THE LONDON GAZETTE, JANUARY 11, 1878. The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. • The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the County Court of Oxfordshire, holden at Banbury. In the Connty Court of Lancashire, holden at Burnley. In tbe Matter of Proceedings for Liqaidation by Arrange* In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- xnent or Composition with Creditors, instituted by ment or Composition witb Creditors, instituted by Charles Garretr, of Tadmarton, in the county of Oxford John Horsfall, of Cheetham Rill, Manchester, in the Farmer. county of Lancaster, Henry Horsfall, of Hehden Bridge,^ TWTOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting in tbe county of York, and Charles Frederic Horsfall, of .1.1 of the creditors of the above-named person bat Hebden Bridge aforesaid, carrying on business together been summoned to be held at the office of Mr. George in copartnership at Cal Jer Mill Shed and Hawk$clongh < Crosby, Solicitor, Bridge-street, Banbury, on the 21st day of 8he<?, in Hebden Bridge aforesaid, as Cotton Manufac- January, 1878,.at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely.— turers, under the style or firm of Horsfall Brothers, and Dated this 9ih day of January, 1878, of the said John Horsfall, Henry Horsfall, and Charles GEORGE CROSBY,. Bridge-street,Banbury,Soli- Frederic Hors'al". carrying on business as Cotton Spin- • citor for tbe said Charles Garrett. ners, at Hawksclongh Mill, Hebden Bridge aforesaid, under the style or firm of John IJorefall and Sons, and of The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. the said Henry Horsfall, carrying on business as a Cotton la tbe County Court of Norfolk, holden at Norwich. Spinner, 'at Waterside Mill, Hebden Bridge aforesaid, In tbe Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange trading as William and Henry Horsfall, and of the said} meat or Composition with Creditors, instituted by John Horsfall, carrying on business on his own dccnunt Henry Bradford, of Calvert-street, ID the city of Norwich, at Lumb Mill. Hebden Bridge aforesaid, and at Square- Leather Merchant Mill, Walsden, in tbe county of Lancaster, and at No. 20,.. "V[ OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting Cannon-street, in the city of Manchester, as a Cotton J_\ of the creditors of the above-named person has been Spinner. summoned to be held at tbe Chamber of Commerce, 145, Vf OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting- Cbeapside, in the city of London, on tbe 22nd day of J3I of the separate creditors of the above-named John- January, 1878, at two o'clock in the afternoon precisely. Horsfall has been summoned to be held at the Albion Hotel,- —Dated this 5th day of January, 1878. Piccadilly, in Manchester, in the county of Laucasitr, on, ALFRED KENT, Norwich, Solicitor for the said the 22nd day of January, 1878, at four o'clock in the after- Debtor. noon precisely.—Dated this 9th day of January, 1878. CHARLES J. ROBERTS, John-street, Rochdale, The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. Solicitor for the Debtor, |In tbe County Court of Lancashire, holden at Burnley. In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by In the Connty Court of Lancashire, holden at Burnley. t John Horsfall, of Cbeetham Hill, Manchester, in the In the Matter of Proceedii/gs for Liquidation by Arrange- i county of Lancaster, Henry Horsfall, of Hebden Bridge, ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by in tbe county of York, and Charles Frederic Horsfall, James Hollinrake, now of 4, Mitchell-street, Ltneholm«v. - of Hebden Bridge aforesaid,carrying on business together near Todmorden, in the conrity of York, Loom Tackier, in copartnership, at Calder Mill Shed and Hawkscloogh lately carrying on business as a Brewer, at the. Railway- j Shed, in Hebden Bridge aforesaid, as Cotton Manufac- Brewery, in Brighouse, in copartnership with Edwin* turers, under tbe style or firm of Horsfall Brothers, and Hollinrake, under tbe style of J. and E Holliurake. nf tbe said John Horsfall, Henry Horsfall, aud Charles OTICE is hereby given, that a Second General Meeting- Frederic Horsfall, carrying on business as Cotton Sp-n- N of the creditors of the above-named person has been ners, at Hawksclough Mill, Hebden Bridge aforesaid, summoned to be held at the White Swan Hotel, io Halifax,* under tbe style or firm of John Horsfall and Sons, and of in the county of York, on the 18th day of January, 1878, tbe said Heary Horsfall, carrying on business as a Cotton at a quarter-past three o'clock in tbe afternoon precisely.