7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER COW VOLUME LXXII, NO. 11. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1949 SECTION ONE-PAGES 1 TO 12 Shrewsbury Twp. PTA Speaker Regional School Red Bank and (bounty Legion Officers Slates $19,000 Suffers Setback Building Lags Fire Program At Shrewsbury In Middletpwn Funds to Volunteers School Board Head Boosted; Purchase of SuggeitB Sending School Board Irked With Slow Progress 2 New Trucks Likely Pupils to Humeon A major fire protection program A dim view" on Shrewsbury's join- —Work May Be Completed in October that may coal up to $19,000 in ing the Red Bank regional high new appropriations this year was school plan was expressed Monday New construction work on Mid- launched )ast Thursday night by night by Clarence Berger, presi- \ew Draft Office Here dtctown township schools will be the Shrewsbury township commit- dent of that borough's board of completed by Thanksgiving, in the tee. education. Youth* Muni Register opinion of Aylin Pierson of Wood- The program includes the proba- Mr. Berger stated his dissatisfac- bridge, the school hoard's archi- ble purchase of two new high pres- tion after reading a letter from Red Hank'* Selective Servlc tect. sure water-fogging trucks, each es- John Qiblon, Jr., member of the board now I* in operation In timated just under (9,000, and in- Red Bank school board. In it, Mr. room one, pmtoftke building. The board last Thursday Bight creasing this year's township Arc Giblon explained that "new devel- The ofliw formerly wan lnratrd spent considerable time discussing donations from $1,500 to $2,500. opments" had led to Red Bank's In the J. II. Krlly building, Broad what they termed the "slow pro- Purchase of the fogging equip- creation of a special planning board •t. gress" of the construction work. ment, pumpers which develop wa- for the proposed school. He sug- Tho iiork, for which a 1207,000 Dr. Heber H, Ryan gested that Shrewsbury conduct a ItanU-l Wela-and, chairman nf bond issue was approved, includes ter into a thick, Hame-smothering the local hoard, thin wwk the addition of four classrooms at mist, appeared more than likely census to determine its expected atrrimi'd that bny« attaining thtir Monday night. At a demonstration school load for the next five years. East Keanaburg, two at River Shrewsbury's board already has 18th birthday arc required by Plaza, two at the Leonardo grade at Leonardo, firemen, township offi- Dr. Ryan to Speak federal law to n-glxter with the school, two at Navesink, one at cials and interested residents were initiated a census, result of which hoard. Offlre hour* are from able to see the-effectiveness of this is expected to be made known at Llncroft and the conversion of the the October meeting. Mr. Berger s:3O a. m. in a p. in., Tuesday* hiKh school auditorium into four type spray. At Tinton Falls and Wednesday*. classrooms. Fire Chiefs Carton Mahar, Tin- advised the board members to ton Falls; Charles Shultz, Wayside, To Address PTA closely study the census when it is Harold Copeland of Belford, and William Robinson, Pine Brook, completed and then to "proceed 9 | chairman of th« building commit- were enthusiastic over the adapta- Meeting Sept. 21 diligently toward our contact with tee, after reading the archittct'a Citizens Group report on the progress of each bility of tank-equipped fogging Dr. Heber H. Ryan, assistant com- Rumson high school." He describ- apparatus to local township condi- ed current school conditions as school, said he had done all he missioner of education of the New could to speed up the work. "¥ou tions. As demonstrated, the equip- Jersey State Department of Edu- "the awkward stage," in which Wants Airfield ment can be used • effectively in Shrewsbury is too big for the facil- can't hit these people on the head cation, will speak at the first fall | with a hammer," he said, areas where hydrant water is not meeting of the Shrewsbury Town- ities they have and too small in available, an important considera- funds to go along with the regional j At a special board meeting Mon- ship Potent-Teacher association Location Changed I day night all the contractors told tion in the township w.hich is only next Wednesday night at the Tin- school plan. partially serviced by a main-ted Monday's meeting lasted unti! the hoard that they would fin- ton Falls school. In selecting his A»k Ordinance ish the work one week beyond water supply. topic, Dr. Ryan said he had been Tuesday, the meeting being ad- Such apparatus has been partic- journed at 12:10 a. m. Main point the completion date. The contrac- "doing some thinking on our Amer- To Curb Low Flyinp, tors .nrilti delivery of materials ia ularly useful in fighting very hot ican sense of values" and would of discussion, which used up al- flame, such as airplane and gaso- most two hours, was whether