- •tit-' •"- ' ^he cNotre Q^ame Scholastic Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus ^4e Qnee4t Ransie/i. FOUNDED 1867 By BILL BRAUN and FRANK McCARTHY • ttiiiiiiiii •iiitiiiitiiiiiiiiitt inn iiiiiiniiiiiiiiitiii iiiiiiiii* iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GENEROSITY IS ITS OWN REWARD . Whether or not this is Don Toker's slogan it is definitely a major part of his philosophy. There are perhaps only a handfiil of you here on the campus who know Don, hut if you were told that he is the ever-smiling, sandy-haired hoy that rides his bike in each day from the downtown YMCA you'll probably all know whom we mean. Don, like many ether discharged V-12s, chose to finish his education at N.D., and this June yinll receive a Bachelor of Science degree with honors. But that is not what makes him our choice as JOHN DEFANT, Editor an outstanding but unheralded graduate . the real reason goes back to the beginning of his V-12 days here Avhen his Managing Editor JACK HUMMEL generosity to his fellow seamen was first noticed. Don Sports Editor PAUL WEYRAUCH entered Notre Dame direct from the Pacific Fleet, but melted GEORGE COLLINS Navy Editor . into the melee of college military life, concerned mainly JOHNNY WALKER Feature Editor with getting his education mapped out for him by the Navy. JOE CHENEY News Editor ... In his spare minutes though, he could usually be found in the heavy apparatus room of the Rock coaching some of COLUMNISTS his less able buddies through the more difficult of the bar exercises ... at which he excelled . this he did, not with THOMAS M. HIGGINS - - - The College Parade the idea of attaining any personal gain or recognition from SAM SMITH The Crow's Nest his superiors . but because Don was the kind of a fellow BILL BRAUN, FRANK McCARTHY . The Green Banner ED CASO. JOE PIEDMONT - • - - - . Soph Soap v/ho couldn't bear to see a buddy miss the boat . and even JERRY OLWELL . Campus Clubs now with all the hurried preparations for his finals, seldom a day goes by that he doesn't by some act of kindness lighten •¥• the load for a friend ... to Don Toker ... a true son of PHOTOGRAPHY Notre Dame . goes this week's 21-gun salute . and oar JIM FERSTEL - - - Photographic Editor wish for a safe cruise through life. We know a certain AL KUNTZ CHRISTY WALSH professor who believes in starting his classes exactly at the FRANK CACCIAPAGLIA stroke of the bell . last week at the familiar sound the (Cover by Jim Ferstel) prof immediately pointed to a student standing in the aisle and bellowed, "Who wrote the Canterbury Tales?" . the student looked blank and spluttered, "Er . well . I" . "Do you know or don't you?" demanded the Prof. "No, CONTRIBUTORS Father, I don't," the student said. "Zero," shouted the Prof . "what's your name?" . "Riley, Father," said the JACK SULLIVAN JIM REGAN student, "and if it's all the same to you make a notation next BILLY SLAVICK JOHN THOMAS to that aero that I had Spanish in this room last period and GERARD HEKKER DICK DEITZ I just came in the I'oom to get my book. ." PAUL ABRAHAM JIM CLEMENS MICHAEL GREENE PETE BROWN BILL PFAFF JIM MALER DAVE WARNER MEL GODDARD HERE AND THERE . RAY CHAMBERLAND DICK DOWDLE Ralph Hayman worrying whether the color of the K.C. CLARENCE ZIMMER PETER PESOLI SCHOLASTIC cover would go with his girl's hair . Chuck BILL LEAVEY LEONARD DENTE Perrin taking his morning sun bath on the steps of Wash­ JOE WILCOX ROBERT J. LEANDER ington Hall. Ben Smith sneaking into the Huddle at JOHNNY KRUEGER JACK MINZING 8 a.m. each day to do last night's homework . several of JOHl^ A. O'CONNOR LEO BLABER Mi\ Downey's late evening Econ Class pupils going vertigo JAMES JOHN and falling off their stool at the turn of the hour. Bill Wiley getting engaged over the weekend ... A girl at the REV. C. J. LASKOWSKI, C.S.C. Faculty Advisor St. Mary's Hoi-se Show making the jump when the horse ARTHUR COUGHLAN, TOM GARGAN Circulation didn't. Andy Kelley playing the train strike for an extra M. -E. VARGA - . - - . - Advertising day at home. "Itchy" Weber advertising in the South Bend Trih as mother's little helper. Rocky McGrath be­ ing presented with a Fire Truck at a Saturday Night Ban­ Member of Catholic School Press Association, Associated Collegiate Press. quet in The Oliver. Staif Cartoonist Krueger finally Bepresented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City—Chicago—^Boston—Los Angeles— getting a caricature that resembles his subject. .. An ROTC San Francisco. THE SCHOVASTIC is published weekly daring the school platoon neai-ly trampling a youthful and admiring trio into year, except during vacations and examination periods at the University the dirt on the Badin Bog during Saturday's close order jof-Notre Dame. Address all correspondence to: Publications Office, Admin­ istration Building, Notre Dame, Indiana. drill THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailins at special rate of postage. Section 1103, Oct. 3, 1917. Authorized June 25, 1918. VOL. 87. NO. 10 MAY 31. 