Confederates New Champs

Confederates New Champs

VOlUME XVI NUMBER 3-SEPT" 1956 ® WADE MEMORIAL LIBRARY EIGHTY THOUSAND GEMS OF MUSICAL AMERICANA * SEE PAGE 2 CONFEDERATES FROM MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE NEW CHAMPS 2 PLA YTONICS Teaneck, New Jersey 3 LADS OF ENCHANTMENT Albuquerque, New Mexico 4 FOUR-PITCHIKERS Springfleld, Missouri 5 EASTERNAIRES Jersey Gly, New Jersey s 2 3 4 5 WITH TWO GREAT NEW ALBUMS ON BOTH LONG PLAY AND EXTENDED PLAY 1956 MEDALIST WINNERS AND THE 1956 CHORUS WINNERS FROM THE MINNEAPOLIS CONVENTION J\ I , r I BARBERSHOP BALL THE SCHMITT BROTHERSil 19S1 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONS S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. riOCl"" \)1\ ON LONG PLAY: frt4& Steppin' Around· If I Hod My Way· Alabama Jubilee· Mighty Lok' eM a Rose· Tuck Me 10 Sleep in My Old 'lucky Home· Shine· lazy River • The Sunshine of Your Smile • How I Wish that I Could Help the Sandman' Brahms' lullaby' Corry Me Back to Old Virginny • 'Twos Only on Irhhmon's Dream. DL 8280 ON EXTENDED PLAY: Part One If I Hod My Way' Tuck Me to Sleep in My Old 'lucky Home' Laxy River' Brahms' lullaby. ED 2348 Part Two Mighty Loki a Rose' Alabama Jubilee' 'Twos Only an Irishman's Dream • The Sunshine of Your Smile. ED 2349 Prinled in U.S.A. September VOLUME XVI 1956 NUMBER 3 --~--------"'--""--~------- Curtis F. Hockett, Editor International Secretary Features Robert G. Hafer Associate International Wade Memorial Librar)' . ........••• , .... ,. .• . 2 Secretaries Com'elltiolt Report , .•.. ,,....••.•.•.....•..•.... .. 4 Ken Booth The Confederates _.,,...•••..•....•.•••.......•... 8 IV. L. (Bill) OliO Quartet Finalists .....•.......••. ,.,...•••........••..... 9 International Office Chorus Winners '.. ...•.. , ., .. , .•• ,, .••.•.... .. 15 20619 Fenkell Avenue Detroit 23. Michigan New Officers ..............•.• , ......••.........••. ,..... 19 KEnwood 2·8300 Keepi"g 011 Pitcli. •• ......... 24 International Officers Precisiollists Tour . .. ,.,., ......•••.......••••••...... ,.... 26 President So You Wallt To Be A Judge............. ......••...... ,. 29 Rowland F. Onil. Room 1755. 195 Btoadw.&y. Com'entioll Meetillg Reports _. .•• ...... ••........ 50 Nrw York 7, N. Y. (Amu;un Tri. U Ttl. Co.) PIU Pruidml. ArlhUt A. Mrrrill. 25 Commodo., Road. Chlpp.aqUI. N. Y. (Gurul!ic Co.) First Vict·P,uid,nl. Jonph E. Ltwis. 2912 Gat­ Comment Ion Annur. Dallu, Tn:u (Pluidrnl, Nationd Bond U Invutmrnt Co.) Status Quotes , ...........•.... " ...•• ,..................... 25 SfCond Vin,P,uid,nl. Rob", Irvinr, locu~r bot, Anchous•. Krntucky (Rtliftd) The JYay I See It .. _ .••...... .•••.•........ .•.... 31 Vier,P,uid,nl, O. B. Filit. Jr., 10950 "'hgdalru AVfRur. Lo, Ahos. C,liforn;J. (Gfllful Ehcuic COllvellti011 Key Note ......•........••. ,.......••........ .. 32 Co.) Vier-Pluidtnl, John S,lin, HOf,1 W'ntworth, 59 Share The Wealth .. ....... .••• ...• 34 Wut 46th StrtH, Ntw York, N. Y. (B~nktr, Gu~unly TrUll Co.) Do You Renlcl1lber? . ..•.••......•••.......•...•. 38 Trusutrr, M~tk Robuls, li38 FiHhH An., Drlroil 14, Milhill~n (AIIOInty) Professor Wilsall. ... ....•. ,..... ••• ....... .•• .... 40 Board of Directors Stub Pencil Notes , ...••........••... , .....••.• ' 46 (Ttrm Expiring Junt 10. 1951) Homtr J. Aspy. 6'4 50.51. AndrtWI I'bct. Lo~ Angtln 5. C11if. (Homu J. Aspy Au()(i1lts. Public Rtblion~) C11mtr Brow)'. 