• 2 0 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon., June 7. 1982_ Reagan vows BUSINESS Marxism fight Why not hire your teens yourself? .. page 5 discrimination laws, from asking for birth certificates, this report can be stretched). If you’re among the hundreds of thousands of parents baptismal papers, similar documents. Children can 4) On taxes, the regulations are fairly lax. With the whose teen-agers are now getting out of school, looking prove age by presenting age certificates or working possible exception of federal income tax withholding, Mostly sunny for jobs and NOT finding any available, and if you papers, available from the schools they attend. the law applies as usual. You do not withhold federal in­ happen to own your business, how about hiring your Y o u r 3) There are advantages to hiring a 16-year-old as op­ come taxes if the minor fills out and files a W-4 Form on Wednesday child or chUdren yourself? You'll achieve twin goals: M o n ey 's posed to hiring a 14-year-old (unless this is your own stating that he/she had no income tax liability for last giving your children employment plus spending money child and then the age is a subsidiary issue). The 16- year (1981) and if the child expects to incur no tax — See page 2 and gaining major tax advantages. W o rth year-old can work in or about manufacturing plants and liability for the year 1982. But know the rules on hiring children — and that can -work in all occupations not open to under-16-year- What yo achieve by hiring your own child is now violations of our wage-hour law can be expensive, no Sylvia Porter olds (unless the occupation itself is listed as “hazar­ clear. Most children simply will' not be able to get jobs matter how innocent your errors may be. Federal and dous” by the secretary of labor — about 17 occupations this summer. state laws do differ. Here are some guidelines on hiring are so listed). With this move, you supply your child or the child of a your own or the children of friends this summer. The 16-year-old also is not so limited by the strict close friend with productive work; the child earns 1) If you own the business, there is no minimum age regulations on total hours worked as the younger minor. money that can be saved for college or spent as the on hiring your child (under 14, let’s say) and also tnere A teen-ager under 16, though, could help in sales or Any child under 16 is prohibited from working more minor desires; your own tax advantages are clear and are no minimum age restrictions on children who clerical work. This minor could pack purchases in a than eight hours in any day. When school is open, the can be repeated in coming summers. Why not? It’s all deliver newspapers or advertising handbills. store, run errands, make deliveries, do cleanup work, under-16-year-old cannot work more than 18 hours a plus. Arafat asks Soviet The general minimum age for non-hazardous factory mark prices. This minor could prepare and serve food week — more than three hours in any day. Nor can this (“Sylvia Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s,” 1,328 work is 16. but for a job other than in a factory, you even though prohibited by law from cooking it. minor begin working before 7 a.m. nor work beyond 7 pages of down-to-earth advice on personal money could hire a 14-year-old, reports Prentice-Hall in a And while an under-16-year-old is prohibited from p.m. management, is now available through her column. privately circulated newsletter. operating many types of machinery, this minor could As of June 1, however, the evening curfewjiour ^s 9 Send $9.95 plus $1 for mailing and handling to “Sylvia "Hazardous” work would include operating a motor handle such equipment as milkshake blenders, coffee p.m. and this curfew applies until Labor Day. The Porter’s New Money Book for the 80s,” in care of this vehicle or other types of machinery; work in a mine, or grinders, toasters, dishwashers, dumbwaiters. maximum work week while school is closed is 40 hours. newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, Fairway, Kan. 66205. aid to stop Israel in a job that would expose the child to radioactive 2) You are forbidden, under federal and state anti- (Of course, this can be “stretched” as all other rules in Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.) material. By United Press International Reagan said Lebanon is a country to report on the offensive, which the p/n Brief- “that for too long has had to endure military command said was advan­ 7 Israeli warplanes shot down four the tragedy of civil war, terrorism cing at twice the anticipated speed. Cotton making Syrian MiGs today and