Salve Regina University Digital Commons @ Salve Regina Newsbulletin Archives and Special Collections 2-12-1981 Newsbulletin vol. 9, no. 18 Salve Regina College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.salve.edu/newsbulletin Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation Salve Regina College, "Newsbulletin vol. 9, no. 18" (1981). Newsbulletin. 229. https://digitalcommons.salve.edu/newsbulletin/229 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at Digital Commons @ Salve Regina. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newsbulletin by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Salve Regina. For more information, please contact [email protected]. J\!ewstu/fetin The Newport College Salve Regina Newport, Rhode Island 02840 Office of College Information ( 401 ) 84 7-6650 Ext. 223 Published for the Newport College Community on a weekly basis by the Office of College Information, Extension 228. Deadline date for notices: Tuesday, NOON time. VoL 9 No. 18 February 12, 1981 SISTER MARY MCAULIFFE ACCEPTS NEW POSITION Sister Mary McAuliffe, former Trustee of Salve Regina College and former Director of Research and Planning, has accepted a position with the Massachusetts Department of Education as Principal and Director of Education and Train­ ing at Massachusetts Hospital School in Canton. On leave from Salve Regina College for two years, Sister will con­ tinue her association with the College as Adjunct Professor in the area of special needs education, Sister is completing her doctoral studies in Humanistic Education and Human Services with a concentration in admin­ istration at Boston University, Her doctoral dissertation is entitled "Changing Patterns of Relationships Between Sponsoring Religious Bodies and Catholic Colleges." Sister's new position brings her into a leadership role as the chief educational planner of one of the most unique schools in the country, Massachusetts Hospital School was founded in 1964 for physically handicapped children with normal intelligence. Currently, MHS has a resident pop­ ulation of 190 students/patients ranging from pre-primary through high schooL With the discovery of Salk vaccine and the impact of PL 92-145, the MHS enrollment is changing dramatically from the single physical handicapped child to the multi-handicapped child, The challenge is to con­ tinue the mission of MHS to educate each student/patient to his highest potential in a hospital/school environment which treats the child holistically. It is anticipated that in the future Salve Regina College and MHS will form linkages that will give the special education and education majors enriched opportunities for observation and practicum, CAREER DAY IS COMING Metropolitan Insurance, Prudential Insurance, Peace Corps/ Vista, Naval Investigative Service, FBI, Secret Service, RI Department of Health -- Division of Labs, Edgehill/ Newport Alcoholic Treatment Center, Newport School Department, and many more will be available to discuss job opportunities on Career Day, February 25, 1981 -- 1:30 - 4:00 -- O'Hare Lounge. Bring your resume! RHODE ISLAND HOSPITAL TRUST BANK The bank is accepting applications foD the programs for Accelerated Computer Education (PACE): ·The six month train­ ing program may be the career opportunity fDD you, if you are a mature conscientious individual who possesses a BS or BA degree, an above average academic record, good communications skills and a basic understanding of data processing. OLD STONE BANK - Providence, R.I. Recruiting Date: March 3, 1981 Sign up now in the Career Planning and Placement Office -­ Recruiting for the management training program. All Majors. AETNA LIFE AND CASUALTY Recruiting Date: March 4, 1981 Sign up now in the Career Planning and Placement Office. Recruiting for the following positions: Insurance Analysts, Claim Representatives, Premium Auditors. All majors. Remember .... Your Career is your decision ..... UNITED WAY THANK YOU The following are excerpts from a letter to Sister Lucille from Ralph A. Martin, 1980 General Campaign Chairman of the United Way Fund Drive. Dear Sister McKillop: On behalf of 138 Human service agencies, 27,000 fellow volunteers and over 500,000 gratefµl recipients of service, we would like to thank you. Through the support and cooperation of community leaders like yourself the 1980 United Way Campaign was able to raise $10,847,078 f6r vital and n~ce~~~ry s~rvices throughout the Southeastern New England area. For all you've done this year and in the past to benefi: the United Way, we thank you. Sister Lucille wishes to share with the College Community this thank you and to once again express her gratitude for the support the College Community gave to the 1980 United Way Drive. NEWSBULLETIN -2- February 12, 1981 CAMPUS MINISTRY Thomas Merton Club An opportunity is being offered to communally study and share insights into the talents, lifestyle, and spirituality of Thomas Merton - author, poet and monk. Meetings will take place on 8 Thursday evenings during the semester, beginning February 19 with a slide presentation . The sess1bns will be at 7:00 pm