THE . [IVING CHURCH The American Roots of Indian Church Unity r:ClffirfitJ ··nr·ty p·•e ·r sn:b i s t e n i n g S e r V , Ill Leader 1v1ngFaith Receiving r a y e r SHORT-TERM INTERNSHIP PROGRAM (SIP) DOMESTIC INTERNSHIPS ••• EPISCOPAL SERVICE CORPS (ESC) DOMESTIC INTERNSHIPS ••• YOUNG ADULT SERVICE CORPS (YASC) INTERNATIONAL INTERNSHIPS Tolearn more contactthe Revd Douglas Fenton, Young Adult & CampusMinistries at [email protected] or the RevdDavid Copley, Mission Personnel at dcopl~y@episgopalchu~ch.orgor by calling800-334 -7626 THE THELIVING CHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, LIVING CHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and An independent weekly serving Episcopalians since 1878 support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. >hone: 414-276-5420 THIS WEEK 3etty Glatzel ieneral Manager (ext. 17) lohn Schuessler 1anaging Editor ( ext. 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Subscribers , when submit ting addre ss changes, please aUow:3-4 week s for change to take effect. THE LMNG CHURCH (ISSN 0024-52 40) is pub­ lished by THE LMNG CHURCH FOUNDATION, INC., a non-profit organizationserving the Church. Onthe Cover All gift s to the Foundation are tax-deductible. St. Thomas' Cathedral, Mumbai, India [p. 7]. ©2009 The UvingChurch Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. Noreproductio n in whole or part r.anbe madewithout pennission of THELMNG CHCRCH. Volume 239 Number 10 SErTEMBER 6. 2009 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 8'7tid OA,l SUNDAY'SREADINGS CHOIR CHAIR Hearingand Proclaiming 'He even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak' (Mark 7:37) 14th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 18B}, Sept. 6, 2009 BCP: Isaiah 35:4-7a; Psalm 146 or 146:4-9; James 1:17-27; Mark 7:31-37 RCL: Prov. 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 and Psalm 125; or Isaiah 35:4-7a and Psalm 146; James 2:1-10 , (11-13), 14-17; Mark 7:24-37 The prophet Isaiah envisions a day others in times of sickness? Yet giving in which "the ears of the deaf [will be] physical wholeness merely scratches unstopped" and "the tongue of the the surface of the Lord's healing work speechless [will] sing for joy." This The spiritual wholeness which he will be a time of utter renewal, he offers is freely available to all. believes , when "waters shall break Luke relates that a healing miracle with FIBRE RUSH SEAT forth in the wilderness, and streams in takes place as the disciples meet the the desert; the burning sand shall risen Lord while making their way Since 1877 become a pool, and the thirsty ground toward Emmaus. The "stranger," R.Geissleu Inc. springs of water ... " (35:5-7a). through explaining the meaning of 2641 E. Greystone Ct. This vision is initially fulfilled in the scripture , opens the disciples ' ears Eagle, ID 83616 earthly ministry of Jesus . Anointed by and minds to understanding (24: 13- Phone: (800) 862-3159 the Spirit at his baptism and filled with 32). At the same time, their tongues www.rgeissler.com power, he engages in the work of heal­ are loosed and they're empowered to ing. Today, a deaf man, impeded in his proclaim the gospel to the ends of the speech, is brought to the Lord. The earth. DEDICATEDTOSTAINED people , we're told, "begged him to lay Every Christian, at some point in his hand on him." Jesus then "took him this life, has experienced a healing GLASSEXCELLENCE aside in private, away from the crowd, miracle in which our ears and minds and put his fingers into his ears , and he wer e opened to receive the good news spat and touched his tongue. Then and our tongues were released to pro­ looking up to heaven, he sighed and claim salvation to others . For many it said to him, 'Ephphatha,' that is, 'Be was a gradual miracle, the result of &.TIIE PAYNE opened.' And immediately his ears our upbringing in the faith. For others STUDIOHAVE were