NATIONAL STOCK EXCHANGE OF INDIA LIMITED DEPARTMENT : SURVEILLANCE Date :August 06, 2018 Download Ref No : NSE/SURV/38532 Circular Ref. No : 207/2018 All NSE Members Sub: Changes in price bands from August 07, 2018 In pursuance of Capital Market Segment Regulation Part- A, 2.5, the price bands for securities with effect from August 07, 2018 will be as under: Sr. No. Price band No. of securities Securities 1 2 3 as per Annexure I 2 %5 314 as per Annexure II 3 10% 102 as per Annexure III 4 No% band* 208 as per Annexure IV 5 20 1247 Securities other than in Annexures I to IV Total% 1874 (*securities on which derivative products are available shall continue to have daily operating range of 10 %.) Price bands of 10% (either way) will be applicable on all close ended Mutual Funds. The list of securities whose price bands have been revised is given at Annexure V. Members may also note that price band for the above securities in Limited Physical Market shall be same as that applicable in the normal market. Further, the daily price band review will be intimated vide broadcast and also updated on our website. For any clarifications, members are advised to contact Ms. Jahnvi Oza or Ms. Khyati Vidwans or Mr. Piyush Tanna. For and on behalf of National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Avishkar Naik Vice President Surveillance Telephone No Email id 91-22-26598129 [email protected] Regd. Office : Exchange Plaza, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051 Page 1 of 1 Annexure I List of securities where the applicable price band shall be 2%. Sr.No. Symbol Series Security Name Band ISIN 1 21STCENMGM EQ 21st Century Management Services Limited 2 INE253B01015 2 BLUECHIP BE Blue Chip India Limited 2 INE657B01025 3 WINSOME BE Winsome Yarns Limited 2 INE784B01035 Annexure II List of securities where the applicable price band shall be 5%. Sr.No. Symbol Series Security Name Band ISIN 1 3PLAND BE 3P Land Holdings Limited 5 INE105C01023 2 8KMILES EQ 8K Miles Software Services Limited 5 INE650K01021 3 AARVI SM Aarvi Encon Limited 5 INE754X01016 4 ABGSHIP BZ ABG Shipyard Limited 5 INE067H01016 5 ABMINTLTD BE ABM International Limited 5 INE251C01017 6 ACE EQ Action Construction Equipment Limited 5 INE731H01025 7 ADANIGREEN EQ Adani Green Energy Limited 5 INE364U01010 8 ADHUNIK BE Adhunik Metaliks Limited 5 INE400H01019 9 ADROITINFO BE Adroit Infotech Limited 5 INE737B01033 10 AICHAMP BE AI Champdany Industries Limited 5 INE768E01024 11 ALCHEM BE Alchemist Limited 5 INE964B01033 12 ALOKTEXT BE Alok Industries Limited 5 INE270A01011 13 ALPSINDUS BE Alps Industries Limited 5 INE093B01015 14 AMDIND EQ AMD Industries Limited 5 INE005I01014 15 AMTEKAUTO BZ Amtek Auto Limited 5 INE130C01021 16 ANGIND BE ANG Industries Limited 5 INE017D01010 17 ANIKINDS EQ Anik Industries Limited 5 INE087B01017 18 ANKITMETAL BE Ankit Metal & Power Limited 5 INE106I01010 19 ANTGRAPHIC BE Antarctica Limited 5 INE414B01021 20 APEX EQ Apex Frozen Foods Limited 5 INE346W01013 21 ARCOTECH EQ Arcotech Limited 5 INE574I01035 22 ARENTERP EQ Rajdarshan Industries Limited 5 INE610C01014 23 ARROWGREEN EQ Arrow Greentech Limited 5 INE570D01018 24 ARSSINFRA BE ARSS Infrastructure Projects Limited 5 INE267I01010 