■<; ^ ^ \ . WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY «, IM t Averag^ D ifly Nat Prlii^ The Wcathw i^anrliiPBtpr lEopnit^ J|praUi FMfMMl tiV.M. W M th tf VllMsiy A n il'' includiat •,141 fadenl axtmdad IMF' Decrease Noted olalini, fipom 4$,a90, iaataidiag 13,921 is-Mi FManr p e o t f , Town 6,71i isiMnd SKlaiidsd dMma. In Idle Claims This taMal dalaw fIM to Man­ chester amounted to 161, and oon^ HURRY TO Moncheefar—-id CUy of VUiago Charm IlM Bucsktey School P T A will tlnuad daima to 1,04A Of the to­ cor h Hobo Whiat party ICon- tltaamployment daima fUad in tal, unemployed women numbered at S pjn. at the achool awU- Manchaster last week totaled 400, or 87.8 par cent (K16HTBSN PAGiS) MANCHESTER CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY T, 1968 PRICE nVE CKllTf r fr lm ii Mra. Donald Oeer la ohali^ 1,307, a drop o f 14, or 1J per cent, ▼OL. L 3 Ir NO. 109 man. M ra Lloyd Odell, ho^dtallty from thoae filed Gm prevloua week. There were H agent InUraUto HOUSE &. chairman, la n cbarKs of Mfresh- In the state, aa a whole, elalips daima and 84 partlu dalinb. manta. Mambara are reminded to decreased by 493 to 48,4#4. For W ith «,494, B r i^ p o r t reported brine oarda and Itema for the the comparable period last year, the olaina tu r n last , weak, whM. Tiokata wUI be avallabi* at daima In the state rose to 49,286, followed by Hartford with 0|P82. OPEN THURSDAY Vote Fails 11m door, n ie public la Invited. The ?’-T*r** of Women Votera and FRID AY till 9 p.m. drill have a unit meeting on atate To Restrict White House Shows Nation education finance tomorrow at A pjn. at the home of Mra. George FREE Main St Parking iandala, 40 Steap Hollow Lana HOUSE &. HALE Filibusters tb a caat o f "Death of a Salea- Main Streat, Manchastar LONDON (AP)-Brltoin’s oppi>f towetontd to spUt It to tw o -^ - man” wlU have ita final dreaa re­ ■Itkm Latxnr party faoad tha proa- lateral dlsanhamcnt and furthar WASHINGTON (AP) — af aa Inconoluaiva flrat bal- nationalisation. His dsath Jan. IS hearsal tonight at 8 at Bowers The StoUite’s big Imtile over a School auditorium, and is remind­ today to tha torae-xun race ralssd spaoulatian that tha old ed to r^rort at 7. Members of the r for a naw laadar wboaa ohlat( U s p ^ might break out again. new MitifillbuitiBr nile ended Photos of Missile Breakup little Theater of Manchester are FABULOUS! taak win ba to praaarva party 4S, a trade untonlit, bae today in defeat for those Invited to attend the r^eanal has unity. always iiean a vtriatUa right-wtag Labortto who backed Galtskall'e wanting a tighter rule. which w ill be held instead o f the The man finally ohoaan could On a test vote, backers of a meeting previously scheduled for waU ba Brttato’a next prime mto- moderate policies tfatough thick and thin. new rule mustered 84 votes to 43 tonight. later U ha can hold tha parW’a for the (^qxwltion, but were de­ oppoalng teettona togathar. But The IstUat WUaon, 46, for a long time opposed abahdonment of na- feated because they needed two- Scandia lo d g a Order o f Vasa, oMervani doubted that tba party thirds of those voting. Keating Still Insists TANTALINE had united behind on* man and tlonaUsatlon poUcles and wanted will meet tomorrow at 8 pm. at This vote waa on a motion to lanolin picked a leader on tha flrat ballot. Britain to renounce nuclear weap­ Orange HaU. Swedish dancing wUl ons. More recenUy he had backed limit debate on the question of b^in at 7. There will be refresh- Harold WilMn, aconomiat and formally taking up a rule change. Labor’! f o r a ^ affalra expert, Gaitskell’a poUcy of keeping Brit­ manta after the meeting. Next, the Senate voted 64-88 to and George Brown, the weaent ain a nuclear power end watering Cuba Threat to U.S. down tho basic BoclaUst principle adjourn, a pcurllamentary atep Tfia Ladlee of St. James will treated acting leader, ware regarded aa that wiped out the whole rules GIRDLES! naek and neck favorltea for the of state ownership. m M t Monday at 8:16 p.m. at the fight that bad gripped the Senate . - ..