214. Wru L1wn AVtnut, ll,hd. Departments ilon. \\'illonlin (Hurings Supuvisor. \Vil. Pub. Suv. Comm.) Barbershop Craft ...................••....... , .•...... , .... , 22 Dwillhl L. C1lkinl, 1102 Nonh Alhnlic. Spa· k1nr. W1111. (C1lkins Mfll. Co.) Harm01IY Heritage. __ ..............•••••......•••......•.. ,. WiIli1m H. Ib11. 169 S. W. 26111 R01d. Mi1mi. 36 Florid1 Key Chmlges Irom the Chapters. ........••..... ..••... , ..... 42 Judlt LUlhtr Sitiun. 429 Cily H111. Minnupolil I. Minn. (Municip11 COUrl) O\'er The Editor's Shoulder .....••.........•.•...... 45 (Tum F.xplringJunt 10. /958) Clnrnct J~l\'inl. 36·}8 EHI 81h 51 .. Holl~nd, Comillg Eve1it.~ .. 47 Mich. (Pruidrnl, Ploplu ShU n~nk) K,nnrlh PhinnlY, 89 Wuhington lht.. KlnmOrt. New Chapters . .. 47 N. Y. (Agtnl. Prudlnli~l Ins. Co.) L. A. Pomtroy. 4)00 Chlyshr Bldll .• Nlw York Neil'S Abottt Quartcts .. 48 17. N. Y. (Disll;CI Sdu Off. Suptl\·isor. Armco Stltl Corp.) Grorlt Punspill. 15 Brookd11r A,·t., ll,litrord. CODn. (Enar. Dlpl.• Unilrd Aircrdl Corp.• Sikorsky Air. Div.) OrJll SEPTE,UDEII COl'EII Floyd Slrong, 214 Insuuncr Building. TOptlo:1. K1nUS (Auornty) Our 1956 International Quartet Medalists are Ihe featured aUraclions on tlJe (Ttrm Expiring Junt JO. 1959) Rudy H1rl. 1112 Ohio SUItI. Michig1n Glr, brillianl cover of Ihis issue of Ihe HARMONIZER. Artlsl Dob Hockenbrougb, Indi1n1 (Socill)' Lingl:it Co.) llrookfield, lIIinois, has created nnolber of his oulstandlng Darbershop covees Hillon HOWl, 3)4 ll,hnor ROJd E1U. Toronlo 7. Onurio (Di\'. Sllpuintrndrnl. Toronlo Tr1n­ which han added so much 10 the nHrncHveness and ure of our magazine. Our sil Comm.) t 956 Champions, THE CONFEDERATES, Dixie District (George Evans, Dan Loui'l L1uul. 4617 W11tH W1Y. EI P110, Tnn (Mgt. Ind. Supply, MinI U Smllw Supply Lanonte, Dill Dush)', Wally Singlelon) nlld Mednllsts, THE PLAY.TONICS, Co.) ItichJtd SI'~nor, H 18 Guilford R01d, Rockfold, Mld·Alantic District (Trabulsi, Locbs, l\liUelsladt, Brnlldt,)j THE LADS of llIinoil (Illinois DIll Ttl. Co.) John M. Wnd, 34) D1il,y A\'rnur, Pilllburlh ENCHANTMENT, Southwestern Dlstricl (Aycock Pitts, Wallnce, Wrlgbt); II. P1. (Lr111 Div., Vrlrr1n1 Adm.) FOUR IJITCHIKERS, Cenlral States District (Young, Hedgpeth, Delzell, Kelt. CoTltributing Editors ncr); and THE EASTERNAffiES, Mid.Atlantic District (Richter, Heyburn, P1ul Dr P10lis Dohn, Dnmes) can fake great pride in tbelr chnmplonsbip accomplishments. Artist Robut G. H~hr Hockenbrough can be proud of his ucbampionship" HARI\'IONIZER cover. R. M. Hocktnbloulh W. L. 0110 J. GtOr11 O'BJiln SUfford T1ylor F. Sliding Wibon THE HARMONIZER 1'1 Ihr offici~1 publiulion of rhe Sociur for Ihr Prtluulion 1nd Encour­ 19tmrnl of D1rbu Shop QUll1t Sinling in Amuiu. Inc. II is published qUflldy in ll,buh. IIJt'l Magazine Committee Junl, Srpumbu 1nd Drumbrr 11 Intun11ion11 HudqurlrfS. 20619 Flnkrll AVI.. Duroit 23. Mi(hil~n. 1nd Inl(tld ~s Hcond·d~l1 mHur Jl Ihr pOll offiCI 11 Duroit. Michil1n. I.Indtr lhr R. I\t. Hocklnbroulh, Ch~irm~n Au of Mnch 3, 1879. Ediloli~l 1nd Adl·trlh;nl officu Jrl 11 Inlun1tion11 Hudql.l1rtlu. Noticr of ch~nlr of 1ddltu should be submillcd to tht rdilod~1 offiCII of THE HARMONIZER 11 lust thirl)' dl)'s brforr lh~ nUl publiution dHr. SUbSlfiplion prju is S2.00 yudy 1nd S.50 ~n iuur. WALTER WADE MEMORIAL LIBRARY 80,000 (;emJ 0/ -AtuJical oImericana By DEAC MARTIN, Cleve/al/d, Ohio SOCIETY INDE8TED TO