25 ASSAMCO EQ Assam Company India Limited 5 INE442A01024 26 ATLANTA EQ Atlanta Limited 5 INE285H01022 27 ATLASCYCLE BE Atlas Cycles (Haryana) Limited 5 INE446A01025 28 AURDIS SM Aurangabad Distillery Limited 5 INE448V01019 29 AVONMPL ST Avon Moldplast Limited 5 INE652Z01017 30 BALAXI BE Balaxi Ventures Limited 5 INE618N01014 31 BDR IT BDR Buildcon Limited 5 INE766Q01014 32 BGLOBAL BE Bharatiya Global Infomedia Limited 5 INE224M01013 33 BHAGYANGR BE Bhagyanagar India Limited 5 INE458B01036 34 BHARATIDIL BZ Bharati Defence and Infrastructure Limited 5 INE673G01013 35 BHARATRAS EQ Bharat Rasayan Limited 5 INE838B01013 36 BHUSANSTL EQ Bhushan Steel Limited 5 INE824B01021 37 BILENERGY BE Bil Energy Systems Limited 5 INE607L01029 38 BILPOWER BE Bilpower Limited 5 INE952D01018 39 BIOFILCHEM BE Biofil Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited 5 INE829A01014 40 BLBLIMITED EQ BLB Limited 5 INE791A01024 41 BLUEBLENDS EQ Blue Blends (I) Limited 5 INE113O01014 42 BLUECOAST EQ Blue Coast Hotels Limited 5 INE472B01011 43 BOHRA SM Bohra Industries Limited 5 INE802W01015 44 BOMDYEING BE Bombay Dyeing & Mfg Company Limited 5 INE032A01023 45 BRFL BE Bombay Rayon Fashions Limited 5 INE589G01011 Annexure II List of securities where the applicable price band shall be 5%. Sr.No. Symbol Series Security Name Band ISIN 46 BURNPUR EQ Burnpur Cement Limited 5 INE817H01014 47 BUTTERFLY BE Butterfly Gandhimathi Appliances Limited 5 INE295F01017 48 BVCL BE Barak Valley Cements Limited 5 INE139I01011 49 CADSYS SM Cadsys (India) Limited 5 INE090Y01013 50 CALSOFT BE California Software Company Limited 5 INE526B01014 51 CANDC EQ C & C Constructions Limited 5 INE874H01015 52 CINEVISTA BE Cinevista Limited 5 INE039B01026 53 CMMIPL SM CMM Infraprojects Limited 5 INE289S01013 54 CONTI SM Continental Seeds and Chemicals Limited 5 INE340Z01019 55 CREATIVE SM Creative Peripherals and Distribution Limited 5 INE985W01018 56 CREATIVEYE EQ Creative Eye Limited 5 INE230B01021 57 CROWN SM Crown Lifters Limited 5 INE491V01019 58 CTE EQ Cambridge Technology Enterprises Limited 5 INE627H01017 59 CUBEXTUB BE Cubex Tubings Limited 5 INE144D01012 60 CURATECH BE Cura Technologies Limited 5 INE117B01012 61 CYBERMEDIA EQ Cyber Media (India) Limited 5 INE278G01037 62 DBSTOCKBRO EQ DB (International) Stock Brokers Limited 5 INE921B01025 63 DCMFINSERV EQ Dcm Financial Services Limited 5 INE891B01012 64 DENORA EQ De Nora India Limited 5 INE244A01016 65 DIAPOWER BE Diamond Power Infra Ltd 5 INE989C01012 66 DRL SM Dhanuka Realty Limited 5 INE704V01015 67 EASUNREYRL BZ Easun Reyrolle Limited 5 INE268C01029 68 ECEIND EQ ECE Industries Limited 5 INE588B01014 69 EDUCOMP BZ Educomp Solutions Limited 5 INE216H01027 70 ELAND EQ E-Land Apparel Limited 5 INE311H01018 71 ELECTROSL BE ELECTROSTEEL STEELS LIMITED 5 INE481K01021 72 EMAMIINFRA BE Emami Infrastructure Limited 5 INE778K01012 73 EMCO EQ Emco Limited 5 INE078A01026 74 EMKAYTOOLS SM Emkay Taps and Cutting Tools Limited 5 INE332S01011 75 EUROCERA BE Euro Ceramics Limited 5 INE649H01011 76 EUROMULTI BE Euro Multivision Limited 5 INE063J01011 77 EXCEL EQ Excel Realty N Infra Limited 5 INE688J01015 78 EXCELINDUS EQ Excel Industries Limited 5 INE369A01029 79 FCL EQ Fineotex