.. ' I • . - ' I I d a h o (C e n t e n nl ii a l C o r n i m i s s i p n I m e e t s iri n T w i n F-alls — iC l en McKay ol TWin F a lis - .................. SrO ■ renteded out his house inonlyr Kanssas City overc Neai>d( perjence 2 daysiys alter his Timos-News S 4 dassillsilled ad startedi Expandding intuitition — C c a ll 733^)6267! Todayl Denvver - Bi . i a a 2 5 * Monday, Sept€iplem tierig. 1988 M k■ -> 83rflirdM year, No. 263' ■■■ ~ Twin Falls, lda^IS a h o ____________'• s ]^urm<lese C o u p> i n H ia iti: [ presiddent I A v ril •d e c l a i r e s ‘ is oussted The Associaled Press3SS ' i d e r I h im sce l f l e a RANGOON, Bum-urma — Armed • 1 forces commander Sa'Saw Maung oust- The Associated Press presidential p(palace in whal appeared ,ed the dvilian pre.tidc.sident on Sundny, lo be fightingng between military fac- and thousands of peopeople surged into PORT-AU-PRINCE. Haitlaiti — Brig, tiona. the streeLs to demandand democracy and ,ubin, Haiti's director of Gen. Prosper Avril, a formermer military Frantz Lub protest the fourth chochange ih the gov- a d v iso r for th e D u v a lie r dicUtorship,die ' information,I, said soldiers were ernment in two monlhon th s. declared himself presidenilent on Sun- killed, but Av]Avril mentioned no casu- Gen. Snw Maungng isaid in a stale- j d a y a fte r o u stin g L t. Gen,Gi Henri allies. m e n t b ro ad c ast byy .st.state Radio Ran- . ■ N am phy. Haiti radiolio stations repotted thot P goon that he overtl'erthrew President ------------Avrilra^jutant generalII ofof.lhe-anny.-aUeasLaix-pc.people.wercJiiilcdiiLthe -------- ------- Maung Maung to haihalt-economlc-and ----------- ; ■ :■ said in an early morninglg oaddress on capital in cou:oup-relQled clashes, ond social chaos and lo Ihold democratic national television that the Presiden- that mobs pillDillaged two homes o w n ed . elections nfter 26 yeaiyears of authoriUir- | ti^l Guard toppled Nampbnphy on Sat- by Namphy- arand the home of Port-au- ia n rule. urday because it was "sic"sickened" by Prince Mayoror Franck Remain, • The fate of Maunging M aung wns nol the wny Namphy governedned. Namphy The militarary govemmeni appealed known. There werere nno reports of ca- was sent to tho neighborinDring Domini- ' in a nationalj 1 ttelevision broadcast "for suajties or arrestscsts but sporadic can Republic. calm, disciplirDline and order in respect shooting was reportccirtcd in the capilal. ' Residents reported hearlearing heavy of individualil rrights and liberties." S aw M aung, 59,>, irrimmedialoly aboi- ; gunfire Saturday nighlh i n e a r th e • S e c COUPC< on Pago A2 ished key governmcnment institutions and slapped an 8■ p.np.m. lo 4 a.m. cur- few on the capitallilal, the country's U . S . w a nits t m ilitari;y c h i e f largest city with1 2.2.5 m illio n resi- dents. Public gngatherings were banned, but il wwas not knovm P a u l t o f^ace a drug ac h a r g e s whether the measunisurcs were only for Rangoon or for allI ofof: Burma, The Associated Press > command),"" spokeswoman- Anita Shortly after thehe 4 p.m. broadcast, Stockman saisnid. "Our position on him thousands pouredi oou u t o f th e ir hom es, WASHINGTON — J(Jean-Claude is well knowown. He is under indict- I > some bearing speaspears, knives and Paul, the Haitian militartory comman- ment on narlarcotics chargcs and we homemade crossbowbows, to protest the dor reportedly pioced in1 chcharge ofthe continue to) bibelieve he should answer ncw regime. ProtProtesters chopped ______ arm j.ofter the coup,in thethe island na- those charges?es in court." down trees and, ththrew them along tion, should onswer dndrug' chargcs Paur."who'ho'has'-bcon'indictcd-on— ^ wilh. stones ah'd'bri‘brickB"acroBi!Toads ------- •• ” . against him in an Amornorican court;' federal drugug trafficking charges in to block military vehicles.veh the State Department soidjoid Sunday. Florida, hadlad been considered the "I believe the pe<people will rise up "We -have seen the pnpress reports most powerft2rful figure in Haiti afler again and this limeime they are going to about Col. Paul (assumiiiming military • Sccs DRUGD on Page A2 bc angrier, It's goitgoing to be tragic," Burma expert Jos(Josef Silverstein of • Rutgers University•sity said by tele- i nds at 98 phone. Caribbeasan death toll stan( But protest orgatrganizers persuaded demonstrators to) relreturn home before the'curfew began.in. T h e y w ere ask