in Angelus Hall . Retre at Day Bro. Ct.arles Kitson, a Christi an Brother from Narragansett, RI, wi ·i-1 conduct a day of reflection on Personal Giftedness Saturday, February 21, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in Angelus Hall. Those wishing to participate are asked to contact the Office of Campus Ministry ext. 363 · as soon as possible. Christian Service A workshop on Christian Service will be held on February 23, Monday, from 1 : 00 - 3:00 pm in Angelus Hall. Brother Charles Kitson will conduct this session. All are welcome to attend and explore with Brother Charles the many areas of ministry and service . ADMINISTRATORS AND FACULTY NEWS Sister Lucille McKillop attended two annual meetings in Washington, D.C. during the week of February 2. She was elected treasurer of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities. At the annual meeting of the Presidents of Mercy Colleges, Sister Lucille was re-elected their chairman. Senator Robert J . McKenna and Mr. Michael Dasovich were both re-elected to the board of directors of Seaport '76 foundation at the group'~s annual meeting last Sunday, Senator McKenna as vice-president and Mr . Michael Dasovich as tr~asurer. The Newport College-Salve Regina does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, color, race, national or ethnic origin, or handicap in the administration of its admissions policies, educational policies or financial aid programs. NEWSBULLETIN -3- February 12 , 1981 ADMINISTRATORS AND FACULTY NEWS John Rok, a member of the Religious Studies Department, recently spoke to the Newport County Serra Club on the topic of "Parousia, Kingdom of God, and the N.I.E.O. - What Do ~hese Have To Do With Christian Witness Today?" Natural Resources Towards the establishment of a meaningful, on-going working relationship between Salve Regina College and the Newport community, Mr. Chris Kiernan, Dean of Admissions, Ms. Barbara Sylvia, Dean of Student Development, and Ms. Marjorie Roblin, of the Social Work Program, are currently meeting with Mr. Reginald Jones, Executive Director of the Martin Luther King Center of Newport. Plans for cooperative programs between the King Center (located at 20 W, Broadway Street) and SRC faculty, staff and students are being drafted. Watch the Newsbulletin , for future announcements about this exciting discovery and mingling of two of Newport's precious natural resources! Art Frankel, of the Department of Psychology, is coauthor of a paper ("A Conceptualization of Threat Communications and Preventive Health Behavior") that has been accepted for publication in Social Psychology Quarterly, a journal published by the American Sociological Association. The .paper focuses on explanations for why threatening messages may or may not persuade people to engage in some health pro­ te:ctive behavior, and offers recommendations to those individuals engaged in activities designed to persuade people to ta,4e care of their health. FACULTY REMINDER The staff of Counseling Services will host an Open House for all faculty members on Tuesday, February 17th, from noon until 2:00 pm. Guests are :invited to bring their . own "brown bag Lunch"; dessert items and beverages will be provided. Counseling Services is located in Angelus Hall - room 105. ALUMNI OFFICE NOTICE The Alumni Office is pleased to announce that Eileen Creaton, Robert Dubuque, and Katherine Clarke, members of this year's graduating class, have accepted the appointment as class agents for the class of '81 , As agents, their responsibilitJes include helping the alumni office keep current addresses and information on '81 graduates in order to keep the graduates up- to-date on the services, programs, and happenings at the College. They will be instrumental in arranging reunions and special class acti'vi ties in the future. We in the alumni office look forward to working with Eileen, Robert, and Katherine. NEWSBBLTuETIN -4- February 12, 1981 TO ALL STUDENTS GRADUATING IN· MAY Please make sure your completed file for degree form is received in the Office of the Registrar ·no later than February 20, 1981. AUDITIONS FOR THE SALVE REGINA ~.tUSICAfr ENSEMBLE This Semester's Goals: A. To form a musi"ua}L ensemble B. To select a few exceptional players to play in the orhbest~a for this spring's production of ·"THE BOYFRIEND" C. To start an ongoing "CABARET" which will perform works from rock , jazz , and Broadway shows D. To present a concert this spring for the faculty and student body AUDITIONS WILL BE HELD THIS SUNDAY, FEB. 15, 1981, from 2:00 to 5 : 00 pm. THE LITTLE THEATRE, MERCY HALL. All instruments are welcomed Auditioners should be prepared with a short musical selection. "SALVE NEEDS A MUSICAL GROUP" THIS SEMESTER SHALL BE THE BEGINNING. Paul J. Capece, Director THEATRE The Newport College Theatre Company invites all students to participate i'n the following classes: Beginning Acting; Fridays 5:30 - 7:00 pm Beginning Technique - Dance; Friday 4:00 - 5:30 pm Classes will be in the Little Theatre, Mercy Hall, and will run for 15 consecutive Fridays.
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