Vol. 22, No. 30 \ Page 2 April 19, 1979 t~~ROl~f~~. ;l T ! "\. I Sam Leader and Horner Pl•:,lng to an Jack addressed audiences enthualastlc packed as part of -the Symposium house, Flrefall bit on Survival 11. Susie Stevena Point and took Jacobson and Kurt Busch the campus by stonn. describe the sessions on Fred Brennan reviews the page 5. concert OD page 'ZI . On the co\'.er Undercover By Leo Alfredo Pieri UIEWPOIDT Sports Edi tor On evening up Athletics spending --i: POINTER PEOPLE Many UWSP students who participate in ~!any clubs have been voicing Managing Ed itor: 1, club-oriented athletics are finding the going discontentment that they do not receive fair Kurt Busch tough. due lo several underlying problems treatment. Weightlifting treasurer Ra lph Associate Editors: I: concerning athletic facilities available and Lynch ha noted lhe escalaling problem. Susie Jacobson-News athletic funding to be had. "Our club is seriously going down hill. We Bob Ham-Features I Mike Schwalbe-Environment Many of the clubs are frustrated and set have no money. the weight room is Leo Pieri-Sports back due to denied opportunities to expand overcrowded. we can·t get set hours. so our Jim Eagon-Student Lile club interests because of a shortage of membership is going down fast. .. Karl Garson-Poetry I facilities and money. Funding shortages have been a nother Julie Dau]-{;raphics major problem for athletics besides the Mark McQueen-Photography According to Dr. Donald Hoff, Assistant faci lity needs. Most hard hit by the low Annie Glinski-Copy Dean of HPERA <Health, Physical budgets are the "U'' clubs. o money Mark Larson-Technical Director Education and Recreation) , " We have a seems to be available for many of the clubs Management Stall: Tom Eagon-Business tremendous s hortage of indoor facility to hold events or expand interests. space, and we are vastly in need of extra Carey Von Gnechten, Jody Members of the archery and rugby clubs Baumer-Advertising funds for club sports." have had to literally lake money out of their Bill Hockensmith-Office pockets to hold events and games. Contributors: Hoff hit the nail on the head, and UWSP There are alternatives for funding. Most Quince Adams, Fred Brennan, students involved in weightlifing, skiing, all of lhe University athletic teams hold Julie Brennan, John Faley, Frank archery, judo, rugby, soccer a nd other fund raising events to help meet high Genovese, Andy Fischbach, Jamie Grandlich, John Harlow, Mike Hein, clubs are taking the brunt of the facility and athletic costs. Money allotted by SGA has money scarcity. Jane Hess, Sue Jones, Paul Kohorn. been cut less than requested. But everyone Katy Kowalski , Matthew Lewis, Lisa Recently, five state University schools-­ is taking cuts, so the question may be, Marchel Duar,e Meixner, Gail UWSP among them-have been granted a where does lhe money a llotted take Neubert ' Briar Orishak, Jeanne share of $330,000 for planning major priority? Pehoski: Al Peters, Ann Reinh old!. additions to their existing fieldhouses. A A large number of people compose the Debra Rinda Steve Schunk, Jay study will be done by the Bureau of various clubs on campus, and are they Schweikl , To~ Seal, Tom Tryon. Facilities Management to determine which receiving a fair share of money from the Dan Houlihan-Advice of the campuses have the greatest needs. Bill Reinbrd-Washington Bureau budgets? Not to say that clubs in athletic TIIE POINTER is a studenl In reference to the addition request a nd capacities should receive substantial how long it may take to be initiated Hoff supported newsmagazine, publish~ amounts of funding, but shouldn't they have weekly for the UWSP commumty an noted, "We're s hooting for no later than the enough set aside to at least cover some iss ued under the authority granted to 1981-83 biennium." But the problem with the expenses? the Board or Regents or Ihe facility is right now , and one wonders why The athletic budget has been criticized in University of Wisconsin. Second the addition request wasn't made years ago the past for shoddy student input. Perhaps a Class postage is paid al Stevens when enrollment was on the upswing. If the Point, Wisconsin. survey should be taken to see what TIIE POINTER is written and projections are correct with enrollments students· opinions are concerning the decreasing the facilities will be unneeded edited by the students or the athletic clubs and how much money they Un iversity ol Wiscons 1n-Stcvens and will not be used to their fullest capacity s hould receive. Point and they are solely respons1bl; in years to come. If and when the new addition for the for its editorial policies and conlen · Quandt fieldhouse comes about let's hope Written permission is required ror lhe The problems with indoor crowded 1 individuals in team sports, clubs or classes reprint or all materials presented ~ facilities exists most obviously during 1 receive a fair shot a t using the new TIIE POll~TER. Address •. the winter months. With inter-collegiate corresponJence l~ 11.