or Old and new officers of Shrewsbury post and unit, American Legion, with county officers who Object to Expansion holding them up, since they all us* speak on "what is most worthwhile presided at the installation ceremonies Monday night at the Legion home on Riverside avc. Left to the same supply house. Oct. IT waa line fires in recent years. in education." not the reception grade will be held The committee decided at its in the afternoon or morning. The right, Mrs. Irene VanSauter, retiring unit president; Mrs. Mabel Hoy, county unit president; Mrs. Sylvia Some people in Shrewsbury set as a tentative completion date, The background of Dr. Ryan's board's plan had been to hold first Moore, newly-elected [(resident; Walter Boskey, outgoing post commander; Leon Nolan, county vice township arc wholly against hav- meeting Thursday night to make training as an educator includes ex- Lawrence A. Carton, Jr.,. school immediately available to each of grade session in the morning and commander, and Frank Innacelli, new post commander. ing an airport in their "backyard." hoard attorney, and board member, perience in many schools in the reception in the afternoon. James They'd like to have the Red Bank the three local volunteer fire com West and Southwestern states as W. Gilbert Manson, also an attor- panies—Tinton Falls, Wayside and Johnston was leader of a group of airport moved some place else, and ney, said no legal action can b* teacher and principal, and as pro- protesters to this plan. He argued Proclamation by all means, don't want to have It Pine Brook—the sum of $700. To fessor in several large universities. taken to speed up the work, al- this it added $125 each to the lnlthat youngsters attending the re- Seeks License Rassas Building become a busy county air term- though a time limit was Included He came to New Jersey In 1937 a* • ", youngsier.! «IBIIUIIIB UI« «- WHEREAS, the Constitution inal. Farmingdale and Eatontown Are director of integration of New Jer-! cePtlon grade.requlred their "after- of the United States is regarded in the' contracts, awarded June It. companies and the Eatontown first sey State Teachers collage at Mont-' f00" »aps" and that forcing them as the finest instrument of its These people, a group from tho Mr. Carton laid the board had Fair Haven New Showrooms Hance tract and Sycamore ave. the right to seek a default of con- • aid squad, all of which assist in clair.I'I. Iin. 1943mil , Drr» . RyautMin* becamwam»e as„«-. I to attend school in the afternoon kind ever devised by human township fire righting and tafety sections, petitioned the township tract, but said that Juries and sistant commissioner of education. might prove a health hazard. skill, and committee to investigate and de- work. During the business meeting of After much discussion and sev- judges usually favor the builder In To Sell Beer WHEREAS, under it for more On Broad Street termine if the airfield can't be put such action. He added that If a, This money is Inclusive of, not the P. T. A. a vote will be taken eral blackboard diagrams of the than a century and a half our in addition to, $1,500 which had school's floor plan, Mr. Johnston In another location in this area. default was (ranted, it would b* to determine how the balance of Application Made by nation has attained heiffhts never Pontiac Agency While this investigation is being been provided for fire protection the fund which was raised by the won his point when Mr. Berger hard to find a new contractor who reached by any other country in conducted, they asked more imme- would want to continue the work donations in the township's 1949 association last year is to be used. suggested that the. seventh and Frank Perry Held Up the history of the world; and Structure Designed budget. The increase and immedi- eighth grades be housed this year diate action be taken—action in which had already started. ate payment was made possible by in the school annex, located in the Due to Address Error WHEREAS, it is altogether By Bernard Kellenyi the form of a municipal ordinance Mr. Pierson, who was present at a transfer of municipal funds from Citarella building. Although Mrs. fitting and proper that our citi- preventing circular and low-flying the meeting, said the time limit »*t zens who enjoy the benefits of practices by plloU. They also want one account to another. The action Rumson Library Irving Feist said the seventh and An application for a limited re- After operating the Rnssas Mo- in the contracts was "before th» is different from normal procedure eighth grades were academically freedom and liberty under that the township attorney to act on opening of school." He contended tail distribution license was receiv- great document should pause on tor company, a Pontiac auto sales this mutter immediately.
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