Chapter IV VOTING CONTENTS Pap I~RODUflORY NOTE .............................................. .............. 59 PART 1. PROCEDURAL AND NON-PROCEDURAL MATTERS A. Casts in which Ihe vole indicated Ihc procedural character of Ihc mailer .............. s9 I. Inclusion of iIcms in the agenda ............................................. s9 l * 2. Order of iIcms on the agenda ................................................ 59 l * 3. DcfcrmcnI of consideration of items on Ihc agenda ........................... s9 l * 4. Removal of an iIcm from Ihc list of matters of which Ihc Security Council is scizcd s9 l * S. Rulings of the President of the Security Council .............................. s9 l * 6. Suspension of a mccring .................................................. SY l * 1. Adjournmcm of a meeting ................................................ s9 8. InviIation IO participalc in the proceedings .................................... 60 l * 9. Conduct of business ........................................................ 60 IO. Convocation of an emergency special session of the General Assembly ............ 60 8. Cases in which the vote indiraled the non-procedural character of the maItcr .......... 60 I. In connection with matters considered by the Security Council under its responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security ......................... 60 2. In connection with other matters considered by the Security Council ............. 61 (a) In connection with the admission of new Members to the United Nations . 61 *O(b) In connection with the appointment of the ScercIary-General ................ 61 **PART II. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL REGARDING VOTING UPON THE QUESTION WHETHER THE MATTER WAS PROCEDURAL WITHIN THE MEAN- ING OF ARTICLE 27. PARAGRAPH 2, OF THE CHARTER *‘A. Proceedings on occasions when the Security Council voted on the “preliminary quation” 61 l l B . Consideration of procedures involved in voting on the “preliminary question” ......... 61 **I. Consideration of the order in which the matter itself. and the question whether the matter was procedural, should be voted upon ........................................ 61 l ‘2. Considcrafion whether the decision lhat the matIer was procedural was itself a procedural decision .................................................................... 61 l l 3 . Consideration of the use of rule 30 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council in defermining whether a matter was procedural ......................... 61 PART Ill. ABSTENTION. NON-PARTICIPATION OR ABSENCE IN RELATION TO ARTI- CLE 27. PARAGRAPH 3. OF THE CHARTER A. Obligatory abrtcntion ........................................................... 62 **I: Cus in which members abstained in accordance with the proviso of Article 27, parr- graph 3 .................................................................... 62 2. Consideration of absfcntion in accordance with the proviso of Article 27, paragraph 3 62 B. Volunlary abstcnlion. non-participation or absence in relation IO Article 27. paragraph 3 62 I. Certain cases in which permanent members abrfained or did not participaIc othcnviu than in accordance with the proviso of Article 27, paragraph 3 ........................ 62 “2. Consideration of the practice of voluntary abstention. non-participation or absence of pcrmancnI members in relation to Article 27. paragraph 3 ....................... 64 PART IV. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTtONS AND DECISIONS BY CONSENSUS OR WITHOUT VOTE A. Cases in which the Sccuri~y Council adopted rtxolutions by consensus ................. 64 8. Casts in which the Security Council adopted rmlutions withouf vote ................. 6S C. Cases in which Sccurify Council decisions were announced in Prcsidcntial staIcmcnts issued afIcr being agreed upon by the members of the Security Council at consultations ....... 6S 1. SIatcmcnts agreed upon by all members of the Security Council .................. 6S (a) Statements placed on record at meetings of the Security Council .............. 6S (b) Statements issued only as Security Council documents ....................... 66 2. Sta~cmcn~.s agreed upon by the Security Council with some mcmbcrs disstx&)g thClWdVCS from Ihc maIIcr ....................................................... 