——— ■ - * '■K.-' ' ""H WE HAVE THE LARGEST AND ONU COAL. COAL. PADDED FURNITURS HALL * WALKER MOVING VANS Wellington Colliery IN TIIK CITY. Co. Burt's Wood Yard ÎSSS GOVERNMENT ST. Phone 828. 736 Pen dor* Ata ' »b«*ne 81 mues NO. 131. VICTORIA, B. 0., THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1909. VOLUME 47. THE SACRED COLLEGE. SAYS WIFE IS HYPNOTIZED. CARS COLLIDE. NEWS SERVICE NEW ROAD WILL Papal Secretary of State Favors Crea­ FURTHER AID Motorman Probably Fatally Injured *n BRIG.-GEN. OTTER San Francisco Man Declare, HI, tion of an American and French Accident at Portland. Brother Ha» Compelled Spou»e to Cardinal. WITH AUSTRALIA. Run Away With Him. BE INDEPENDENT FOR NAVIGATORS Portland. Ore., June 10.—Motorman Q. VISITS CITY Rome. June lO.-Cardlnal Merry Del 8. Shattuck was fatally injured, two ------------ V Val. papal secretary of state, will urge Saw Franclaeo, Cat, June 10.—Upon WILL LIKELY BE " street cars were partially demolished, COMPETITION FOR HILL next autumn's consistory the crea­ and a score of jftissengrrs were shaken HE IS INSPECTING the authority of a warrant «worn out tion of an American and a French OR. W. BELL DAWSON by Thomas Colby, the police are search­ cardinal; according to a general be­ up shortly after midnight this morning AND HARRIMAN LINES ARRANGED IN LONDON In a heed-on collision between a Union FORCES AND DEFENCES ing for Colby’s pretty young wife and lief In Vatican circles. His desire to ON THE COAST 1 avenue car and one on the Woodltwn his brother, Wm. T. Colby. Colby charG­ confer the red hat upon archbishops of J line, ed that hie brother holile the woman these nationalities 1» thought to be Shattuck. who was driving the Urtlon under a hypnotic spell, and that he has based upon political reasons, and It is RçsUlt Of MCfitiflÇ Of AfltipO" avenue car, hadftfceen employed by the Fifth Regiment Will Parade Be­ compelled her to run away with him. Puget Sound Railway to Make no secret that he favored such appnlnt- Additional Investigations in Not content with making oft with his ments before the recent adjournment of dean and Canadian street car company but a short time. It Bid for Oriental Export is supposed that when he saw,the other fore Him To-morrow brother’s wife. William Colby_la charg­ the consistory. Progi ess Respecting Tides car approaching, he lost his reasoning ed with appropriating the greater part There are now several vacancies m Newspaper Men. power and shot his Tar ahead Instead of Night. of the husband’s wardrobe. Mrs Colby Trade. the college, but much pressure, said to . and Currents. reversing the current. Instantly after had In her possession when she dis­ have been, brought to bear fur the ap­ appeared. a cheque for MW given her the accident occurred he was buired pointment «Tf certain Amoruan. On Board If. Mi 8. Empress of "SW-" undvr a shower <>f glass: His leg was by her husband to deposit In a ban It. (Times Leased Wire.) French and German archbishops, may "The Canadian government 1» gradu- Usw fnibvt,j.,v Is an attractive womanwpman :6 tain. May 28th. The Importance of--the tides and cur­ broken and it 4a thought his skull was ally gelling the defences of the country 'bf we ' Chicago. June 16.—Some interesting have engendered a disposition In Javor of waiting for affairs than - Th» Imperial Press conference, which facturred. into shape, Upt unfortunately the fall- _____ _ possibilities of vompetition for the Hill rents in this Province, w byre thçy ,j»w; Helve* before definite rtcttr>n1«< taken <*envemw in liondrm, ort• Jmw, 6th. pee Ing off In revenue came Just at a time . 4MCO tnd Harrlman railroads In the strug- sent so much complexity, Is very evi­ AUTOMOBILE RACE. ÎI Ti said that the effort F of the Pop* : nokoaly in th# history dent, when so many industries depend Id-hen TUBS Were laTgc tmllh- works to SPANISH LINER me for transcontinental I raffle are sug- | (q Vatlran------«:» nnanoegWr afirm- firm | o[ the Empire, but ppovh-niaking as transport. The «noun, of Drive, of ‘ tJZtZXZJZ.w !^iry “to RUNS ON SAND REEF g&ted by a decision rearheil by the ‘ * ——x*" Record Time _to Seattle. traffic and executive officers of tbe ;rpr III, uetffiltttng the many varr.nrfref efgnlllrSare-was grasped by few or towing thraughthe rarlvus passe*-and j Make Record Tmie Jo Si at tie. ; .n the work that military re»))}.. _____ ", ——’ «Lremv fU-R Alleged tuiuk- patim-tt. »* ____ which restnta~ls very great;';"t: ‘ _ ........... ,„^TjrW.,'.^,77™,, irais -ar_.r |! would like. A greatgrant deal.b-al of nimicy has " '--------- ------ - Chicago, ST1T wa ukee ' It Puget rmt The liberations. t'onference# for purpoae* *t. Louis.Jona lO. The Itala car. \ hlrn „m.nt a, Halifax already, and railroad, to maintain an- Independent thought. Is anxious to hold In cheek with,ml speaking of the Importance of , Alaska! t .