DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 64. NO. 24 PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 13, 1915 PRICE 5 CENTS A FEDERAL LEAGUE WAR MOVE The Independent League's Line of Battle Strengthened By the Transfer of the Kansas City Franchise and Team, Under Veteran P. T. Powers' Wing, to Either New York City or Newark more's telegram that a meeting of the direc­ tors wonld be held and plans would be mads A Vital Circuit Change to force the Federal League to keep the club here. Club officials contend that the time granted by the league for the raising of the The independent Federal League necessary $100,080 fund has not yet expired. has taken a long-erpccted step to­ It is conceded here, however, that under the ward solving the serious circuit conditions the affairs of the Kansas City Club problem, under "^ich 1'ittaburgh will be wound up as quickly as possible. The had to be claaeit as an Eastern team, intact, and under the management of city an arrangement which made George Stovmll, will be transferred to the East­ ern city. Those who are stockholders at pres­ it impossible to arrange satisfactory ent in Kansas City Club have the option of schedules as foils to the schedules remaining stockholders in the new club or of the rii-al old major leagues. As being reimbursed for their stock koldings who was expected, the Kansas City fran­ make the request. chise and team will be transferred to either Xew York City or Newark, The Sale Confirmed In Chicago X. J., under the wing of that ct- CHICAGO, Ills., Febniary 9. President pericnced, popular, and honorable Gilmore, of the Federal League, returned from veteran base ball man, P. T. Pouters. the East yesterday, and confirmed tho report The deal that P. T. Powers and friends had secured the has been made with due Kansas City franchise and team, and would consideration for the Kanta* City remove it to the East, but he declined to state promoters, who were accorded every whether its destination would be New York opportunitu to make good, even at City or Newark, N. J. President Gilmore de­ the expense of every othfr Federal clared that all details for the transfer had League club, but failed to meet the been completed and that ample capital had been subscribed to operate the team in its requirements of the situation. This new location. Mr. Gilmore added that no shift is one more demonstration of other changes would be made this year, but the Federal League's intention to that next year New York City would be in­ "go through" icith its third major vaded. From another source comes authorita­ league plans, at any cost of time, tive information that Newark is the city se­ effort and money. lected for the location of the Kansas City tenm. Newark can draw on 1,500,000 people, and Sunday ball is permitted, which is one of the chief factors in its selection as a Federal Pat Powers Owner of a Franchise League city. It is said that $300,000 is avail­ NEW YORK, X. Y., February 9. P. T. able, if necessary, for a Federal League club Powers admitted yesterday that he and sev­ in Newark. President Gilmore has called the eral rich friends, of Jersey City, had pur­ schedule meeting for Buffalo, February 26. chased the Kansas City Federal League fran­ chise, but he refused to state whether the New York the Objective Point Kansas City franchise and team would be NEW YORK, N. Y., February 9. It was shifted to Newark or to this city. The be­ learned today that the real backers of the lief both here iind in Xewark is that for a Kansas City franchise, which has been trans­ year at least the Packers team will be located ferred to Newark, are the Wards, owners of in Newark, where ihe team would be very the Brooklyn Clnb, of the Federal League. wejcome, as the town has completely soured The conflicting stories of President Gilmore on the Newark Club, of the International and the Directors of the Kansas City Club League, owing to its exploitation by President were due to the fact, it is stated, that, on ac­ Ebbets as a mere adjunct to the Brooklyn Na­ count of the financial assistance which the tional League Club. It is said thai Powers \Varrts gave Kansas City last year, they prac­ has options on three sites for a ball park the tically possessed control of the franchise, and most desirable being a plot at Harrison, N. J., the approval of the Kansas City Directors was which would make a very good location for JAMES L. VAUGHN not necessary. It was announced also by Hy Sunday games, which are permitted in New Brewer, Eastern representative of the Federal Jersey. Pat Powers personally will help the Pitcher of the Chicago National League Club League, that the Kansas City franchise posi­ Federals immensely, as he has had a long tively bad been transferred to Newark. An­ and honorable career James Ix-slie Vaughn. the bis left-handed pitcher of ihe Chicago Cubs, was bom In in base ball, as manager Weatherford. T&tas. April 9. 18S8, and had one of the most sensational minor league careerj other rumor which was in circulation last of the Rochester Club, in the American Asso­ on record. The firrt, time he ever s«w a ball ground with a fence around it was In Hot night was to the effect that it was the plan ciation, in 1890; and of the New York Giants Springs. ArX., when he joined the Ioca.1 team of the Arkajisas League. In 1908. One month of the Federal League to make only a tem­ in 1892; as president of the International after reporting to Hot Springs, Vaushn had attracted the attention of almost everj major porary stay in Newark this season, but that League; and as President of the National As- league club, and was purchased by the New York Americans on May 15. Lack of experience it was the idea of the Wards to invade New (ociation from 1901 to 1911. He is also a sent him to Scranton. of the New Tork State League, but he wad recalled In a month. In York territory next season. The Wards, it prominent member of the Elks and popular the Spring of 1&09 lie was sent to Macon Ga-. but was then recalled and sent to Rochester, h»s been known for some time, hive been with all classes of base ball people. N. Y.. In July. Clark (Jrlfflth. then managing the R*ds. claimed him, but the National Com­ planning to brinz a team to New York, for mission set aside the claim and *cnt him to LouiwiHe. of the .American Association. In 1910 the league gave them the promise of this ter­ he Kansas City Gets the News was repurchased by the New York Americau Club, and remained with that team until ritory when they decided, to go into the game the end of June. 1312, when he was sent to the Washington Americans via the waiver route. in Brooklyn. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. February 9. C. C. He remained with \Vas'»ington until AuguH 26. when he was traded to Kansas City. Vaughn The property at 225th street Madison, attorney for the Kansas City Fed­ twirled great ball,for Kansas City in 1913, and was purdiased by the Chicago Club in mid- and Broadway, which was acquired by the eral League Club, received the following tele- ' eeaaon of 1913. New York Americans a few seasons ago with gram yesterday afternoon fr»m James A. Gil- a view to building a ball park there, is still more, president of the Federal League: "Kan- available, and is said to be controlled by W. tas City franchise has been transferred to an S. Devery. Eastern city. Letter follows." Subsequently 1'resident Gilmore wired as follows: City will not be represented In the Federal given our club last year and believe when they Kickart Is St. Louis President "On account of inability of Kansas City peo­ League In future. The league was anxious to are fully acquainted wKb the details of the ST. LOUIS, Jlo., February 9. Lloyd Rick- ple to raise sufficient funds to properly finance stay io Kansas City, hut inasmuch as tbe club transfer they will not criticise the Federal art, secretary of the Federal League, yester­ tbe Federal League and on account of the near could not be properly financed by local people it League taking this action." day was elected President of the St. I/ouis approach of the playing season, I find It neces- was necessary to make tbe change. I want to Directors of the Kansas City Club an­ Club, of the league, to succeed E. A. Steim- i»ry to take action, with tbe result that tliaak tlie people of KaJitas City tor the support nounced aiter the receipt of President Gil- Continued on seventeenth pagt SPORTING LIFE FEBRUARY 13, 1915 in the afternoon went to Columbus on a busi­ out Spring Grove avenue where King Kelly ness trip. He returned to his plantation on first came into prominence. Tech had a cou­ Friday, January 29, and upon his arrival suf­ ple of runs to the good when Woodward got her bases filled and Huggins went to bat. He fered a relapse. He has been confined to his was a little sawed-off runt and our pitcher League News bed ever since. The last reports were that he National looked a great big fellow, named Shellinger, was recovering rapidly.
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