ed i H f o c f acerslooli f c / o r — - to return to Ihc-sti‘ Slrootfi-Mondny-for- --------— further unspecifiedied iactions, \ # Shots were repoieported in Rangoon ond some peoplee wwere breaking the victinms of sitorm curfew, the U.S. SlateSta Departmenl in Washington said.1. "1"Thore arc reports Tho Associated PressIS •I- I t w as thho o epilogue to a week of of barricades being;ing pul up by defiant d e a th a nid d navoc caused by citizens, movemeement of troops MONTERREY, Meri[erico — Work- Gilbert, whivhich rav a g ed th o Yii- th ro u g h o u t th e ciicity and sporadic __________e ra - flearchcd j)n ..S uunday n c for the catan Pcninlinsula' resort areas of .shooling," said spokeswomanspo Anita bodies of up to 200) ppeopio swept Canctih, Corumerahd'ISlaTMCo; u:----------- pourM over its jerofl beforeire crossing the Gulf (jf Menashe Zippori,5ori, Burma's ambas- j t o ° led fouf buMs. Mexico and,d h\ ittin g M exico a p i n . sador lo Israel, saidsaii on Israel radio: [ Sixty peopio were confljnfirmed dead. The Btorrarm k illed a t le a s t 9 8 peo- "Every now andI thethen wo con hear in I , The buses were caic a u g h t in th e p ie w h ile coursingcoi the Caribbean, the background. shishots .fired, bul ev- Catarina River including 29 in the Yucatan wh(ftr erybody is in hiss owown house. We can- { path of the SaAta Cat - ! when a flaeh'floodd tspawned by it hit landid last Wednesday with not tell.who is shoothooting whom." Hurricane Gilbert ri]ripped a 4(^ winda of upup to 200 raph, 26 in Ja- On Saiurday.. solsoldiers Jired into a ;---------- ••••'n a iS'-ttB g pgt l ^ D^ deBL ^ - • --------crowd-and-woundeinded-two-pwple^uf— ^------ urday through northe•them Mexico's minican RepublicRc and eight in ing confrontationsns vwith protesters de- m ost populated region.ion. Honduras.I. manding an endnd to the repressive The Pam Alien ftfund helped Laurie Roboberts w hen son Scyler'i;r was treated In Denver rule by the Burmama Socialist Program Party, the sole legalegal party. Protests sinces JuJuIyTiave forced the I resignation of twoLwo leaders and more Pam iAllen flund corntinues ' recent strikes, dend e m o n s tr a tio n s , loot- ing and lawlessnesiness havc pushed the nation to the verge2rge of anarchy. Aboul 300,000 people: mimarched Sundoy in toasisist chiildren ilIn need R angoon beforee tltho coup was an- , .nounccd; other grogroups staged hunger By ANNETTE CARY 312,000 has been givcliven lo the families of 22 child'W "-'" strik e s. Tlme.i-Ncws writer sincc Pom Allen died.d. ^ ^ , S aw M aung, whewho identified himself Most recently, thee mmoney helped with a ihrec-v. a s c h airm a n of ththe e Peace Restoration ■ TWIN FALLS-Five/c years ago, llie communilyy rral- hospital stay in DeiDenver for 20-monlh-old bcylerSc /Commillee, hass beenbc defense minis- lied to help a dimpled,1, I2-ycar-old baby who needcided a Roberts of Buriey. ,. ler since July He :is widely regarded liver transplant. "We would havc oncone way or another gone," say.-ily.s h is jjj; „ hnrd-line: officerofi and a right- .Little Pam Allen diccicd in a Pittsburgh hospitalal 1be- molher, Laurie. "It waswa a have-to-go situation. Il • hand man of the toppled President fore a suitable donorr w a s found. B u t th e S33.Ci3.000 fund) just mado it whwhere we could go easier ant • - TaiBcdto SQve”heTnnri?’Iri conllnuing to help oth^rFsiclc s time. ' Sein Lwin, whiwhom demonstrators childron across the MagiIgic nnd Wood River valleys,s. • Her baby suffers1 fnfrom eczema lhat spreads acrossac - "mostst hhated man in Bur- "Pam Dowd."W)ordinatator for the trust, says justtover o' •ScePe P A M o n P a g e A 2 - ■- ■ ma," resigned Aug;\ug-. 12. OfficialIs cite Iddaho firee as posiitive exaample ■ aid a c h an g c is l»kely. ' The AssociaU’d Press M ore on fircs2S - A3, A7 '"iIdaho Gov. Cral'Andrus, a formerfi Interior sec- elari\ and others have calleded thet' "let bum " policy . .CASCADE-While mnnntiy Ipment the fires that' - ■I r e t I .prescription .for.diSasler, especiallyesj .during .the h a v e c h a rrc d m u c h b f Yeifellowslone National-Park, iand' stands 'of timber." isaids; fo re sl spokesm an a .j egion’s worst drought in decadi■cades? ' a wildemcss thnt went'ufup in smoke just onc year IFrank Carroll. "A foresl thallh a l w as ju s t g e llin g older ret; But while the tourist-depeiependent communiliea .
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