— Spinner, at Waterside Mill, Hebden Bridge aforesaid, Dated this 9tb nay of January, 1878 trading as William and Henry Horsfall, and of the said A. O. and T. W. EASTWOOD, Todmorden,. * John Horsfall, carrying on business on bis own account, Solicitors for the saii James U»llinrake. • I at Lumb Mill, Hebden Bridge aforesaid, and at Square Tbe Bankruptcy Act, 1869. Mill, Walsden, in the county of Lancaster, and at No. 20, In the Connty Court or Lancashire, holoen at Oldham. Cannon-street, ia the city of Manchester, as a .Cotton In the Matter of 'Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange-^ Spinner. ment or Composition witb Creditors, instituted by- OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting Joseph Wrigley, of No. 7, Siddell-street, Oldiiam, in the N of tbe separate creditors of the above-named persons, connt> of Lancaster, Builder. trading as Horsfall Brothers, has been summoned to be held VT OTIuE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting: . at tbe Albton Hotel, Piccadilly, io Manchester, in the iA of the creditors of the above-nam^d person has been county of Lancaster, 011 tbe 2and day of January, 1878, at summoned to be held at the Star Hotel, Lees-road, iu Oid»- half-past two o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this ham aforesaid, on tbe 2nd day of February, 1878, at eleven 9th day of January, 1878. o'clock in tbe forenoon precisely.—Dated this 9th day of. CHARLES J. ROBERTS, John-street, Rochdale, Januarj-, (878. Solicitor for the Debtors. JNO. KERSHAW. Ashton-nnder-Lyne and Mossley, Solicitor tor tbe said Joseph Wrigley. The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Burnley. The Bankruptcy Act. 1869. In tbe Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrange- In the Connty Court of Lancashire, holuen at Liverpool-' ment or Composition with Creditors, instituted by iu tnr Matter •>! rroceediutt* for Liquidation by Arrange* John Horsfall, of Cheetbam Hill, Manchester, in tbe ment or' Composition with Creditors, instituted by~ county of Lancaster, Henry Horsfall, of Heoden Bridge, Euward Moss, of No. 2, Back Virginia-street, Sonthport, in the county o- Yotk, and Charles Frederic Horsfall, or' io tbe county ot Lancaster, Joiner. Hebden Bridge aforesaid, carrying on business together VJ OTICE ia Hereby given, chat a First General Meeting" Ol of the creditors nf tbe nbove.-nam«rd person has been>« in copartnership at Calder Mill Shed, and Hawksclougb 4 Shed, iu Hebden Bridge aforesaid, as Cotton Manufac- summoned M be bel<i at the offices of Messrs. Parr and turers, under the style or firm of Horsfall Brother*, and Sa«il«r, No. 149A. Lord-street, Soutbport, in the county or of the said John Horsfall. Henry Horsfall, and Charles Lancaster, on the 24th day of January, 1878, at tbree o'clock: Frederic Horsfall, carrying on business as Cotton Spin- in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 8th day of January,. ners, at Hawkeclongb Mill, Hebden Bridge aforesaid, 1878. nnder the style or firm of John Horsfall and Sons, and of PARR and SADLER, 149A, Lord-street, Sombport,. the said Henry Horsfall, carrying on business as a Cqtton Solicitors for the said Debtor. Spinner, at Waterside Mill, Hebden bridge aforesaid, The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. trading as William and Henry Horsfall, and of tbe said In tbe County Court of Lancashire, notden it Liverpool. John Horsfall, carrying on business on his own acconut [u the Matter of Proceediugb for liquidation by arrange* at Lumb Mill, Hebden Bridge aforesaid, and at Square mem'or CbnipoaitioB witb creditors, instituted by* Mill, Walsden, in tbe county of Lancaster, and at No. 20, Frederick Arthur Chambers, of Melville-chambers, 50,. Cannon-street, in the city of Manchester, as a Cotton Lord-street, Liverpool, in tue county of Lancaster, Com*-' Spinner. mission Agent. fO OTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting OTICE is Hereby given, that a First General Meeting? JL^I of tbe separate creditors of the above-nanteo Henry \ of tbe creditors of tue above-named, person has-- HorB'all has been summonex to be held at the Albion Hotel, jeen summoned to be held at the offices of Messrs. Braoner Piccadilly, in .Manchester, in the county of Lancaster, on and Court, Solicitors, 40, North John-street, Liverpool* the 22nd day of January, 1878, at half-past three o'clock in aforesaid, on the 22ud day of January, 1878, at tiro o'clock the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 9th day of January, id the afternoon precinely.—Dated this 5th day of January** 1878. 1878. CHARLES J. ROBERTS, John-street, Richdale, J. P. COURT, 40, North John-street, Liverpool.. Solicitor for the Debtor. Solicitor for tbe said Debtor. ..
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