AVEkAOB DAILY CnCTTLATIOIl for the .Month of SUreh, IMS WEATIICB Foreeaet of U. a. Weather BafMO, 6 ,1 5 4 Hmitford ^ Mwalier of the Audit Bureau of ClroolaUone Snow probably ftonisht and W - Surttitw 2im l5 not nsneb chA o^ In tam pan* MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHAim turn. VOL. LyiL, NO. 160 (CtaeaMed AdvertM ag ea Page U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS I Pour-Alarm Fire Threatens Philadelphia Block STRIKE IN DETROrr REORGANIZATION BILL TIES UP RAILWAY iC traffic OF CITY WINS IN HOUSE TEST No Street Cars Operated PARIS LEFTISTS BY VOTE OF 191 TO 169 Daring Morning; Bos Lines Ron Under PoEce Protec- PLAN A HUGE SUPREME COURT BaDot Was On Motion To tion — Thonsands Walk. MASS_PROTEST LATE NEWS Strike Ont Enading Claose DENIES PALKA’S Detrolt. April 7—(AP)—Upwards FLASHES! Of Measure; Bill Is Now of half a million Detroiters who French Senate Committee normally use the ettya etreet rail- PLEA ^ R LIFE way system, sought other means of Rejects Blum Powers KIl RIOTS IN P.ARIS Ready For Aoiendmenti;. Paris, April 7.—(AP)—More transportation today as an Ameri- than 10,060 Leftists protesting Sen- can Federation of Labor union mode And Sodafist Gronps Get Killer Of Bridgeport Pofice- ate opposition to Premier Blum's Foes Not To Give Up Figkt effective a strike started because of a dispute over seniority rights. demand for dictatorial financial man Loses Hakeas Corpns powers fdhgtit police and Rightists At the rush hour this morning no Ready For Demonstration street cars were operating and auto- ontsMe toe Senate late today. Washington. April 7.—(AP) mobile traffic was mon^g slowly Crowds surged through the -yThe House refused today to Petition; Exeendon Date ■treeto n«ar Loxemboarg Palace, because of - the appearance of thous- Paris, April 7— (AP)_The sen- kill^ the government reorgani- andi of additional motorcars on the the Senate building, screaming streets. ate finance committee, in aplte of Set For Next Tnesday. "down with the Senate!" zation bill. The teller vote was Bus lines were operating under the threat of a mass demonstration The demonstrators attacked gen- 191 to 169. **»™»oa w ith c h a ir s and b o ttle * — police protection, taxicabs.were do- LirfUsta. today flatly rejected The ballot, a victory for tha ing the best business In years and Mender L«Dn Blum's demand for Impromptu weapons snatched np administration, swas on a mo- thousands walked or thumbed rides. dictatorial powers over flnanee by a Hartford, April 7.—(AP)—Frank from cafes along the way—while The Detroit Street railway, a v ^ of 28 to 6. The left wing of the Palka apparefitly had loat today hU the poUoe retaliated In free use of tion by Representative 0 ’C3^ ■ municipal syatem, which also'oper- Premier's own Socialist party car- their clobs. nor (D., N. Y.), to "strike oiit latest legal fight to escape the elec- • • • ates the bus Ilnee, announced that ried forward preparations for a huge I^ffi^J^ev!rte^lSe“ Sra'^S:^,S;?""^^ ‘kelr vantage point on the tric chair In which he Is condemned the enacting clause’’—withottt all striking employes would be dla- meeting tonight outside toe Luxem- threaten^l by the flames, four alarms^i^ght'^J^torc^'irnU an entire '“5’city block_. might be CONVENT ON FIRE charged If they were not back on |»urg Palace, .housing the aenate, fire fighters to the scene. to die Tuesday for toe murder of a Fltobbnrg, Mass,, April 7,—(AP) which the bill would have bean Bridgeport policeman. The Su- the Job this afternoon. in deflance of the shaky Blum gov- —A fleroe general alarm fire today ineffective and meaningless. The weather favored the pedea- ernment's ban on the demonstra, preme Court of Errors upheld last ■*■0(1 the three and one-half story The measure was thrown trians. Ck>ntrary to forecast It was Uon. night a Superior Court dental of wooden convent of the Order of open to amendment immedi- a bright, Bunny day, although cold. The more militant Soctailat ele- his application for a writ of habeas Preaeatatton, drove 88 nans to the More snow, which had been predict- ment refused to cancel the demon- FEW AMERICANS LEFT JAPS RETREATING corpus In which he charged illegal street, and threatened to epread ately afterward. ed, did not materialize. stratlon call in spite of an Interior imprisonment to private realdeneee 200 yards Backers of the bill said tha Strikers’ Demands ministry order, which Blum ap- His counsel had argued that a away before It was brought under vote was a sure indication the The strike was called. In a riot- proved. reprieve granted by Governor Croaa (xMitroL ous session last night, by the Amal. The finance committee’s action IN SPAIN’S LOYAL ARMY AT GRAND CANAL on Dec. 10. 