01. 04. NA RASKRŠĆU ŽIVOT U SAVRŠENOJ KULTURA REZONANCI The Intersection Of Cultures Life In Perfect Resonance 02. 05. PREDSTAVLJAMO PREDSTAVLJAMO BELGRADE WATERFRONT EAGLE HILLS Introducing Belgrade Waterfront Introducing Eagle Hills 03. U RITMU GRADA SADRŽAJ In The Rhythm Of The City Content 01 01 NA RASKRŠĆU KULTURA The Intersection Of Cultures 01 01 / Beograd UZBUDLJIVA, MODERNA METROPOLA An Upbeat, Modern Metropolis SA SVOJOM JEDINSTVENOM LOKACIJOM NA UŠĆU DVEJU VELIKIH REKA, SAVE I DUNAVA, BEOGRAD VEKOVIMA USPEŠNO SPAJA UTICAJE ISTOKA I ZAPADA. GLAVNI GRAD SRBIJE JE MOZAIK RAZLIČITIH KULTURA I STILOVA, POZNAT PO SVOJOJ BOGATOJ ISTORIJI, ŽIVOJ KULTURNOJ SCENI, DINAMIČNOM NOĆNOM ŽIVOTU I KOSMOPOLITSKOM DUHU. BEOGRAD DANAS UČESTVUJE SA OKO 40% U UKUPNOJ PRIVREDI SRBIJE, A POSTAO JE I FINANSIJSKI I POSLOVNI CENTAR JUGOISTOČNE EVROPE SA ZAVIDNIM NIVOOM DIREKTNIH STRANIH INVESTICIJA KOJE SU U STALNOM PORASTU. POSLEDNJIH GODINA, BEOGRAD SE TAKOĐE NAMEĆE I KAO JEDNA OD KLJUČNIH DESTINACIJA ZA SVE ONE KOJI TRAŽE NEŠTO NOVO I DRUGAČIJE U VEĆ POMALO ZASIĆENOM EVROPSKOM OKRUŽENJU. Uniquely located at the confluence of two major rivers, the Sava and the Danube, Belgrade has been blending eastern and western influences for centuries. The Serbian capital is a mosaic of divergent cultures and styles, famous for its rich history, vibrant cultural scene, dynamic nightlife and cosmopolitan spirit. Today, Belgrade accounts for 40% of Serbia’s economy, and has become Southeast Europe’s financial and business centre with enviable levels of direct foreign investment that are constantly rising. In recent years, it has also established itself as one of the key destinations for those seeking something new and different among the now familiar European landscape. 04 05 02 PREDSTAVLJAMO 02 BELGRADE WATERFRONT Introducing Belgrade Waterfront 02 02 / Belgrade Waterfront NOVI KREŠENDO PRESTONICE The Capital’s New Crescendo POGODNO SMEŠTEN UZ DESNU OBALU REKE SAVE, BELGRADE WATEFRONT JE PROJEKAT URBANE REVITALIZACIJE VREDAN 3 MILIJARDE DOLARA, KOJIM SE STVARA NOVO GRADSKO JEZGRO I DESTINACIJA OD MEĐUNARODNOG ZNAČAJA. PRUŽAJUĆI SE NA 1,8 MILIONA KVADRATNIH METARA PRVOKLASNOG PRIOBALNOG GRAĐEVINSKOG ZEMLJIŠTA, BELGRADE WATEFRONT DONOSI TRANSFORMACIONE PROMENE PUTEM PRIMENE PRINCIPA ODRŽIVOG RAZVOJA, STVARANJEM NOVIH JAVNIH PROSTORA, UVOĐENJEM PREDNOSTI ZA KRETANJE PEŠAKA I DOVOĐENJEM KULTURNIH SADRŽAJA U SRCE BEOGRADA. ŠIRENJEM I UNAPREĐENJEM GRADSKOG JEZGRA, BELGRADE WATERFRONT OTVARA NOVO POGLAVLJE U ISTORIJI PRESTONICE I STVARA NOV GRAVITACIONI CENTAR SAVREMENOG ŽIVOTA. Nestled beside the Sava River, Belgrade Waterfront is a monumental US $3 billion urban revitalisation project creating a world-class new city hub and an international destination. Covering over 1.8 million square metres of prime riverside real estate, it is delivering transformational change by supporting sustainable development, creating new public spaces, prioritising streets for pedestrians and bringing the cultural life of Belgrade to the heart of the city. Through the expansion and enhancement of the city centre, Belgrade Waterfront is opening a new chapter in the history of the capital, and creating a new point