The EWISH VOICE & HERALD SERVING RHODE ISLAND AND SOUTHEASTERN MASSACHUSETTS 23 Tishrei 5765 Jewish Federation of Rhode Island October 8, 2004 Inside ... The joys of Yiddish inR. L By Johanna Goldberg f the mama/oshen is music to your ears, then take advantage of the oppor­ tunities for Yiddish expo­ sure in Rhode Island. There has been a resur­ gence in interest in Yiddish throughout the United States and around the world in recent years. Klezmer music has become popular in both Jewish and non-Jewish circles. Yiddish literature has enjoyed a revival, and continues to do so, as evidenced by the work and programs of the National Yid ­ dish Book Center in Amherst, Mass. Many colleges and uni- HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL "Yiddish binds planned by survivor. See Jews all over the CHABAD SUKKAH - Jesse Boodoo, of Providence, thanks Rabbi Yossi Laufer for a brief Sukkot expe­ page 17. rience in downtown Providence on Monday. Photo by Jonathan Rubin world." - Herb Leshinsky Chabad brings Sukkot versities, including Harvard, Brandeis, and Columbia, offer to the business district Yiddish courses. By Jonathan Rubin ofWarwick, who transported it Why downtown? Interest in Yiddish pro­ PROVIDENCE- Lunch­ in his pick-up truck. "It's convenient for gramming in Rhode Island time strollers who were down­ The sukkah was laden people," Laufer said. "We're was apparent almost 15 years town on Monday may have spied with chocolate cupcakes and giving them the opportunity ago when the Bureau of Jewish something unusual next to the kippot. With typical Chabad to celebrate. If we can help just Education (BJE) ran a Yid­ Textron building - a sukkah. enthusiasm, he would ask pass­ one person do a mitzvah, then dish Camp. Originally called Ii Rabbi Yossi Laufer, of ers-by if they were Jewish; if it's worth it," he said. the Yiddish Elder Camp, ' the the Chabad CHAI Center so, they were invited to say a Laufer's father, mother name was changed to reflect of West Bay, set it up during holiday blessing and to shake and uncle also stopped by to the interest and participation a glorious Sukkot afternoon the lulav, the traditional collec­ share in the celebration. of people in their 30s and 40s. with the help of Bill Schaffel, tion ofleaves and fronds for the Up to 75 participants took part autumn festival. in the two-week program that taught three levels of Yiddish. ELECTION After nine years, the program 2004 FEDERATION'S eventually ended, said Ruth annual campaign dollars "Duffy" Page, director of com­ Registration surges for send food packages to FSl:l. munity relations at the BJE. Seepage 9. But Yiddish programming Section did not come to an end. About American voters in Israel seven years ago, the Yiddish Calendar By Ron Kampeas Six thousand ex-Florid­ Local Shmooz, a Jewish Community and D ina Kraft ians living in Israel and the Op-ed. Lettel'.S Center (JCC) program, was territories are eligible to vote Federation formed. Today, the program is JERUSALEM For in U.S. elections in November Election 2004 a member of the International Republicans and Democrats - over 10 times the number Community Association of Yiddish Clubs, vying for Jewish votes, it's that decided the 2000 election Arts and meets the second and become a well-worn cliche: for George W. Bush. Food fourth Friday of every month. a handful of votes in Florida Books The 30- or so active members could swing this year's presi­ "One selling point I have Medical Arts speak Yiddish, read stories dential election. What's not for people is that I remind Slmchas in Yiddish, and sing Yiddish so well known is that those them that 537 votes made PHILLIP FOSS, who lives in Tel 8 bituarles songs. The group welcomes Florida votes might not even be the difference in Florida," Aviv and is from Milwaukee, MyVoke in Florida. See YI DDISH, page 16 See VOTER , page 12 registers to vote in Israel. 2 Jewish Voice & Herald October 8, 2004 ~ The Jewish Community Calendar Voice & Herald Ongoing rah Leong. Raffle to follow. toys and snacks. For more info, hood presenting 150 years of fash­ call Rachel Siegal at 421-4111, ion. Runway show by Just fo r You Editor Oct. 8-31 Election forum ext. 206. Jonathan Rubin of Newport and Sara's Children's Art Exhibit 7 p.m. M arriott H otel, 1 Orms Boutique. Call Joyce Leven at Assistant Editor St., Providence. Sponsored by the Sinai Seniors Mary Ko rr Gallery 401, Jewish Commu­ 226-1292 for information. nity Center, 401 E lmgrove Ave., Nat'! Council of Jewish W omen, 11 :30 a.m. Temple Sinai, 30 Production R.I. section, and the League of H agan Ave., Cranston. Lunch Wed., Oct. 20 & Graphic Design