Republicans C Ash-In on W Ashington W Oes in Super-Sized Sw Eep

Republicans C Ash-In on W Ashington W Oes in Super-Sized Sw Eep

November 3, 2010 It’s a Republican Triple Crown Win Republicans C ash-In on W ashington W oes in Super-Sized Sw eep Left to Right: Speaker Designee Dean Cannon (R) an Senate !resi ent Designee " ike #ari opolos (R)$ % o&ernor'(lect Rick Scott (R)$ )ttorne*' % eneral'(lect !a+ ,on i (R)$ C-. '(lect /eff )twater (R)$ an )griculture Co+ + issioner'(lect ) a+ !utna+ (R) b* Rheb #arbison $lorida *enate and , ouse of Carlton -iel s Senior % o&ern+ ent Consultant Representatives# The very unhappy mood of the he Republican tidal wave across $lorida electorate came home yesterday delivering also gave a decisive win to M arco Rubio for Republicans a clean political sweep in a - * *enate and four .ey flip wins in the - * M id- erm !lection that can only be , ouse/ *teve *outherland in ) 0 2 against described as a report card on " ashington# incumbent 1 llen 2oyd3 0aniel " ebster in ) 04 against incumbent 1 lan & rayson3 1 llen he right shift of registered $lorida " est in ) 0 22 against Ron 5lein3 and independents gave the state%s & ' ( the *andy 1 dams in ) 0 26 against *u7anne governorship, 100 percent of $lorida%s 5osmas# ) abinet, and a *uper-M a+ority within the Copyright © 2010 by Carlton Fields. All rights reserved. 17640769.1 CARLTON FIELDS CAPITOL REPORT NOVEMBER 3, 2010 G overnor and C abinet 0he 1lorida Senate $ormer hospital e8ecutive Ric. *cott, who came out of political nowhere last spring, 2 ike 3 aridopolos Governor and Cabinet P % !resident-4esignee Governor: R 48. 4 1lorida Senate Rick Scott Attorney General: R $4. !a" #ondi Party: Republican M elbourne, $lorida Chief Financial Officer: R $(.4) City: %e&& ' tw ater Occu!ation: ) ollege (rofessor, 1 uthor 3ducation: - niversity of 1 r.ansas, M #1 #, Agriculture Com m issioner: R $*.+4 1>>3 ' da" !utna" *tetson - niversity, 2#1 #, 1>>2 4orn: M arch 1?, 1>:0 in , untington, New @or. poured more than 9:3 million of personal .egislative: !lected to the *enate M arch 2?, money into his campaign# , e will now 2003, reelected subse<uently3 serve at the top of $lorida%s government3 M a+ority ARepublicanB " hip, but his race to the top was bloody in the 200=-20043 closest among all state races# , ouse of Representatives, 2000- 2003 Republicans convincingly captured all three remaining ) abinet seats/ 1 ttorney & eneral, ) $' , and 1 griculture ) ommissioner# Republicans have controlled $lorida%s *enate for many of the last years# he big news after yesterday is that the election Constitutional % produced a far more conservative Am endm ents* Republican *enate with a C*uper M a+orityD# #1: e!eal of Public , o $-.$) *uper M a+ority rule essentially means one Cam !aign Financing party completely controls the chamber%s #": Pro!erty #a$ Credit% .es ((.8) political agenda by controlling the &e!loyed ' ilitary procedural rules of the chamber# Et often yields hard-line partisan policy# #(: )*om eto+n , o /-. ) &em ocracy, M i.e , aridopolos AR- M elbourneB is e8pected to be formally elected to (resident #-: .egislative .es *-.$) edistricting of the $lorida *enate at the Fegislature%s ' rgani7ational *ession on November 1=# #/: Congressional .es *-.84 edistricting he Republican *enate wins this the #0: esi1e Class 2i1e , o $4.