Copyright! Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Science & Research | Original Contribution Peer-reviewed | Manuscript received: March 24, 2016 | Revision accepted: June 08, 2016 A comparative study of various screw caps Is there any correlation between the results of a target group study and instrumental measurement? Simone Sohnle, Myriam Braun-Münker, Felix Ecker, Fulda TS 15945 [2]. The team also de- Summary veloped a measuring device and a way of measuring the force required Many consumers, including elderly persons, have difficulty opening pack- to open different screw caps. This aging. Screw caps are often identified as a type of packaging which is difficult device simulated the hand move- to open. A target group study and an instrumental analysis were carried out ment required to open screw caps. to evaluate different screw caps; the results were then compared. The target The study examined whether the group study revealed significant differences in the operability of individual force that participants subjectively bottles. Operability is obviously influenced by a number of different factors: felt they expended correlated with surface feel of the bottle, dimensional stability, size of the bottle and diameter the results of instrumental measure- of the cap. The study showed a correlation between the target group study ment. and the instrumental analysis. Keywords: screw caps, bottles, easy opening, ONR CEN/TS 15945:2011, The process of opening a bottle in- target group study, instrumental measurement, easy operability volves three important levels: cog- nitive, motor and strength (• Figure 1) [3]. The principle of screw caps on drink bottles is widely known. We can therefore assume that cognitive and motor levels play a minor role Introduction and that force expended is crucial to In December 2003, the Bundesar- the process of opening screw caps. beitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Or- We postulated that there would be a ganisationen e. V. (BAGSO) (Federal correlation between the results from Association of Senior Citizens’ Or- the target group study and the re- ganizations), which represents the sults from instrumental measure- interests of elderly persons, pub- ment. lished the results of a survey on A key concern in food packaging is packaging: 26% of elderly persons the conflicting interests of conveni- stated that they often had difficulty ence and food safety. A global trend opening drink bottles [1]. for convenience packaging has been People want to live independently observed. This type of packaging is for as long as possible. When food supposed to be easy to open and to Citation: and drink packaging is difficult to guarantee maximum consumer sa- Sohnle S, Braun-Münker M, Ecker F open, this causes dissatisfaction tisfaction and brand loyalty. This (2016) A comparative study of and a willingness to switch to other has already been clearly demonstrat- various screw caps. Is there any products. The target group above 60 ed by the authors in a study on the correlation between the results years of age should not be subjected operability of packaging for milk of a target group study and to age-related restrictions as a result and sausage products [4, 5]. instrumental measurement? of packaging and consequently dis- However, in terms of food safety, Ernahrungs Umschau 63(9): tance themselves from the product. product protection and safety are 186–191 of primary importance. The risks This study is based on a target which may arise from incorrectly This article is available online: group study carried out to evaluate opened packaging have already been DOI: 10.4455/eu.2016.039 packaging in accordance with CEN/ studied elsewhere [6]. 186 Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 9/2016 Copyright! Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Materials and methods Materials cognitive level This study looked at six commercial drink bottles (• Figure 2). Three ref- erence pairs were formed from the six examples of packaging tested: motor level Bottles A and B were glass bot- tles (Brunneneinheitsfl asche, a stand- ardized type of glass bottle made strength in Germany) of the same volume level (0.7 L). These bottles had different caps. Bottle A had a “rolled-on” alu- minum screw cap; a tamper-evi- dent seal was provided by means of Fig. 1: The levels of action for the process of opening packaging [3] a paper strip. Bottle B had a plastic cap. Specimens C and D were PET water mance and motor skills as well as the opening mechanism and the bottles of different sizes; both bottles hand strength. opening instructions and fi nally had an identical cap (Ø = 28 mm). As part of the study, six groups of open the packaging. The stage Bottle C had a volume of 1.5 L, 20 participants (male and female) was regarded as successful