Wem Rural Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 3 April 2012, at the Council Chambers, Edinburgh House, Wem, starting at 7.30pm 47/12 Public Statements None Formal Meeting Present: Councillors: Richard Powell (Chair), Peter Broomhall, Don Edwards, Bev Horsley, Bryan Morgan, Jon Murgatroyd, Angela Neame, Len Staines and Tim Wilton-Morgan. Clerk: Carole Warner Shropshire Councillors: Pauline Dee and Chris Mellings Members of the Public: None 48/12 Apologies for absence: Owen Darlington, Mark Lockett and Laura McMahon (all accepted) 49/12 Minutes of the meetings held on 6 March 2012 to be read, approved and signed. The Minutes of the meeting were approved and signed. 50/12 Declaration of Interest: None 51/12 Parish Clerk’s Report: a. Data Protection Act It was resolved to register under the Data Protection Act. b. June Meeting The Clerk advised that the meeting would be held on 12 June 2012. c. Traffic Management Briefing and Emergency Planning Briefing The Clerk reported on the briefings. 52/12 Financial Matters: a. Balances for Information Noted and approved b. Outstanding accounts The following accounts were approved for payment. Name Amount C Warner 397.24 HMRC 266.20 Welshampton and Lyneal PC 128.50 Wem Rural Community Plan 500.00 Clerk: Carole Warner, Orchard Cottage, Rowe Lane, Welshampton, Ellesmere, SY12 0QB Tel. 01948 710672 email: [email protected] www.wemrural.org.uk £1,291.94 c. Parish Membership of NS Wheelers Ltd It was resolved to become members at an annual subscription of £15 per annum. 53/12 Parish Plan: a. Update Report Cllr Murgatroyd advised a meeting would be held towards the end of April to review the actions generated from the responses. It was hoped the Clerk would be able to attend. 54/12 Annual Parish Meeting – Tuesday 15 May 2012 a. To consider format and agenda Discussion took place and the agenda and presenter were agreed. 55/12 The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations a. To receive minutes and report from Steering Group Updates were received from Cllr Broomhall and the Clerk. b. To consider the Parish Council’s role including: i. the opening of Bank Account for Wem Community Diamond Jubilee Celebrations; It was resolved to open an account. ii. the offer of the Parish Clerk to assist with the administration; It was resolved to offer the services of the Clerk to assist with the administration. However, should such assistance become in excess of normal working hours further consideration would be required. iii. any other appropriate action. No other action was considered appropriate at this stage. 56/12 Planning: i. The Lowe Cottage Farm, Lowe, Wem Cllr Mellings gave an update report. ii. Site Allocation and Management of Development – Preferred Options Consultation. Following initial discussions it was agreed that a Planning Meeting would be required to allow the time needed review the options. iii. Decisions Received: i. 12/00201/FUL Change of use of land to private equestrian pursuits including the erection of a barn and fenced manege 5 Pool Head, Wem, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 5QY Decision: Refuse iv. Applications Received: ii. 12/01145/FUL Application under Section 73a of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 for the siting of a temporary caravan Long Barn, Northwood, Shrewsbury, Shropshire It was resolved that the Council did not wish to comment on this application. v. Shropshire Council e-communication Minutes 3 April 2012 2 of 4 It was resolved that the Council would not receive paper copies of applications as standard procedure. 57/12 Councillor Reports: a. Parish Councillors None b. Shropshire Councillor Reports Cllr Dee updated members on the Planning Committee Meeting held that afternoon. Cllr Mellings updated members on recent developments regarding the Rural Broadband Programme and the Housing Allocation recommendations. 58/12 Highways a. Severn Trent Water Main Works in Parish The Clerk advised that Severn Trent had confirmed they were on or even ahead of schedule. b. Grit / Salt Piles The Clerk reported no progress had been made on this matter. c. Repairs in the Parish including Lighteach Lane (update) Cllrs Morgan and Mellings updated members on progress and confirmed a safety inspection had been requested regarding Lighteach Lane. d. Accidents at Palms Hill Following discussion during which it was noted that Shropshire Council has acknowledged that this area is an issue and interim traffic management measures had been taken, it was resolved that a permanent solution was required. The only solution the Council considered acceptable was that traffic lights be installed allowing only a single file traffic flow. It was also noted that lorries, including the large animal feed type, do drive with care but that it was the large width tractors which straddle the centre line which caused problem even if the drivers keep within the speed limit. e. Road Closure – Wem Level Crossing Sunday 6 May 2012. Noted. f. Hedges along Aston Road It was noted that the hedges required trimming. 59/12 Parish Matters: a. Notice Boards in the Parish The Clerk advised she was meeting the Probation Service at its workshop later that week. She also advised that she had made enquiries concerning a notice board on the wall of Wem Library. b. Parish Council’s Website including Social Media The Clerk reported that the Facebook page was live. No further progress had been made on the new website. c. Mobile Library Route The changes to the route were noted. 60/12 Consultation Documents None received. Minutes 3 April 2012 3 of 4 61/12 Correspondence: a. ALC Information Bulletins Noted b. Letter from Tilley resident The email and response from Wem Town Council were noted. It was agreed to recommend the resident approached the Robert Hill and Noble Street Charity. 62/12 It was resolved that under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the item of business numbered 15 as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the inclusion of personal nature in the business to be transacted. 63/12 Clerk’s report on Shropshire Council Enforcement related issues in the Parish. The Clerk updated members. The Chair, Cllr Richard Powell, declared the meeting closed at 9.08pm Signed………………………………………………….. Date…………………………… Minutes 3 April 2012 4 of 4 .
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