$* largest ma+ority of any party in more than 2? years, said incoming *enate (resident M i.e , aridopolos# ; 1 mendments re<uire =0 percent to pass# 2 17640769.1 CARLTON FIELDS CAPITOL REPORT NOVEMBER 3, 2010 #he 5e+ Florida 2enate ' em bers % , an Rich &em ocrat )- /+ 5 2 inorit7 8eader 4esignee e!ublican -8 (+ 5 1lorida Senate 2u!er6' a7ority 4+ )++5 Party: 0emocrat City: *unrise, $lorida -8 Senate Republicans6 (+ 5 Occu!ation: Fegislator *0 2 & reg !vers AM iltonB *0 3 ) harles 0ean AEnvernessB 3ducation: 1 ttended - niversity of $lorida, *0 6 0on & aet7 A$t# " alton 2chB 1>?>-1>=1 4orn: $ebruary >, 1>62, New @or. *0 ? *teven " ise AGac.sonvilleB .egislative: !lected to the *enate in 2006, *0 : !velyn Fynn A' rmond 2eachB reelected subse<uently3 *0 4 Gohn hrasher AGac.sonvilleB M inority A0emocraticB Feader *0 > 1 ndy & ardiner A' rlandoB 0esignate, 2010-20123 *0 10 Rhonda *torms A2randonB M inority A0emocraticB (olicy *0 11 M i.e $asano ANew (ort RicheyB ) hair, 200=-20043 *0 12 Gim Norman A ampaB , ouse of Reps, 2000-2006 *0 13 0ennis Gones A*eminoleB *0 16 *teve ' elrich A& ainesvilleB *0 1? (aula 0oc.ery AFa.elandB )- Senate 4e" ocrats6 /+ 5 *0 1= Gac. Fatvala A) learwaterB Nan Rich A0- *unriseB is e8pected to be *0 1: G# 0# 1 le8ander AFa.e " alesB elected *enate M inority (arty leader at the *0 20 1 lan , ays A- matillaB Fegislature%s upcoming ' rgani7ational *0 21 M i.e 2ennett A2radentonB *ession, presiding over the 2011 and *0 22 0avid *immons A1 ltamonte *pringsB 2012 Fegislatures# *0 23 Nancy 0etert AHeniceB *0 26 had 1 ltman AM elbourneB *0 1 1 nthony , ill AGac.sonvilleB *0 2? !llyn 2ogdanoff A$ort FauderdaleB *0 = 2ill M ontford A allahasseeB *0 2= M i.e , aridopolos AM elbourneB *0 14 1 rthenia Goyner A ampaB *0 2: Fi7beth 2enac<uisto A" ellingtonB *0 1> & ary *iplin A' rlandoB *0 24 Goe Negron A*tuartB *0 2> ) hris *mith A$t# FauderdaleB *0 3= M iguel 0ia7 de la (ortilla A) oral *0 30 M aria Forts *achs A0elray 2eachB & ablesB *0 31 !leanor *obel A, ollywoodB *0 3: & arrett Richter ANaplesB *0 32 Geremy Ring AM argateB *0 34 1 nitere $lores AM iamiB *0 33 Hacant *0 60 Rene & arcia A, ialeahB *0 36 Nan Rich A*unriseB *0 3? & wen M argolis ANorth M iami 2each *0 3> Farcenia 2ullard AM iamiB 3 17640769.1 CARLTON FIELDS CAPITOL REPORT NOVEMBER 3, 2010 0he 1lorida 3 ouse o& Representatives 8) 3 ouse Republicans6 *( 5 , 0 1 0oug 2ro8son AM iltonB , 0 2 ) lay Engram A(ensacolaB 4ean C annon , 0 3 ) lay $ord A(ensacolaB Speaker 4esignee , 0 6 M att & aet7 A$ort " alton 2eachB 1lorida 3 ouse o& , 0 ? 2rad 0ra.e A0e$unia. *prgsB Representatives , 0 = Gimmy (atronis A(anama ) ityB , 0 : M arti ) oley AM ariannaB , 0 11 !li7abeth (orter AFa.e ) ityB Party: Republican , 0 12 Ganet 1 d.ins A$ernandinaB esidence: " inter (ar., $lorida , 0 13 0aniel 0avis AGac.sonvilleB Occu!ation: 1 ttorney , 0 1= ) harles M c2urney AGac.sonvilleB , 0 1: Fa.e Ray AGac.sonvilleB 3ducation: - niversity of $lorida, ) ollege of , 0 1 4 Ronald Renuart Gournalism, 2#*#3 (onte Hedra 2eachB - niversity of $lorida, ) ollege of Faw, G#0# , 0 1> M i.e " einstein AGac.sonvilleB 4orn: 1 ugust 2, 1>=4, 2itburg - * 1 ir , 0 20 2ill (roctor A*t# 1 ugustineB $orce 2ase, & ermany , 0 21 ) harles Han Iant