2012 LSU Volleyball 26 West Longhorns Classic • August 24-25 Gregory Gym • Austin, Texas LSU • Cal Poly • No. 19 San Diego • No. 2 Texas Live Audio/Live Stats: LSUsports.net SETTING THE SCENE SERIES HISTORY SCHEDULE/RESULTS [0-0, 0-0 SEC] ff LSUf volleyball,f whof isf receivingf votesf inf thef AVCAf Topf 25f AT A GLANCE [TEXAS] AUGUST [0-0] Preseasonf Poll,f opensf thef 2012f seasonf atf thef 26f Westf Overallf Texasfleadsf19-4 24-25 West Longhorns Classic - Austin, Texas LonghornsfClassic.f Home/Away/Neutral Texasfleadsf5-2,f12-2,f2-0 24f atfNo.f2fTexasf[LHN]f 6fp.m. ff ThefTigersfwillfsquarefofffwithfNo.f2fTexas,fNo.f19fSanfDiegof Fran Flory Era Texasfleadsf3-0 25f vs.fNo.f19fSanfDiegof 9fa.m. andfCalfPolyfwithfFriday’sfLSU-Texasfmatchftelevisedfbyfthef Streakf L-10 25f vs.fCalfPolyf 4fp.m. LonghornfNetwork.f 31-Sept. 1 Tiger Classic - Maravich Center ff LSUf hasf compiledf af 33-12f markf [.733]f duringf theirf firstf MATCH-BY-MATCH 31 Rice 10 a.m. tournamentfunderfheadfcoachfFranfFloryfhighlightedfbyf12f Date Result Location 31 No. 14 Washington 7 p.m. straightfwinningfopeningfweekendsfsincef2000. 1981f L,f2-1f[8-15,f15-7,f10-15]f Beaumont SEPTEMBER [0-0] ff LSUfisfonefoff25fprogramsftofcollectfNCAAfTournamentfbidsfinf 09/11/82f L,f3-0f[11-15,f3-15,f12-15]f Austin 1 No. 9 Purdue 1 p.m. sixfofftheflastfsevenfseasonsfgoingfbackftofthef2005fseason.fAf 10/08/83 L, 3-1 [7-15, 15-9, 10-15, 13-15] Baton Rouge 7-8 Carolina Classic - Chapel Hill, N.C. completeflistfoffthosefprogramsfcanfbefseenfonfpagef2.f 10/29/83f L,f3-0f[6-15,f5-15,f10-15]f Austin 7f atfNorthfCarolinaf 6fp.m. 11/14/86f L,f3-0f[6-15,f2-15,f6-15]f Austin 8f vs.fMiddlefTennesseef 9fa.m. SPORTS INFORMATION 12/13/86f L,f3-0f[3-15,f11-15,f13-15]f Austin 8f vs.fWesternfMichiganff 4:30fp.m. 10/25/87 W, 3-2 [10-15, 15-13, 15-12, 12-15, 15-7] Baton Rouge 14f atfAlabamaf[SEC]f 7fp.m. Associate AD/SIDf MichaelfBonnette 10/22/88f L,f3-0f[11-15,f2-15,f2-15]f Austin 16f atfSouthfCarolinaf[SEC]f 12:30fp.m. Senior Associate SIDf KentfLowe 10/21/89 L, 3-2 [18-16, 10-15, 11-15, 15-9, 6-15] Baton Rouge 21 No. 13 Kentucky [SEC] 7 p.m. Senior Associate SIDf BillfFranques 10/27/90f L,f3-0f[13-15,f8-15,f10-15]f Austin 23 Missouri [SEC] 1 p.m. Associate SID (Volleyball)f MattfDunaway 12/08/90f W,f3-2f[8-15,f4-15,f15-10,f15-11,f17-15]f Austin 28f atfMississippifStatef[SEC]f 7fp.m. Dunaway’s Emailf [email protected] 10/02/91 W, 3-0 [15-8, 15-7, 15-8] Baton Rouge 30f atfArkansasf[SEC]f 1:30fp.m. 11/21/91f W,f3-2f[6-15,f15-11,f12-15,f15-10,f17-15]f Austin Dunaway’s Office Phonef (225)f578-1869 OCTOBER [0-0] 10/18/92 L, 3-1 [5-15, 15-6, 15-17, 7-15] Baton Rouge Dunaway’s Cell Phonef (225)f226-5034 3 Georgia [SEC, ESPNU] 6 p.m. 11/14/92f L,f3-1f[12-15,f15-13,f2-15,f5-15]f Austin Associate SIDf BillfMartin 7 South Carolina [SEC] 1 p.m. 12/11/92f L,f3-1f[9-15,f15-13,f12-15,f4-15]f Gainesville,fFla. Associate SIDf WillfStafford 10 No. 15 Tennessee [SEC, ESPNU] 7 p.m. 09/25/93f L,f3-0f[7-15,f8-15,f11-15]f Austin Associate SIDf JakefTerry 14 Alabama [SEC] 1 p.m. 10/25/93 L, 3-1 [15-9, 4-15, 3-15, 12-15] Baton Rouge SID Student Assistants PalmerfBlack,fCarolinefDowner 19f atfAuburnf[SEC]f 7fp.m. 09/24/94 L, 3-2 [15-8, 7-15, 15-11, 3-15, 14-16] Baton Rouge SID Student