Providence. W orks of Sally Neeld W omen Voters. Panel will focus with Rabbi Peter Stein, guest Leah Ca mara and Pat Schreiber. H ours: Mon. Author Reisman at library on government, affordable hous­ speaker. To RSVP, call Baila at Advertising - Thurs. , 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Fri., 9 7 p.m. Nancy Reisman, author ing and casinos. Speakers are URI 461-6124 or Fra n at 942-7796. Representative a.m. to 4 p.m. and by appt. Artists' of The First Desire, will appear at Frank Zasloff reception on Sun., O ct. 17, 2 - 5 Professor Maureen M oakley, Scott W olf of Grow Smart RI and Prov­ Sat., Oct. 16 the Providence Public Library, 225 Copy Ed itors p.m. See Arts. W ashington St. Refreshments at idence Mayo r D avid Cicill ine. See Film, discussion in Newport Maryly n Graff 6:15 p.m. See Books. Gladys Sollosy Mon., Oct. 11 Community. 7:30 p.m. Touro Synagogue, 85 Distributiion Manager Columbus Day Thurs., Oct.14 Touro St., Newport. "Gentleman's Thurs., Oct. 21 Al Re snick Tues., Oct. 12 Agreement" starring Gregory Sephardic evening at Touro Kippot workshop Peck. Dr. Jeffrey M artin from Published by the Jewish 5:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Federation of R.I. Jonathan Sarna lecture 7 p.m. M aki ng kippot, the Roger Williams Unive rsity will Touro Synagogue Foundation. President religious head coverings (also lead the post-fi lm discussion. 7 p.m. Borders Books in Provi­ Lecture and tas ting of foods and Mark R. Fein stein called yarmul kes). At Yarns at Sponsored jointly by Newport dence Place M all. Lecture on wines fro m the Iberian-Jewish Executive Vi ce Pre sident Colonial Jewish History by Jona­ Lacewings, 954 Mineral Spring H avurah, Temple Shalom and Janet En gelhart tradition. For info or reserva tions, Ave., Pawtucket. For more info, Touro Synag~gue. than Sarna, professor of A merica n contact the education director at Th e Jewish Voice & Herald call 331-0956, ext. 180 or email Jewish History at Brandeis Univer­ 847-4794 ext. 14, or education@ (ISS N number 1078-7232, USPS rkauffman@bjeri .org. See Com­ Sun ., Oct. 17 sity. Children's activities as well. tourosynagogue.org. See Com­ #465-710) is printed bi-weekly, munity. }CC/Miriam SK road race except in Jul y and August, when For info, call 331- 0956, ext. 180 or munity. it is printed once a month. email [email protected]. See WA wine, cheese 9 a. m. youth race, 10 a. m. C ommunity. Kashrut lecture at Brown Telephone / Fa x: Ed itoria l andklezmer adult SK race. Jewish Community phone: 401 -421-4111. Advertis­ Wed., Oct. 13 Center, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Provi­ 8 p.m. 1st annual Elga K. Stul­ in g phone 401-421-4111 ext . 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Brown Hillel. dence. JCC benefit . Register on line man lecture featuring Prof. Jay 160. Fa x: 401 -331-7961. Women's Alliance Women's Alliance & Gateway at www.jccri .org. For info, call Lisa H arris of H arvard University, who Committee Wine & Cheese fea­ Mail: The Jewish Voice & board meeting Mongeau at 861-8800, ext. 210 or will spea k on origins of kosher turing Yarmulkazi, Brown's stu­ Herald , 130 Sess ions St. , Provi ­ 9:30 a. m. JFRI Board Room. email lmongeau@jccri .org. food. W ilson H all , Rm. 101 , dence, RI 02906. dent klezmer band. S 8. RSVP to For in fo, call Rachel Siegal at 421- Hadassah Education D ay M ain G reen (between W ater­ E-mail: Lisa Burtan at 421- 4111, ext. 163. man and G eorge Street). Free. A voiceherald@jfri .org 4111, ext. 206. on Zionism Fri., Oct. 15 program of Brown Judaic Studies Ed itorial Board: Cranston Senior Guild 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Brown D epartment. Eleanor L. Lewis, chair 1 p.m. Temple Torat Yisrael, 'Babies, Kids. Kibbitzing' Hillel, 80 Brown St., Providence. Membe rs: Stanley Aro nson, 330 Park Ave., Cranston. Guest 10:30 a.m. to noon. JFRI boa rd Brandeis Professor Shulamit Rein­ Sat., Oct 23 M D, Ala n Axe lrod, Patri cia speaker is Tai Chi teacher, D ebo- room. Shabbat songs. Bring own harz, keynoter on women in Zion­ Yashar Evening of Cohen, Marty Cooper, Rab bi ism, followed by breakout sessions Alvan Kaunfer, Toby London, Jewish Renaissance with experts. S 18 with kosher Al yssa Nordhause r, Al ison Ro se, 7:30 to 11 p.m. Jewish Commu­ Get an additional lunch. Register by Oct. 10. For Rich ard Shein , Joshua Stein, nity Center, 401 Elmgrove Ave., more info rmation, call 463-3636 Norm an Tilles copy of Providence. Havdalah, study ses­ or email rhodeislandchapter@had sions, workshops, entertainment, Editorial Consultant assah.org.
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