FEBRVARY/MARCH1997 Texas Tech University Department of Theatre and Dance Graduate Faculty Teachini Assistants Dr. Norman A. Bert, Chair Jim Bush*/** Lisa Lawrence Holland Prof. Frederi k B. Christoffel** Brett Carlson** James W. Lee* Dr. Carale Manning-Hill Kristi Carter Louise Mallory Prof. Christopher J. Markle Darise Error* Deborah G. Martin Dr. Jonathan Marks Wade Fransen Allen Partridge* Prof. Diana Moore Patrick Gendusa Laura J. Proffitt* Prof. Joan St. Germain*/** Kerry Graves Paula Rodriguez Dr. Dean Wilcox Norman Grueneich Joe Bill Thompson** Prof. Peggy Willis-Aarnio*/*** Michael Hannah* Kara Wooten* University Theatre Production Staff Director ofTheatre ..................... Frederik B. Christoffel Business Manager ..................... Rick Tuman Department Secretary ............... Mary Cervantes Technical Director ...................... Joe Pew** Costume Shop Supervisor ......... Sherry L. Lyon Costume Shop First Hand ......... Ruth Barrington Asst. Technical Director ............. Todd Proffitt** Properties Master ...................... Samuel J. Hyland*/** Master Electrician ..................... Joe Bill Thompson Asst. Master Electrician ............ Brett A. Carlson Scene Shop Staff ........................ Brett A. Carlson, Whitney Frazier, Norman Grueneich, Russell Hyland*/**, Rhein Pierce**, Pat White** Costume Shop Staff ................... Lalon Alexander, Kristi Carter, Charlotte Farquhar, 'Becca Fields, Allen Partridge Promotions/Publications Director ... James W. Lee Box Office Manager ................... Laura J. Proffitt House Supervisors ..................... Kerry Graves & Michael Hannah Lab Theatre Producer ................ Laura J. Proffitt Lab Theatre Tech. Director ........ Russell Hyland Lab Theatre Master Elec...... ..... Tayva Pew** Promotion Team ......................... Jim Bush, Darise Error, Patrick Gendusa, Kerry Graves, Michael Hannah, Lisa Holland, Louise Mallory, Deborah G. Martin, Paula Rodriguez, Kara Wooten Box Office Staff .......................... Al Castro, Darise Error, Wade Fransen, Patrick Gendusa, Todd Goodlett, Joshua Krause, Tony Morris, Christopher Williams *member-Alpha Psi Omega, National Honorary Theatre Fraternity **member- USITI', United States Institute for Theatre Technology ***member- Chi Tau Epsilon, National Honorary Dance Society The Texas Tech University Department ofTheatre and Dance is a member ofthe Association for Theatre in Higher Education, the Texas Educational Theatre Association, the Southwest Theatre Association, the American College Dance Festival Association and the Texas Non-Profit Theatre Association. An Excerpt from I am Joaquin/Yo Soy Joaquin by Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales Yo soy Joaquin, perdido in un mundo de confusion, engachado en el remolino de una sociedad gringa, confudido por las reglas, despreciado por las actitudes, sofocado por manipulaciones, y destrozado por Ia sociedad modema. Mis padres perdieron Ia batalla econ6mica y conquistaron Ia lucha de spervivencia cultura. Y jahora! yo tengo que escoger en medio de Ia paradoja de triunfo del espiritu, a despecho de hambre ffsica, 0 existir en Ia empufiada de Ia neurosis social americana, esterilizaci6n del alma y un est6mago repleto. Si, vine de muy lojos a ninguna parte, desinclinadamente arrastrado por ese gigante, monstruoso, tcknico e industrialllamado Progreso y exito angloamericano ... Yo mismo me miro. Observo a mis hermanos. Uoro lagrimas de desgracia. Siembro semillas de odio. Me retiro a Ia seguridad dentro del drculo de vida - Ml RA,ZA •••• An Excerpt from I am Joaquin/Yo Soy Joaquin by Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales I am Joaquin lost is a world of confusion, harnessed in a whirlpool of a gringo society, confused by the rules, despised by the attitudes, suffocated by manipulations, and destroyed by modem society. My parents lost the economic battle and conquered the fight of cultural survival. And now! I have to choose between the paradox of the triumph of the spirit, despite physical hunger or to exist in the grasp of the American social neurosis, the sterilization of the soul and the full stomach. Yes, they were brought from afar, unwillingly dragged by this gigantic, monstrous, technical, and industrial [force] called Progress and anglo-american success... I look at myself. I observe by brothers. I cry tears of disgrace. I sow seeds of hatred. I withdraw to the security inside the circle of life- MY RACE .•.. Texas Tech University Theatre presents written by OCTAVIO SOLIS THE CHARACTERS Tomas Santos (Tommy) ................................... Al Castro Mike Santos (Miguel, Michael, Mikey) ........... Jim Jose Fernie Santos (Fernando, Negro) .................... Omar Sadigh Vicky (Victoria) .. ... .. .