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But time and inclination often prove elusive .in­ gredients-and meanwhile an aid to selling that 1might be doing profitable work stays uncreated. Busy executives can solve problems of this nature very readily­ by utilizing "Imperial" service. For we have on our staff men experienced in planning and writing all forms of "printed sales­ men". Their services are at all times available to !our clients. Enquiries welcomed and printing estimates supplied, No Obligation. The Imperial Publishing Company Limited P. 0. Box 459 Halifax, N. s . ii THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW Maintains a high standard of scholarship and the largest Staff, Libraries and Laboratories in Eastern Canada. ARTS AND SCIENCE FACULTY DEGREES: B.A.~ B.Sc., B.Com., B.Mus., Phm.B. DIPLOMAS: Music, Engineering, Pharmacy and a post.-graduate diploma course in Education. FouR YEAR ADVANCED CouRsEs in-Classics, Mathematics, Modern Languages and History. GRADUATE CouRsEs, of recognized standing,. leading to degrees of M.A., M.Sc. Courses preparatory to Professional Faculties. Course in Public Administration. Marry valuable scholarships, on entrance and through the courses ~ THE PROFESSIONAL FACULTIES in LAw, MEDICINE and DENTISTRY, enjoy an unexcelled reputation. INCLUSIVE FEES, in the B. A. course average about $160.00 a year; tb::;;; in the B.Sc. course about $190.00 a year. · RESIDENCE Shirreff Hall, residence for women. Carefully supervised residential facilities for men. For further information write to the Registrar. : ~·-· · -·-··· · THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW iii . Cheapest and Quickest Station - to - Station . .. Long Distance Calls · · It's cheaper and faster to use Station-to-Station Service on your Long Distance Telephone calls. A Station-to­ Station Call is one where you ask for a telephone number. and not for a particular person. The saving through using this class of service amounts to as much as thirty per cent on calls during the day On calls after seven p.m. the average saving is larger still. Besides, your call goes through much more quickly -usually while you hold the line. Save yourself money and get quicker service by using . Station-to-Station Service whenever possible. Remember it especially on Sundays, as Night Rates are effective all day then and your saving is still greater. MARITIME TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CO., LIMITED THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW iT To people in all walks of life we are making personal loans, repayable in 12 monthly instalments, at the low cost of $3.25 per $100, equal to 6% interest per annum. There is no other charge. BANK OF MONTREAL working with Canadians in every walk of life since 1817 ADr ; :·' : ~- . JACKSON & MORELAND ENGINEERS ===============t~i~·~============= PUBLIC UTILITIES-INDUSTRIALS RAILROAD ELECTRIFICATION DESIGN AND SUPERVISION-VALUATIONS ECONOMIC AND OPERATING REPORTS ==============~~l~·~============= BOSTON NEW YOR.K ·---------_..J_)_ THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW T Army term for "caiques," the small boats used by British troops in the emergency escape from Greece Cash reserves likewise serve you well in times of emergency. A good way to build up cash reserves is to invest part of your income every month in War Savings Certificates. \\7 e sell them over the counter at all branches. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Whatever your Insurance need is-what .. ever particular combination of protection and savings it may be-see the Maritime Life Representative First. He can help you. The Maritime Life HEAD OFFICE HALIFAX, CANADA A. R . FRASER, C. L. U., Manager for Nova Sootla. Compliments of Maritime - National Fish Limited THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW Thinking About A New Suit • • • Choose An EATON Made-To-Measure! OU'LL find EATON'S range of fine fabrics a most Y appealing one, and your suit will be carefully tailored t. your individual measurements. Plan to make your new suil an EATON Made-to-Nfeasure~ 'rhree Piece Suit $40.00 Other Three Piece Suits at $27.50 and $35.00. Place your order early to allow plenty of t.ime for delivery' I : For further particulars regarding delivery inquire at EATON'S 1-Ien's \Year Department, l\tfain Floor. Halifax Canada .'1 ' · ·.. ··. .· THE DALHOUS~ .