66 INTRODUCXORY NOTE This chapter contains material from the Officio1 Rec- Part I, section A, comprises one instance wherein the or& relating to the practice of the Security Council under vote indicated the procedural character of the decision: Article 27 of the Charter. The arrangement of the mate- the proposal obtained nine or more votes and was rial in (his chapter basically follows that of the corres- adopted despite the negative vote of one or more petma- ponding chapter in earlier volumes of !he Reperfolre nent members. except that, In view of (he recent trend In the Security Part I, section B,’ lists instances where the vote re- Council to adopt its decisions by consensus or without vealed the non-procedural nature of the decision: the vote, this material is also included as part IV. proposal obtained nine or more votes in favour, but Part I presents evidence relating to the distinction was rejected owing to the negative vote of one or more between procedural and non-procedural matters. During permanent members. (he period under review, there was no material requiring In part III, section A, there were no cases in which treatment in part II. relating to rhe practice of the Council members abstained in accordance with (he proviso of in voting upon the question whether a matter is proce- Article 27, paragraph 3. However, on two occasions dural within (he meaning of Article 27, paragraph 2. (cases I and 2) the question of abstention in accordance Par1 111 is concerned with the abstenlion, non-participa- with the proviso of Article 27, paragraph 2, of the Charter tion or absence of a Council mcmbcr in relation 10 the was discussed. requirements of Article 27, paragraph 3. The new part IV Part 111, section B,* lists those occasions on which deals with decisions adopted by consensus or without permanent members abstained voluntarily or did not vote. participate in the vote. Had they voted against the pro- Material relating to voting in connection with the posal, no affirmative decision could have been taken. election of judges under Ankle IO of the Statute of the Part IV, section A, listscases when the Council adopted Inrernational Court of Justice is included in chapter VI, resolutions and decisions by consensus. part I, section E. Chapter VII, part I, contains material Part IV, section B, comprises resolutions adopted on (he voting procedure employed by the Council in without vote. There were no other decisions adopted connection with the applications for admission to mem- without vote during the period under review. bership in (he United Nations. Part IV, section C, lists cases in which the Council’s As noted in preceding volumes of the Repertoire, most decisions were announced or issued after being agreed votes in (he Council do not indicate whether the Council upon by members of the Council during con.sul!ations, considers (he matter voted upon as procedural or non- including those decisions when some members dissociated procedural: (his uncertainty exists when a proposal is themselves from matters under consideration.’ ----- adopted by a unanimous vole, when all permanent mem- ‘See the tabulation in par1 I. section B. below. bers vote in favour of the proposal, or when the proposal *seC the tabulation in pan Ill. section B, below. fails to obtain the necessary nine votes in its favour. ISee various tabulations in part IV below. Part I PROCEDURAL AND NON-PROCEDURAL MAlTEW A. CASES IN WHICH THE VOTC: INDICATED THE PROCEDURAL CHARACTER OF THE MATTER 1. Inclusion of Items in the agenda At (he 1834th meeting, on 6 August 1975 (para. 86), in connection with the applications of the Republic of South Viet Nam and the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam for admission to membership in the United Nations, the provisional agenda as a whole, as amended (comprising items 2 and 3 exclusively), was adopted by the Council, notwithstanding the negative vote of a permanent member. l *Z. Order of items on the agenda l *3. Defermenl of coosldcration of items on lbc agenda l *4. Removal of an Item from the list of matters of which lhc Security Council is seized ‘9. Rulings of tbc President of the Securlly Cl lmcil l *6. Suspension of a meeting l *7 . Adjournment of II meeting 59 68 __ _. _______---. -- Chapter_-__ IV. V0U.g 8. Invitation to pwticipate in the proceedings Oryonizorrons Permoncnf members Agmdo item in vilcd Mee1in.g ond dote vow rasring negative vole . Situation in the Middle Palesrine Liberation 1859, 4 December 1975 9-3.3 L East Organization (PLO) PLO 1993. 25 March 1977 lo-14 PLO 2071, I7 March 1978 IO-l-4 PLO 2086. 19 Scolembcr 1978 ISI-4 PLO 2113. I9 January 1979 IO-l-4 PLO 2146. 31 May 1979 IO-14 PLO 2164. 29 Aunust 1979 IO-l-4 PLO 2180, I9 D&ember 1979 l&l4 PLO 2213.14 ADril 1980 IO-l-4 PLO 2233; 24 J&e 1980 IO-l-4 PI.0 2245, 20 Aupurr 1980 IO-l-4 Middle East problem in- PLO 1870. I2 January 1976 I l-l-3 cluding the Palestinian quation Request by the Libyan PLO 1893. 22 March 1976 II-l-3 Arab Republic and Pakistan for considcr- ation of the situation arising from rbccnt developments in the occupied Arab lerritoria Situalion in the occupied PLO 1916, 4 May 1976 I l-l-3 Arab territories PLO 1966, I November 1976 II-l-3 I PLO 2123. 9 March 1979 IO-14 PLO 2156. I8 July 1979 I@14 PLO 2199. 22 February 1980 IO-14 I PLO 2221, 8 May 1980 IO-l-4 I PLO 2222, 20 May 1980 IO-14 I PLO 2226, 5 June 1980 IO-14 I PLO 2259, 19 December 1980 IO-l-4 I Question of the cxcrcix PLO 1924, 9 June 1976 I l-l-3 by the Palestinian pco- PLO 2oQI, 27 October 1977 lo-14 I plc of its inalienable PLO 2155, 29 June 1979 l&l4 righrs PLO 2204, 31 March I980 10-l-i At the 207lst meeting, on 17 March 1978, in connection with the situation in the Middle East, a vote was taken concerning the seating of an invited representative of the PLO at the Council table.
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