University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 7-2-1982 Central Florida Future, Vol. 14 No. 39, July 2, 1982 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 14 No. 39, July 2, 1982" (1982). Central Florida Future. 475. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/475 E UB~ Ht\IF.§ · I ' 1 Inside From motarcross champion to president of his own promotion company, UCF student Alan · University of Central Flotjcla AshlOck. See Sounii an<J, Vision, page 5 Vol. 14 No. 39 · ,July 2, 1982 Colbourn New nursing veto.esASF chairman. budget plan appointed µCF's nursing and communicative by Kathleen G. Foronda disorders programs were designated as departmertts this week by Managing editor President Trevor Colbourn, and two chairinen have been appointed, UCF President Trevor Colbourn College of Health Dean Owen Elder WErlmday vetoed the student senate's said Wednesday. $1.16 million Activity and Service Fee These changes will allow the depart­ ~udget proposal, saying that the ments to admit~ more students and athletic department needs $10,000 more in the Intercollegiate Athletics expand curricula, Elder said. allocation. Dr. Martha Sleicher Neff, former Colbourn srud the additional funds nursing department chairman at· are needed in order to meet man­ Miami University of Ohio will assume datory state salary increases .of about her chairmanship at UCF on .July 26. seven percent. Among .her other duties, Neff will The ASF budget will go before the devlop the research capabilities of the · senate again Tuesday. Student body new nursing department, Elder said. Vice President, Matt Weber, said, The UCF nursing program, which . accepted its first class in the fall of. "They are a very stro~g senate. I imagine that.they will maintain their 1979, has graduated two classes of . • • • • registerea nurses :... 28 in 1981 and 65 original position.'' In addition to the local · wQrld famous Grucc1 f 8Dllly · in . - - The present budget proposal allows 1982 fireworks displays,. Tampa ~ light Tampa Stadium's One hundred percent 'of the nur·s~g $330,000 for intercollegiate athletics. Colbourn had requested the ad­ Stadium will be the site of the sky after the Rowdies-Tea program's first graduating class ditional funds before the senat.e ap­ largest pyrotechnics spec- Men soccer game at 7:30 p.m. passed the State Board examination proved the budget on .June 15. tacular in the Southeast. The Sunday. Departments, f,age 3 After his· meeting with Colbom:n Wednesday, student body President Tico Perez said, "Their (Colboum's Peterson names Knight volleyball Coach · and the athletic d~artment' sl request by Vince Cotroneo · 11 is not unreasonable, adding that the Future Staff record. Her squad ended last season practic~ with the team.'' salary increases had to be met. Lyn King was named the new Lady up.defeated (15-0) capturing the UCF has seven players returning to Yet Perez also said that the senate Knight volleyball coach Tuesday, Chautaquacounty championship. the t.eam, as well as two transfers and "really doesn't have a choice. replacing Carmen Pennick, who King's teams have been district two recruits. "He (Colbourn) has the right, by resigned last November. champions for the pas_t three years. ''We are very pleased to have · Lyn state law, to take money out of Pennick resigned aft.er she was ac­ A Buffalo native, King is not new to take charge of _· our volleyball anywhere he wants" (Student Gover­ cused of striking former UCF the Orlando area. She lived in Central program," UCF Athletic Director Bill nment's budget.) volleyball player Nancy Pfordresher Florida for 13 years before returning Peterson said. "I belieye Lyn's . Twenty-four campus groups were during a competition in Texas. More to _New York and attended Winter coaching will help maintain the high allocated some funding· through the than 20 people applied for the Park High School for two years. caliber of play we have in women's ASF proposal. position. "UCF has a tremendous reputation volleyball at this university." "I'm hoping they (the senate) leave King comes to UCF from Fredonia . as a fine volleyball institution," King Last year, the Lady Knights moved the budget alone and take the High School in Fredonia, New York, said upon the announcement. ''I look to the Divisio~ I level and took on op- · ASF,page3 where she was head volleyball coach forward tQ getting started in early Volleyball, page 3 for four years, compiling a 49-9 overall August with tryouts and then begin Crew team expecting insura_nce settlement UCF's crew t.eam is waiting for an insurance set· tlement on an estimated $30,000 worth of equipment that was damaged two weeks -ago during a heavy thunderstorm. An agent from Tallahassee looked at the five damaged boats Tuesay. near Lake Pickett and "det.er-· mined that two eights (eight-man shells) are irreparable and two others can be repaired, but not raced, 11 Coach Dennis Kamrad said.