Historical sciences 51 Materials of Conferences KAZAKH WOMAN – oil IN THE GREAT can see dozens of women who successfully mas- PATRIOTIC WAR ter the technique. 18 women who completed the Berdyguzhin L.B., Shymanov Z.Z., course received a driver’s license. Among them Muhanbedieva G.K., Dosetova A.A., Asimov K.S. Kolpakov, Lenshin, Romanova, Ermekpaeva per- Atyrau State University. H. Dosmukhamedov SIC fectly finish the courses. Currently, they may drive im. Kabdulova, Atyrau, e-mail: [email protected] and service it. Personnel department oil combine Kazakhstan The expression “level of culture is reflected in the near future plans to train 500 professionals primarily in the legal status of women” becomes through various courses. In all of these courses clearer if we look at the fate of the weak half of Pe- prepare womens. Inter they have operators, tractor troleum victims and hunger, cold and the oil indus- drivers, electricians and other construction workers. try. Involvement of women in the oil industry was Party, government, trade union and Komsomol due to the discovery in 1930 of various technical organizations should assist in the implementation of courses and educational institutions. measures for the development of the oil industry. Mass involvement of women in oil production So far, the involvement of women in produc- was due to the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. tion work in the oil industry is not at the proper Article, which was published July 12, 1941 in level. In the production of professional women was Room 163 of the regional newspaper Guryev region not enough. In the largest fisheries plant – Dossor – “socialist construction” says: Bringing feminine 71, Bayshonase- 78, Makat – 73 women – experts. power into production. Many of them work not in the production of, and in Currently, the entire Soviet people all his will bureau. V one of the largest crafts plant – Gurievsk and strength to making to defeat the enemy in World technical plant quite a few women. War II. Every honest citizen of his devotion to the Until recently, some party, trade union or- Soviets of the Communist Party, the Soviet govern- ganizations and farm managers are not paying ment, the people of the great leader Comrade Stalin enough attention to the involvement of women in proved his selfless work. Assists the Red Army and production. Navy to deal a fatal blow to the enemy. All Soviet Now it is time to involve more women in pro- boys and girls as one went to the front. Equal Soviet ductive work force. If employees will be called to Red Army women help to strengthen the rear make the front, they must take the place of women. Every the patriotic cause. woman, girl, takes the place of his father, brother, A lot of women are working in good faith by husband, should provide the Red Army with eve- sending their husbands, brothers, fathers and chil- rything you need. Workers in the oil field, trained dren to the front. In one of the rooms of the news- in driving tractors, machinery, repair drill wells in- paper “Pravda” of June 25 is the letter of working stead of getting men and develops oil needed the women to their husbands, brothers, fathers, draft- Red Army. Each oil field industry and its work ed into the Red Army, which says: “Our Mother, should lead respectively goals and objectives of the favorite! At the call of the government you go to new conditions. war with the enemy. Are you coming to the front, Women do not know who gave the absence of we remain in the rear. But for us there is no differ- men who had gone to the front, rear become real ence between the front and rear. We in the produc- soldiers in those years. tion of all its forces surrender to provide you with We need men with a strong will everything you need”. That voice of a real Soviet Great for business – the poet – wars Maham- woman – patriot. bet Utemisov about people without whose efforts to Women actively working for the good of the win the war would have been impossible. homeland, and in many oilfield Emba. In the oil Emba oil came from many prominent leaders, mill Emba district work in 1116 women. Many past fire and water. They were proud of Emba oil. of them show good examples of labor productiv- Balganym Nurtaskyzy Dosbaeva then was a ity. Names Stakhanovite Golovanova, turner oil ir- senior operator of the oil-producing area. The fate rigation office, awarded the badge “Excellence in of early custodial parent Balganym was difficult. oil production in the USSR”, Nazarova, electrician With 12 years was a servant in different people, geological – search firm, awarded testimonial Peo- and where seen how cruel life. But loving life and ple’s Commissariat of the oil industry of the USSR, clean, she had been in this condition for a long Zhubaniyazovoy, operator – Stakhanovite Makat time. Strive for equality bestowed by the Soviet fishing Baytuakovoy, Stakhanovite Dossor fishery, government. In 1930, out of the wilderness came known to all workers of the area. They perform with to work in the workplace. First worked in Dossor, dignity all their assigned responsibilities. then – in Eskene operator, where it was seen to be In Emba growing ranks of women – special- active in the development of observation and oil ists who have mastered the new technique. You equipment. