bility for the maintenance of ~imitz Reports the principles; the 0 her the pur­ Heavy Bombe,. Blast hlnled of a ,reat conrJa,ratlon, drew und r ' pres ure at. polnls of the Treasury Morienthau. order, and E'rench comm ndera poses of 9 new world leaeue. "We are not {lghUn, this war agrf'eeI lo lake order. from the Smashing Gains 111, relultln, tit "ar~. ner· along SOD-mil troll today, Shipyard AreCis All "ave " tonlt rmtlf to tr.",,1 to make millionalrcs." the presi­ British command r in the middle 1n Okin'awa Actions lowen '. aOy being brought under control." while other enemy torc to the In South Formosa through the committees, parent dent lold hiR n WI cQnference In a east, Gen. Sir B rnard C. Paget. commissions and final acceptance This Picture was presented by easl pu hed alonl( lhe Chekiang formal statement. "and certainly While FranCi!. faced with a vir­ GUAM, Salurday (AP)- Lieut. by the entire confcrence. Japanese brpadcasla as 21st bomber province coast in on area vulner­ wc are not golng to allow the black tual ultimatum, consented to stop Russia 18* conCJict* * in Syria MANILA, Saturday (AP)-Gen. Gen. Simon Bolivar Buckncr Jr.'s command headquarters here dis­ able to American invasion, thc market operalors or any olber ,Irina' on the Syria.M, General De must end; French give "cease George C. Kenney's far asl tn As for the »rlnclpl on whleh closed that 86 square miles or Ja­ 10th Uniled Slales army troops Chrnc c high command announced. rackctecr. to be In a favored class Ga.ulle refused ~ (0 all the way In llrc" order. atrforce made big news again the new le... ue will be (o" ..cted. pan's great war production centers completed capture yesterday of the t.oday in the sou thw ·l PaciClc, the first of these l!steel In Ute iellt From the i·rench rndo-Chlna when the men in the armed forces, me HOC Prbne MIni t("r hurch- fortress city of Shuri, baltered were in ruin. before the 0 aka border northward to the area of and our clliz ns generally, lire 111 ', demand of Thursday Americans cOlDDlete caplure 01 sinking rive Japanese ships and ts that: raid. The destruction there will be ttl" keystone of Nippon's smashed blasting Japancse ground installa­ Shnnhslen in Honan province the sacrUiclng so heavily." French trooPS be wlUulrawn to Shuri fortress. "The OI'rantzation I. ~ on added. southern Okinawa defense line, tions from the Netherlands East Japan 5e were pulling back from The presld nL expreSl>ed ap­ their barra u. and drove southward against di­ the \)rllleiple nf the soverel,n Tokyo reported that the attack· nlled Nations subcommlttee Indies to Formosa and Malaya. equalll of all U. membet'II." exposed sali nls under heavy at­ proval 01 lhe program to employ In Damascus, Pr ident Shukrl minishing resistance.
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