ground and foreign intervention and oc­ WAFA said Arafat’s notes to troops advanced to within 12 miles cupation.” Moscow and the Arabs dealt with Zeldin honored of Bieirut. PLO chief Yasser Arafat U.N. Security Council members, “the Israeli aggression” and the asked the Soviet Union and Arab who Sunday called for an immediate urgency of “shouldering your Andy Zeldin Advertising of Manchester won five states to help stop the “Israeli cease-fire, met behind closed doors responsibilites.” awards in this year's Hartford Ad Club Awards. aggression” in southern Lebanon. to consider possible new ways to Arafat said the Israeli invasion One of the awards was for a radio campaign for big comeback “Israel has widened the scope of army was out to “exterminate the stop the fighting. the Game Room at Connecticut Golf Land. The rest its aggression and is now only 20 In Jerusalem the Cabinet met Palestinian people In their camps were for a series of newspaer ads for the Bike kilometers (12 miles) from Beirut. again. It met in a 5V4-hour meeting and the Lebanese people in their Shops, which included a sweep of first, second, and By LeRoy Pope new Natural Blend shirtings and so are The 60,000-strong Israeli Invasion Monday night following Prime cities and villages.” third place. UPl Business Writer many smaller manufacturers. force went through U.N. lines and Minister Menachem Begin’s con­ A military communique said The awards ceremony was held at the Parkview launched its aggression with the full sultation with U.S. envoy Philip Syrian planes attacked Israeli tanks DESIGNERS AND makers of finished Hilton in Hartford. NEW YORK (DPI) - The two-year- approval of the United States,” Habib. and ground forces southeast of Jiz- shirts including Cluett Peabody (Arrow old campaign of the cotton industry to Arafat said in urgent cables to Arab Israel radio said Begin told Habib zine, 11 miles east of Sidon. Shirts) Manhattan Shirts Henry Grethel sell Natural Blend fabrics with 60 per­ leaders. that Israel will not withdraw until In one of their bombing raids, the cent or more cotton to American males designer line. Van Heusen and Hathaway Western estimates are that some an “arrangement” is reached to Syrian planes encountered Maschko retires also are going in heavily for Natural seems headed for a resounding triumph 20,000 Israeli forces are involved in keep the guerrillas away from south resistance from Israeli fighters and Blend. Arrow is bringing out a new line UPl photo in the Father’s Day sales this year. .the offensive against Palestine Lebanon and out of artillery range shot down one “enemy plane” in a About 30 percent of the shirts that will of 85 percent cotton, 15 percent polyester Louise (Mrs. John) Muschko of Spring Street Liberation Organization of Israel’s northern border region. dogfight, the military communique ISRAELI TROOPS ON ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER retired as of June 1 from the Crockett Agency, Inc. be sold for the Father’s day season en­ shirts in 16 different patterns. Such mass strongholds. Begin was to address Parliament said. moving through Lebanese port city of Sidon where she had been employed for the past 28 years. ding June 20 are expected to be Natural retailers as J. C. Penney and Sears Arafat also held crisis talks with Her duties here consisted of office manager and Blend, says Cotton, Inc., of New York. Roebuck are putting out 60-40 Natural Soviet Ambassador Alexander chief underwriter. That’s up from last fall’s 15 percent Blends and Penney will have a line 85 Soldatov and delivered a letter for She is active in the Senior Citizens, South share and way up from last Father’s percent cotton, 15 percent polyester the Kremlin leaders, the Palestine Methodist Church and as a grandmother of Stephen Day. broadcloth shirts next fall. news agency WAFA said. and Megan Post of Willington. Men’s shirt sales in the United States Meanwhile, Libby Clark of Cotton, Syria earlier announced that its Galtieri rejects latest peace plan bulge heavily twice a year at Christmas Inc., told United Press International the warplanes, in their first major ac­ campaign to get more cotton into sheets, J and just before Father’s Day, when tion against Israel’s ground forces, pillow cases and other household fabrics Workshop set shirts are bought by the millions as gifts. attacked tank and troop concen­ By United Press International Stanley. British artillery kept poun­ troops from the islands and that moving in "look like things are Monday in a radioed capitulation In the month before Father’s day, 1981, is gathering steam steadily.
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