Assistants BrookefHochstetler,fSethfLandry 21f atfKentuckyf[SEC]f 1fp.m. 10/19/94f L,f3-0f[10-15,f3-15,f6-15]f Austin SID Student Assistants SethfMedvin,fGrahamfReilly 26 Texas A&M [SEC] 7 p.m. Publications Coordinatorf JasonfFeirman 09/10/04f L,f3-0f[22-30,f24-30,f21-30]f Austin 12/02/05f L,f3-0f[19-30,f28-30,f26-30]f Austin 28 Mississippi State [SEC, CSS/CST] 1 p.m. Graphics Design Coordinatorf KrystalfBennett 12/01/07f L,f3-0f[21-30,f22-30,f23-30]f Austin NOVEMBER [0-0] Graphics Design Coordinatorf TBA 4 Ole Miss [SEC] 1 p.m. Photography Coordinatorf StevefFranz AT A GLANCE [CAL POLY] 9f atfGeorgiaf[SEC]f 6fp.m. Photography Assistantsf ChrisfParent,fHilaryfScheinuk Overallf CalfPolyfleadsf4-1 11f atfMissourif[SEC]f 1:30fp.m. Administrative Secretaryf PamfLeBlancf Home/Away/Neutral Tiedfatf1-1,fCalfPolyfleadsf2-0,f1-0 16f atfNo.f18fFloridaf[SEC]f 6fp.m. Streakf L-10 18f atfNo.f15fTennesseef[SEC]f 12fp.m. WHAT’S INSIDE 21 Arkansas [SEC, ESPNU] 8 p.m. MATCH-BY-MATCH 29-Dec.f1f NCAAfFirst/SecondfRoundsf TBA Introductionf 1 Date Result Location DECEMBER Schedule/Resultsf 1 11/04/83f L,f2-0f[8-15,f11-15]f LosfAngeles 7-8f NCAAfSweetf16/Elitef8fRoundsf TBA Series History 1 10/09/97f L,f3-2f[17-15,f5-15,f15-7,f8-15,f13-15]f SanfLiusfObispo 13f NCAAfSemifinalsf TBA Quick Facts/Media Informationf 2 09/10/88 L, 3-2 [12-15, 9-15, 15-12, 15-12, 4-15] Baton Rouge 15f NCAAfChampionshipf TBA LSU Among Nation’s Elitef 2 09/16/89f L,f3-1f[7-15,f11-15,f17-15,f6-15]f SanfLiusfObispo Roster/SEC Standingsf 3 09/21/90 W, 3-0 [15-3, 15-8, 15-1] Baton Rouge All match times are Central and subject to change; Rankings reflect AVCA Top AVCA Top 25 Poll/LSU Record Whenf 4 25 on day of match; Home matches are bolded and played at Maravich Center; LSU Volleyball on Facebook & Twitter 4 [SEC] Southeastern Conference Match; [RV] Opponent receiving votes in AVCA FULL TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE Top 25; [LHN] Televised by Longhorn Network; [ESPN U] Televised by ESPN U; Player Notesf 3-5 [CST] Televised by Cox Sports Television; [CSS] Televised by Comcast/Charter Player Career-Highs 6 Friday, August 24 Sports South; [SUN] Televised by SUN Sports Florida. The Last Time: LSU vs. Texas 7 Matchf1:fCalfPolyfvs.fNo.f19fSanfDiegof 2:30fp.m. The Last Time LSU ... 8 Match 2: LSU at No. 2 Texas 6 p.m. Statistics, SEC Rankings & RPI Reportf 9-11 Saturday, August 25 WHAT’S NEXT Match 3: LSU vs. No. 19 San Diego 9 a.m. Matchf4:fCalfPolyfatfNo.f2fTexasf 11fa.m. ff LSUf continuesf itsf challengingf non-conferencef slatef andf Match 5: LSU vs. Cal Poly 4 p.m. playsfhostftofthefTigerfClassicfwherefNo.f9fPurdue,fNo.f14f Matchf6:fNo.f19fSanfDiegofatfNo.f2fTexasf 7fp.m. WashingtonfandfRicefwillfvisitfthefMaravichfCenter.f 1 LSU AT 26 WEST LONGHORNS CLASSIC u AUGUST 24-25 RECORD u 0-0 [0-0 SEC] QUICK FACTS MEDIA INFORMATION SPORTS INFORMATION/CREDENTIALS weekdayfmornings.fHerfofficefisflocatedfonftheffourthffloorfoffthef UNIVERSITY f LSUfAssociatefSIDfMattfDunawayfhandlesfthefmediafrelationsf AthleticfAdministrationfBuilding.f Locationf BatonfRouge,fLa. dutiesfforfthefTigerfvolleyballfteam.fDunawayfcanfbefreachedfonf f Requestsfforfsitfdownforfphonefinterviewsfmustfbefmadefatf Foundedf 1860 