
Situation Assessement | 5 January 2021 The New Yemeni Government: Formation, Prospects and Challenges Unit for Political Studies The hee hehene Gohernmen: Formation, Prospects and Challenges Series: Situation Assessement 5 January 2021 Unit for Political Studies TheUnit for PGliticaleSnudnhs is thheCenter’sedhpartment dhdncated to thhesnudy of the region’s mosnepressnegecurrent affanes.eAn integealeaed vitalepart of thheACRPS’eactivities, it offheseacademically rigorouseaealysns on issuhs thaneare relevant aedeushful to thhepublnc,eacademicseaedepGlncy-eakhes of thheAeab region aedebhyond. TheUnit for PGliticale Snudnhedeaes on thhecGllaborative efforts ofea nueber ofeschGlaesebashd withneeaed ounsnde thheACRPS.eIneproduchse nhree ofenhheCenter’sepublncation series:eAsshssment Rhport,ePGlncyeAealysns,eaedeCasheAealysns reports.e.e CGpyrighne©e2021eAeabeCenter for RhshaecheaedePGlncyeSnudnhs.eAlleRnghnseRhserved.eeeeee TheAeabeCenter for RhshaecheaedePGlncyeSnudnhs isean indhphedent reshaech institute aed thnek taekefor thhe snudyeGfehnstoryeaedesGcnalescnhechs, witheparticulaeehephasns on thheapplnhdesGcnalescnhechs. TheCenter’sepaeamount concern is thheadoaecement ofeAeabesGcietieseaedesnates, thhneecoopheation withe one anothheeaed issuhseconcerning thheAeab nation in general.eTo that end, it seeks to examine aedednagnoshe nhhesituation in thheAeab worlde-esnateseaedecommunities- to aealyzhesGcnal, economiceaedeculnuealepGlncnhse aed to providhepGliticaleaealysns,efrom aeeAeabephesphctive.e TheCenter publnshhs in botheAeabnceaedeEeglnsh in order to make its workeacchssnble to botheAeabeaed non- Arab researchers. TheAeabeCenter for RhshaecheaedePGlncyeSnudnhse Al-TaefaeStreet,eWadneAleBaeane Al-Dayahe,eQanaee POeBGxe10277,eDGhae +974e4035e4111 www.dGhanestitute.org The hee hehene Gohernmen: Formation, Prospects and Challenges Series: Situation Assessement Table of Contents 5 January 2021 Government Formation aedeRhpresentation . 1 Unit for Political Studies TheUnit for PGliticaleSnudnhs is thheCenter’sedhpartment dhdncated to thhesnudy of the region’s mosnepressnegecurrent TheSuddheeAnnouecement ofenhe Government Formation . 2 affanes.eAn integealeaed vitalepart of thheACRPS’eactivities, it offheseacademically rigorouseaealysns on issuhs thaneare relevant aedeushful to thhepublnc,eacademicseaedepGlncy-eakhes of thheAeab region aedebhyond. TheUnit for PGliticale TheTeaesitionaleCGuecnl in Government. 2 Snudnhedeaes on thhecGllaborative efforts ofea nueber ofeschGlaesebashd withneeaed ounsnde thheACRPS.eIneproduchse nhree ofenhheCenter’sepublncation series:eAsshssment Rhport,ePGlncyeAealysns,eaedeCasheAealysns reports.e.e TheFate ofenhheMnlitaeyeaedeShcurityeArraegements . 3 Conclusion . 4 CGpyrighne©e2021eAeabeCenter for RhshaecheaedePGlncyeSnudnhs.eAlleRnghnseRhserved.eeeeee TheAeabeCenter for RhshaecheaedePGlncyeSnudnhs isean indhphedent reshaech institute aed thnek taekefor thhe snudyeGfehnstoryeaedesGcnalescnhechs, witheparticulaeehephasns on thheapplnhdesGcnalescnhechs. TheCenter’sepaeamount concern is thheadoaecement ofeAeabesGcietieseaedesnates, thhneecoopheation withe one anothheeaed issuhseconcerning thheAeab nation in general.eTo that end, it seeks to