-NxrvN** ’ . lob. Political commentators gave Celleghan, 60, is an amiable, school. Mrs. Salvatore Filloramo since (Congress assembled Jan. 9. By FRED S. HOFFMAN foundations . main floor WUaon a slight edge. Tha third quiet-spoken middle of the roadsr. mid Mrs. Albert Sobielo will head C3arenca Mitchell, Washington emidldata, fucal expert Jamas lie was put forward by members WASHINGTON (A P)—The Kennedy administration has a committee who will conduct a director of the National Associa­ Oallaghan, was considered a dark who feared resumption of rival­ flashed across the nation’s television screens an unprece­ penny auction. Mrs. Ernest Green tion for the Advancement of Col­ SEAMLESS horae. ries within the p m y . dented display of intelligence data to support its stand that will be hospltaUty chairman. Two years ago Wilson chal­ ored People, blamed the defeat on The 349 Laborites to tha House Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson Cuba is free of Soviet offensive weapons. THE TANTALINE "V-TOP" e( Commons have been casting lenged Gaitakell for the leader­ The Army-Navy Auxiliary will and Democratic Leader Mike secret ballota for a week for a ship and lost. Then Brown defeat­ The report to the nation late Wednesday had a double meet tonight at 8 o’clock at the Mansfield of Montana. new leader to aucceed the late ed him for the post of deputy purpose: To reassure the people and to squeeze the steam clubhouse. Members will bring He made a public a telegnun to Hugh Oeltskell. The ballot box loader. Sen. Jacob K. Javlts, R-N.T., say­ out of a boiling political controversy over Cuba’s armed l^ ta for the gift table. wm be opened tonight and the The Ccmservatlve government of NYLONS Prime Minister Harold MacmUIan ing today’s events showed "tha might. votes counted. ' nr<«« Joan M. Mikolite 398 Slat­ has a majority of 100 in the incredibly ruthless manner in But despite Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara’s 7 3.50 If the first ballot gives none of wMch the vice president and the er Rd., Wapping, has been installed the candidates a majority, the House of Commons. MacmUIan statement that he believes beyond any reasonable doubt that as vice president of Phi Sigma Chi, can pick the time for the general nuijorlty leader, working together, man with the fewest votes Is can thwart the will of a majority all offensive weapons have been removed from Cuba, Sen. Soci^ sorority at the University of ' tha girdle eliminated and the remaining two election which must be held by Hartford for the spring semester. in the Senate.” Kenneth B. Keating seemed in no mood to let up. Hansel and Gretel Benefits Lutz Museum go Into a new contest. October, 1944. The leader of the Miss SheUa M. Graham, 44 Bunce Lynda Gustafson, 156 High St., as Gretel. and Ruth Utting, 88 W. Center St., as HanMl, and panty Gaitakell during his seven years party winning a majority In tho Javlts had tried unsuccessfully Keating, a New York Republican who has been making Dr., is recording secretary. are unaware of the approach of the witch, Lauriene Smith, 151 Wainut St., as they leave the as leader welded the party togeth- House of Commons automatlcaUy before the adjournment vote to charges since last August about Cuba’s military might, said gingerbread house. A musical ver.sion of the fairy tale will be presented by Girl Scout Interrnediate ar on tho two Mg Issues that I becomes prime minister, get recognition from Johnson to none of his statements had been disputed by McNamara in Lakota Council, Degree of Tr<»p 690 Saturday at 1;30 and 3:30 p.m. at Whiton Library Auditorium. Proceeds will benefit girdle argue, aa a point of order, that a Pocahontas, will meet tonight at Lutz Junior Museum. Tickets may be obtain at the door. (Herald photo by Pinto). matority of the Senate had voted the television report which featured an intelligence exi>ert 7:30 at Odd Fellows Hall. There that to Unlit debate and Uiis should be and many reconnaissance photographs. will be a social time with refresh­ done. Such an argument would Many of the before-and-after<^ ments after the meeting. Miss Judith Best, daughter of The Manchester YW C A has an­ Elks Setback never have involved a contention that photographs of missile sites and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Best, 53 nounced that there are openings Avoid US. as Issue, the Senate's long-standing two- shots of Soviet ships at sea with Coburn Rd., is a member of a available in a class in millinery to Peterson's, 1.064; State Shoe Re-1 gives plain or mlcromesh tiiirds rule does not apply when a missiles and crated IL28 bombers Briefing Broke royalties committee for a winter be conducted Friday from 7 to 9 pair, 1,057; Patten's, 1,020; Schen- new CJongress convenes. aboard had been made public be­ weekend Feb. 22 through 24 at p.m Those interested may reg­ del's, 1,006; North Ends, 989; W al­ “Your experience,” Mitchell fore, during last fall’s crisis.
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