hisfofficefphonefatf(225)f578-1869,fhisfcellfphonefatf(225)f226- leastf24fhoursfinfadvancefwithfSIDfMattfDunaway.f Enrollmentf 28,771 [email protected] Nicknamef TigersforfFightingfTigers f Allfmediafmembersfarefencouragedftofapplyfforfseasonfcre- POST MATCH INTERVIEWS Colorsf PurplefandfGold dentialsfthroughfLSUsports.net/media.fAf2012fseasonfmediafpassf f Interviewsf withf playersf andf coachesf aref donef courtsidef Mascotf MikefVIf[livefBengalftiger] providesfaccessftofpressfrowfatfthefMaravichfCenterfandfallfoffitsf postmatchfafterfthefteam’sf10-minutefcoolingfofffperiod.fPleasef Conference [Division]f Southeasternf[Western] workingfmediafareas.f informfSIDfMattfDunawayfiffyoufneedftofrequestfafspecificfplayer.f Websitef www.LSUsports.net f Individualf matchf credentialsf alsof aref availablef andf allf re- f Forfassistancefwithfopposingfcoachesfandfplayers,ftouchfbasef Presidentf Dr.fWilliamfL.fJenkinsf[Interim] questsfshouldfbefmadeftofDunawayfatfleastf24fhoursfinfadvance.f withfthatfschool’sfSIDfforftheirfpostmatchfmediafprocedures. Chancellorf Dr.fWilliamfL.fJenkinsf[Interim] f Passesf mayf bef pickedf upf startingf 60f minutesf priorf tof thef NCAA Faculty Representativef Dr.fBillfDemastes matchfatfthefpressfwillfcallftableflocatedfinfthefNortheastfCooridorf SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE MEDIA INFORMATION offthefMaravichfCenter.f f ChevonnefMansfieldfisfthefvolleyballfmediafrelationsfdirectorf ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT forfthefSECfandfcanfbefreachedfatf(205)f458-3000.f Vice Chancellor/Director of Athletics JoefAlleva WWW.LSUSPORTS.NET f EachfMonday,fthefleaguefwillfnamefafPlayerfoffthefWeek,f Sr. Associate AD/Operations VergefAusberry f InformationfaboutfthefLSUfvolleyball,fincludingfplayerfbios,f af Defensivef Playerf off thef Weekf andf af Freshmanf off thef Weekf Sr. Associate AD/Student Services & SWA MiriamfSegar gamefrecapsfandfnotesfpacketsfarefavailablefonlinefatfthefOfficialf throughoutfthef2011fseason.f Sr. Associate AD/External Affairs HerbfVincent WebsitefoffLSUfAthletics,fwww.LSUsports.net. f ThefSECfWebsite,fSECSports.com,fcanfbefaccessedf24/7/365ftof Vice Chancellor University Relations f Finalf boxf scoref andf statf booksf willf bef availablef shortlyf accessfupdatedfstandings,fstatisticsfandfnotes. Sr. Associate AD/Business MarkfEwing followingfeachfhomefmatch.f Sr. Associate AD/Compliance & Planning BofBahnsen f LivefstreamingfvideofforfLSUfvolleyballfhomefmatchesfandf TIGERS ON THE TUBE Sr. Associate AD/Facilities & Grounds RonniefHaliburton livefaudiofforfLSUfvolleyballfroadfmatchesfcanfbeffoundfinsidefthef LSUf isf slatedf tof appearf onf televisionf sevenf timesf inf 2011f Sr. Associate AD/Internal Affairs & Development EddiefNunez GeauxfZonefonfLSUsports.net.fLivefstatisticsfforfallfmatchesfalsof withfaftriofoffmatchesfonfESPNfUf(Coxfcablefchannelf243/1243finf Assistant AD/Ticket Manager BrianfBroussard willfbefcarriedfonfLSUsports.net. HD),fthreefmatchesfon CoxfSportsfTelevisionf(Coxfcablefchannelf Assistant AD/Marketingf MattfShanklin 37/1037finfHD)fandfafsinglefmatchfonfthefLonghornfNetwork.ff PRACTICE TIMES/INTERVIEWS COACHING STAFF f LSUfsplitsfitsfpracticesfbetweenfthefvolleyballfpracticeffacilityf
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