~. facilities. Hopefully, aft er all the red tape is athletics. clubs and classes. it 's Communications Arts Center, UWSI · worked through and the facilities are made understandably hard to give everyone equal Stevens Point, WI 54481. · available, every UWSP student will have time. But here lies the frustrating question of where priorities lie. some opportunity to make use of the additions, regardless of club. class or team. The Pointer Page 3 Lounge) ; 13) While I'm sure To the Pointer, everyone is deeply concerned The letter whi ch Michael about the oli2ht or 2avs. I wish Lawton. self-proclaimed the amateur philosophers would "fundamental born-again stop writing to The Pointer aoout Christian," wrote to The Pointer the rightness or wrongness of the brought to mind something Mark whole disgusting issue; (4) Must Twain once wrote about a "nice, The Pointer support the idiotic kindhearted, smirky, smily. dear blurbs of half-baked students by Christian creature." But the one allowing them free space in the adjective that. definitely doesn't Personals section of The Pointer. apply to this letter is While these gripes have no "'kindhearted." redeeming social values, they do To prove lhat homosexuality is provide relief from the normal a si n, Lawton cites Leviticus unimportant things fou nd in, the 20 : 13, "If ther e is a man who lies correspondence section of The with a male as those who lie with Polnler. a woman, both of them have Gabriel S. Querol committed a detestable act." P.S. To a nyone ollended: Just This is supposed to prove that look at this as you would a nything homosexuals are sinners. But else found in the correspondence Lawton doesn't give all of verse section a nd forget about it. 13. The rest or it reads, "they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them." Elsewhere in this same chapter, sassy children are To th e Pointer, also condemned to die l "Every You will note tha t the one who curses his rather or his recommendation for the change mother shall be put to death."), of grade was made on the basis of married couples who haves x in complete and total ignorance. the nude when the woman is " The Grade Revi ew menstruating are banished ("H a Com mittee had no· evidence of man lies with a woman having your attendance-gra ding policy, her sickness and uncovers her the cl ass sylla bus, nor the nakedness ... both or them shall differentiation between the work be cut off from among their of those who passed a nd those people." l , and those who eat who failed." foods that aren't kosher a re also Therefore (total ignorance> " It condemned ("You sha ll make a is the decision or the grade distinction between the clean review committee that the beast a nd the unclean.") grades in sociology 305 should be If Lawton feels that the Bible changed from "fail" to "l!ilss" 1 should be taken literally, then he for the above na med stud?i• " should deal with these ''sinners" Who is cheating? the way the Bible commands him Note that lhe recomm ··nctation to. killing and exiling as the Good was made without a ny Book instructs. But he should not contribution by the stlldents. Yes, limit his righteous indignation to Virginia. there is a Santa Claus! homosexuals alone. He should When I received the first letter include the kiddies. hetero Thf.' Polntu encouragrs il'> rradership lo submit pho:ographs for lh e corrf'Spondrnce page. from the committee I zeroxed it couples. and pork eaters a long Photo by Marcia Geer and wrote the grades on the with the gays. t He should also letter. I did respond by sending realize that the injunction only the letter to Marjorie Spring who a pplies to homosexual males. and. of higher education. we should which a pparently God condemns Merchant of Venice, " The devil ignored it . so he should have nothing against also pay little heed to those who homosexuality; he lists some five can ci te Scripture for hi s But frankly . I mus t admit to a homosexual acts by women. l would have us stereotype ou r passages. He goes on to say " It purpose." serious handicap. I do not live in The Bible according to Lawton fellow teachers and students as seems runny to me that Rev. Jllr . Lawton feels that the a world or 36 a nd 44 . If I were 36 is a travesty of the Bible of the morally inferior to us because or Saffold would claim he has a subject of homosexuality has percent efficient I would go God of love.
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