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... Vanessa Montoya Nena (Magdalena) .......................................... Michelle Mellgren Don Miguel (a ghost) ....................................... Valentin Silguero Camacho (C) .................................................... Samuel G. Navarrete Pamela ............ ................................................. Karen Denise R utherford Judge Benton ................................................... Robert E. Wernsman John Gonzales ................................................. Michael S. Brennan Casper T. Willis ............................................... Patrick White Peggy Tomlinson .............................................. Amy Osmulski Felecia Lee Tomlinson .. ......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... Catherine Crosby Dancers ............................................................ Emily Hartmann, Kelly Russell, Erin L. Whitehead Director NORMAN A BERT Scenery & Lighting Designer Costume Designer FRED ERIK B. CHRISTOFFEL JOAN ST. GERMAIN Sound Designer JIM BUSH There will be one 10-minute intennission. Time: The Present Place: Various cities in the Southwest: El Paso, Beaumont, Dallas, San Antonio and Las Vegas Santos & Santos is produced by special arrangement with the Gersh Agency, Inc., New York and Beverly Hills. The taking of photographs, with or without Dash, and the use of video or audio recording equipment is a violation of copyright law and is strictly prohibited. Food and drink are not allowed in the theatre or the lobby. Smoking is prohib­ ited anywhere in the building. Late-comers will be seated by the ushers at the first appropriate interval during the performance. For the enjoyment of all patrons, ifyou have a paging device, please tum it off, or leave it, along with your seat number, with the House Manager, who will locate you if you have a message. Also, please turn off wristwatch alarms and cellular telephones. Production Staff and Running Crew Stage Manager .. ................................... Tayva Pew Assistant Stage Manager .................... Whitney Frazier Dramaturg/Dialect Coach ................... Paula Rodriguez Assistant to Mr. Christoffel ................. Todd Proffitt Lights and Sound ............ ..................... Lori Hobson, Steven Carpenter Set and Properties ........... .................... Brooke Weber, Wade Wilder, Joshua Krause Costume Crew ................. .. ................... Candace Maynard, Leslie Walton, ·Christina Hernandez Products appearing to be tobacco, alcohol, or any legal or illegal controlled substance which may be portrayed from time to time in Texas Tech University Theatre performances, are special mixtures or preparations made to appear "realistic" for theatrical purposes. Neither the Department of Theatre and Dance, nor Texas Tech University condones or promotes the use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Special Thanks To ... American Fence Company Dr. Bob Schultz, D.D.S., Jim Bush W D Wilkins Furniture & Appliances Dr. Kent Rylander, TTU Biology Department Sharon Narayan, Clark Scholar, Lubbock High School Marne Hunt, Artistic Director, Magic Theatre, San Francisco Gilbert Castillo, Jeffrey May, Texas Department of Corrections SANTOS & SANTOS FROM THE DffiECTOR We are thrilled to share with you our·production of Saritos & Santos. When I first read the script in November, 1995, I knew I had to direct this play. Its dramaturgy excited me. The cinematic cutting from scene to scene, the poetic "soul-talk" when characters speak their inner­ most hopes and fears to the audience, the fate-like dynamic that drags Tomas and his family down to destruction, the Shakespearean sweep of Solis' canvas - these things gave the script special appeal to me. Furthermore, I believe that new scripts are the life-blood of the theatre and that university theatre programs have a particular responsibility to support new writing and to make it avail­ able to their audiences. As a recent play by an upcoming playwright with roots in Texas soil, Octavio Solis' Santos & Santos seemed especially appropriate for this moment in Tech's pro­ duction program. And theatre has particular potential for helping us see ourselves and each others cultures in new ways, clearer ways, healthier ways. Theatre is a mirror in which we see our souls. Santos & Santos, set in west Texas amidst the Anglo-Latino mix that we take for granted, has particular promise for drawing us in, showing us ourselves, sending us out with new self-awareness. And then there was the immigrant thing. All Americans, except for American Indians, are immigrants or descendants of immigrants. My own ancestor, Peter Bert, came to the United States in 1830 and promptly severed all connections with his family in Rohrbach, Hesse. He joined in his new country's "manifest destiny" by moving to Kansas and then
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