of gravity for aspirant modern life. 10 02 / Belgrade Waterfront BELGRADE ZOO Zoološki vrt RIVERReka DANUBE Dunav POBEDNIK MONUMENT KALEMEGDAN Pobednik PARK KRALJA PETRA SAVRŠENA LOKACIJA The Perfect Location SABORNA CHURCH Saborna crkva SKADARLIJA BETON HALA NATIONAL THEATRE Narodno pozorište KNEZ MIHAJLOVA CARICE MILICE BRANKO ’S BRIDGE SAVAMALA Brankov most BULEVAR MIHAJLA PUPINA BW SALES CENTRE 1 BW Prodajni centar 1 HOTEL MOSKVA NATIONAL ASSEMBLY Narodna skupština KARAĐORĐEVA TERAZIJE PORED TOGA ŠTO JE JEDNA OD NAJEKSKLUZIVNIJIH I NAJDINAMIČNIJIH SAVA BRIDGE LOKACIJA U PRESTONICI, BELGRADE WATEFRONT JE I JEDNA OD NAJBOLJE Savski most BW SIMFONIJA POVEZANIH. SMEŠTEN NA ISTOČNOJ (DESNOJ) OBALI REKE SAVE, NOVI KOMPLEKS ĆE IMATI JEDNOSTAVAN PROTOK SAOBRAĆAJA IZMEĐU STAROG GRADA I NOVOG BEOGRADA PREKO SAVSKOG MOSTA. NA UDALJENOSTI OD NEŠTO VIŠE BW SALES CENTRE 2 BW Prodajni centar 2 OD JEDNOG KILOMETRA, MOST GAZELA OMOGUĆAVA ULAZ I IZLAZ IZ GRADA MEĐUNARODNIM AUTOPUTEM E-75, A BEOGRADSKI AERODROM NIKOLA TESLA JE NA 15 MINUTA UDALJENOSTI AUTOMOBILOM. U NEPOSREDNOJ BLIZINI NALAZE BEOGRAĐANKA SE I BROJNE STANICE JAVNOG PREVOZA, UKLJUČUJUĆI AUTOBUSE I TRAMVAJE. RIVERReka SAVA Sava KNEZA MILOŠA NEMANJINA As well as being one of the most esteemed and lively locations in the capital, Belgrade SAVSKA Waterfront is also one of the best connected. Located along the right bank of the River Sava, GALERIJA BELGRADE the new development provides immediate access to the Sava Bridge, linking the old city centre with New Belgrade. Just over one kilometre away, Gazela Bridge enables easy access in and GAZELA BRIDGE out of town via the E-75 international highway, with Belgrade Airport Nikola Tesla being just a SLAVIJA SQUARE Most Gazela Trg Slavija 15-minute drive away. Numerous nearby public transport options include buses and trams. SAVSKA 12 13 03 03 U RITMU GRADA In The Rhythm of the City 03 BAŠ KAO U MUZIČKOJ KOMPOZICIJI, I MELODIJA ŽIVOTA SE SASTOJI OD SEKCIJA I STAVOVA: PESMA GALEBOVA NAD SAVOM, DEČJI SMEH IZ PARKOVA BEOGRAD I BRISTOL, UDALJENA SIRENA MODERNE KRSTARICE NA DUNAVU ILI KUCANJE ČAŠA SA ŠAMPANJCEM NA OTVARANJU UMETNIČKE IZLOŽBE ISPRED HOTELA W BELGRADE… UŽIVAJTE U SIMFONIJI VAŠEG NOVOG KOMŠILUKA. DOBRODOŠLI U ŽIVOT U RITMU GRADA. Just like in a musical composition, the soundtrack of life is arranged into distinct sections or movements: the song of seagulls over the Sava river, children’s laughter from nearby Belgrade and Bristol parks, the distant siren of a modern cruiser on the Danube or champagne glasses toasting at the opening of an art show in front of the W Belgrade... Enjoy the symphony of your new neighbourhood. Welcome to LIFE IN THE RHYTHM OF THE CITY. 03 / BW Simfonija lifestyle IZUZETNA ŽIVOTNA ZAJEDNICA Exquisite community living BW SIMFONIJA OBUHVATA DVE KULE JEDINSTVENOG ARHITEKTONSKOG IZRAZA, SA UKUPNO 280 STAMBENIH JEDINICA. KULA 2 JE PETNAESTOSPRATNICA SA DVE DODATNE UVUČENE ETAŽE, KOJA ZAUZIMA SEVERNI DEO PARCELE I PRETEŽNO JE ORIJENTISANA U PRAVCU ISTOK-ZAPAD, SA POGLEDIMA KOJI SE PRUŽAJU KA BEOGRADSKOJ TVRĐAVI, BRISTOL PARKU, RECI SAVI I UŠĆU. JEDAN SPRAT NIŽA KULA 1 ZAUZIMA JUŽNI DEO PARCELE I PRETEŽNO JE ORIJENTISANA U PRAVCU