*»*' already^.nd of trade, of defence, of postal conven­ will undoubtedly receive PasSenOOfS RemOVCti From attitude in regard to the making <k the disbursements that the large alV'W- a knowledge <f the tides and currents Yukon-Pacific; exposition tramwmHi- near future " This • Passengers tions, etc.. have become common, but ____ to the various steamship lines. There ’ nental race, left here early to-day. The the statçme'nt^nadc this morning rates to the west. anees made to Cardinals would necessl Ever since the construction of the tate. ....... ' . hithertothe necessity of some gather­ are, therefore, few branches of the ^ * a Ttmra r'epreJenUiUV, by Brigadier- Stranded Steamer by Life- line was started, it has been predicted ing where the Journalists Of the Empire government service which; a» of ^ OSind W. D. Otter, CW. O., C. B„ In railroad circles that the road would might meet, compare notes, and reach Saving Crew. - RICH GOLD STRIKES. a common understanding on subjects of advantage tn this Province a* the Tidal : ““ „ôt discoureged them In the least. - *£ncml *t*ff of the Can- become a rate making factor to bt reckoned with. This was borne but fo­ tnteresrto at I, to*# been overlooked. The Survey in the Marine department. The, the I ta la left St. Louis, two adlan militia. Winnipeg- June 10.—Rich gold strikes importance of the colonial press a# a General Otter Is on a tour of Inspec­ day when 11 was officially stated that work done by this survey tn^ Eastern I other cam had passed through S&llna, (Times Leased Wire.) are reported from the country north of /actor In the consolidation of the Em­ tion, making his first visit to this coast. the Puget Sound, for the present at Kane., tl8 miles west of Topeka. Maw York* June-^UL-Tha Prince Albert. Ktsk., and there Is a pire has perhaps not been sufficiently----- Camion under direction of the Su­ Thte morning tie looked over the de­ iefest. win not become a member of the stampede In that direction. Many claims liner Antonio Lopes, from Cadiz, with appreciated. perintendent, Dr. W. Bell Dawson, has fences at Esquimau. To-morrow he transcontinental freight bureau, the are being registered, and companies already resulted in the publication of will make an inspection of the Fifth $09 persons aboard, which le stranded traffic organisation by which the west­ The mere statistics of the oversea are being formed to develop the pro- press of the Empire only Inadequately tide tables for all the importast her­ Regiment and then leave for Van­ on a wand reef near Point o’Woods, on ern roads make and maintain freight J. J. HILL PLANS convey a sense of its Influence and It* itors, as well as reports on the move­ couver, where he will Inspect the Sixth. the south coast of Fire Island, is-In no rates, but- will make and publish Its importance; yet they serve at least to ment of the currents In the various IllIn evilconversation VC ITS# HV»1 theMW uti.v.o.general —showed— — --- _ ------immediate---------------- danger, , according, . to— an an-f own rates so as to be free to change j indicate its remarkable expansion. In regions traversed by the leading steam­ great interest in the militar^aituation ; nounci-nicnt made to-day by officers o theWas It sees fit. RAILWAY MERGER the Dominion of Canada, for Instance ship routes. in Europe at the present (ImeTbut said the company, One of the most Important consider­ SHOWERED WITH there are now 1,249 newspaper#, ot The extension of this survey to the that owing to the distance and the dif­ The vessel stranded during the night, ations which Influenced the decision of Pacific coast has already given much ficulties of communication It was im­ but did not get Into - communication the traffic officers In their determina­ which 117 are published dally In Aus­ satisfaction to the steamship companies CONSOLIDATION OF possible to express any opinion. He with the shore until to-day. tion to maintain an • Independent rate MOLTEN METAL tralasia there are 1.200 Journal#, and and other Industrial companies having thought, however, that when the Eng­ Efforts are being made by tugs to pull position was that the road proposes to In New Zealand 226. In South Africa maritime interests. Dr. Dawson first FOUR LINES PROPOSED lish people were moved, as they seemed the great liner off the spit. make some extremely low rates on over 100 netfapapers are published In Cape Colony .alone. Compared with visited this coast in 1605, When a com­ to be to-day, there must be some rea­ The 309 passengers were removed Oriental export business.
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