EB-2013-O143 IN THE MATTER OF the Ontario Energy Board Act,I998, S.O. 1998, c. 15, Schedule B, as amended; AND IN THE MATTER OF an Application by Hydro Ottawa Limited for an Order or Orders approving or fixing just and reasonable rates for distribution service. AFFIDAVIT I, Jane Scott, of the City of Ottawa in the Province of Ontario MAKE OATH AND SAY: 1. I am employed by the Applicant, Hydro Ottawa Limited and occupy the position of'Manager of Rates & Revenue. 2. I have received a copy of the Letter of Direction issued by the Board on September 5,2013 in this matter. 3. I have made inquiries with Newspapers Canada and hereby confirm on the basis of information received from that organization that the Ottawa Citizen is the English-language newspaper having the highest circulation in the City of Ottawa and that [æ Droit is the French-language newspaper having the highest circulation in the City of Ottawa. Attached at Exhibit "A" to this my Affidavit is an extract from the 20l2Daily Newspaper Circulation by Province dated April 2013 prepared by Newspapers Canada showing weekly and daily circulation levels of newspapers in Canada, including the Ottawa Citizen and its competitor the Ottawa Sun as well as the circulation levels of Le Droit. 2 4. I believe the newspaper circulation information received from Newspapers Canada is the best information available regarding newspaper circulation in the City of Ottawa. 5. Attached at Exhibit "8" to this my Affidavit is a copy of the Notice published in the Ottawa Citizen on Friday, September 13,2013 and which appeared at page Al2 of the newspaper on that date. 6. Attached at Exhibit "C" to this my Affidavit is a copy of the Notice published in Le Droit on Saturday, September 14,2013 and which appeared at page 14 of the newspaper on that date. 7. Hydro Ottawa Limited does not have any Embedded Distributors within its service area and is, therefore, not required to serve the Notice of Application on any Embedded Distributors. SWORN BEFORE ME at the City of Ottawa in the Province Of Ontario this ã th day of September 2013 A ioner etc. Pr+<t¿ /4¡crres A50c lz76w,ç 2OL2 Daíly Newspaper Circulation Report xrfl J õ iource: Newspapers Canada April 201-3 2OL2 Daily Newspaper Circulation Report CCAA/CMCA 12 ñoûths eûd¡ñg Dæembet 20t2 / AAM Averase Morc¡/Sep¿nOe¡ ZOIZ treq. Newspaper Prov. Owner Aud¡t Basis Monday Tuesday wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday WeekvTotal DailyAvg. \¡iagarâ Falls Rev¡ew ON v1-Sa luebecor/Sun Medie CCAB 13,735 13,358 73,496 4,320 23,266 9,84s Lr4.O2l) 19,00: ON vl-Sa luebecor/Sun Media CCAB 10,481 10,510 lo,522 L0,927 L!,332 11,536 6q-qo, rhe Packet & T¡mes, Or¡ll¡a 10,88¿ vl-Sa luebecor/Sun Media CCAB 5,891 5,814 5,816 223r7 f,ttawa citizen* 5,947 6,139 5L,924 8,63 Network lnc AAM 199é18_ 114378 r12,542 LL4,796 113.580 106,477 98,804 770.L31 110,01f -e Dro¡t Ottawâ/Hull ON 33,767 Ihe Ottawa Sun 2t3,2L2 35,53! ON M-Su luebecor/Sun Media CCAB 43,340 43.42t 43,642 43,666 43,366 34,583 38,083 290,101 ON Vl-Se luebecor/Sun Media CCAB 12,675 pembroke 12,989 tz,99L 13,253 13,946 13,483 79,33i t3,2X l-he Daily Observer, ON ËSe ìuebecor/sun Med¡e Pub Cla¡m 4,!r8 4,943 4,U4 4,886 4,992 he Peterborough Exam¡ner 23,783 4.75i ON M-Sa luebecorÆun Media CCAB 'he 11,916 11,936 42,057 12,026 11,995 101,871 Observer, Sarn¡a !6,978 ìuebecor/Sun Media CCAB 71,212 17,234 r!,254 L7 311 r]-,354 L2,6t8 58,983 1l',491 ON vl-Sa -¿ueDecor/5un Med¡â CCAB 11,950 L2,003 12,083 L3,464 13.143 12,891 l'he Simcoe Reformer 75,534 12,5a9 ON úl-Sa ìuebecor/sun Med¡a Pub Claim 9,r25 19,973 9,125 9,t25 9,725 9.r25 6s,598 The Standard, St. Cãthar¡nes ON úl-Sâ luebecor/Sun Media CCAB 25,r47 24,626 24,964 58,925 43,629 273r9 ;t. Thomas Times-Journal 