· Kamrad said he does not expect to hear about replacement costs for at least three more weeks. Meanwhile, he said the team is borrowing boats from Rollins College and Edgewat.er High School for their summer races. He also asked student body President Tico Perez for "more flexibility in· the 1982- '83 budget." Kamrad explained that 60 percent of the team's money has already been committed. The team f receives a large portion of its funds ($23,500) from Student Goverment's Activity and Service Fee budget. · "I have given him full discretion (for t.eam .spen­ ding). What.ever he thinks is best is what I will sup­ Crew team member, Eric McCurry looks ·over the damaged shed and boat.s near Lake Pickett two port," Perez said. weeks ago. Replacement costs have been estimated at $30,000. Photo by Tom Netsel ?~- a~~:e.2.... ---------------------------------F-u-tu_r.e.·~· J...,uly21. 1J19182illll...... lll! .............. ~ll~ fOMIJ. AtA Glance ICE· CREAM SU_PERMARKETS ~ UpctQte • ·Update • Update • Update A student committee and the Extended Health Care Committee voted to discontinue 'automatic Extended .. Health Care Benefits at the end of the current summer semester, in order not to increase the $18 ~pedal Health Fee assessment. The $18 Health Fee assessment will be used for the maintenance of the Health Center programs. Optional student insurance programs will be available, startjng with the fall semester. Health Center officials advise students to watch for and review the new optional Student Government spon­ sored programs, which will be released shortly. Events • Events • · Events • Events More than 2,000 incoming freshman have been invited to take part in any one of five two-day orientation Alafaya Trail Apartments sessions starting in late July at UCF . "Where the living is Better" .The students will be advised and registered for the fall semester, and will attend briefings, small group 2 Bdrm, 1 bath units, pool, lighted tennis courts, volleyball courts, discussions and social activities duriµg the two days. cable TV hookups, laundry facilities, recreation room-& much more. Invitation8 to orientation have gone to all applicants $300/mo. unfurnished; $330/mo. furnished, plus security. · who have been accepted for enrollment in the freshman · call Betty 275-8950. class, according to Jimmie Ferrell, director of student . organizations and coordinator of UCF's 37-member "O" Team of top students who· will conduct the sessions. Pinerid_ge Thirty five peer advisers and faculty advisers from UCF's five cqlleges will be on hand to provide course "A Quiet, Exclusive Residential Community" counseling for the incoming students. :LOrge <:;arden and Townhouse luxury units, adjacent to Central Florida 'Freshman orientation sessions are scheduled for July Res~arch Park and the UniversitY of Central Florida. 2 Bdrm/1-1/~ Bath , 26-27, and 29-30,, Aug. 2-3, 5-6 and 9-10. Activities will to 3 Bdrm/2-1h Bath 1,006 sq . ft. to 1,1514 sq.·ft ., plus enclosed carports begin at 8 a.m. the first day ofeach session and finish at 4 $335/mo. -$475/mo. plus security. p.m. the following day. The one-day sessions, meeting Aug. 16 through 19, will be from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Hurry! Call Rose 273-1366 day for advisement only. Registration will take place at 1-6 pm, Mon.-Fri. times designated for individual students. For further information on either freshman or transfer student orientation, .call Ferrell at x-211 7. People • People • People • People· The Florida Public Relations The Sub Shop Association's annual Roast & Toa~t will honor Orlando Utilities Com- .· mission Executive Vice President 'Curtis H. Stanton, Jr. FPRA Roasts & Toasts have raised more than $70,000 in four years for UCF scholarships and special funds. Stanton will be feted on September 25 in the Ballroom of the Americas at Walt Disney· World's Contemporary Resort Hotel. Proceeds from the dinner will establish the Curtis Stanton Communication Scholarship Fund, Chairman ·-----------------------, William :K: Bass said. I CAPACOLA ,: Founding Sponsorships require a donation of $350 and entitle the contributor to two VIP section ·seats, a pre­ I SPECIAL : show cocktail party with Stanton dinner and the show. Corporations and organizations wishing to reserve .... 1 $1.99SUB : corporate tables for $500 will receive special program I recognition and table designation in addition to the din­ : and FREE 16oz- : ner and program.
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