04/29/2009 22:26 FAX ~002/010 PART A STATUS REPORT ON THE ELDON HOUSE 175m ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS A committee to plan and carry out the anniversary celebrations was formed and held its fim meeting on Thursday, April 9 at the Eldon House interpretive Centre. In attendance were Brian Meehan, Museum London Cydna Mercer, Museum London Carol Kehoe, Museum London Alan Cohen, London Heritage Council Charity Miskelly, London Heritage Council Don Menard, Planning, City of London Robin Armistead, Culture, City of London Maureen Spencer-Golovchenko,Mayofs OMce john Winston, Tourism London Cathy Luke, Historical Interpreter, Museum London Jane Morphew, Historical Interpreter, Museum London Nancy Johnson,Historical Interpreter, Museum London Tara Wittmann, Historical Interpreter, Museum London Regularly scheduled meetings will be held every three weeks beginning Thursday, May 7 and will take place at 4 pm at the Eldon House Interpretive Centre. ltems discussed at the meeting centred on ideas that could form a year-long celebration of the 175th anniversary of the Harris family moving into the house on September 29,1834 and the Soh anniversary of the House being gifted to the City on August 23,1960. The merits of a year-long celebration and how to market and sustain interest in Eldon House afterward through this celebration were also discussed. Funding of the various activities that would make up the celebrations was discussed and two initial sources were identified, namely the Department of Canadian Heritage program Building Communities through Arts and Heritage, as well as the City of London. Museum London and the London Heritage Council will work together to submit a grant application for $50,000 to the Building Communities through A& and Heritage program for its September deadline [funds to be used for 2010 activities). This report will constitute a funding request of $25,000 to the City of London for the celebrations. The implementation ofthe various projects listed below will be tied to the funds being available through these two sources and any additional sources that we can determine over the coming months. Museum London has also been actively seeking corporate sponsorship for these activities. It was also noted at the meeting that the London Heritage Council will provide part-time staff assistance to coordinate the implementation of the anniversary programming. Tourism London will be an important partner in ensuring Anniversary activities are promoted to regional tour groups, etc. in the 2009-2010London marketing program/brochures. 04/29/2009 22:26 FAX m003/010 2 NEXT STEPS In advance of out May 7" meeting a daft committee mandate for the celebrations will be circulated to committee members for review. This will then be discussed and voted on at the committee meeting. At this meeting each of the various activities listed below will be assigned to committee members who will research the items mow completely and develop a tirneline and budget for the actiflties, These findings will be circulated before the May 28" meeting and at that meeting the activities will be prioritized according to the committee mandate and the anticipated funding. Brian Meehan 29 April 2009 Suggestions for Celebrating 175' Annlversary of Eldon House Premise By mirroring yearlong activities successfilly staged as part of the City of London's 150" anniversary of incorporation in 2005, this special milestone of London's oldest home provides a tremendous opportunity for London to: 1) promote its history and heritage to citizens and existing stakeholders; 2) establish new partnerships; and 3) introduce Eldon House to numerous new stakeholders, both in the city and beyond. Recognizing the lead time required for proper planning, potential grant applications and Tourism marketing and promotion, it is suggested that a series of 175' anniversary events/activities be organized to run across a full year. Perhaps tying in the fan the Rarrls family moved into Eldon House on September 29, 1834, we could hold a News Conference on Mduy, September 28 to announce a yearlong calendar of anniversary activities beginning wlth the planned Doom Open celebration that weekend (September 19-20). Then, the yearlong celebrations might culminate on or around August 23,2010 with an event to mark the SO& anniversary of the Harris family agreement with the City to operate Eldon House as a Museum. Suggestions for the Anniversary Committee to Consider 1) Use excerpts From the Harris diaries as notable London memories for the Mayor to share at the start of each City Council meeting throughout the yearlong celebration. (This was done featuring a biography of a different London Mayor each meeting throughout the year.) 2) Arrange a display in the lobby of City Hall highlighting the history of Eldon House, which encourages visitors to take a tour for the 175" anniversary. 