1937, was u n la w ^ and • a • House would pass It eventual- that since the time legally set for gamated Association of Street Elec- foreshadowed defeat for the premier MARKETS AT A GLANCE ly. But opponents still had og- tric Railway and Motor Coach Em- m the Senate tomorrow—with the the execution of sentence had passed New York, April 1— (AP)— portunities to attempt to do- ployes of America, (AFL). The downfall of his ckblnet—on his Palka should be set free. Stacks—Irregular; trading elow- feat it after amendments wera Amalgamated seeks seniority rights finance bill, for which he won lember Of International Chiaeso Go Orer The Top la CThlef Justice William H. Maltble >t h i a b o u t 4 y e a r s . SNOWFALL BREAKS In writing a unanimous opinion of disposed of. covering both street car and bus gnidglng approval of the Chamber Bonds—Mixed; high grade rails emplo3res. In one line of precedence. Of L>eputle8 yesterday. the highest tribunal Interpreted the bought. "This is just one part of th« Brigade Reaches French Hard Olleasive Aad Foot At present the bus men operate un- Call by Red Posters gubernatorial power to grant re- Curb—Uneven; oils aad metala In prlevea until the end of toe next nghi,’’ O’Connor told reporteni der a separate seniority plan. demonstration call was made WEATHER RECORDS supply. after hia proposal loot. "Then In voting the strike, in a cloaed m huge red posters with which Bordeir With Story Of Are Forced To Flee. session of the General Assembly Foreign Exchauge—Steady; franc meeting, the men shouted down Paris was plastered tola morning, under toe state constitution. noovera part of eariy leas. yjj*."®* ^ * reorganization their leaders and others who sought signed by Marceau PIvert, militant The court concluded In Its decis- Cotton—Easy; local and forolgB to dissuade them. There were sev- leader of the Socialist left wing Death Among His Buddies ion that “the govemnor had power wlUiif. SBOU*!’ rO R A W r E All Northern States Between Shanghai. April 7—(AP)—The eral flat lights and one man. who which planned thereby to show the to grant the reprieves (there were Soger—steady; Increased trade (The H outj -was In toe Parlia. opposed the strike action, was hit mnee etreagto of toe premier’s pop- T^wajigsi military cblefUaLn, (Sen, LI several) and that too plaintiff U not boytag. mentary stage known aa "conuntb* with a chair. ular support. Perpignan, France, at the Span- Rockies And East Coast Tsung-Jen, reported today that illegally detained but la being prop- Coffee—lower; easier spot nmr- tee of toe whcle” when the O’OoffT Tha seniority claim of the street «ly held until the day finally set pestm declared that “a group lah Frontier. April 7—(A P)—A J a p a n ^ were “In full retreat” from, ket. nor amendment was rejected.’ Un- railway workers is baaed upon a “J *y-*Jf"t*«* ok* men In their een- for hla execution arrivea, when toe Californian who had acted as politi- Talorchwang. the Shantung prov- der toe rules of procedure a roU call referendum approved by city votera Bastille” had been ’’eaboteg- Covered; Traffic Blocked. death penalty can lawfully be In- TREASURY BALANCE last April, but hue workers, most of Ing’ tha work of the People’, Front cal commissar for the Washington race rilloge whose mud walls have flicted upon him." , vote waa not In order then or later). toem organised in the Motor Coach government. ^en flattened by nearly three weeks ^unse) "Uadetermloed". Shouts of ’Vole, vote,” mingled and Lincoln Battalion of one of the; of batUe north of the Grand Canal. Washington. 'April 7.—(AP) with applause when O'Ckinnor went Operators' Association, an inde- The police guard around the sen Chicago, April 7—(A P)—Fresh Parka’s counsel. Maurice Gniskay, The poBlUon of the Treasury on pendent union, took the Issue to Spanish government’s IntemaUoDal Gen. LI said his warriors went reached at his home In Waterbury. down Into the well of toe Chamber snow blanketed a wide Azpanse of April 5: court. It now Is awaiting decUlon (OooMboM oe Page Two) Brigades reached France today with “'ekt In aald he was undetermined as to what to make hto proposal territory between the Rockies and a third offensive and that the Japa Receipts, 313.091.938.51; expendi- In so doing, he blocked, at least In the State Supreme Court. The a atory of death among his Ameri- action would be taken next. "i tures. 331.063,284.93; balance. 83- street railway workers claim It can comradea. the eastern seaboard today in the nese.
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