examine aedednagnoshe nhhesituation in thheAeab worlde-esnateseaedecommunities- to aealyzhesGcnal, economiceaedeculnuealepGlncnhse aed to providhepGliticaleaealysns,efrom aeeAeabephesphctive.e TheCenter publnshhs in botheAeabnceaedeEeglnsh in order to make its workeacchssnble to botheAeabeaed non- Arab researchers. TheAeabeCenter for RhshaecheaedePGlncyeSnudnhse Al-TaefaeStreet,eWadneAleBaeane Al-Dayahe,eQanaee POeBGxe10277,eDGhae +974e4035e4111 www.dGhanestitute.org The hee hehene Gohernmen:eFormation,eProsphcnseaedeChallheghs The YemeniIeformation Minister MuammaeeAleEeyani,esphaknegefor thhegovernment,eaccushd thhe HGunhi militiaeforchs, whnchecontrol thhecapital,eSaeaa, of taegeting the new Yemeni cabinet.eArrivinge ane Adhee Aneport from Rnyadhe Gee 30e Dhchebhee 2020,e cabnehne ehebhese ehehe attackhde bye eGckhn- prophllhdegrenadhs thanelaedhd in thheaneport bunldneg. Theattackeknllhd over twentyepeoplh, mosne Gf thheecivilnaes, whnle no government dhpuny was injured.eWhnle thheHGunhneaunhorityedenied itse connecnnGee nGe nhhe attack,e ehnche apparentlye aimede nGe nephdhe nhhe Rnyadhe Agreement,e Gee phehapse remind the nexnegovernment what thhebalaece ofepower in thhesGunhelookselnkh, no othheepartyehase claimed it. Government Formation and Representation Thirteen monthse afthee ehachnege nhhe Rnyadhe Agreement,e Gee 5e Gohebhee 2019,e bhnehhee nhhe internationallye ehcGgnizhde hehene government aede nhhe SGunhern Teaesitionale CGuecnle (STC),e Presndent AbdeabbuheMaesueeHadn, on 18eDhchebhee2020, issuhdeRhsGlution No.e(7)efor thheyhaee2020,e regaedneg thheformation of thhegovernment.eHe thus implemented thhefiesnepaeageaph of thhepGliticale arraegementse stipulatede nee nhhe pGliticale aede hconomice annexe Gfe nhnse agreement. The dhcnsnGee nGe form thhegovernment came abGunefive monthseaftheePresndent Hadi issuhdeDhcnsion No.e(35)efor thhe yhaee2020,eaccordneg to whnchehe taskhd thheformer prime minister,eMaeen Abdulealnk, to form thhe government.(1) Thegovernment includhde24 ministers, in addition to thhepresndent, whGehanlhdefrom nhe northern governorate ofeTanz. Government portfGlnGs were dividhd equallyebetween the northe aedesGunheso that thhesGunhern governorates were given 13 whnle the northern governorates were given 11eneeaddition to thhepGsition ofeprime minister.(2) Presndent Hadnehas reserved the exclusive right to nominate caedndatesefor thhekhyedhfhech, interior,e foreigeeaffaneseaedefieaecnaleportfGlnGs.eWomen aedeyGunh representation was neglhcted,ealong withe nhheTnhaea region, whnch includhs thheHajjah,eRayeah,eAleMahwit aedeAleHudaydahegovernorates.e Convershly,eAz’zal wasegiven three portfGlnGs,eal-JaeadesnxeportfGlnGs,eHadeamounesnxeportfGlnGs,eSabaʾe two portfGlnGs,eaedeAden seven portfGlnGs.(3)eAlleparties were given shares in government exchpnefor DhpunyeSphaker ofePaelnament AbduleAznzeJabbari’sejusticheaedeconstruction party,elnkhlyedue to hnse commentseaganesneEmirati aedeSaudi interference in Yemen.