SEVEROZAPAD-JUGOISTOK, S POGLEDIMA NA REKU SAVU, KULU BEOGRAD I BRISTOL PARK. U NEPOSREDNOM OKUŽENJU NALAZI SE W BELGRADE SA SVOJIM NEPONOVLJIVIM NJUJORŠKIM KARAKTEROM, KROVNOM ZEN BAŠTOM, KAFEIMA, RESTORANIMA I ULIČNOM UMETNIČKOM GALERIJOM, TE STAMBENE ZGRADE BW METROPOLITAN, BW TERRACES, BW RESIDENCES I BW MAGNOLIA. With a total of 280 residential units, BW Simfonija comprises two towers that share the same architectural language. Tower 2 is a 15-storey structure with two additional recessed floors, taking up the northern section of the plot, and predominantly oriented in the E-W direction, thus providing views of the Kalemegdan fortress, Bristol Park, Sava river and the confluence. The one floor shorter Tower 1 is located in the southern section of the plot and is predominantly oriented in the NW-SE direction, with views of the river Sava, Kula Belgrade and Bristol Park BW Simfonija’s immediate neighbourhood includes the W Belgrade with its signature New York vibe, rooftop zen garden, cafés, restaurants and street art gallery, and residential buildings BW Metropolitan, BW Terraces, BW Residences and, across the Sava Bridge, BW Magnolia. 18 19 03 / BW Simfonija lifestyle NA FREKVENCIJI ŽIVOTA Live in the Key of Life OKRUŽEN RASKOŠNIM ZELENILOM I NA SAMO NEKOLIKO MINUTA HODA OD OBALE SAVE, BW SIMFONIJA SVOJIM PROBRANIM STANARIMA NUDI RAZNOVRSAN IZBOR PREDNOSTI U POGLEDU ŽIVOTNOG STILA. INDIVIDUALNI KUPCI I MLADI PAROVI ĆE IMATI KORISTI OD DINAMIČNOG OKRUŽENJA I BOGATOG IZBORA RESTORANA, KAFEA I MALOPRODAJNIH OBJEKATA U NEPOSREDNOJ BLIZINI. PORODICE SA DECOM BIĆE PRIVUČENE BLIZINOM PARKOVA BEOGRAD I BRISTOL, VTIĆEM I ŠKOLSKIM USTANOVAMA U NEPOSREDNOJ BLIZINI, DOK ĆE SVI STANARI PODJEDNAKO UŽIVATI U IZVANREDNIM REKREATIVNIM SADRŽAJIMA KAO ŠTO SU ŠETNJA ILI VOŽNJA BICIKLA DUŽ SAVA PROMENADE I TRČANJE ILI OPUŠTANJE U PARKOVIMA. Surrounded by lush greenery and within minutes of the Sava riverside, BW Simfonija will offer a diverse blend of lifestyle advantages for discerning residents. Singles and young couples will benefit from the area's dynamic character and abundance of restaurants, cafés and retail outlets in the immediate vicinity. Families with children will be drawn to the easy access to Belgrade and Bristol parks and the nearby kindergarten and school facilities, while superb recreational choices, from walking or cycling along the Sava Promenada, to jogging or relaxation in the parks, will be enjoyed by everyone. 21 BRANKOVA 03 / BW Simfonija lifestyle BRANKOV MOST BRANKO’S BRIDGE BW SALES CENTRE 1 BRISTOL HOTEL BESPREKORNA BW CENTRAL POVEZANOST SAVANOVA BRISTOL PARK Seamless Connections BW MAGNOLIA KARAĐORĐEVA SAVSKI MOST BW SIMFONIJA SAVA’S BRIDGE W HOTEL BW METROPOLITAN RAILWAY STATION BW RESIDENCES BW ARIA BW SALES CENTRE 2 BW TERRACES BW VISTA BW PARKVIEW BW SIMFONIJA NUDI LAK PRISTUP GLAVNIM SAOBRAĆAJNIM PUTEVIMA, KAO I KLJUČNIM PUNKTOVIMA BEOGRADA KAO ŠTO SU NOVI BEOGRAD, KULA BELGRADE ADA CIGANLIJA, KALEMEGDANSKI PARK I ISTORIJSKI CENTAR GRADA. PRILIKOM VOŽNJE AUTOMOBILOM, STANARI ĆE IMATI NA RASPOLAGANJU A V A BW AURORA DIREKTAN PRISTUP GLAVNOM BULEVARU SA ISTOKA I SAVSKOM MOSTU SA BW ARCADIA R S SEVERA.
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