3) Liaise with staff at the J.J. Talman Archives at Western to identify specific times when citizens or interested groups/associations might be invited to visit for a lecture on the Harris familyor simply as an opportunity to view the diaries and Harris archival information. 04/29/2009 22:27 FM ~004/010 3 4) Liaise with staff in the London Room at the Central Library regarding the possibility of pulling together a Harris family anniversary display featuring articles from the London Advertiser, ecc. 5) Meet with London Free Press Editor-inchief Paul Berton to discuss a partnership, whereby the Eldon House historical staff could develop 12 distinct themes related to the House and/or Harris family. on which reporters could base a series of 1756 anniversary articles - one each month over the year. 6) Create a Time Capsule with a plaque honouring the 175* anniversary, which could perhaps be located in the garden of Eldon House. (Such a Time Capsule marking the City's 1506 can be found at the northeast corner of Victoria Park). 7) Liaise with London Heritage Council Heritage London Foundation and other related groups to see what actlvlties might tie in with the anniversary. 8) Partner with Fanshawe Pioneer Village. the Grand Theatre and local re-enactors to include period costumes at garden parties or other gatherings. 9) Consider a heritage baseball game at Labatt Park with promoted tours of Eldon House before and aRer the game. 10) Invite the Chamber of Commerce to partner with us to honour the 175* Anniversary through 'the eyes of business', as Edward and George Harrfs were prominent business leaders. Perhaps the Chamber could host a luncheon or a dinner with a keynote speaker telling the entrepreneurial tale ofthe Harris family in our community. (The City worked with the Chamber to develop Reforest London as our mutual prolea for the sesquicentennial.) 11) lnvite the Horticultural Society to get involved with the anniversary by possibly organlzlng sale of heritage seeds/cuttlngs from original plants on the Eldon House grounds. This could be a fundraiser for the House. 12) lnvite the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario to feature Eldon House as one of the province's examples of signlficant architecture and places ofbeauty. 13) Invite the IODE to get involved in an anniversary project, as Lucy Little helped to establish the Eldon House Chapter of IODE and the new North American IODE leader is fram London and the international convention will be held here in June. As such, perhaps the new leader, Vesta Marshall, may consider a special project during her time at the helm. 14) Involve the Harris family descendants living in our community in our celebrations. Ideas for the Celebration of the 175a Anniversary of the Building of Eldon House These ideas are directed at bringing attentlon to Eldon House with programs and special events that generate respect for the past and renewed enthusiasm for the history of our city. These ideas have been compiled by the current Historical Interpreters Including lane Morphew, Nancy Johnson Cathy Luke, Brenda Fieldhouse, Lesley Grieve, Tara Wittmann and Hillary Cugan-Walker. We are interested in finding new and innovative ways to share our love of Eldon House, and bring renewed life to this heritage jewel. 04/29/2000 22:27 FAX ~oos/olo 4 Our goal is to make the 75th anniversary of Eldon House a year long celebration that reaches out to all of the varied Interest groups in London and beyond - the public at large, tourists, schools, heritage groups, seniors, children, teens, people with an interest in health and medicine (Yes! a lecture about health and medicine In pioneer days - ever heard of Dr. Alexander Anderson?), re- enactors, genealogists, educators, artists, dancers, writers, photographers, theatre buffs, musicians, gardeners - themes of travel, military, childcare, servants and the list goes on. There are as many ideas as there are days in the year to celebrate. We'll startwith a few to stimulate dialogue! Our concept is that the anniversary year is an opportunity to launch new programs and events with potential for some to be repeated yearly and morph into popular special events that can be added to our regular calendar programming. The underlylngstrategy is sustalnabillty for Eldon House as a unique heritage properry; a home whose history parallels the story of London from pioneer days through to the present age. By building on the momentum of our anniversary year, we wlll continue Amella Harris' dream to secure the future of Eldon House. The big launch for the year of celebration starts in the month the famlly moved in, September 29, 1834. On the chosen day of celcbration costumed interpreters and volunteers welcome people at the gate. Period music is played on the lawn or west-facing porch. Tea and lemonade is served. The Union Jack is handed out and a one-sheet with excerpts from the diaries on how the Harris family lived.
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