USPELMANfMESSENGERN- Vol. 25. SPELMAN SEMINARY, ATLANTA, GA., APRIL, 1909. No. 7 4-Hh 4- 4*4*4*4*4* 4< 4*4*4*4<4<4* . EASTER LILIES, and heat, and of the vivifying influences pulpit in churches. Special cakes were O Easter lilies, thy petals speak of spring. ‘At Rome the sacred fire in baked at Easter, of which representatives Of those pearly gates we love, the temple of A"esta was kindled anew still exist in the ‘hot cross buns’ and That enter in from a world of sin every year on the first of March, which ‘simmel cakes’; and brightly-painted eggs To a city of gold above ; used to be the were The tender greens of thy stately stalk, beginning of the Roman presented to friends— a custom yet Of that “green hill far away” year,’ observes Dr. J. G. Fraser. Bon¬ surviving among children. Where our Savior died, but, glorified, fires, lit from the flames thus originated The fact that this European spring fes¬ Lives and pleads for us to-day. by the priest on Easter Eve, are still tival synchronized with the Jewish Pass- O sacred lilies, thy message holds burned in many parts of Europe, notably over (itself doubtless owning the same All of life and death to me!; in Germany. remote origin) tended greatly to its mod¬ For our blessed Lord will keep his word, The fires are ification in “Where I am shall pay servant be.” always kindled, year after post-Christian times; and the The cross is ever the wa3T of life, year, on the same hill, which according¬ circumstance that the crucifixion and But e’en while its shadows fall, ly often takes the name of Easter Moun¬ resurrection are distinctly stated to have The gates unfold from that city of gold tain. As far as their reaches, so far, occurred at the passover, Where the risen Lord crowns all. light prepared the in belief of Gena Hudgin Osborne. peasants, the fields will be way for the t.ransformance of the heathen fruitful, and the houses on which they into a Christian festival. The extinction shine will be safe from conflagration or of the old-year fires on Easter Eve was in¬ sickness. As the flames die down, young terpreted as symbolizing the darkness of and old leap over them, and cattle are some¬ Calvary and the grave ; the EASTER. lighting of the times driven through the smouldering new fire signalized the resurrection. Easter, the chief festival of the Chris¬ embers, (Golden Bough, iii. 254), as a The ceremony of ‘burning the Easter tian year, commemorates the resurrec¬ protection against disease. The Easter fire man’ (a straw figure akin to King Carni¬ tion of Christ. As a matter of fact, how¬ of Germany is the Beltane fire of Celtic val), in which no woman, girl, or lad un¬ ever, a religious festival occurring at or Europe, with precisely the same attendant der eighteen was allowed to participate, about the vernal equinox is much older ceremonies and beliefs. Easter was also cel¬ became known as ‘burning the Judas.’ than Christanity. It marked the dawn of ebrated by games, which included songs, At first, the Christian Easter synchron¬ a new year, the end of the reign of win¬ dances, dramatic shows, and (during the ized exactly with the Jewish Passover. ter and the advent of increasing light middle ages) amusing tales told from the This was adhered to by the Eastern SPELMAN MESSENGER. Church, but was soon rejected in the West on the ground that the resurrection took place on the first day of the week af¬ ter the passover, and ought, therefore, to be commemorated on Sunday. After much bitter controversy the particular Sunday was definitely fixed in the sixth century to be the Sunday between the fif¬ teenth and twenty-first days of the moon in the first month of the Jewish lunar year; and it was directed that the compu¬ tation should be made according to the tables of Victorius of Aquitaine (intro¬ duced in 457 A. D. ). Owing to the fact that Britain bad ceased to be a part of the Roman empire, Easter did not at first af¬ fect the British Church, which continued for exhibition purposes. The forestry thought that many of the visitors to the to be calculated on a basis previously ap¬ building will be entirely complete and Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition will be¬ proved at Rome. But after a century of all exhibits in place thirty days before come extremely interested in the forestry disputation, the matter was finally dispos¬ the exposition opens. school and its work. Although the ed of at the synod held at Whitby, ATork- The exhibit in the forestry building building is to be used this summer by the shire, in 664; after which date the church will be complete in