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY №2, 2015 52 Historical sciences “After coming into production, – she writes – One of the founders in the fishery Bayshonas quickly realized the essence of their work. Joined female section was typing. A lot, in spite of their Stakhanovists. Since doing the norm over the plan”. affiliation, no lagged behind men. Because his boss This is not limited. I was in school educational was in no way inferior to men Balganym Dosbaeva program, improved knowledge. Noticing this, the and worked such dedicated people work like typing management of production sends it to a two-month Shagyrova. Her work was appreciated. Was award- training course at the Masters Guriev (Atyrau) Oil ed the medal “For valiant work”. Later became the College. When the Great Patriotic War, she worked heroes of labor. in the fishery Bayshonas. In difficult times of short- At the edge of the Emba, including oil, a man age of power, production managers, without hesita- to be awarded such a high rank, began gaining Sha- tion, raised B. Dosbaevu to place a supervisor. gyrova. Now she began to work with even greater im- Together with Kazakh girl oilmen worked pact forces. Region Party Committee about her shoulder to shoulder representatives of other na- work, wrote in the Communist Party of Kazakhstan: tionalities who came by the will of fate in the “The senior operator communist comrade Dosbaeva Kazakh land. These were people like: T.A.Han, caring for the wells carefully, the site keeps clean, A.D. Kvashenkina. without stopping productivity has been reduced to Same Tatyana Andreevny Han way of life ex- zero. In good faith to work; Wizard performs all ample of generations. tasks in a timely manner and without question”. On Born December 21, 1924 in Vladivostok, in the its proposal in the fishery was established Baysho- Far East of Russia. In 1942 he graduated from Gu- nas female portion. His head was appointed opera- ryev (Atyrau) College with a degree in petroleum tor Stakhanovite Balganym Dosbaeva. Thus, it has exploitation of oil and gas wells, and goes fishing evolved from the former commander of workers in in Makati. Then the military action were the fierc- manufacturing. As a Communist, she had to do a est. 17-year-old girl is arranged by the operator in lot of community work. If at first served as Secre- the plot № 7, which is considered the heart of the tary of the Party organization, was soon elected as a fishery. January. Severe frost. This time it was easy? member of the party bureau fishing Party Commit- Tanya was also one of them. She, too, like everyone tee. Activist public, industrial work, mentor youth else, immediately began to work. For her, it became B.Dosbaeva later than 3 times, was elected deputy commonplace to stand for 12 hours on duty, to ob- of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. serve the work well, if necessary, repair the hole. During the war, the name of a petroleum-girl Useful knowledge gained in college. But Tatiana N. Shagyrovoy (1922-1974) was an example for Andreevna worked as an operator only 3 months. many. In those days, among the oil was an unwrit- Watching her work, foreman Abish Sulejmenov as- ten rule – put in running condition all wells, and signs it to a skilled worker section № 7. did not say other settings. If there were errors – you need to be that a little experience, and Tanya took the case. Or- quickly repaired; if you do not have time to tinker in ganized by the youth of his shift, to ensure proper his shift, then reconstituted with changer. operation of wells. Six months later, her own ap- Operator Bayshonasa typing Shagyrova got the pointed master of the site. This is a reason. night shift in this situation. (of course, it was not In the area № 7 though it was a lot of oil, but first) cut short the tape well № 388, and she stopped. the work did not go. Lagged behind the others too Become clogged. The operator communicates with it. Tanya began to work through their strength. For the master and taken to repair. Making sure that you days on horseback went round hole.
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