DOCUMENT RESUME ED 451 821 HE 033 951 TITLE Directory of Higher Education, 2001. INSTITUTION Illinois State Board of Higher Education, Springfield. PUB DATE 2001-00-00 NOTE 55p. PUB TYPE Reference Materials Directories/Catalogs (132) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Colleges; *Higher Education; *State Boards of Education IDENTIFIERS *Illinois ABSTRACT This directory contains addresses or other contact information for members of the Illinois Board of Higher Education and administrators at Illinois public and private colleges and universities. Mailing addresses are given for members of the state Board of Higher Education and members of the boards of the institutions listed. Telephone numbers are provided for higher-level administrators at the public institutions and an institution telephone number and the name of the president or some other official is given for each independent institution, whether for-profit or not-for-profit. Information is given for nine public universities, the Illinois Community College Board, and the state's community colleges. Two maps show the geographic location of the institutions listed. (SLD) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. DIRECTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION 2001 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS Office of Educational Research and Improvement BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION. CENTER (ERIC) (5100This document has beenreproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) Points of view or opinions stated in this I document do not necessarily represent A official OERI position or policy. STATE OF ILLINOIS BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION 431 East Adams, Second Floor Springfield, Illinois 62701-1418 217/782-2551 TDD 217/524-3494 FAX 217/782-8548 www.ibhe.state.il.us BEST COPYAVAILABLE Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois 5/01 1020c. DIRECTORY OF HIGHER EDUCATION CONTENTS ILLINOIS BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION Organization Chart 1 Board Members 2 Board Staff 3 Illinois Century Network 5 PUBLIC COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Chicago State University 8 Eastern Illinois University 9 Governors State University 10 Illinois State University 11 Northeastern Illinois University ... 12 Northern Illinois University 13 Western Illinois University 15 Southern Illinois University 16 University of Illinois 18 Illinois Community College Board/East St. Louis Community College Center/ Community Colleges 21 INDEPENDENT INSTITUTIONS Not-for-Profit Colleges and Universities 29 For-Profit Institutions 39 OTHER STATE AGENCIES AND EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS State Board of Education 42 Illinois Educational Facilities Authority 42 Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board 42 Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy 42 Illinois Student Assistance Commission 43 Professional Regulation, Department of 43 State Universities Civil Service System . 43 State Universities Retirement System 44 University Center of Lake County 44 MAPS AND GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONS OF INSTITUTIONS . 45 Directory prepared by: Illinois Board of Higher Education 431 East Adams, Second Fl bor Springfield, Illinois 62701-1418 Phone: 217/782-2551 TDD: 217/524-3494 Fax :217/782-8548 Web Site: www.ibhe.state.il.us 4 Printed on Recycled Paper ORGANIZATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION OfficeGovernor of the Executive and Legislative Branches GeneralIIllinois Assembly StatewideHigher BoardBoard Educationand of Commissions AssistanceIllinoi Student Commission IllinoisCollege Community Board Private Institutions InstitutionsPublic (Each Universitieswith its own Governing Board) Community Colleges Independent, For-ProfitNot-for-Profit Institutions Colleges and Universities ChicagoIllinoisGovernorsEastern State StateIllinois State University University University University ChicagoBlackKennedy-KingDaley Hawk City IllinoisOlneyLincolnFrontier Eastern Central Trail ParklandOaktonMortonMoraine Valley SouthernWesternNorthernNortheastern IllinoisIllinois Illinois UniversityUniversity University TrumanOlive-HarveyMalcolmWashington X JolietKankakeeIllinoisWabash Valley RockRichlandRendPrairie LakeValley State UniversityCarbondaleChicagoEdwardsville of Illinois DuPageElginDanvilleWright LakeKishwaukeeKaskaskia LandCounty SouthShawneeSaukSandburg ValleySuburban Urbana-ChampaignSpringfield HighlandHeartlandHarper LoganLincolnLewis & Land Clark SpoonSouthwesternSoutheasternRiver. AdvisoryPublicStudentFaculty UniversityCommittees AdvisoryAdvisory CommitteeAdvisory to the Board Committee of Higher Education Illinois Central McHenry TJohnWaubonsee riton Wood 5CommunityIndependent,University AdvisoryCollege For-ProfitNot-for-Profit Advisory Committee Schools College Committee Advisory and Committee BEST