! Our Lady Mother of the Church 209 Woodcliff Avenue ~ Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677 ~ www.motherofthechurch.org SEVENTH S UNDAY OF E ASTER ~ J UNE 2, 2019 Fr. Sean Manson………………..……….………. Pastor Please Join Us! Email: [email protected] Fr. Siffredus Rwechungura……...……..... Parochial Vicar For our Parish Picnic! Mr. Stan Fedison…………………..………...…. Deacon Sunday, June 2 Mrs. Patricia Keenaghan…………..… Director of Rel. Ed . 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm Email: [email protected] Ms. Deborah DiPiazza…...……....... Faith Formation Aide Mr. Domenick Panfile…..………..……. Director of Music Ms. Judi Quinn……….…………. Administrative Secretary Email: [email protected] Mr. Vito Delzotto……..…...….… Parish Council President Rev. Msgr. Cajetan Salemi………..…...... Pastor Emeritus Rain or Shine Mass Schedule Monday-Friday 8:30am All Parishioners Saturday 5:30pm & Welcome!! 8:00 pm (in classroom) Music ~ Food Sunday 8:30am, 10:30am & 6:00 pm Holy Days: See bulletin for schedule of Masses. Games Parish Office: Monday - Wednesday 9:00am - 4:00pm Thursday and Friday 9:00am - 2:00pm Phone: 201-391-2826 Toddlers Mass Parish Email Every First Saturday [email protected] at 4:00 pm $10 per person Faith Formation Office $25 per family Phone: 201-391-7400 Reconciliation Monday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Saturday 4:30 pm to (3 or more) Wednesday 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm 5:00 pm [email protected] Mission Statement: Called by our baptism and nourished by the Eucharist, the parishioners of Our Lady Mother of the Church, acknowledge our mission to teach, share and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we create a welcoming environment, enthusiastically gather and worship to praise God, and strive to imitate the life of Jesus as we reach out beyond our own!! faith community. ! ! One of the greatest spiritual writers of our time was Carlo Carretto. He was 78 years old when he died in 1988 - on the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, 4th Octo- ber. As a young man in Turin, he was a very militant member of "Azione Cattolica". His zeal even came to the attention of the Pope who invited him to work in Rome! In 1954 this great activist stunned everybody by burning his diary and his address book, before setting off for the Sahara Desert where he joined the Little Brothers of Charles de Foucauld. For ten years he lived the desert life of silence, solitude and prayer, before return- ing to Italy and settling in Umbria where thousands of people sought his counsel and direction. His books on prayer and contemplation, which have helped so many people - perhaps his most famous being "Letters From The Desert"- con- tinue to be published and read today. In 1984 he wrote his "Spiritual Testament", which ends with an extraordinary "love letter" addressed to the institutional Church. In this letter he says: "How much I criticize you, my Church, but yet how much I love you! You have made me suffer more than anyone. And yet I owe you more than I owe any other person. I should like to see you destroyed. But I need your presence. You have caused me so much scandal. And yet you alone have taught me to understand the true meaning of holiness. Never in the world have I seen anything more obscurantist, more false, more hypocritical, more compromised. Yet never have I touched anything more pure, generous and lovely. Countless times I have wanted to slam the door of my soul in your face; yet every night I pray to die in your arms. No! I cannot be free of you; I cannot leave you, for I am one with you - even though not completely one. But if I leave, where should I go? What would I do? Build another Church? But I cannot build another Church without the same defects. Why? Because they are MY defects too. And again, if I were to build another Church, it would be MY Church and not Christ's Church..." Carlo Carretto experienced the Church as he experienced himself: flawed, yet divine, able to reveal the amazing love and mercy of God, and able to obscure it and destroy it too. He lived in a Church that did not always radically live the Gospel it preached. And the same reality he discovered in his own life too. Perhaps this is your experience also? Perhaps you could write a similar "love letter" too? Remember this when you hear the Gospel at Mass today. Happy Easter, Fr. Sean ! ! ! ! Saturday June 1 For everything there is a season and a time for 5:30 pm St. Justin every purpose under heaven.” John Thalmann Ecclesiastes 3:11 Sunday June 2 Seventh Sunday of Easter; World “A time to be