APP.COM Asbury Park Press Tuesday, Nov.1,2011 Page B5 Health CONTACT: SARAH GRIESEMER :: 732-643-4204 :: [email protected] :: APP.COM/HEALTH STUDENT ATHLETES TREATING CONCUSSIONS People’sPharmacy By Joe Graedon &Teresa Graedon Back Whyget a in the flushot everyyear? Q. Can you tell us about flu vacci- game nations? Idon’tunderstand how the vaccine can wear off so quick- ly that it’srequired every year. Manyschools What other vaccine acts like this? How can we be so confi- taking concussions dent in guessing which vi- ruses will be prevalent in the more seriously coming season? Ikeep won- dering if the vaccine really By Susan Bloom :: For NJ Press Media makes sense, since Idoubt that many people actually One Tu esday in September,19-year-old die from flu. Brookdale Community College sopho- more and star athlete Devin Hope played A. Flu viruses evolve quick- defense as she always did for her school’s ly,which is why each year soccer team —aggressively,giving it her the vaccine is made to pro- all. But something about the shot she tect against different blocked during that day’sgame was dif- strains. If you catch the flu, ferent. your body will recognize “The ball hit me in my right temple, that particular strain, but and it really hurt,” she said. “Ididn’tgo not the slightly different one down, Ijust kept playing, but all the way that may emerge next year home Iwas really dizzy and nauseous and or the year after.You are my head was in excruciating pain, like I right that most other vac- had amigraine. I’m usually hungry after cines work for much longer games, too, but Icouldn’teat at all …I than aflu vaccine. Those couldn’teven look at food.” organisms do not mutate as Arriving back home in Howell, Hope rapidly as influenza viruses. told her parents what had happened and Because virologists have they took her to her pediatrician, who to predict which flu strains deduced that Hope had suffered acon- will become aproblem many cussion. months ahead of time, they “He told me to relax, refrain from don’talways guess correctly. physical activity and come back for a Nonetheless, the flu vaccine saves checkup when my head stopped hurting,” lives. Experts estimate that dur- she said. ing the past three decades, any- Hope adhered to her doctor’swishes, where from 3,000 to 49,000 people but thanks to her school’sprogressive die annually from complications concussion management program, she of influenza. was able to tap into anew,more objective measure of her post-concussion status, Q. Iamdesperate for help with one that’shelping student athletes my dandruff! throughout New Jersey assess their real- time recovery from concussions and A. Dandruff can cause itching and determine an appropriate return-to-play flaking of the scalp that is both strategy. uncomfortable and unsightly. Scientists now think that bad See CONCUSSION, PageB8 dandruff is caused by ayeast infection (Malassezia). This fun- gus can even cause inflammation ACONCUSSION around eyebrows and the creases DISCUSSION of the nose, lips and ears. Although there are many dan- Concussions can lead to arange of druff shampoos, we continue to symptoms, including headaches, nausea hear from readers that they get and vomiting, balance issues, grogginess, relief using home remedies such difficulty concentrating, loss of memory, as Listerine soaks, Vicks Vapo- irritability, sadness, anxiety and excessive Rub, milk of magnesia or dilute sleeping. vinegar rinses. Source: Dr.David Bertone, doctor of physical therapy Dr.David Bertone, aphysical therapist, performs abalance test on Devin Hope, 19,who Q. I’m acritical-care nurse with a in September suffered aconcussion while playing soccer. BOB BIELK/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER daughter who’satransplant recip- ient. Iknow that hospital house- keeping departments do the best they can. Often, though, the clean- ing staff doesn’tthink to sanitize WOMEN’S HEALTH ACOMMON CONDITION every surface patients and staff touch. This should definitely hap- pen after one patient is dis- charged and another is admitted, Restless legs syndrome mayboost pressure but it doesn’talways. When I’m at work, before any HealthDay Researchers sensations, or pain combined with mo- admission, Iamcareful to thor- tor restlessness plus an “urge to move.” oughly clean things like call Middle-aged women who suffer fromacommon condition say that Women with five or more episodes a lights, phones and monitor wires. called restless legssyndrome may be at increased riskofhigh middle-aged month were considered to have RLS, Iclean my shoes and stethoscope blood pressure, U.S.researchers report. and more than 65,500 were included in at the end of my shift, and Idon’t Restless legssyndrome is asensorymotor disorder that women who the final analysis. reuse my white jackets without causes intense, unpleasantleg sensations, and an irresistible sufferfrom The researchers found asignificant