2@,,6Lt ON f-Sa ìuebecor/Sun Media CCAB 4,649 4,567 4,627 4,673 4818 æ32a 4,661 the Beacon Herald. Stratford ON \4-Sa luebecor/5un Medie CMCA 7,243 7.243 7,243 7.243 Íhe 7,243 7,243 43,458 sudbury star ON Vl-Sâ luebecor/Sun Med¡e CCAB 12,532 12,493 72,523 72,902 72,628 13,432 76.StA ON vl-su :ont¡nental NewsoâÞers AAM 23.933 23,933 23,933 23,933 23,933 23.614 lhe Da¡ly Press, 20,960 r4,236 23.41 Tmmins ON vl-sa lueþecor/5un Med¡â Pub Clâim 5,774 5,774 5,774 5.774 s,774 5,718 34,588 Ihe Toronto Sun ON vl-Su luebecor/Sun Medie CCAB t67.99A 166,860 L66,r70 166,8s6 165,404 L41-,476 209,766 1,184.530 t69.271 Toronto Star ON M-Su lorstâr Corporat¡on CCAB 338,957 346,984 3S1,006 347.398 347,Sr7 473,743 297.679 357,6Lt /Vaterloo Res¡on Record ON M-Sâ lorstar Corporation CCAB 62,r87 63,197 62,6L2 63,740 lhe Tribune, Wellând ON vt-sa ìuebecor/Sun Med¡a CCAB LZ.LgL rL,992 1r.979 20,646 17,r73 9.291 'he W¡ndsor æ,272 13.87! Star ON M-SA ,ostmedia Network lnc. AAM 'he 5!,402 5r,642 51,831 5L,673 52,2r9 54,257 313,017 52,16! Sentinel-Review, Woodstock ON vl-Sâ ìuebecor/Sun Med¡a Pub Clâim 7.700 7,700 7.700 7,700 7,700 7.700 lhe Guardian, 6,204 7.7ü Cherlottetown PE \4-Sa rC Mediâ CCAB t7,335 17.677 17,476 L7.764 17,768 18,389 1(F,34! t7,72¿ lhe Journal-P¡oneer, Summerside PE vl-Se fC Medie CCAB 7,073 7,r79 7,272 7,356 7.299 7,263 43342 7-231 .e Quot¡d¡en, Ch¡coutimi QC v'l-Su )ower Corp. of Canadâ AAM 26.794 26,794 26.794 26,794 26,794 27.239 34,370 L95,577 .a Voix I'Est, de Granbv QC vl-Sâ )ower Corp. of Caneda AAM 14,8L2 L4,8r2 L4,ALz 14,8r2 14,472 16,260 90,32C !e Devo¡r, Montréal QC ndependent AAM '/t-Sa 3r.477 31,034 3r.299 31,338 32,573 s0.464 he 208,183 ?4,69', Gazette. Montreâl QC vl-sa ,ostmedia Network ¡nc. AAM 110,668 111,848 tr2,573 111.355 111.535 125,350 683.?27 -a Presse, Montréal QC \4-Sã >ower Coro. of Canada AAM 237_316 216,40r 2L7.978 2L7,476 208,476 265.650 L,363,237 -e Journâl de Montréal QC Vl-Su luebecor/Sun Media CCAB 283,040 286,487 288,922 288.3ss 28A,M6 300.¿t48 279.r94 .e Sole¡1, Québec oc vl-Su )ower Coro. of Cânedâ AAM 75,494 75,597 76.166 87,r47 75.646 97.977 80,960 563,O2( ao.43t -e Journal de Québec QC vî-Su ìuebecor/Sun Media CCAB r4z,o35 r40,732 140,405 r4z,9s7 L42,920 157,886 148,696 Record, Sherbrooke QC V-F ìlacier/Ag ¡sr^/strÞer 6rouo AAM 4,27I 4,27r 4,277 4.27r 4_277 21.3s5 4271 -d r ¡ruune, )nerofo oc \4-Sa )ower Coro. of Cânâdâ AAM 30,001 30,045 35,202 30,101 30,383 33.593 r\ouveiltste, I rots-ltiv¡eres QC V'l-Sa )ower Corp. of Canada AAM a7 47¿. .-,--' 47,7L3 267,082 4,5t¿ lheTimes-Herald, Moose Jaw I SK \4-Sa iC Media Pub Claim 7,447 7,447 )r¡nce 7,447 I 7.447 I 7 -447 7,447 4.642 7-¿Ui Albert Da¡lv Herald SK vl-Sa c Med¡a CCAB s,t24 5,r24 1160 s,r92 5.383 5,440 3t,423 s.23i fhe Leader-Post, Reg¡na st( vl-sa )ostmedia Network lnc. AAM 41,635 40,433 æ,4r3 42,037 42,20a 42,864 249,589 >ostmed¡a 4L,59t SK vl-sa Network lnc. AAM ¿18,559 47,370 46,859 47,Lrg fhe Whitehorse 50.002 48,733 284.6?9 Star YK vt-F ndependent AAM L,722 1,585 7,927 1,618 3,620 LO,47t 2,O94 95 4,OL6,3L4 4,LL3,O35 41,06.,aD 4,298,676 4.2æ.717 4302,4t2 1,942,7æ 26,949,756 4,2tO,341 rafs ts E dff.-¿-Êfefted þ Ín ttp arfrAavftoL.,4 Sc# _.- swom ålelfoßnertß-&É__ dayof çr4ç+tu ær13_. Source: Nervspapers Canada April 2013 2OL2 Daily Newspaper Circulation Report Valley News Leader pidor¡al Da¡ly' Med¡a & Metro lntl. sA Source: Nevrspapers Canada April 2013 A_12 t¡Rlt$,. sIr,tfì¡\tutlt t3.2-0t3 ¡R-EAqt{g !!.qy9 lr or:.::::.:::,::_.:_:t:: I4Il9!Irl gil:9.9!! .. ì.llti o1.l¡\\,^ clTlzliN Exhibit B :.'.,:', _': Bankruph All \nrta.uontafii^rn the^íc{eatt,*l,iihïr'*ri*,i*t* denied CôÀtlnu.d í.oùr "ilg_gttirnsÞ9.^l {¡ttrn mc ot ¡n} ol [y co¡¡]¡ù.
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