healed” Communications Day Parish sick list: Marie Barrett, Philip Buccellato, Fran- 8:30 am Catherine & Kenneth O’Brien cesca DeMarco, Arlene Desposito, Robert Fedison, Trevor 10:30 am Joseph Dispoto Giesberg, Jennifer Hartmann, Brad Jones, Joachim Jung, 6:00 pm Gloria Mattia Lina Klarin, Vivienne Knopp, Ivy LaRegina, Robert Li- Monday June 3 bonati, Jessica Livingstone, Nat Lucarello, Bob Malone, 8:30 am St. Charles Lwanga & Companions Kevin Murphy, Flossie O’Sullivan, James Ranazzo, Carol Madeline Flynn Schmidt, Bro. Kevin Smith, Ivan Tarabokia, Rose Ann Tri- paldi, Eric Vanderleif and Bryce Werner Tuesday June 4 8:30 am Madeline Flynn “A time to mourn” Wednesday June 5 “A time for war and a time for peace” 8:30 am St. Boniface Tyler Aiello, Ryan Brady, Lcpl. Joseph Ryan and Seamus Giuseppe Calabro Ryan Thursday June 6 Amen. St. Norbert 8:30 am Madeline Flynn Friday June 7 OLMC Kitchen Cleaners 8:30 am People of the Parish Wanted!! Wednesday, June 5 at Saturday June 8 9:00 am 5:30 pm Kevin L. Rew Company’s Coming! Family Prom- Sunday June 9 ise families and cooks from Pentecost Sunday neighboring host congregations. We 8:30 am Kenneth Thyne want the kitchen to sparkle. Bring your favorite cleaning 10:30 am John Thalmann products and join the merry band. Questions? Call Lois 6:00 pm People of the Parish DeBrock at (201) 391-8337. Lunch Bunch The Sanctuary Lamp will burn before the Blessed We will meet on Thursday, June 13 at 12:00pm. You are Sacrament for the month of June welcome to join us for a bring your own lunch, lunch, In memory of fellowship and dessert.. Dot Brennan Requested By The Offer Family Stewardship of Treasure My Parish, My Family, My Responsibility “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the Our Lady’s Guild last, the beginning and the end.” Thank you to all who enjoyed our end of the year din- (Revelations 22:13) ner! Thank you to all who participated and supported This is a reminder of how we should live our lives 24 the Rummage Sale! We are most pleased to donate the hours a day, 7 days a week – putting God first in all that proceeds to our parish’s improvement. Thank you to we do. Not only when I am at Mass and parish activi- the Ruiz family for all their hard work to make this hap- pen. ties, but when I am in the world, at work or at school. Living gratefully and generously is a lifestyle; it should At the Guild meeting Monday, May 20 th the slate of of- influence how I make all my daily decisions. ficers for 2019-20 was approved: President Carol Ruiz, Receipts from Last Week………………….$3,906.00 Vice President Marge Coyne, Secretary Jean Fedison Catholic Home Missions……...…………..$ 785.00 and Treasurer Pat Keenaghan. Great thanks to Joyce Utilities……………………………………..$ 15.00 Merlino who has served for 12 years as secretary !! ! ! ! Toddler’s Mass SAINT JOHN’S A reminder, we have begun a ‘Toddler’s Mass’ on the ACADEMY NEWS first Saturday of every month. All families with babies and small children are welcome and encouraged to come. This Mass is specifically geared at young children. Red Nose Day Our next Mass will be Saturday, July 6th at 4:00pm. We On May 23, SJA students wore red in support of Red hope to see you here. Nose Day, a campaign to end child poverty. Memorial Day SJA students commemorated Memorial Day with a spe- cial assembly honoring our veterans. Sharing God’s Blessings Celebrating Retiring Teachers Annual Appeal Students celebrated the ca- Thank you to everyone who so gener- reers of four longtime ously pledged towards this year’s Sharing teachers who will be retiring God’s Blessings Annual Appeal. It is so at the end of this year. Mrs. important that every member of the par- Rita Algieri, Mrs. Sharon ish participate in this opportunity to give Gallagher, Mrs. Gayle Scirocco and Mrs. Donna Smith to others who are in need. It is particu- were honored at a school Liturgy. We wish these won- larly appropriate for us to do so in this Lenten Season, derful teachers God’s blessings for the future. They will which invites us to Almsgiving. Our goal this year is be missed! $38,000 . So far we have collected $24,975 which is 67% of our goal. If you have not yet responded, there are still envelopes available in the pews. On behalf of Cardinal Tobin, and on behalf of myself, your Pastor, I thank you once again. Fr. Sean Thank You From New Hope "Our outreach to first-time single moms wants to thank Woodcliff Lake UNICO all who have supported us Invites you to a through your baby shower hosted at Our Lady Mother Fundraiser for the Caro Family of the Church for moms and babies.
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