~~VIEW ' . ·. \ . ' 1. Compliments ' . of PROVINCIAL OILS LIMITED THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW North--East--West --South spells - - - - .;~;_ EWS must be authentic. It is the duty N of a great newspaper to keep its readers informed of all news-worthy events ... to report the progress of the war . to rally to the support of worthy projects ... be · the eyes, voice and ears of the community it serves. In all these matters a newspaper reports truthfully and completely. Its source of information must be reliable. Rumors are not accepted as news. For all the facts, read THE HALIFAX HERALD and THE HALIFAX MAIL Two of Canadas Great Newspapers THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW • • To have the terms of your Will administered by our thoroughly experienced and responsible organization is to make certain that its terms will be carried out in complete accordance with your wishes. Yet the cost is the same as for an individual executor. We invite your consultation. The EASTERN TRUST COMPANY HEAD OFFICE- HALIFAX, N. S. Branchee at: CHARLO'rl'ETOWN, P.E.I. MONCTON, N.B. SAINT JOHN, N. B. s·r . JOHN'S, NFLD. MONTREAL, QUE. TORONTO, ONT. The Robert Simpson Eastern Limited, Halifax On the Record for Music Lovers Whether you glory in the thrilling greatness of sympho­ nies and concertos . or respond to the toe-tapping rythm of the latest jive .. Simpson's lVIusic Depart­ ment can supply you with worthwhile additions to your ecord library. • Victor • Bluebird • Columbia • Music:raft • Keynote "---"u'· .._t. ~' -·": . _ ·.- :.. THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW FUTURE OPPORTUNITIES. Continued prosperity depends upon Canada's ability to bridge the reconstruction period and to promote the .development of her industries and commerce. To do this, money is essential. Save and prepare to take advantage of future business opportunities. Open an account with us. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE W. V. GoRDON, Superintendent Maritime and Newfoundland Branchea ke:~t..-d Z1;> r u ·: ~~-?1 !: ~~ t>·.·u.r '.. ' h .ln:;in-g pr c.. b!~ms <>f tOJii.:a· ro•.~ "~Vh(l~rv v· ~r i:':iu;p,i'.-=n t J~ rtotqw.red to q~ncr.l!e . tran·slotm.. dl~~ nb ch·"- cr u$~ c'1cc{ucttj1 for inclu~ t r.al, comm~r r:ial. ms >.denti ;,~ or a~<.;r othur purpo~e--tt is av~ila bl~ !!vrn ""Y ~.ne c! Nc.rth" ' " El.,dric':: •t:r"'t.::gi.:..,lly·· 1x.1ted br n n t:b e~ -\Cro s ~ th\~ w1d~ DomiHlo n THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW LET us all dedicate our full energies to Victory. "Speed the Victory" is rnore than a phrase to spur on the war effort. It is a hope and a prayer in the hearts of anxious mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers throughout the land, The men and women that their fighting sons will be home in our fighting forces soon and well. Let us all spend less, long for "News from Home." Writetothem save more and seek out new ways to often-and regularly broaden our personal war effort. No -Keep your letters service, however small, is too small in cheerful. war-time. The BANK of NOV A SCOTIA THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW -EXECUTOR ADMINISTRATOR TRUSTEE A Complete Trust Service General Trust and Executor Corporation General Trust Barrington at Prlnoe, Building Halifax, N. S. The Canada Permanent Trust Company EXECUTOR ADMINISTRATOR GUARDIAN TRUSTEE Estates and Properties Managed ENQUIRIES INVITED NOVA SCOTIA BRANCH. 436-440 Barrington Street, Halifax. N. S. C. F. MACKENZIE, Manager TIME-. is a big factor in Production Conserve it with GOOD LIGHTING Good lighting will speed up your workers' vision, eliminate costly errors, increase production and prolong daylight working hours. It is a profitable investment that will pay dividends through increased efficiency. ~: NOVA SCOTIA LIGHT and POWER CO. LTD. THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW Burchell, Smith, Parker & Fogo 11arrt&ttr.a. &nltritnrs. 1Ett. Chronicle Buz"lding, HALIFAX, N. S. C. J. BURCHELL, K.C. J. GoRDON Fooo, K.C. F. D. SMITH, K.C. W. H. JosT E. T. PARKER, K.C. Macdonald, Mcinnes, MacQuarrie & Pattillo BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c 35 BEDFORD ROW, HALIFUN. S. w. c. MACDONALD, K.C. ARTHURs. PATTILLO DoNALD MciNNEs, K.C. A. G. CooPER JoHN T. MAcQuARRIE Counsel: L.A. LovETT, K. C. Stewart, Smith, MacKeen & Rogers Barristers, Etc. RoY BuiLDING, HALIFAX, N. S. JAMES MeG. STEWART, K.C. FRANK M. CovERT. CHARLES B. SMITH. K.C. JOSEPH P. CoNNoLLY, K.C. HENRY P. MAc.KEEN. K.C. CLYDE W. SPERRY. W. MARSHALL ROGERs, K.C. RouND A. Rn'aD. FRANK C. McDouGALL. ~!.. · · ·(.(!~ THE DALHOUSIE REVIEW DOMINION STEEL and COAL CORPORATION Limited Nova Scotia's Greatest Industry Miners and Shippers of Coal and Iron Ore Iron and Steel Founders- Shipbuilders Manufacturers of Railway Cars Producers of Hematite Pig Iron Analysis and all other information gladly supplied. STEEL . l Ingots and all forms of Rolled Steel Steel Rails and Accessories Heavy Forgings for Marine and Railway Purposes.
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