every detail. There Exposition to be held on the campus at of the British Isles conformed to the gener¬ will be a comprehensive display of tim¬ Seattle from June to October, the struct¬ al practice of the western church. Eas¬ bers of various kinds, showing the logs ure was designed so as to be of use es¬ ter is now observed by the Roman Cath¬ just as they leave the forest besides sec¬ pecially fora laboratory where the science olic and Protestant churches on the first tions of the big timbers. The various of forestry may be studied. With this Sunday after-full moon on or after March kinds of woods in a finished condition end in view all the latest apparatus has 21, and thus cannot be earlier than March will also be displayed and there will be been installed and the building made 22, or later than April 25. many samples showing flooring, paneling, complete in every way. Nelson’s Encyclopedia. ceiling workand other uses to which wood What could be more appropriate than a is put to decorate the interior of residence building made of logs and native lumber and office buildings. in all the stages of preparation, from the In connection with the forestry exhibit rough to the highly polished interior fin¬ at the exposition will be the timber test¬ ish, in which the very surroundings will ing plant located in the machinery hall be a huge laboratory for the study of the THE FORESTRY BUILDING, ALASKA- adjoining the forestry building. During various kinds of woods? Progress on this YUKON-PACIFIC EXPOSITION. the progress of the exposition timbers of building is being observed with greater The forestry building at the Alaska- every kind and all sizes will be tested to interest, perhaps, than any other. Seen Yukon-Pacific Exposition will be one of the breaking point. This will be one of from a distance, as one approaches, the the most striking structures on the the most instructive demonstrations at columns forcibly remind one of the pict¬ grounds and will be a city block inlength. the exposition and will be of interest to ures one used to study in ancient his¬ At the close of the exposition this build¬ the builders from every part of the coun¬ tories of the Egytian temples in the val¬ ing will revert to the University, and try who attend the Seattle exposition. ley of the Nile. Washington’s seat of learning will be the The school of forestry at the University No doubt the completed building will only educational institution in the world of Washington is comparatively young, be one of the most interesting on the Ex¬ having a building of that character for use but one year and a half old, but forestry position grounds and deservedly so, since of students taking a forestry course. The as a separate study was taught for some it represents one of the greatest and most forestry building is one of the largest log years before the Forestry School was es¬ picturesque industries of the state. houses ever built. tablished. Dept, of Publicity. The building has a frontage of 320 feet Although the percentage of pupils reg¬ and in width is 144 feet. About the front istering in forestry is small as yet, the of the building will be 124 logs each forty increase on the opening of the second feet high, 5 feet in diameter, 6,000 feet in year was remarkable and the school, being board measure. The weight of each log located in such a large lumbering district, is estimated at 50,000 pounds. The logs has a very bright future ahead of it. THE INDIANS AND THEIR PASSION used on the exterior of the building will The degrees to be obtained from the PLAY. school are Bachelor of Science in be left in the rough, while those used in Forestry Picturesquely beautiful was the setting the interior will have the bark removed. in a four years course and Master of Forest¬ for the Indian Passion Play, “Hiawatha,” Fir, hemlock, cedar, and spruce will be ry in a six years course. It is expected enacted on a forest stage at Fairview Park, that the used in the building, which will be com¬ completion of the new building in Indianapolis, by a band of real Indians posed entirely of products of the State of will increase the enrollment remarkably. in native garb, who delighted with their With the facilities which Washington. will be secured pantomime and their native speech and in the new At each end of the building is a tower building, the efficiency of the song, the large crowd of spectators that school will be doubled. In fact when built of smaller logs reached by a spiral the covered the green hillside sloping to the stairway.
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