imprint to differentiate it from the al­ CHICAGO llARllERSHOPPER phabetized older white ones. After cat­ LYNN HAULDREN FOR FIND aloguing will come the question of handling dnplicate copies in both col­ The Walter Wade Memorial Song lections, and others that are bound to Library of popular sheet music and accrue later. .In a few cases Mr. Wade portfolios, a gift in early 1956 to had as many as four identical dupli­ SPEBSQSA from Chicago advertising cates. Identical indicates the same print­ execntive Albert G. Wade II and his ing; sallle date; same cover design in­ mother, Mrs. Pearl Wade, contains cluding "Featnred by Bessie McCoy" abont 60,000 numbers and is evalu­ or "AI Jolson" or whoever; same colors, ated at $30,000.00 by the Department since music publishers sometimes used of Internal Revenue. The collection different colored ink on old plates to was accumulated by Walter A. Wade, bring, alit a new edition of a song; and deceased father of Albert G. II who no revisions in music or words. was named for his grandfather A. Geof­ If agreeable to the Wade estate, it frey, founder of the Wade advertising would seem that two identical duplicate agency in 1909. copies would be enough to retain at Added to the Society's current col­ WALTER WADE the lnternational Headquarters. The lection of about 20,000 popular songs, extras could be made available to mem­ the Wade gift makes the lIlusic library at the Detroit head­ bers who have been unable to find a desired oldie at the quarters of The Society for the Preservation and Encour­ music store or song publisher's. There are instances where agement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc., the publisher does not have even one copy. In such a case one of the largest of its kind. Donald A. Marcotte, music the Society might well present a dnplicale to the copyright supervisor of N. B. C. for 28 years, says that he knows of no holder. library otiler than the Library of Congress which has more The possibility of getting some sort of blanket permission comprehensive coverage of the popular music of the past to photostat a copy which a meniber has wanted for years seventy years. yet can't find anywhere else should be a natural exploration Delving into it, a man from Mars would get unusual by the Society. It would seem that a small fee to cover insight into the antics of us (temporarily?) earthbound crea­ search, reproduction, postage and handling should be tures, since popular "music" includes words along with the charged in such cases. It is one thing to gloat about a song notes. In consequence the Society's song collection is really American history and Americana set to music. OUf popular songs have not only preserved the musical styles of succeed­ ing generations but have also revealed in their lyrics OUf modes of living, our thinking and our attitudes toward prac­ tically everything that has touched our way of life. So, the SPEBSQSA Library, a valuable research source, is more than a treasure chest of tunes. It is a valuable research source for discovering our folk ways during the late years of the past century and the first half of this one. There are songs in the library that are much older than that, but in the main it centers upon the .1900's with special stress, it appears now, upon the era between the century's turn and the first world war.

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