COPYAVAILABLE 6 ILLINOIS BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION Phone: 217/782-2551 431 East Adams, Second Floor Fax: 217/782-8548 Springfield, Illinois 62701-1418 TDD: 217/524-3494 Web Site: www.ibhe.state.il.us BOARD MEMBERS Philip J. Rock (Chairman) James L. Kaplan Rock, Fusco, Reynolds, Crowe Managing Partner & Garvey, Ltd. Kaplan & Sorosky 350 North LaSalle Street, Suite 900 158 West Erie Chicago, Illinois 60610 Chicago, Illinois 60610-3703 312/464-3500 312/640-1776 Jane T. Williamson (Vice Chair) Thomas Lamont 322 Woodstock Avenue 600 South 2nd St., Suite 100 Kenilworth, Illinois 60043 Springfield, Illinois 62704 847/251-2927 217/789-1040 Mark E. Barmak Steven H. Lesnik Abbott Laboratories Kemper Lesnik Organization Dept. 39-U Building AP6D 500 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 444 100 Abbott Park Road Northbrook, Illinois 60062 Abbott Park, Illinois 60064-6051 847/480-4862 847/937-5208 Cordelia Meyer J. Robert Barr Vice President Sidley and Austin Civic Committee Commercial Club Bank One Plaza 1 First National Plaza, Suite 3120 10 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois 60603 Chicago, Illinois 60603 312/853-1208 312/853-7447 Lourdes Monteagudo Jerry D. Blakemore Executive Director Chief Executive Officer Teachers Academy for Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Mathematics and Science 333 West 35th Street 3424 South State Street Chicago, Illinois 60616 Chicago, Illinois 60616 312/793-1991 312/808-0100 Edward T. Duffy Lucy A. Sloan 3301 South Laramie Avenue 121 West Brewster Road Cicero, Illinois 60804 Herrin, Illinois 62948 773/242-1121 ext. 398 618/988-8353 Robert J. English John Thompson PMA Financial Network, Inc. 2107 Lexington, Apt. #4 495 Commons Drive, Suite 104 Springfield, Illinois 62704 Aurora, Illinois 60504 217/726-6695 630/898-0078 Samuel K. Gove Institute of Gov. & Public Affairs University of Illinois 1007 West Nevada Urbana, Illinois 61801 217/244-4821 2 ILLINOIS BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION STAFF Keith R. Sanders Executive Director 217/557-7300 Linda Oseland Secretary to the Executive Director 217/557-7381 Patricia Sexton Secretary to the Board 217/557-7380 Richard Wagner Staff Associate 217/557-7335 ACADEMIC AFFAIRS Diane Gilleland Deputy Director 217/557-7354 Timothy Rock Associate Director 217/557-7359 Donna Corriveau Assistant Director 217/782-2551 Carol Floyd Assistant Director 217/557-7355 Ocheng Jany Assistant Director 217/557-7361 Marcia Langsjoen Staff Counsel for Academic Affairs 217/557-7358 Neala Schleuning Assistant Director 217/557-7356 Timothy Spreitzer Assistant Director 217/782-2551 Carol Guthrie Support Staff 217/557-7383 Nina Tangman Support Staff 217/557-7384 EXTERNAL RELATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY Ross A. Hodel Deputy Director 217/557-7332 Donald Sevener Director of Communications 217/557-7334 Information Systems Rich Jachino Assistant Director 217/557-7339 Carol Yoakum Assistant Director 217/557-7342 Scott Edmiston Assistant Director 217/557-7338 Tracy Nelson Assistant Director 217/557-7337 Rhea Santos Assistant Director 217/557-7360 Yock Hoon Tan Intern/Research Assistant 217/558-2514 Barbara Grissom Support Staff 217/557-7386 Grant Administration Terry Nunn Senior Associate Director 217/557-7377 Carolyn Lorton Associate Director 217/557-7343 Carolyn Woodruff Assistant Director 217/557-7375 Trish Fenton Support Staff 217/557-7385 BUDGETS AND ADMINISTRATION Debra Smitley Deputy Director 217/557-7351 Fiscal Affairs Mike Mann Associate Director 217/557-7352 Sharon Ward Associate Director 217/557-7350 Geoff Andres Assistant Director 217/557-7349 Darice Yonker Assistant Director 217/557-7348 Patti Sponsler Support Staff 217/557-7382 8 3 ILLINOIS BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION STAFF (Cont.) Office Administration Peggy Podlasek Assistant Director 217/557-7344 Carol Mullen Research Associate 217/557-7346 Charles Bowden Support Staff 217/557-7370 Donna Logan Support Staff 217/557-7330 POLICY STUDIES Douglass Day Deputy Director 217/557-7333 David Smith Assistant Director 217/557-7336 If you wish to reach staff at IBHE by e-mail, do so by sending to: last [email protected] 4 9 ILLINOIS CENTURY NETWORK Phone: 217/557-6555 120 West Jefferson, Suite B Toll Free: 877-844-2724 Springfield, Illinois 62702-5172 Fax: 217/557-6550 Web Site: www.illinois.net ICN SPRINGFIELD STAFF Neil Matkin Director 217/557-6557 Beth Aper Web Master/Network Administrator 217/557-6537 Michael Bernico Principal Technology Consultant 217/557-6548 Peggy Harris Office Specialist 217/557-6554 Cindi Hitchcock Fiscal Officer 217/557-6531 Doug Jurewicz Supervisor of Administrative Services 217/557-6526 Ralph Lucia Network Administrator 217/557-6552 Kelly Rhodes Office Specialist 217/557-6533 Martin Ribble Network Technician 217/557-6536 Karlin Sink Principal Technology
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