laundering. urgetomovethe legs, often at night. The condition,which may connection between RLS and blood affect between5to15percent of U.S. adults, can disrupt sleep restless legs pressure. The worse awoman’sRLS, the A. As you know,the immune sys- and cause daytime drowsiness. syndrome higher her blood pressures, they report- tems of transplant recipients are “For those who experience restless legs syndrome symp- ed. suppressed to prevent rejection of toms, please consult your doctor regarding this issue,” said lead may be at More than one-quarter (26 percent) the organ. As aresult, they can’t researcher Dr.Xiang Gao, an assistant professor of medicine at increased of the women with five to 14 incidents fight off infections like healthy Harvard Medical School. “The risk of hypertension can be sub- of RLS amonth had high blood pres- people do. We spoke with Dr. stantially reduced by following ahealthy life style, including a risk of high sure, according to the study,anamong Robert Muder about his success- healthy diet, regular physical activity,and keeping optimal blood women with 15 or more episodes a ful infection-control program at body weight,” he added. month, one in three had high blood the Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Unabated, hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, pressure. pressure. Healthcare System. He found that can have dire consequences. In 2006, it contributed to 326,000 The link between restless legs syn- recruiting housekeeping staff to deaths in the United States, according to background informa- drome and increased blood pressure the team and reframing the job as tion in the study,published online Oct. 10 in Hypertension. remained even after the researchers preventing infections rather than For the study,Gao’steam collected data on almost 98,000 took into account the women’sage, just cleaning rooms really helped. women, averaging about 50 years of age, who took part in the weight, smoking, and stroke or heart Nurses Health Study II. In 2005, the women were asked about attack. However,the overall differ- Write to the Graedons via their symptoms that could indicate restless legs syndrome (RLS) and ences in blood pressure were small, the website, www.PeoplesPharmacy. also about their blood pressure. com. Specifically,they were asked if they had unusual crawling See LEGS, Page B8 Page B8 Tuesday, Nov.1,2011Asbury Park Press APP.COM Entertainment CONCUSSION Movie Timetable Continued from Page B5 ABERDEEN According to David Bertone, adoctor of physical CLEARVIEW’S STRATHMORE CINEMA 4, 1055 Route 34, therapy based in the Lincroft section of Middletown 732-583-7160 — Footloose and an orthopedic clinical specialist with experience in (PG-13)4:30, 7:30. The Ides of concussion management, “concussions occur when the March (R) 4, 7:45. Puss in brain gets jolted within the skull as the result of direct Boots (PG) 4:45, 7. The Three or indirect trauma to the head. Concussions can trigger Musketeers (PG-13)4:15,7:15. arange of reactions, including physical side effects such as headaches, nausea/vomiting, and balance is- ASBURYPARK sues, cognitive disorders such as grogginess, difficulty concentrating, loss of memory and slow processing, THE SHOWROOM, 708 Cook- man Avenue, 732-502-0472 — emotional changes such as irritability,sadness and Call theater for schedule. anxiety,and excessive sleeping.” These conditions typically subside over time, but, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS said Bertone, the accurate measurement of someone’s full recovery from aconcussion has been asomewhat ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS CINE- subjective science in the past. MA 5, 82 First Avenue, 732-291- “The concern is, if an athlete returns to play too 0148 — The Ides of March (R) soon before these issues are fully resolved and sus- 4:25, 7:15. In Time (PG-13)4:40, tains another hit, they can suffer an even more serious 7:25. Paranormal Activity 3 (R) 5:15,7:30. Puss in Boots condition known as ‘second impact syndrome,’ which (PG) 5, 7:10. The Three Muske- "Puss in Boots," with amain character voiced by Antonio Banderas, is in theaters now. can cause brain swelling, bleeding and other long-term teers (PG-13)4:30, 7:20. ASSOCIATED PRESS neuropsychological impairments. So there’salot at stake,” he said. BRADLEY BEACH 11:40, 3:15,6:30, 9:40. Anony- 3:15.OC Paranormal Activity TOMS RIVER One in 10 areatrisk BEACH CINEMA, 110Main St., mous (PG-13)11:40, 3:15,6:30, 3 (R) 1, 5:30, 7:50. Puss in 732-774-9089 — Dolphin Tale 9:40. CC Dolphin Tale 3-D (PG) Boots (PG) 2, 4:35, 7. Puss in AMC LOEWS SEACOURT10, Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and (PG) 7:20. 10:15,4:20. Footloose (PG-13) Boots 3-D (PG) 12:50, 3:05, 5:20, 635 Bay Avenue, 888-AMC-4FUN Prevention reveal that about 38 million kids ages 5to 11:15,2:05, 4:55, 7:50, 10:30.
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