Chemical Limited 5 INE045J01026 80 FCSSOFT EQ FCS Software Solutions Limited 5 INE512B01022 81 FEDDERELEC EQ Fedders Electric and Engineering Limited 5 INE249C01011 82 FOCUS SM Focus Lighting and Fixtures Limited 5 INE593W01010 83 GAEL EQ Gujarat Ambuja Exports Limited 5 INE036B01022 84 GAL BE Gyscoal Alloys Limited 5 INE482J01021 85 GAMMNINFRA EQ Gammon Infrastructure Projects Limited 5 INE181G01025 86 GANGOTRI BZ Gangotri Textiles Limited 5 INE670B01028 87 GAYAHWS BE Gayatri Highways Limited 5 INE287Z01012 88 GEMINI BE Gemini Communication Limited 5 INE878C01033 89 GILLANDERS EQ Gillanders Arbuthnot & Company Limited 5 INE047B01011 90 GIRRESORTS IT GIR Natureview Resorts Limited 5 INE316N01015 Annexure II List of securities where the applicable price band shall be 5%. Sr.No. Symbol Series Security Name Band ISIN 91 GISOLUTION EQ GI Engineering Solutions Limited 5 INE065J01016 92 GITANJALI BZ Gitanjali Gems Limited 5 INE346H01014 93 GLFL BE Gujarat Lease Financing Limited 5 INE540A01017 94 GMBREW EQ GM Breweries Limited 5 INE075D01018 95 GOACARBON EQ Goa Carbon Limited 5 INE426D01013 96 GOENKA BZ Goenka Diamond and Jewels Limited 5 INE516K01024 97 GOLDENTOBC BE Golden Tobacco Limited 5 INE973A01010 98 GOLDSTAR SM Goldstar Power Limited 5 INE405Y01013 99 GOLDTECH EQ Goldstone Technologies Limited 5 INE805A01014 100 GPIL EQ Godawari Power And Ispat limited 5 INE177H01013 101 GRAPHITE EQ Graphite India Limited 5 INE371A01025 102 GRETEX SM Gretex Industries Limited 5 INE985P01012 103 GTLINFRA BE GTL Infrastructure Limited 5 INE221H01019 104 GUJNRECOKE W1 Gujarat NRE Coke Limited 5 INE110D13018 105 GUJRAFFIA BE Gujarat Raffia Industries Limited 5 INE610B01024 106 GVKPIL EQ GVK Power & Infrastructure Limited 5 INE251H01024 107 HANUNG BE Hanung Toys and Textiles Limited 5 INE648H01013 108 HAVISHA BE Sri Havisha Hospitality and Infrastructure Limited 5 INE293B01029 109 HBSL BE HB Stockholdings Limited 5 INE550B01022 110 HECPROJECT SM HEC Infra Projects Limited 5 INE558R01013 111 HEXATRADEX BE Hexa Tradex Limited 5 INE750M01017 112 HOTELRUGBY BE Hotel Rugby Limited 5 INE275F01019 113 IBULISL BE Indiabulls Integrated Services Limited 5 INE126M01010 114 IBVENTURES BE Indiabulls Ventures Limited 5 INE274G01010 115 ICSA BE ICSA (India) Limited 5 INE306B01029 116 IFBAGRO EQ IFB Agro Industries Limited 5 INE076C01018 117 IITL EQ Industrial Investment Trust Limited 5 INE886A01014 118 IMPEXFERRO BE Impex Ferro Tech Limited 5 INE691G01015 119 INDIAGLYCO EQ India Glycols Limited 5 INE560A01015 120 INDOSOLAR EQ Indosolar Limited 5 INE866K01015 121 INDOWIND EQ Indowind Energy Limited 5 INE227G01018 122 INNOVANA SM Innovana Thinklabs Limited 5 INE403Y01018 123 INTEGRA BE Integra Garments and Textiles Limited 5 INE418N01027 124 IVRCLINFRA BE IVRCL Limited 5 INE875A01025 125 JAIHINDPRO EQ Jaihind Projects Limited 5 INE343D01010 126 JAINSTUDIO BE Jain Studios Limited 5 INE486B01011 127 JALAN SM Jalan Transolutions (India) Limited 5 INE349X01015 128 JAYNECOIND EQ Jayaswal Neco Industries Limited 5 INE854B01010 129 JBFIND BE JBF Industries Limited 5 INE187A01017 130 JETFREIGHT SM Jet Freight Logistics Limited 5 INE982V01017 131 JETKNIT SM Jet Knitwears
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