A5eystone .egislative: !lected to the , ouse in 2006 , eightsB & eneral ) ounsel3 ' range , 0 22 5eith (erry A& ainesvilleB ) ounty 2000 ) harter Review , 0 26 0ennis 2a8ley A' calaB ) ommission , 0 2? Farry M et7 A!ustisB , 0 2= $red ) ostello A' rmond 2eachB , 0 24 0orothy , u.ill A(ort ' rangeB 0ean ) annon AR-" inter (ar.B is e8pected , 0 2> om & oodson A) ocoaB to be formally elected to * of the , 0 30 Ritch " AM elbourneB , ouse at the Fegislature%s ' rgani7ational , 0 31 Gohn obia A*atellite 2eachB *ession on November 1=# , e will preside , 0 32 *teve ) risafulli AM erritt EslandB over a , ouse C*uper M a+orityD# , 0 33 Gason 2rodeur A*anfordB , 0 36 ) hris 0orworth AFa.e M aryB Ron *aunders A0-5ey " estB is e8pected to , 0 3? 0ean ) annon A" inter (ar.B be elected as the M inority (arty leader at , 0 3: *cott (lan.on AFongwoodB that time# ) annon and *aunders will serve , 0 34 2ryan Nelson A1 pop.aB a two-year term, presiding over the 2011 , 0 60 !ric !isnaugle A' rlandoB and 2012 Fegislatures# , 0 61 *teve (recourt A' rlandoB , 0 62 M arlene ' % oole AFady Fa.eB #he 5e+ , 0 63 Gimmie *mith AEnvernessB Florida *ouse ' em bers % , 0 66 Robert *chenc. A*pring , illB , 0 6? Richard ) orcoran A rinityB &em ocrat / // 5 , 0 6= Gohn Fegg A(ort RicheyB e!ublican 8) *( 5 , 0 6: Games & rant A ampaB 2u!er ' a7ority , 0 64 (eter Nehr A arpon *pringsB , 0 ?0 !d , ooper A) learwaterB )-+ )++5 , 0 ?1 Farry 1 hern A*t# (etersburgB , 0 ?2 Geff 2randes A*t# (etersburgB 6 17640769.1 CARLTON FIELDS CAPITOL REPORT NOVEMBER 3, 2010 , 0 ?6 Gim $rishe A*t# (etersburgB , 0 ?= Rachel 2urgin A2randonB , 0 ?: 0ana @oung A ampaB Ron Saunders , 0 =0 *hawn , arrison A emple erraceB 2 inorit7 8eader- 4esignee , 0 =1 " ill " eatherford A" esley ) hapelB 1lorida 3 ouse o& , 0 =2 Rich & lorioso A(lant ) ityB Representatives , 0 =3 *eth M c5eel AFa.elandB , 0 =6 5elli *targel A2artowB , 0 =? Gohn " ood A" inter , avenB Party: 0emocrat , 0 == 2en 1 lbritton A2artowB City: 5ey " est, $lorida , 0 =: & reg *teube A2radentonB Occu!ation: 1 ttorney , 0 =4 Gim 2oyd A2radentonB , 0 => Ray (ilon A*arasotaB 3ducation: - niversity of $lorida, 2#*#, , 0 :0 0oug , older A*arasotaB magna cum laude, 1>:=, G#0#, 1>:> , 0 :1 5en Roberson A(ort ) harlotteB 4orn: ' ctober 30, 1>?6, 5ey " est, , 0 :2 (aige 5reegel A(unta & ordaB $F , 0 :3 M att ) aldwell A$ort M yersB .egislative: , ouse of Representatives 1>4=- , 0 :6 & ary 1 ubuchon A) ape ) oralB 1>>63 , 0 :? rudi " illiams A$ort M yersB !lected to the , ouse in 200=, , 0 := 5athleen (assidomo ANaplesB reelected subse<uently3 , 0 :: 0enise & rimsley AFa.e (lacidB 1 ppropriations ) ommittee ) hair , 0 :> M i.e , orner A5issimmeeB 1>>0-1>>23 , 0 40 0eborah M ayfield AHero 2eachB ) ommunity 1 ffairs ) ommittee , 0 41 & ayle , arrell A*tuartB ) hair 1>>2-1>>6 , 0 42 " illiam *nyder A*tuartB , 0 43 (at Rooney A" est (alm 2eachB , 0 4: 2ill , ager A2oca RatonB / 3 ouse 4e" ocrats6 // 5 , 0 >1 & eorge M oraitis A$t# FauderdaleB , 0 4 1 lan " illiams A allahasseeB , 0 101 M att , udson ANaplesB , 0 > M ichelle Rehwin.el-Hasilinda A lhB , 0 102 !duardo & on7ale7 A, ialeahB , 0 10 Feonard 2embry A& reenvilleB , 0 110 !steban 2ovo A, ialeahB , 0 16 M ia Gones AGac.sonvilleB , 0 111 !ri.

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