if Bottle D 0.5 L. aged between 65 and 80 opened this occurred within fi ve min- Bottles E and F differed in bottle size the above-mentioned bottles. Each utes. (volumes: Bottle E = 1 L; Bottle F = participant opened only one drink 2. The study then tested the effi - 0.33 L) but had the same cap size bottle, to exclude any potential lear- ciency of the opening process. The (Ø = 38 mm). The screw caps on ning effects. The age distribution of participants received a new iden- Bottles B to F had integrated tam- participants is shown in • Table 1. tical packaging. The “effi ciency” per-evident caps. In these cases, the The participants were approached criterion was regarded as fulfi l- tamper-evident seal has to be broken randomly in cafés and at public led if this packaging was opened when fi rst opened; the band is then events. A belief that they led an “in- within one minute. detached. dependent lifestyle” was a require- 3. After sampling a portion of the ment for participation. product, e.g. pouring the drink The testing situation was particu- into a glass, the participants age group male [%] female overall larly important in the target group stated their satisfaction with the [years] [%] [%] study; we aimed to reproduce the opening process according to a 65–69 10 25 35 calm atmosphere of the domestic kit- fi ve-tier scale (from +2 “very 70–74 10 25 35 chen table. Requirements of space [7] good” to -2 “very bad”). This 75–80 10 20 30 and suffi cient lighting (at least 300 stage was regarded as successful overall 30 70 100 Lux) were taken into account [8]. if the satisfaction rating was level Participants who needed reading 0 or higher. Tab. 1: Composition of test group glasses were invited to wear them. according to CEN/TS 15945 The hand movements adopted by the participants in the test were vi- deo-recorded, to improve our inter- Methods pretation of results and analysis of Target group study opening behavior. The target group The target group study was based study was divided into three stages on the technical specifi cation CEN/ in accordance with the requirements A B C TS 15945:2011 [2]. This specifi ca- of the technical specifi cation CEN/TS tion describes a standard procedure 15945:2011: to determine the ease of opening 1. The study fi rstly determined consumer packaging as well as the effectiveness of the opening consumer satisfaction. It makes al- process. Here the participants lowance for the fact that increasing were expected to familiarize age leads to decreasing visual perfor- themselves with the packaging, D E F Fig. 2: Packaging studied Ernaehrungs Umschau international | 9/2016 187 Copyright! Reproduction and dissemination – also partial – applicable to all media only with written permission of Umschau Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH, Wiesbaden. Science & Research | Original Contribution Instrumental measurement pletely loosened from the thread of drink bottle distance [mm] The opening of the screw caps was the drinks bottle and rests loosely Bottle A 200 characterized by the Texture Ana- on top. Bottle B 350 lyser® (Texture Analyser®.HD Plus) The speed of the pull movement Bottle C 240 based on the positive surface [in of the Texture Analyser® was the Bottle D 230 newton meters, NM]. Taking into same for all bottle types. The so- account the test speed, the data was called pre-speed was determined Bottle E 160 supplied as force conducted [in Nm]. at 5 mm/s up to the tightly Bottle F 160 The device to open the screw caps stretched steel wire. The subsequent Tab. 2: Method for instrumental (• Figure 3) was developed by the test speed, the pull movement of the measurement of screw caps authors to replicate real conditions. Texture Analyser®, was 20 mm/s. using Texture Analyser® (pre- The jaws which surround the lid of The distance required for the bottle speed = 5 mm/s, test and re- turn speed = 20 mm/s, release the bottle assume the function of cap to rest loosely on the thread of value = 0.049 N) fingers in opening the screw caps. the bottle differed for each drinks The three pairs of jaws are covered bottle and was a crucial factor in the A uniformly moderate learning ef- with rubber to imitate the struc- measurement (• Table 2). fect was apparent in the repeat- ture and characteristics of human The study aimed to ensure that the ed opening of individual bottles skin. The jaws’ prism shape pro- six different bottles were measured (• Table 4); only for Bottle C did some duces four main points of contact. in comparable conditions. The bra- participants require significantly cket used to clamp the bottle was longer for repeated opening. The re- height adjustable, ensuring that the sults of the sub-test on efficiency are pulley and spool were on the same not represented graphically.
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