1946 NOTBE DA14E. mDMNA Cardinal and Senator Graduation Speakers Stritch and Vandenberg Distinguished French ALLOTMENT CHECKS to Address Seniors Visitors to Attend All veterans who leave Notre Dame before July 1 must notify the Disburs­ His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Final Y.C.S. Meeting ing Office in St. Louis of their change Stritch, Archbishop of Chicago, has ac­ Final Day of Recollection for the of address in order to receive allot­ cepted an invitation to preach the Bac­ Young Christian Students of Notre ment checks for the month of June, calaureate Sermon at the 101st Com­ Dame (International Student Catholic lim Webb, president of the Veterans' mencement of the University on Sunday, Action) Avill be combined A\nth a general Club, reported this week. June 30, it was announced by the Rev. meeting this coming Snanday morning, The Notre Dame postmaster ad­ J. Hugh O'Donnell, C.S.C., president. June 2. Missa Cantata will take place vised the Vets' Club president that At the same time Father O'Donnell in Cavanaugh Hall Chapel, and meet­ the postoffice is not permitted to for­ announced that Senator Arthur H. Van- ings will be held at the Rockne Me­ ward the checks, but must return denberg. Senior United States Senator morial. them to the Disbursing Office. from Michigan, has accepted an invita­ Allotment checks for May will be tion to give the Commencement address. Mr. Andre Eauget, president, and Senator Vandenberg is also a member of Rev. Drujet, chaplain, of the Student distributed as usual, on or about June 1. the United States Delegation to the Catholic Action of France will be visit­ United Nations, and a member of the ing the local groups in conjunction Avith Foreign Affairs Committee of the United this Day of Recollection. Mr. Rauget States Senate. and Pere Drujet are touring YCS or­ Glee Club to Present Both will be honored with Honorary ganizations in Canada and the U.S. Last Event of Season LL.D. degrees at the Commencement, Sunday's YCS program will consist which will be Notre Dame's first peace­ of general reports on all activities and The University of Notre Dame Glee time Commencement since 1941. This wiU organizational details of the local Club will present a concert, its last of be Cardinal Stritch's first visit to Notre groups for the past semester, installa­ the semester, in Washington Hall on Dame since before the war. Senator Van­ tion of officers for the coming year, and Wednesday evening June 5 at 8 o'clock. denberg will be making his first official presentation and explanation of Notre Many will remember the outstanding visit to the University. Dame's student CA program for the concei-t presented by the Glee Club with 1946-47 school-year. Sessions will be the South Bend Symphony in the Drill History Department chairmaned by retiring president Ed Hall on May 3rd. At that time the Glee Marshall. Club sang with the orchesti-a Randall Publishes two Polish Following the sessions here, the vis­ Thompson's "Testament of Freedom." immigration Studies itors from France A\'ill continue on the The work was enthusiastically received Two studies prepared under the direc­ final leg of their American tour and by the huge audience. As a special re­ tion of the Department of History on then return to the Continent to com­ quest the Glee Club \vlll present portions Polish immigi'ation and early pioneer plete preparations for the international of this composition to the accompaniment accomplishments have been published in YCS Congress to be held late this sum­ of two pianos at next week's concert. recent months. Father Joseph Swastek's mer in Fribourg, Switzerland. The Glee Club \vi\\ present a diversified "The Poles in South Bend to 1914" has progi-am which ^^^I1 include religious, been published in the December, 1945, secular, and school songs. Among these issue of Polish-American Studies. An­ N.D. Given Evaporator will be Witt's "Ave Maria," Handel's other study. The Polish Immigrant in For Experimental Work "Let their Celestial Concerts all Unite," Detroit to 19H by Sister Mary Semigia Kern's "All the Things You Are," "Loch Napolska, Felician O.S.F., has just come A- specially designed evaporator built Lomond," "Notre Dame, Our Mother," off the press as volume ten of The by Joseph E. Seagram, Inc., for experi­ "The Hike Song," "Irish Backs," "This Annals of 'the Polish R.C.
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