opened, his tongue was released, it happened suddenly, along a figura­ BEENCREATING and he spoke plainly" (Mark 7:32-35). tive road to Emmaus. It doesn't matter . Jesus performed numerous physi­ The challenge for all of us is to con­ &. CONSERVING cal healings in the course of his tinue Christ's work of opening ears STAINEDGLASS earthly ministry. And few Christians and loosening tongues in our own day seriously doubt that he continues to - sharing the gospel with such clarity WINDOWS do so today, at least for some. Why and conviction that others, in tum , are WORLDWIDE. else would we pray for ourselves and moved to share it as well. FORMORE INFORMA1'10N & /JTERATURE PLEASEWRTTB, FAX, PHONE OR E-MAIL ro: LookIt Up In what way is Jesus' baptism related to his healing ministry? RohlfsStudio Inc. 783South. 3rd. Ave. ThinkAbout It MountVernon, NY 10550 What opportunities for evangelism have presented themselves to me today? FAX·914-699-7091 800-969-4106 ,o~ o.., NextSunday /m· ..; BESURE TO 15th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 19B), Sept. 13, 2009 : ~ VISITOUR WEBSITE BCP: Isaiah 50:4-9; Psalm 116 or 116: 1-8; James 2: 1-5,8-10, 14-18; Mark 8:27-38 .; ·.~ :. www.Rohlfstudio.comor Mark 9:14-29 .~~r.::.:::~:..e-mail: [email protected] RCL: Prov. 1 :20-33 and Psalm 19 or Wisdom 7:26-8:1; or Isaiah 50:4-9a and Traditional•Contemporary • Restorations Psalm 116: 1-8; James 3: 1-12; Mark 8:27-38 4 THE LIVING CHURCH· SEPTEMBER 6. 2009 NEWS Distancefrom TEC GovernanceAmong Bishop'sProposals Bislwp Lawrence plans special convention next rrwnth The Diocese of South Carolina needs to distance itself from the governing bodies of The Episcopal Church, its bishop said Aug. 13 in an address to clergy meeting at St. James' Church, James Island, Charleston, S.C. The Rt. Rev. Mark Lawrence, bishop ELCA photo since January 2008, did not urge the dio­ Presiding Bishop Mark S. Hanson of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America addres~es a_press conference Aug. 17, the first day of the week-long Churchwide Assembly 1n M1nneapol1s,Minn. cese to break all ties with The Episcopal Church. Bishop Lawrence and the standing ELCAAssembly Debates Sexuality Issues committee have called for a special con­ vention on Oct. 24 to vote on proposals Lutherans who are in full communion sciences of those with whom they dis­ that Bishop Lawrence presented during with The Episcopal Church convened agree?" the meeting. He and the standing com­ Aug. 17 in Minneapolis for the biennial If the assembly answered these ques­ mittee discussed these proposals during Churchwide Assembly of the Evangeli­ tions in the affirmative, it was then to a marathon meeting on July 28. cal Lutheran Church in America vote on a fourth resolution for "struc­ The proposals include: (ELCA). Among the topics to be consid­ tured flexibility in decision-making to • Reading a letter aloud at every ordi­ ered during the week-long assembly allow, in appropriate situations, people nation service that specifies what it were resolutions concerning same-sex in publicly accountable, monogamous, means to be loyal to the "doctrine, disci­ relationships, including those involv­ lifelong, same-gender relationships to pline and worship of Christ as this ing clergy. be approved for the rosters of the Church has received them." Bishop The 1,045 voting members of the ELCA." Lawrence asked whether this vow assembly were scheduled to consider On Aug. 18, the assembly began includes adhering to the resolutions of four resolutions proposed by the Task debate on whether to approve a 34-page General Convention. Force for ELCA Studies on Sexuality. statement, "Human Sexuality: Gift and • Withdrawing as a diocese from "all The first three resolutions asked the Trust," as an official ELCA social state­ bodies of governance of TEC that have assembly to answer these questions: ment.
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