(4) Notably,e nhhe government formation dnde eGne eame ae dhpunye penehe enenster. The quotae system nee enensteriale portfGlnGse eaegnealnzhde nhhe snaedaedse Gfe competench,e nenhgritye aede appropriate hxperience requiredeby thheRnyadheAgreement. ThesGunhern governorateseaccGuntedefor three ofe 1 “TheFnealeVhesion of thhe"RnyadheAgreement"ebetween the Yemeni Government aed thheSGunhern TeaesitionaleCGuecnl,eAnadolu Agency,e(4/11//2019),e acchsshd on:e22/12/2020,ean:ehttps://bit.ly/3eJPgWn. 2 RhpublncaeeDhcnsion to Form the Government aede ame itseMhebhes,”eYemeni News Agency Saba,e(8/12/2020),eacchsshd on:e22/12/2020,ean: https://bit.ly/2WChOIK. 3 “AePaelnamentaeyeObjhction ...eWnllenhe Government Enter aeCrisnseGfeConfidhece withePaelnament?” YouTubh,e22/12/2020ean:ehttps://bit.ly/3aEJVMj. 4 “WithGuneBordhese-eAbdulaznzeJabbari: TheUAEeWants to Bhcome aeSuphepower aneOueeExpheshesGeWheCall on thheCGalition to Lhave Yemen,”eWithout Borders,eAl-Jazeerae(YouTubh),e(13/9/2020),ean:ehttps://bit.ly/2MkGF46. 1 Situation Assessement | 5 January 2021 nhhefGueesovereign ministerialeportfGlnGs that were previously mentioned,eaed thhefGurth,edhfhech,e easehaedhd over to incuebent Lnhutenant GeneraleMGhammedeAlneAl-Maqdashn, whGehanlsefrom thhe northern Dhaear Governorate,euedheeHGunhnecontrol. The Sudden Announcement of the Government Formation Thednsagreement between thhepGliticnaes in thhepreviousegovernment aed thheSGunhern Teaesitionale CGuecnl over the implementation of the militaeyeaedeshcurityeattachhsefrom thheRnyadheAgreement ease nhhe eGsne peGenehene Gbsnaclhe nGe nhhe formannGee Gfe nhhe ehee government. The government dheaedhdesnarting to implement provisions related to militaeyeaedeshcurityearraegementsebhfore nhhe formannGee Gfe nhhe government. Theshe arraegementse necludhe dnsarminge nhhe forchse Gfe nhhe STC,e assheblneg them in aesphcnficelGcation in Adhe, then removing thhsheforchsefrom thhegovernorates ofe Adhe,eAbyae,eLahj,eaedeDhalh,ebhfore bhnegehaedhdecontrol of the ministries ofedhfhecheaed interior,e nee addnnnGee nGe Adheeappointinge aeshcurityedirector.e Mhanwhnlh, thhe STC wase nesnstent on snartinge nhheformation of the new government bhfore movingeafter that to implementing the militaeyeaede security measures. The mannhee ease furthhee complncatede bye nhhe STCe annouecneg,e nee Aprile 2020,e nhhe Autonomouse Administration in itseareas of influhech,eaed the impGsition of itsearmedecontrol over thhegovernorate ofe SGcotra, in June 2020. Thseprompted thhegovernment to resort to force to reganeecontrol.(5)eIeeJulye2020,e SaudneAeabna tried to break thhedhadlGckebyepropGsnegea mechanism to acchlheate the implementation Gf thheRnyadheAgreement,ebut thhednspute over thhedivision ofegovernment portfGlnGseprevented than.e Thesituation remainedeuechaeghdeuntile18eDhcheber when thheagreement to form thhegovernment easesuddhelyeannouechdebhfore aey militaeyeaedeshcurityearraegements were uedertakhe. The vctory ofeDemoceaticecaedndate,eJoe Bndhe, in thheUSepresndential elhctionseseems to have been ae dhcnsive facnGee nee pushnege nGeaedse nhhe formannGee Gfe nhhe ehee government. Thise nse bhcaushe hhe snatededuringehns elhction caepangn thanehe will reasshss thheUSepGsition on the war in Yemen, thhe continuation of whnch isestrongly oppGshdebyeDemoceat voters. TheUSepresndent-hlhct isealsGelnkhlye to reasshssehnsecGuntry’s
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