Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Rules and Regulations, page 2 Telephone Information, page 3 BELL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ROCHESTER SEPTEMBER, 20, 1912 Page Vtii Charlotte . • 264 Henrietta 273 Gates - 273 Victor - 279 YORK TELEPHONE COMPANY R r974 . 115321b Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Rochester Public Library Reference Book Not For Circulation 43-45 State Street Rochester, N. Y. Capital and Surplus $1,000,000-00 Pay Interest 496 on Special Accounts Safe. £)eposit Vaults $2.50 and Upwards a Year Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Bell 3 9077 03555 8116 Telephone Directory including Subscribers* Lists in ROCHESTER CHARLOTTE HENRIETTA GATES VICTOR SEPT. 20, 1 NEW YORK TELEPHONE CO. 95 North Fitzhugh Street Rochester, N. Y. Address all Communications to the Company COPTBIGHT 1912 BT NEW YOBE TELEPHONE COMPANT Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Rules and, Regulations 1. If the service is interrupted otherwise than by the negli- gence or wilful interference of the subscriber, a pro rata allowance will be made for the time such interruption continues, but no other liability shall in any case attach to the Company. 2. The instruments and lines shall be carefully used, and no instrument or appliance not furnished by the Company shall be attached to or used in connection with them. 3. For the purpose of inspecting, repairing or removing the instruments or lines, the Company and its agents may have access thereto at any reasonable time. 4. A foreign message shall be a personal communication of such duration as is now or may be established from the subscriber's station to a station connected with any exchange outside of the city in which the subscriber's station is located. 5. Either party may terminate the contract under which tele- phone service is furnished at or after the expiration of the first year, by not less than ten days' previous notice in writing to the other party. 6. The Company shall not be liable for any error or omission in the official directory of its subscribers. 7. No profane or obscene language will be tolerated over the lines of the Company and the Company reserves the right to remove the lines and instruments without notice for any violation of this rule. 8. Upon non-payment of any sum due, the abandonment of the station, or any violation of these rules and regulations, the Company may, without notice, terminate the subscriber's rights, sever the connection and remove the instruments without prejudice to its rights to receive any and all sums due from the subscriber. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories Helpful Instructions and Information CLASSES OF TELEPHONE CALLS There are three broad classes of telephone calls. 1. Local Calls. 2. "Two-Number" Toll Calls. 3. "Patricular-Person" Toll Calls. A local call is a call made to a subscriber located within the local area as defined in the contract covering the installation of the telephone from which the call is made. A " two-number " toll call is a call made by number for the telephone of a subscriber located outside the local area as denned in the contract covering the in- stallation of the telephone from which the call is made. Charge is made if connection is completed with the number called, the charge beginning at the time the called telephone answers. When toll calls are placed on a "two-number" basis more rapid service can be given and in certain instances a lower rate will be charged for the service rendered than if the call is placed for a "particular-person." A " particular-person " toll call is a call made either by name or by number for a subscriber located outside the local area as denned in the contract covering the installation of the telephone from which the call is made. This class comprises all calls not included under Classes 1 and 2 above. On these calls a subscriber may place the call for a "particular-person" and in case the call is so placed no charge will be made unless conversation is obtained with the person desired. Toll calls between points within relatively short distances of each other must be placed exclu- sively on a "two-number" basis, no calls for "particular-person" being accepted. REGULATIONS GOVERNING LOCAL CALLS Local calls should be made by number (except that calls for the purpose of filing telegrams and certain emergency calls need not be made by number, as hereinafter noted) and the telephone numbers should be obtained from the telephone directory. Any attempt to remember a telephone number often results in a wrong number connection. Telephone numbers found on letter heads and cards are often obsolete and should be verified by reference to the current issue of the telephone directory. Give the name of the exchange as well as the number wanted in a clear and distinct tone to the operator who first answers: Thus — Main-one-four-six-two- party-R. The operator will repeat the number and proceed to secure the connection or give you some report. M Cll telephon phone Company where the call is a local call. It is sometimes poss calling subscribers to arrange for messenger service through public located in the district called. In such a case, the calling subscrib" •"lo^aTinformation" operator" and give her "the address of the desired pafty-r if, operator's records show a public telephone i...n tha. t neighborhood..._,., .— J , sh-*-e- will give i caUing subscriber its number. The calling subscriber must make the necess: . arrangements with the attendant at the called station for the messenger service and/ For payment therefor. The Telephone Company assumes no responsibility for the mes- senger service rendered and will not bill the charge for messenger service against the calling subscriber's telephone. The regular charge will be made for the telephone Connection to the called: station, and for the return call, if such call is made by the 6Collect Calls. The collection of telephone charges from the telephone called, will not be permitted where the call is a local call. REGULATIONS GOVERNING TWO-NUMBER CALLS " Two-number" toll calls must be made by number in the same manner as local calls. When a "two-number" toll connection is desired, give the desired number to the first operator who answers and remain with the telephone receiver at the ear until the party called has answered or until the operator reports. Messenger Calls. No messenger service for the purpose of calling to a given telephone, parties having no telephone connection, will lie arranged for bythe Tee- phone Company where the call is a "two-number" toll call. It is sometimes possible, However, tor calling subscribers to arrange for messenger service through pu6lic tele- phone agents located in the district caSed. In such a case the calling subscr ber should alk for the "local information operator ' and give her *be address of the desirea par^y; if the operator's records show a public telephone in that neighborhood, she £lU &ve the calling subscriber its number. The calling subscriber must make the neeessarv arrangements with the attendant at the called station for the messenger seivfce aynd fS?gpa7ment therefor. The Telephone Company assume, no^WonaU tF is xaaAeby the^caUed ^ .-oUection of telephone charges from the telephone called •will not be permitted where the call is a "two-number" toll call. REGULATIONS GOVERNING PARTICULAR-PERSON CAfL* Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Miscellaneous Directories alternate party (if you are willing "to talk with anyone else, in case the desired party cannot be reached); also the name of the city or town and State in which the party desired may be found. If the number of the telephone desired is not~known, give the firm name or the name and initials of the person under whose name the telephone Is listed, and, if possible, the street address. If you are calling to ask for information, state to the toll operator the informatME desired. Remain at the telephone until told by the operator to hang up the receiver. Messenger Calls. If the person desired is not connected by telephone, a messenger will be sent to his address requesting him to come to a telephone, provided the party calling guarantees payment for the messenger service. The exact amount disbursed for messenger service will be charged in addition to the Company's tariff rates and will be included in the bill for toll service against the calling telephone. Collect Calls. The charges on a " particular-person " toll call, including messen- ger charges will be billed against the called telephone if such charges are accepted by the party called. Bequests to have the charges collected from the telephone called must be made when the call is given to the toll operator. Appointment Calls. Appointment to talk at a specified time may be made by notifying the toll operator of the time at which the connection is desired. No extra charge will be made for appointment calls (except for messenger service when such service is involved) but the Company cannot guarantee the completion of the connection at the exact time specified. Leave Word Calls. If the person with whom you wish to talk is not immediately reached at the telephone called, at the request of the calling subscriber, word will be left by the operator (without charge) to have him call when ready to talk. The message to the called party on Leave Word calls will be in the following form; for example — "Please call the New York operator." When the person receiving such a message is ready to talk, he should ask the first operator who answers to connect him with the toll operator mentioned in the message; for example — "The New York Operator." Reports.
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